blob: fadcbce02c0a50351a438e20d23394c66730308a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'common/elements.dart';
import 'elements/entities.dart';
import 'elements/types.dart';
import 'inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import 'js_backend/annotations.dart';
import 'js_backend/native_data.dart';
import 'universe/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'universe/selector.dart';
/// Common superinterface for [OpenWorld] and [JClosedWorld].
abstract class World {}
abstract class JClosedWorld implements World {
AbstractValueDomain get abstractValueDomain;
JCommonElements get commonElements;
ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy;
DartTypes get dartTypes;
ElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment;
NativeData get nativeData;
AnnotationsData get annotationsData;
bool isUsedAsMixin(ClassEntity cls);
bool includesClosureCall(Selector selector, AbstractValue? receiver);
Iterable<MemberEntity> locateMembers(
Selector selector, AbstractValue? receiver);
bool fieldNeverChanges(MemberEntity element);
// TODO(48820): Move back to `world.dart` when migrated.
/// A [BuiltWorld] is an immutable result of a [WorldBuilder].
abstract class BuiltWorld {
ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy;
/// Calls [f] for each live generic method.
void forEachGenericMethod(void Function(FunctionEntity) f);
/// All types that are checked either through is, as or checked mode checks.
Iterable<DartType> get isChecks;
/// All type variables named in recipes.
Set<TypeVariableType> get namedTypeVariablesNewRti;
/// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of
/// [directlyInstantiatedClasses].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<InterfaceType> get instantiatedTypes;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean up these getters.
/// Methods in instantiated classes that are potentially closurized.
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get closurizedMembers;
/// Static or top level methods that are closurized.
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get closurizedStatics;
/// Properties (fields and getters) which can be called as generic functions.
Map<MemberEntity, DartType> get genericCallableProperties;
/// Type variables used as type literals.
Iterable<TypeVariableType> get typeVariableTypeLiterals;
/// Live user-defined 'noSuchMethod' implementations.
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get userNoSuchMethods;
AnnotationsData get annotationsData;
/// Calls [f] for each live generic instance methods.
void forEachGenericInstanceMethod(void Function(FunctionEntity) f);
/// Live generic local functions.
Iterable<Local> get genericLocalFunctions;
/// Call [f] for each generic [function] with the type arguments passed
/// through static calls to [function].
void forEachStaticTypeArgument(
void f(Entity function, Set<DartType> typeArguments));
/// Call [f] for each generic [selector] with the type arguments passed
/// through dynamic calls to [selector].
void forEachDynamicTypeArgument(
void f(Selector selector, Set<DartType> typeArguments));