blob: 3232ee53c6f281a7496f111380a9929154dededb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../js_backend/field_analysis.dart' show JFieldAnalysis;
import '../world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
import 'logging.dart';
import 'nodes.dart';
import 'optimize.dart' show OptimizationPhase;
/// Optimization phase that tries to eliminate late field checks and memory
/// loads.
class SsaLateFieldOptimizer extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final String name = "SsaLateFieldOptimizer";
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final OptimizationTestLog /*?*/ _log;
final AbstractValueDomain _abstractValueDomain;
final JFieldAnalysis _fieldAnalysis;
SsaLateFieldOptimizer(this._closedWorld, this._log)
: _abstractValueDomain = _closedWorld.abstractValueDomain,
_fieldAnalysis = _closedWorld.fieldAnalysis;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
_log?.instructionHistogram('$name.pre', graph, _summarizeInstruction);
_log?.instructionHistogram('$', graph, _summarizeInstruction);
static String /*?*/ _summarizeInstruction(HInstruction node) {
if (node is HLateCheck) return '${node.runtimeType}';
if (node is HFieldGet) return '${node.runtimeType}';
return null;
bool validPostcondition(HGraph graph) => true;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
HInstruction next =;
instruction = next;
void visitLateReadCheck(HLateReadCheck node) {
// The getter for a `late` instance field has a check on the backing field
// to ensure that the sentinel value has been overwritten by an initializing
// assignment. When the getter is inlined, there is a sequence of loads,
// each with a check. `h(g(a.f), g(a.f))` looks like the following, where
// `#f` is the backing field for late field `f`.
// t1 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t2 = HLateReadCheck(t1) {T}
// t9 = g(t2)
// t11 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t12 = HLateReadCheck(t11) {T}
// t19 = g(t12)
// t99 = h(t9, t19)
// The field starts initialized with a sentinel value. HLateReadCheck will
// throw if the value is a sentinel. The backing field is never assigned a
// sentinel, so subsequent read checks will always succeed and can be
// removed.
// ## `late` fields
// The removal is effected by marking the subsequent loaded values with a
// strengthened type that excludes the sentinel, using HTypeKnown. This
// makes the sentinel check redundant so it can be removed when it is
// visited later in the pass.
// To prevent _uses_ of the loaded values from being moved to before the
// check, HTypeKnown is witnessed by (has a dependency on) the original
// check. We know the value is not a sentinel only _after_ the check.
// (Optimizations preserve the order of loads and stores. It is fine for the
// second load to move before the first check provided doing so does not
// change the value seen by the second load.)
// After inserting the HTypeKnown.witnessed instruction after each
// subsequent load we have:
// t1 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t2 = HLateReadCheck(t1) {T}
// t9 = g(t2)
// t11 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t12 = HTypeKnown(t11, t2) {T}
// t13 = HLateReadCheck(t12) {T}
// t19 = g(t13)
// t99 = h(t9, t19)
// The subsequent checks are now redundant, and are visited after the
// initial check, so they are cleaned up when visited.
// t1 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t2 = HLateReadCheck(t1) {T}
// t9 = g(t2)
// t11 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t12 = HTypeKnown(t11, t2) {T}
// t19 = g(t12)
// t99 = h(t9, t19)
// ## `late final` fields
// `late final` fields change value only once from sentinel to final value.
// If the read-check passes, the value is the final value, so the subsequent
// reads can be replaced by the checked value:
// t1 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t2 = HLateReadCheck(t1) {T}
// t9 = g(t2)
// t12 = HLateReadCheck(t2) {T}
// t19 = g(t12)
// t99 = h(t9, t19)
// This leads to back-to-back HLateReadCheck instructions, the second of
// which is redundant and is removed:
// t1 = HFieldGet(a, #f) {T,sentinel}
// t2 = HLateReadCheck(t1) {T}
// t9 = g(t2)
// t19 = g(t2)
// t99 = h(t9, t19)
HInstruction input = node.checkedInput;
// Cleanup. Remove redundant checks.
if (input is HLateReadCheck || node.isRedundant(_closedWorld)) {
node.block.rewrite(node, input);
if (input is HFieldGet) {
HInstruction receiver = input.receiver;
FieldEntity field = input.element;
final uses = DominatedUses.of(receiver, node);
List<HFieldGet> loads = [];
for (HInstruction use in uses.instructions) {
if (use is HFieldGet && use.element == field) {
if (loads.isEmpty) return;
if (_fieldAnalysis.getFieldData(field).isAssignedOnce) {
// `late final` backing fields are assigned at most once, so loads can
// be replaced with the dominating checked load value.
for (final load in loads) {
load.block.rewrite(load, node);
} else {
for (final load in loads) {
final known = HTypeKnown.witnessed(node.instructionType, load, node)
..sourceInformation = node.sourceInformation;
load.block.rewrite(load, known);
load.block.addAfter(load, known);
void visitFieldSet(HFieldSet node) {
FieldEntity field = node.element;
final fieldData = _fieldAnalysis.getFieldData(field);
if (!fieldData.isLateBackingField) return;
// [node] is a store to the backing field for a late instance field. The
// stored value cannot be the sentinel value, so future loads of the field
// will never be the sentinel value and do not need to be checked.
final uses = DominatedUses.of(node.receiver, node, excludeDominator: true);
List<HFieldGet> loads = [];
for (HInstruction use in uses.instructions) {
if (use is HFieldGet && use.element == field) {
if (loads.isEmpty) return;
if (fieldData.isAssignedOnce) {
// [field] is a `late final` field so the stored value is the value of
// every subsequent load. Replace loads with the stored value.
for (final load in loads) {
load.block.rewrite(load, node.value);
} else {
// The subsequent loaded value cannot be the sentinel value. Refine the
// type of the load which will allow any check on the load to be removed.
// There is no need for HTypeKnown.witnessed since it would be an invalid
// transformation to move the read before the write.
for (final load in loads) {
load.instructionType =