blob: b0bbcf9566b1b2d6e9d6492253d4c56ef69c0d94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
/// Convenience methods for running integration tests.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'integration_tests.dart';
import 'protocol_matchers.dart';
/// Convenience methods for running integration tests.
abstract class IntegrationTestMixin {
Server get server;
/// Used to request that the plugin perform a version check to confirm that
/// it works with the version of the analysis server that is executing it.
/// Parameters
/// byteStorePath: FilePath
/// The path to the directory containing the on-disk byte store that is to
/// be used by any analysis drivers that are created.
/// sdkPath: FilePath
/// The path to the directory containing the SDK that is to be used by any
/// analysis drivers that are created.
/// version: String
/// The version number of the plugin spec supported by the analysis server
/// that is executing the plugin.
/// Returns
/// isCompatible: bool
/// A flag indicating whether the plugin supports the same version of the
/// plugin spec as the analysis server. If the value is false, then the
/// plugin is expected to shutdown after returning the response.
/// name: String
/// The name of the plugin. This value is only used when the server needs
/// to identify the plugin, either to the user or for debugging purposes.
/// version: String
/// The version of the plugin. This value is only used when the server
/// needs to identify the plugin, either to the user or for debugging
/// purposes.
/// contactInfo: String (optional)
/// Information that the user can use to use to contact the maintainers of
/// the plugin when there is a problem.
/// interestingFiles: List<String>
/// The glob patterns of the files for which the plugin will provide
/// information. This value is ignored if the isCompatible field is false.
/// Otherwise, it will be used to identify the files for which the plugin
/// should be notified of changes.
Future<PluginVersionCheckResult> sendPluginVersionCheck(
String byteStorePath, String sdkPath, String version) async {
var params =
PluginVersionCheckParams(byteStorePath, sdkPath, version).toJson();
var result = await server.send('plugin.versionCheck', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return PluginVersionCheckResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to request that the plugin exit. The server will not send any other
/// requests after this request. The plugin should not send any responses or
/// notifications after sending the response to this request.
Future sendPluginShutdown() async {
var result = await server.send('plugin.shutdown', null);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Used to report that an unexpected error has occurred while executing the
/// plugin. This notification is not used for problems with specific requests
/// (which should be returned as part of the response) but is used for
/// exceptions that occur while performing other tasks, such as analysis or
/// preparing notifications.
/// Parameters
/// isFatal: bool
/// A flag indicating whether the error is a fatal error, meaning that the
/// plugin will shutdown automatically after sending this notification. If
/// true, the server will not expect any other responses or notifications
/// from the plugin.
/// message: String
/// The error message indicating what kind of error was encountered.
/// stackTrace: String
/// The stack trace associated with the generation of the error, used for
/// debugging the plugin.
late Stream<PluginErrorParams> onPluginError;
/// Stream controller for [onPluginError].
late StreamController<PluginErrorParams> _onPluginError;
/// Return the navigation information associated with the given region of the
/// given file. If the navigation information for the given file has not yet
/// been computed, or the most recently computed navigation information for
/// the given file is out of date, then the response for this request will be
/// delayed until it has been computed. If the content of the file changes
/// after this request was received but before a response could be sent, then
/// an error of type CONTENT_MODIFIED will be generated.
/// If a navigation region overlaps (but extends either before or after) the
/// given region of the file it will be included in the result. This means
/// that it is theoretically possible to get the same navigation region in
/// response to multiple requests. Clients can avoid this by always choosing
/// a region that starts at the beginning of a line and ends at the end of a
/// (possibly different) line in the file.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file in which navigation information is being requested.
/// offset: int
/// The offset of the region for which navigation information is being
/// requested.
/// length: int
/// The length of the region for which navigation information is being
/// requested.
/// Returns
/// files: List<FilePath>
/// A list of the paths of files that are referenced by the navigation
/// targets.
/// targets: List<NavigationTarget>
/// A list of the navigation targets that are referenced by the navigation
/// regions.
/// regions: List<NavigationRegion>
/// A list of the navigation regions within the requested region of the
/// file.
Future<AnalysisGetNavigationResult> sendAnalysisGetNavigation(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params = AnalysisGetNavigationParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.getNavigation', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return AnalysisGetNavigationResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to inform the plugin of changes to files in the file system. Only
/// events associated with files that match the interestingFiles glob
/// patterns will be forwarded to the plugin.
/// Parameters
/// events: List<WatchEvent>
/// The watch events that the plugin should handle.
Future sendAnalysisHandleWatchEvents(List<WatchEvent> events) async {
var params = AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams(events).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.handleWatchEvents', params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Set the list of context roots that should be analyzed.
/// Parameters
/// roots: List<ContextRoot>
/// A list of the context roots that should be analyzed.
Future sendAnalysisSetContextRoots(List<ContextRoot> roots) async {
var params = AnalysisSetContextRootsParams(roots).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.setContextRoots', params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Used to set the priority files to the files in the given list. A priority
/// file is a file that should be given priority when scheduling which
/// analysis work to do first. The list typically contains those files that
/// are visible to the user and those for which analysis results will have
/// the biggest impact on the user experience. The order of the files within
/// the list is significant: the first file will be given higher priority
/// than the second, the second higher priority than the third, and so on.
/// Parameters
/// files: List<FilePath>
/// The files that are to be a priority for analysis.
Future sendAnalysisSetPriorityFiles(List<String> files) async {
var params = AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams(files).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.setPriorityFiles', params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Used to subscribe for services that are specific to individual files. All
/// previous subscriptions should be replaced by the current set of
/// subscriptions. If a given service is not included as a key in the map
/// then no files should be subscribed to the service, exactly as if the
/// service had been included in the map with an explicit empty list of
/// files.
/// Parameters
/// subscriptions: Map<AnalysisService, List<FilePath>>
/// A table mapping services to a list of the files being subscribed to the
/// service.
Future sendAnalysisSetSubscriptions(
Map<AnalysisService, List<String>> subscriptions) async {
var params = AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams(subscriptions).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.setSubscriptions', params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Used to update the content of one or more files. Files that were
/// previously updated but not included in this update remain unchanged. This
/// effectively represents an overlay of the filesystem. The files whose
/// content is overridden are therefore seen by the plugin as being files
/// with the given content, even if the files do not exist on the filesystem
/// or if the file path represents the path to a directory on the filesystem.
/// Parameters
/// files: Map<FilePath, AddContentOverlay | ChangeContentOverlay |
/// RemoveContentOverlay>
/// A table mapping the files whose content has changed to a description of
/// the content change.
Future sendAnalysisUpdateContent(Map<String, Object> files) async {
var params = AnalysisUpdateContentParams(files).toJson();
var result = await server.send('analysis.updateContent', params);
outOfTestExpect(result, isNull);
return null;
/// Used to report the errors associated with a given file. The set of errors
/// included in the notification is always a complete list that supersedes
/// any previously reported errors.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the errors.
/// errors: List<AnalysisError>
/// The errors contained in the file.
late Stream<AnalysisErrorsParams> onAnalysisErrors;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisErrors].
late StreamController<AnalysisErrorsParams> _onAnalysisErrors;
/// Used to report the folding regions associated with a given file. Folding
/// regions can be nested, but cannot be overlapping. Nesting occurs when a
/// foldable element, such as a method, is nested inside another foldable
/// element such as a class.
/// Folding regions that overlap a folding region computed by the server, or
/// by one of the other plugins that are currently running, might be dropped
/// by the server in order to present a consistent view to the client.
/// This notification should only be sent if the server has subscribed to it
/// by including the value "FOLDING" in the list of services passed in an
/// analysis.setSubscriptions request.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the folding regions.
/// regions: List<FoldingRegion>
/// The folding regions contained in the file.
late Stream<AnalysisFoldingParams> onAnalysisFolding;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisFolding].
late StreamController<AnalysisFoldingParams> _onAnalysisFolding;
/// Used to report the highlight regions associated with a given file. Each
/// highlight region represents a particular syntactic or semantic meaning
/// associated with some range. Note that the highlight regions that are
/// returned can overlap other highlight regions if there is more than one
/// meaning associated with a particular region.
/// This notification should only be sent if the server has subscribed to it
/// by including the value "HIGHLIGHTS" in the list of services passed in an
/// analysis.setSubscriptions request.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the highlight regions.
/// regions: List<HighlightRegion>
/// The highlight regions contained in the file.
late Stream<AnalysisHighlightsParams> onAnalysisHighlights;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisHighlights].
late StreamController<AnalysisHighlightsParams> _onAnalysisHighlights;
/// Used to report the navigation regions associated with a given file. Each
/// navigation region represents a list of targets associated with some
/// range. The lists will usually contain a single target, but can contain
/// more in the case of a part that is included in multiple libraries or in
/// Dart code that is compiled against multiple versions of a package. Note
/// that the navigation regions that are returned should not overlap other
/// navigation regions.
/// Navigation regions that overlap a navigation region computed by the
/// server, or by one of the other plugins that are currently running, might
/// be dropped or modified by the server in order to present a consistent
/// view to the client.
/// This notification should only be sent if the server has subscribed to it
/// by including the value "NAVIGATION" in the list of services passed in an
/// analysis.setSubscriptions request.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the navigation regions.
/// regions: List<NavigationRegion>
/// The navigation regions contained in the file.
/// targets: List<NavigationTarget>
/// The navigation targets referenced in the file. They are referenced by
/// NavigationRegions by their index in this array.
/// files: List<FilePath>
/// The files containing navigation targets referenced in the file. They
/// are referenced by NavigationTargets by their index in this array.
late Stream<AnalysisNavigationParams> onAnalysisNavigation;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisNavigation].
late StreamController<AnalysisNavigationParams> _onAnalysisNavigation;
/// Used to report the occurrences of references to elements within a single
/// file. None of the occurrence regions should overlap.
/// Occurrence regions that overlap an occurrence region computed by the
/// server, or by one of the other plugins that are currently running, might
/// be dropped or modified by the server in order to present a consistent
/// view to the client.
/// This notification should only be sent if the server has subscribed to it
/// by including the value "OCCURRENCES" in the list of services passed in an
/// analysis.setSubscriptions request.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file in which the references occur.
/// occurrences: List<Occurrences>
/// The occurrences of references to elements within the file.
late Stream<AnalysisOccurrencesParams> onAnalysisOccurrences;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisOccurrences].
late StreamController<AnalysisOccurrencesParams> _onAnalysisOccurrences;
/// Used to report the outline fragments associated with a single file.
/// The outline fragments will be merged with any outline produced by the
/// server and with any fragments produced by other plugins. If the server
/// cannot create a coherent outline, some fragments might be dropped.
/// This notification should only be sent if the server has subscribed to it
/// by including the value "OUTLINE" in the list of services passed in an
/// analysis.setSubscriptions request.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file with which the outline is associated.
/// outline: List<Outline>
/// The outline fragments associated with the file.
late Stream<AnalysisOutlineParams> onAnalysisOutline;
/// Stream controller for [onAnalysisOutline].
late StreamController<AnalysisOutlineParams> _onAnalysisOutline;
/// Used to request that completion suggestions for the given offset in the
/// given file be returned.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the point at which suggestions are to be made.
/// offset: int
/// The offset within the file at which suggestions are to be made.
/// Returns
/// replacementOffset: int
/// The offset of the start of the text to be replaced. This will be
/// different than the offset used to request the completion suggestions if
/// there was a portion of an identifier before the original offset. In
/// particular, the replacementOffset will be the offset of the beginning
/// of said identifier.
/// replacementLength: int
/// The length of the text to be replaced if the remainder of the
/// identifier containing the cursor is to be replaced when the suggestion
/// is applied (that is, the number of characters in the existing
/// identifier).
/// results: List<CompletionSuggestion>
/// The completion suggestions being reported. The notification contains
/// all possible completions at the requested cursor position, even those
/// that do not match the characters the user has already typed. This
/// allows the client to respond to further keystrokes from the user
/// without having to make additional requests.
Future<CompletionGetSuggestionsResult> sendCompletionGetSuggestions(
String file, int offset) async {
var params = CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send('completion.getSuggestions', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to request the set of assists that are available at the given
/// location. An assist is distinguished from a refactoring primarily by the
/// fact that it affects a single file and does not require user input in
/// order to be performed.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the code for which assists are being requested.
/// offset: int
/// The offset of the code for which assists are being requested.
/// length: int
/// The length of the code for which assists are being requested.
/// Returns
/// assists: List<PrioritizedSourceChange>
/// The assists that are available at the given location.
Future<EditGetAssistsResult> sendEditGetAssists(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params = EditGetAssistsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send('edit.getAssists', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return EditGetAssistsResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to request a list of the kinds of refactorings that are valid for
/// the given selection in the given file.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the code on which the refactoring would be based.
/// offset: int
/// The offset of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
/// length: int
/// The length of the code on which the refactoring would be based.
/// Returns
/// kinds: List<RefactoringKind>
/// The kinds of refactorings that are valid for the given selection.
/// The list of refactoring kinds is currently limited to those defined by
/// the server API, preventing plugins from adding their own refactorings.
/// However, plugins can support pre-defined refactorings, such as a rename
/// refactoring, at locations not supported by server.
Future<EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult> sendEditGetAvailableRefactorings(
String file, int offset, int length) async {
var params =
EditGetAvailableRefactoringsParams(file, offset, length).toJson();
var result = await server.send('edit.getAvailableRefactorings', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return EditGetAvailableRefactoringsResult.fromJson(
decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to request the set of fixes that are available for the errors at a
/// given offset in a given file.
/// Parameters
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the errors for which fixes are being requested.
/// offset: int
/// The offset used to select the errors for which fixes will be returned.
/// Returns
/// fixes: List<AnalysisErrorFixes>
/// The fixes that are available for the errors at the given offset.
Future<EditGetFixesResult> sendEditGetFixes(String file, int offset) async {
var params = EditGetFixesParams(file, offset).toJson();
var result = await server.send('edit.getFixes', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
return EditGetFixesResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Used to request the changes required to perform a refactoring.
/// Parameters
/// kind: RefactoringKind
/// The kind of refactoring to be performed.
/// file: FilePath
/// The file containing the code involved in the refactoring.
/// offset: int
/// The offset of the region involved in the refactoring.
/// length: int
/// The length of the region involved in the refactoring.
/// validateOnly: bool
/// True if the client is only requesting that the values of the options be
/// validated and no change be generated.
/// options: RefactoringOptions (optional)
/// Data used to provide values provided by the user. The structure of the
/// data is dependent on the kind of refactoring being performed. The data
/// that is expected is documented in the section titled Refactorings,
/// labeled as "Options". This field can be omitted if the refactoring does
/// not require any options or if the values of those options are not
/// known.
/// Returns
/// initialProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
/// The initial status of the refactoring, that is, problems related to the
/// context in which the refactoring is requested. The list should be empty
/// if there are no known problems.
/// optionsProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
/// The options validation status, that is, problems in the given options,
/// such as light-weight validation of a new name, flags compatibility,
/// etc. The list should be empty if there are no known problems.
/// finalProblems: List<RefactoringProblem>
/// The final status of the refactoring, that is, problems identified in
/// the result of a full, potentially expensive validation and / or change
/// creation. The list should be empty if there are no known problems.
/// feedback: RefactoringFeedback (optional)
/// Data used to provide feedback to the user. The structure of the data is
/// dependent on the kind of refactoring being created. The data that is
/// returned is documented in the section titled Refactorings, labeled as
/// "Feedback".
/// change: SourceChange (optional)
/// The changes that are to be applied to affect the refactoring. This
/// field can be omitted if there are problems that prevent a set of
/// changes from being computed, such as having no options specified for a
/// refactoring that requires them, or if only validation was requested.
/// potentialEdits: List<String> (optional)
/// The ids of source edits that are not known to be valid. An edit is not
/// known to be valid if there was insufficient type information for the
/// plugin to be able to determine whether or not the code needs to be
/// modified, such as when a member is being renamed and there is a
/// reference to a member from an unknown type. This field can be omitted
/// if the change field is omitted or if there are no potential edits for
/// the refactoring.
Future<EditGetRefactoringResult> sendEditGetRefactoring(RefactoringKind kind,
String file, int offset, int length, bool validateOnly,
{RefactoringOptions? options}) async {
var params = EditGetRefactoringParams(
kind, file, offset, length, validateOnly,
options: options)
var result = await server.send('edit.getRefactoring', params);
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(kind);
return EditGetRefactoringResult.fromJson(decoder, 'result', result);
/// Initialize the fields in InttestMixin, and ensure that notifications will
/// be handled.
void initializeInttestMixin() {
_onPluginError = StreamController<PluginErrorParams>(sync: true);
onPluginError =;
_onAnalysisErrors = StreamController<AnalysisErrorsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisErrors =;
_onAnalysisFolding = StreamController<AnalysisFoldingParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisFolding =;
_onAnalysisHighlights =
StreamController<AnalysisHighlightsParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisHighlights =;
_onAnalysisNavigation =
StreamController<AnalysisNavigationParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisNavigation =;
_onAnalysisOccurrences =
StreamController<AnalysisOccurrencesParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisOccurrences =;
_onAnalysisOutline = StreamController<AnalysisOutlineParams>(sync: true);
onAnalysisOutline =;
/// Dispatch the notification named [event], and containing parameters
/// [params], to the appropriate stream.
void dispatchNotification(String event, params) {
var decoder = ResponseDecoder(null);
switch (event) {
case 'plugin.error':
outOfTestExpect(params, isPluginErrorParams);
.add(PluginErrorParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.errors':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisErrorsParams);
.add(AnalysisErrorsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.folding':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisFoldingParams);
.add(AnalysisFoldingParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.highlights':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisHighlightsParams);
.add(AnalysisHighlightsParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.navigation':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisNavigationParams);
.add(AnalysisNavigationParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.occurrences':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisOccurrencesParams);
.add(AnalysisOccurrencesParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
case 'analysis.outline':
outOfTestExpect(params, isAnalysisOutlineParams);
.add(AnalysisOutlineParams.fromJson(decoder, 'params', params));
fail('Unexpected notification: $event');