| // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// Defines the VM-specific translation of Dart source code to kernel binaries. |
| library vm.kernel_front_end; |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:io' show File, IOSink; |
| |
| import 'package:args/args.dart' show ArgParser, ArgResults; |
| |
| import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart' |
| show MultiRootFileSystem, MultiRootFileSystemEntity; |
| |
| import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; |
| |
| import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/language_version.dart' |
| show uriUsesLegacyLanguageVersion; |
| |
| import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart' |
| show |
| CompilerContext, |
| CompilerOptions, |
| CompilerResult, |
| InvocationMode, |
| DiagnosticMessage, |
| DiagnosticMessageHandler, |
| ExperimentalFlag, |
| FileSystem, |
| FileSystemEntity, |
| NnbdMode, |
| ProcessedOptions, |
| Severity, |
| StandardFileSystem, |
| Verbosity, |
| getMessageUri, |
| kernelForProgram, |
| parseExperimentalArguments, |
| parseExperimentalFlags, |
| printDiagnosticMessage, |
| resolveInputUri; |
| |
| import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy; |
| import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Component, Library, Reference; |
| import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter; |
| import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes; |
| import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show loadComponentFromBinary; |
| import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags, getTarget; |
| import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart' show loadPackageConfigUri; |
| |
| import 'http_filesystem.dart' show HttpAwareFileSystem; |
| import 'target/install.dart' show installAdditionalTargets; |
| import 'transformations/devirtualization.dart' as devirtualization |
| show transformComponent; |
| import 'transformations/mixin_deduplication.dart' as mixin_deduplication |
| show transformComponent; |
| import 'transformations/no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.dart' |
| as no_dynamic_invocations_annotator show transformComponent; |
| import 'transformations/type_flow/transformer.dart' as globalTypeFlow |
| show transformComponent; |
| import 'transformations/obfuscation_prohibitions_annotator.dart' |
| as obfuscationProhibitions; |
| import 'transformations/call_site_annotator.dart' as call_site_annotator; |
| import 'transformations/unreachable_code_elimination.dart' |
| as unreachable_code_elimination; |
| import 'transformations/deferred_loading.dart' as deferred_loading; |
| import 'transformations/to_string_transformer.dart' as to_string_transformer; |
| |
| /// Declare options consumed by [runCompiler]. |
| void declareCompilerOptions(ArgParser args) { |
| args.addOption('platform', |
| help: 'Path to vm_platform_strong.dill file', defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addOption('packages', help: 'Path to .packages file', defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addOption('output', |
| abbr: 'o', help: 'Path to resulting dill file', defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addFlag('aot', |
| help: |
| 'Produce kernel file for AOT compilation (enables global transformations).', |
| defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addOption('depfile', help: 'Path to output Ninja depfile'); |
| args.addOption('from-dill', |
| help: 'Read existing dill file instead of compiling from sources', |
| defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addFlag('link-platform', |
| help: 'Include platform into resulting kernel file.', defaultsTo: true); |
| args.addFlag('minimal-kernel', |
| help: 'Produce minimal tree-shaken kernel file.', defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addFlag('embed-sources', |
| help: 'Embed source files in the generated kernel component', |
| defaultsTo: true); |
| args.addMultiOption('filesystem-root', |
| help: 'A base path for the multi-root virtual file system.' |
| ' If multi-root file system is used, the input script and .packages file should be specified using URI.'); |
| args.addOption('filesystem-scheme', |
| help: 'The URI scheme for the multi-root virtual filesystem.'); |
| args.addOption('target', |
| help: 'Target model that determines what core libraries are available', |
| allowed: <String>['vm', 'flutter', 'flutter_runner', 'dart_runner'], |
| defaultsTo: 'vm'); |
| args.addFlag('tfa', |
| help: |
| 'Enable global type flow analysis and related transformations in AOT mode.', |
| defaultsTo: true); |
| args.addFlag('tree-shake-write-only-fields', |
| help: 'Enable tree shaking of fields which are only written in AOT mode.', |
| defaultsTo: true); |
| args.addFlag('protobuf-tree-shaker-v2', |
| help: 'Enable protobuf tree shaker v2 in AOT mode.', defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addMultiOption('define', |
| abbr: 'D', |
| help: 'The values for the environment constants (e.g. -Dkey=value).'); |
| args.addFlag('enable-asserts', |
| help: 'Whether asserts will be enabled.', defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addFlag('sound-null-safety', |
| help: 'Respect the nullability of types at runtime.', defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addFlag('split-output-by-packages', |
| help: |
| 'Split resulting kernel file into multiple files (one per package).', |
| defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addOption('component-name', |
| help: 'Name of the Fuchsia component', defaultsTo: null); |
| args.addOption('data-dir', |
| help: 'Name of the subdirectory of //data for output files'); |
| args.addOption('manifest', help: 'Path to output Fuchsia package manifest'); |
| args.addMultiOption('enable-experiment', |
| help: 'Comma separated list of experimental features to enable.'); |
| args.addFlag('help', |
| abbr: 'h', negatable: false, help: 'Print this help message.'); |
| args.addFlag('track-widget-creation', |
| help: 'Run a kernel transformer to track creation locations for widgets.', |
| defaultsTo: false); |
| args.addMultiOption( |
| 'delete-tostring-package-uri', |
| help: 'Replaces implementations of `toString` with `super.toString()` for ' |
| 'specified package', |
| valueHelp: 'dart:ui', |
| defaultsTo: const <String>[], |
| ); |
| args.addOption('invocation-modes', |
| help: 'Provides information to the front end about how it is invoked.', |
| defaultsTo: ''); |
| args.addOption('verbosity', |
| help: 'Sets the verbosity level used for filtering messages during ' |
| 'compilation.', |
| defaultsTo: Verbosity.defaultValue); |
| } |
| |
| /// Create ArgParser and populate it with options consumed by [runCompiler]. |
| ArgParser createCompilerArgParser() { |
| final ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true); |
| declareCompilerOptions(argParser); |
| return argParser; |
| } |
| |
| const int successExitCode = 0; |
| const int badUsageExitCode = 1; |
| const int compileTimeErrorExitCode = 254; |
| |
| /// Run kernel compiler tool with given [options] and [usage] |
| /// and return exit code. |
| Future<int> runCompiler(ArgResults options, String usage) async { |
| final String platformKernel = options['platform']; |
| |
| if (options['help']) { |
| print(usage); |
| return successExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| if ((options.rest.length != 1) || (platformKernel == null)) { |
| print(usage); |
| return badUsageExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| final String input = options.rest.single; |
| final String outputFileName = options['output'] ?? "$input.dill"; |
| final String packages = options['packages']; |
| final String targetName = options['target']; |
| final String fileSystemScheme = options['filesystem-scheme']; |
| final String depfile = options['depfile']; |
| final String fromDillFile = options['from-dill']; |
| final List<String> fileSystemRoots = options['filesystem-root']; |
| final bool aot = options['aot']; |
| final bool tfa = options['tfa']; |
| final bool linkPlatform = options['link-platform']; |
| final bool embedSources = options['embed-sources']; |
| final bool enableAsserts = options['enable-asserts']; |
| final bool nullSafety = options['sound-null-safety']; |
| final bool useProtobufTreeShakerV2 = options['protobuf-tree-shaker-v2']; |
| final bool splitOutputByPackages = options['split-output-by-packages']; |
| final String manifestFilename = options['manifest']; |
| final String dataDir = options['component-name'] ?? options['data-dir']; |
| |
| final bool minimalKernel = options['minimal-kernel']; |
| final bool treeShakeWriteOnlyFields = options['tree-shake-write-only-fields']; |
| final List<String> experimentalFlags = options['enable-experiment']; |
| final Map<String, String> environmentDefines = {}; |
| |
| if (!parseCommandLineDefines(options['define'], environmentDefines, usage)) { |
| return badUsageExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| if (aot) { |
| if (!linkPlatform) { |
| print('Error: --no-link-platform option cannot be used with --aot'); |
| return badUsageExitCode; |
| } |
| if (splitOutputByPackages) { |
| print( |
| 'Error: --split-output-by-packages option cannot be used with --aot'); |
| return badUsageExitCode; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| final fileSystem = |
| createFrontEndFileSystem(fileSystemScheme, fileSystemRoots); |
| |
| final Uri packagesUri = packages != null ? resolveInputUri(packages) : null; |
| |
| final platformKernelUri = Uri.base.resolveUri(new Uri.file(platformKernel)); |
| final List<Uri> additionalDills = <Uri>[]; |
| if (aot || linkPlatform) { |
| additionalDills.add(platformKernelUri); |
| } |
| |
| Uri mainUri = resolveInputUri(input); |
| if (packagesUri != null) { |
| mainUri = await convertToPackageUri(fileSystem, mainUri, packagesUri); |
| } |
| |
| final verbosity = Verbosity.parseArgument(options['verbosity']); |
| final errorPrinter = new ErrorPrinter(verbosity); |
| final errorDetector = new ErrorDetector(previousErrorHandler: errorPrinter); |
| |
| final CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions() |
| ..sdkSummary = platformKernelUri |
| ..fileSystem = fileSystem |
| ..additionalDills = additionalDills |
| ..packagesFileUri = packagesUri |
| ..explicitExperimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags( |
| parseExperimentalArguments(experimentalFlags), |
| onError: print) |
| ..nnbdMode = (nullSafety == true) ? NnbdMode.Strong : NnbdMode.Weak |
| ..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage m) { |
| errorDetector(m); |
| } |
| ..embedSourceText = embedSources |
| ..invocationModes = |
| InvocationMode.parseArguments(options['invocation-modes']) |
| ..verbosity = verbosity; |
| |
| if (nullSafety == null && |
| compilerOptions.isExperimentEnabled(ExperimentalFlag.nonNullable)) { |
| await autoDetectNullSafetyMode(mainUri, compilerOptions); |
| } |
| |
| compilerOptions.target = createFrontEndTarget( |
| targetName, |
| trackWidgetCreation: options['track-widget-creation'], |
| nullSafety: compilerOptions.nnbdMode == NnbdMode.Strong, |
| ); |
| if (compilerOptions.target == null) { |
| print('Failed to create front-end target $targetName.'); |
| return badUsageExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| final results = await compileToKernel(mainUri, compilerOptions, |
| includePlatform: additionalDills.isNotEmpty, |
| deleteToStringPackageUris: options['delete-tostring-package-uri'], |
| aot: aot, |
| useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: tfa, |
| environmentDefines: environmentDefines, |
| enableAsserts: enableAsserts, |
| useProtobufTreeShakerV2: useProtobufTreeShakerV2, |
| minimalKernel: minimalKernel, |
| treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: treeShakeWriteOnlyFields, |
| fromDillFile: fromDillFile); |
| |
| errorPrinter.printCompilationMessages(); |
| |
| if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors || (results.component == null)) { |
| return compileTimeErrorExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| final IOSink sink = new File(outputFileName).openWrite(); |
| final BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink, |
| libraryFilter: (lib) => !results.loadedLibraries.contains(lib)); |
| printer.writeComponentFile(results.component); |
| await sink.close(); |
| |
| if (depfile != null) { |
| await writeDepfile( |
| fileSystem, results.compiledSources, outputFileName, depfile); |
| } |
| |
| if (splitOutputByPackages) { |
| await writeOutputSplitByPackages( |
| mainUri, |
| compilerOptions, |
| results, |
| outputFileName, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| if (manifestFilename != null) { |
| await createFarManifest(outputFileName, dataDir, manifestFilename); |
| } |
| |
| return successExitCode; |
| } |
| |
| /// Results of [compileToKernel]: generated kernel [Component] and |
| /// collection of compiled sources. |
| class KernelCompilationResults { |
| final Component component; |
| |
| /// Set of libraries loaded from .dill, with or without the SDK depending on |
| /// the compilation settings. |
| final Set<Library> loadedLibraries; |
| final ClassHierarchy classHierarchy; |
| final CoreTypes coreTypes; |
| final Iterable<Uri> compiledSources; |
| |
| KernelCompilationResults(this.component, this.loadedLibraries, |
| this.classHierarchy, this.coreTypes, this.compiledSources); |
| } |
| |
| /// Generates a kernel representation of the program whose main library is in |
| /// the given [source]. Intended for whole program (non-modular) compilation. |
| /// |
| /// VM-specific replacement of [kernelForProgram]. |
| /// |
| Future<KernelCompilationResults> compileToKernel( |
| Uri source, CompilerOptions options, |
| {bool includePlatform: false, |
| List<String> deleteToStringPackageUris: const <String>[], |
| bool aot: false, |
| bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis: false, |
| Map<String, String> environmentDefines, |
| bool enableAsserts: true, |
| bool useProtobufTreeShakerV2: false, |
| bool minimalKernel: false, |
| bool treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: false, |
| String fromDillFile: null}) async { |
| // Replace error handler to detect if there are compilation errors. |
| final errorDetector = |
| new ErrorDetector(previousErrorHandler: options.onDiagnostic); |
| options.onDiagnostic = errorDetector; |
| |
| options.environmentDefines = |
| options.target.updateEnvironmentDefines(environmentDefines); |
| |
| CompilerResult compilerResult; |
| if (fromDillFile != null) { |
| compilerResult = |
| await loadKernel(options.fileSystem, resolveInputUri(fromDillFile)); |
| } else { |
| compilerResult = await kernelForProgram(source, options); |
| } |
| Component component = compilerResult?.component; |
| Iterable<Uri> compiledSources = component?.uriToSource?.keys; |
| |
| Set<Library> loadedLibraries = createLoadedLibrariesSet( |
| compilerResult?.loadedComponents, compilerResult?.sdkComponent, |
| includePlatform: includePlatform); |
| |
| if (deleteToStringPackageUris.isNotEmpty && component != null) { |
| to_string_transformer.transformComponent( |
| component, deleteToStringPackageUris); |
| } |
| |
| // Run global transformations only if component is correct. |
| if ((aot || minimalKernel) && component != null) { |
| await runGlobalTransformations( |
| options.target, |
| component, |
| useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis, |
| enableAsserts, |
| useProtobufTreeShakerV2, |
| errorDetector, |
| minimalKernel: minimalKernel, |
| treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: treeShakeWriteOnlyFields); |
| |
| if (minimalKernel) { |
| // compiledSources is component.uriToSource.keys. |
| // Make a copy of compiledSources to detach it from |
| // component.uriToSource which is cleared below. |
| compiledSources = compiledSources.toList(); |
| |
| component.metadata.clear(); |
| component.uriToSource.clear(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Restore error handler (in case 'options' are reused). |
| options.onDiagnostic = errorDetector.previousErrorHandler; |
| |
| return new KernelCompilationResults( |
| component, |
| loadedLibraries, |
| compilerResult?.classHierarchy, |
| compilerResult?.coreTypes, |
| compiledSources); |
| } |
| |
| Set<Library> createLoadedLibrariesSet( |
| List<Component> loadedComponents, Component sdkComponent, |
| {bool includePlatform: false}) { |
| final Set<Library> loadedLibraries = {}; |
| if (loadedComponents != null) { |
| for (Component c in loadedComponents) { |
| for (Library lib in c.libraries) { |
| loadedLibraries.add(lib); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (sdkComponent != null) { |
| if (includePlatform) { |
| for (Library lib in sdkComponent.libraries) { |
| loadedLibraries.remove(lib); |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (Library lib in sdkComponent.libraries) { |
| loadedLibraries.add(lib); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return loadedLibraries; |
| } |
| |
| Future runGlobalTransformations( |
| Target target, |
| Component component, |
| bool useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis, |
| bool enableAsserts, |
| bool useProtobufTreeShakerV2, |
| ErrorDetector errorDetector, |
| {bool minimalKernel: false, |
| bool treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: false}) async { |
| if (errorDetector.hasCompilationErrors) return; |
| |
| final coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component); |
| |
| // TODO(alexmarkov, dmitryas): Consider doing canonicalization of identical |
| // mixin applications when creating mixin applications in frontend, |
| // so all backends (and all transformation passes from the very beginning) |
| // can benefit from mixin de-duplication. |
| // At least, in addition to VM/AOT case we should run this transformation |
| // when building a platform dill file for VM/JIT case. |
| mixin_deduplication.transformComponent(component); |
| |
| // Unreachable code elimination transformation should be performed |
| // before type flow analysis so TFA won't take unreachable code into account. |
| unreachable_code_elimination.transformComponent(component, enableAsserts); |
| |
| if (useGlobalTypeFlowAnalysis) { |
| globalTypeFlow.transformComponent(target, coreTypes, component, |
| treeShakeSignatures: !minimalKernel, |
| treeShakeWriteOnlyFields: treeShakeWriteOnlyFields, |
| treeShakeProtobufs: useProtobufTreeShakerV2); |
| } else { |
| devirtualization.transformComponent(coreTypes, component); |
| no_dynamic_invocations_annotator.transformComponent(component); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(35069): avoid recomputing CSA by reading it from the platform files. |
| void ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes(cls, a, b) {} |
| final hierarchy = new ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes, |
| onAmbiguousSupertypes: ignoreAmbiguousSupertypes); |
| call_site_annotator.transformLibraries( |
| component, component.libraries, coreTypes, hierarchy); |
| |
| // We don't know yet whether gen_snapshot will want to do obfuscation, but if |
| // it does it will need the obfuscation prohibitions. |
| obfuscationProhibitions.transformComponent(component, coreTypes); |
| |
| deferred_loading.transformComponent(component); |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs given [action] with [CompilerContext]. This is needed to |
| /// be able to report compile-time errors. |
| Future<T> runWithFrontEndCompilerContext<T>(Uri source, |
| CompilerOptions compilerOptions, Component component, T action()) async { |
| final processedOptions = |
| new ProcessedOptions(options: compilerOptions, inputs: [source]); |
| |
| // Run within the context, so we have uri source tokens... |
| return await CompilerContext.runWithOptions(processedOptions, |
| (CompilerContext context) async { |
| // To make the fileUri/fileOffset -> line/column mapping, we need to |
| // pre-fill the map. |
| context.uriToSource.addAll(component.uriToSource); |
| |
| return action(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| class ErrorDetector { |
| final DiagnosticMessageHandler previousErrorHandler; |
| bool hasCompilationErrors = false; |
| |
| ErrorDetector({this.previousErrorHandler}); |
| |
| void call(DiagnosticMessage message) { |
| if (message.severity == Severity.error) { |
| hasCompilationErrors = true; |
| } |
| |
| previousErrorHandler?.call(message); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ErrorPrinter { |
| final Verbosity verbosity; |
| final DiagnosticMessageHandler previousErrorHandler; |
| final compilationMessages = <Uri, List<DiagnosticMessage>>{}; |
| |
| ErrorPrinter(this.verbosity, {this.previousErrorHandler}); |
| |
| void call(DiagnosticMessage message) { |
| final sourceUri = getMessageUri(message); |
| (compilationMessages[sourceUri] ??= <DiagnosticMessage>[]).add(message); |
| previousErrorHandler?.call(message); |
| } |
| |
| void printCompilationMessages() { |
| final sortedUris = compilationMessages.keys.toList() |
| ..sort((a, b) { |
| // Sort messages without a corresponding uri before the location based |
| // messages, since these related to the whole compilation. |
| if (a != null && b != null) { |
| return '$a'.compareTo('$b'); |
| } else if (a != null) { |
| return 1; |
| } else if (b != null) { |
| return -1; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| }); |
| for (final Uri sourceUri in sortedUris) { |
| for (final DiagnosticMessage message in compilationMessages[sourceUri]) { |
| if (Verbosity.shouldPrint(verbosity, message)) { |
| printDiagnosticMessage(message, print); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool parseCommandLineDefines( |
| List<String> dFlags, Map<String, String> environmentDefines, String usage) { |
| for (final String dflag in dFlags) { |
| final equalsSignIndex = dflag.indexOf('='); |
| if (equalsSignIndex < 0) { |
| // Ignored. |
| } else if (equalsSignIndex > 0) { |
| final key = dflag.substring(0, equalsSignIndex); |
| final value = dflag.substring(equalsSignIndex + 1); |
| environmentDefines[key] = value; |
| } else { |
| print('The environment constant options must have a key (was: "$dflag")'); |
| print(usage); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /// Detect null safety mode from an entry point and set [options.nnbdMode]. |
| Future<void> autoDetectNullSafetyMode( |
| Uri script, CompilerOptions options) async { |
| var isLegacy = await uriUsesLegacyLanguageVersion(script, options); |
| options.nnbdMode = isLegacy ? NnbdMode.Weak : NnbdMode.Strong; |
| } |
| |
| /// Create front-end target with given name. |
| Target createFrontEndTarget(String targetName, |
| {bool trackWidgetCreation = false, bool nullSafety = false}) { |
| // Make sure VM-specific targets are available. |
| installAdditionalTargets(); |
| |
| final TargetFlags targetFlags = new TargetFlags( |
| trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation, enableNullSafety: nullSafety); |
| return getTarget(targetName, targetFlags); |
| } |
| |
| /// Create a front-end file system. |
| /// |
| /// If requested, create a virtual mutli-root file system and/or an http aware |
| /// file system. |
| FileSystem createFrontEndFileSystem( |
| String multiRootFileSystemScheme, List<String> multiRootFileSystemRoots, |
| {bool allowHttp}) { |
| allowHttp ??= false; |
| FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance; |
| if (allowHttp) { |
| fileSystem = HttpAwareFileSystem(fileSystem); |
| } |
| if (multiRootFileSystemRoots != null && |
| multiRootFileSystemRoots.isNotEmpty && |
| multiRootFileSystemScheme != null) { |
| final rootUris = <Uri>[]; |
| for (String root in multiRootFileSystemRoots) { |
| rootUris.add(resolveInputUri(root)); |
| } |
| fileSystem = new MultiRootFileSystem( |
| multiRootFileSystemScheme, rootUris, fileSystem); |
| } |
| return fileSystem; |
| } |
| |
| /// Convert a URI which may use virtual file system schema to a real file URI. |
| Future<Uri> asFileUri(FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri) async { |
| FileSystemEntity fse = fileSystem.entityForUri(uri); |
| if (fse is MultiRootFileSystemEntity) { |
| fse = await (fse as MultiRootFileSystemEntity).delegate; |
| } |
| return fse.uri; |
| } |
| |
| /// Convert URI to a package URI if it is inside one of the packages. |
| /// TODO(alexmarkov) Remove this conversion after Fuchsia build rules are fixed. |
| Future<Uri> convertToPackageUri( |
| FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri, Uri packagesUri) async { |
| if (uri.scheme == 'package') { |
| return uri; |
| } |
| // Convert virtual URI to a real file URI. |
| final Uri fileUri = await asFileUri(fileSystem, uri); |
| try { |
| final packageConfig = |
| await loadPackageConfigUri(await asFileUri(fileSystem, packagesUri)); |
| return packageConfig.toPackageUri(fileUri) ?? uri; |
| } catch (_) { |
| // Can't read packages file - silently give up. |
| return uri; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Write a separate kernel binary for each package. The name of the |
| /// output kernel binary is '[outputFileName]-$package.dilp'. |
| /// The list of package names is written into a file '[outputFileName]-packages'. |
| Future writeOutputSplitByPackages(Uri source, CompilerOptions compilerOptions, |
| KernelCompilationResults compilationResults, String outputFileName) async { |
| final packages = <String>[]; |
| await runWithFrontEndCompilerContext( |
| source, compilerOptions, compilationResults.component, () async { |
| // When loading a kernel file list, flutter_runner and dart_runner expect |
| // 'main' to be last. |
| await forEachPackage(compilationResults, |
| (String package, List<Library> libraries) async { |
| packages.add(package); |
| final String filename = '$outputFileName-$package.dilp'; |
| final IOSink sink = new File(filename).openWrite(); |
| |
| Component partComponent = compilationResults.component; |
| |
| final BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink, |
| libraryFilter: (lib) => |
| packageFor(lib, compilationResults.loadedLibraries) == package); |
| printer.writeComponentFile(partComponent); |
| |
| await sink.close(); |
| }, mainFirst: false); |
| }); |
| |
| final IOSink packagesList = new File('$outputFileName-packages').openWrite(); |
| for (String package in packages) { |
| packagesList.writeln(package); |
| } |
| await packagesList.close(); |
| } |
| |
| String packageFor(Library lib, Set<Library> loadedLibraries) { |
| // Core libraries are not written into any package kernel binaries. |
| if (loadedLibraries.contains(lib)) return null; |
| |
| // Packages are written into their own kernel binaries. |
| Uri uri = lib.importUri; |
| if (uri.scheme == 'package') return uri.pathSegments.first; |
| |
| // Everything else (e.g., file: or data: imports) is lumped into the main |
| // kernel binary. |
| return 'main'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Sort the libraries etc in the component. Helps packages to produce identical |
| /// output when their parts are imported in different orders in different |
| /// contexts. |
| void sortComponent(Component component) { |
| component.libraries.sort((Library a, Library b) { |
| return a.importUri.toString().compareTo(b.importUri.toString()); |
| }); |
| component.computeCanonicalNames(); |
| for (Library lib in component.libraries) { |
| lib.additionalExports.sort((Reference a, Reference b) { |
| return a.canonicalName.toString().compareTo(b.canonicalName.toString()); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Future<Null> forEachPackage<T>(KernelCompilationResults results, |
| T action(String package, List<Library> libraries), |
| {bool mainFirst}) async { |
| final Component component = results.component; |
| final Set<Library> loadedLibraries = results.loadedLibraries; |
| sortComponent(component); |
| |
| final packages = new Map<String, List<Library>>(); |
| packages['main'] = <Library>[]; // Always create 'main'. |
| for (Library lib in component.libraries) { |
| packages |
| .putIfAbsent(packageFor(lib, loadedLibraries), () => <Library>[]) |
| .add(lib); |
| } |
| packages.remove(null); // Ignore external libraries. |
| |
| final mainLibraries = packages.remove('main'); |
| if (mainFirst) { |
| await action('main', mainLibraries); |
| } |
| |
| final mainMethod = component.mainMethod; |
| final problemsAsJson = component.problemsAsJson; |
| final compilationMode = component.mode; |
| component.setMainMethodAndMode(null, true, compilationMode); |
| component.problemsAsJson = null; |
| for (String package in packages.keys) { |
| await action(package, packages[package]); |
| } |
| component.setMainMethodAndMode(mainMethod?.reference, true, compilationMode); |
| component.problemsAsJson = problemsAsJson; |
| |
| if (!mainFirst) { |
| await action('main', mainLibraries); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _escapePath(String path) { |
| return path.replaceAll('\\', '\\\\').replaceAll(' ', '\\ '); |
| } |
| |
| /// Create ninja dependencies file, as described in |
| /// https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#_depfile |
| Future<void> writeDepfile(FileSystem fileSystem, Iterable<Uri> compiledSources, |
| String output, String depfile) async { |
| final IOSink file = new File(depfile).openWrite(); |
| file.write(_escapePath(output)); |
| file.write(':'); |
| for (Uri dep in compiledSources) { |
| // Skip empty or corelib dependencies. |
| if (dep == null || dep.scheme == 'org-dartlang-sdk') continue; |
| Uri uri = await asFileUri(fileSystem, dep); |
| file.write(' '); |
| file.write(_escapePath(uri.toFilePath())); |
| } |
| file.write('\n'); |
| await file.close(); |
| } |
| |
| Future<void> createFarManifest( |
| String output, String dataDir, String packageManifestFilename) async { |
| List<String> packages = await File('$output-packages').readAsLines(); |
| |
| // Make sure the 'main' package is the last (convention with package loader). |
| packages.remove('main'); |
| packages.add('main'); |
| |
| final IOSink packageManifest = File(packageManifestFilename).openWrite(); |
| |
| final String kernelListFilename = '$packageManifestFilename.dilplist'; |
| final IOSink kernelList = File(kernelListFilename).openWrite(); |
| for (String package in packages) { |
| final String filenameInPackage = '$package.dilp'; |
| final String filenameInBuild = '$output-$package.dilp'; |
| packageManifest |
| .write('data/$dataDir/$filenameInPackage=$filenameInBuild\n'); |
| kernelList.write('$filenameInPackage\n'); |
| } |
| await kernelList.close(); |
| |
| final String frameworkVersionFilename = |
| '$packageManifestFilename.frameworkversion'; |
| final IOSink frameworkVersion = File(frameworkVersionFilename).openWrite(); |
| for (String package in [ |
| 'collection', |
| 'flutter', |
| 'meta', |
| 'typed_data', |
| 'vector_math' |
| ]) { |
| Digest digest; |
| if (packages.contains(package)) { |
| final filenameInBuild = '$output-$package.dilp'; |
| final bytes = await File(filenameInBuild).readAsBytes(); |
| digest = sha256.convert(bytes); |
| } |
| frameworkVersion.write('$package=$digest\n'); |
| } |
| await frameworkVersion.close(); |
| |
| packageManifest.write('data/$dataDir/app.dilplist=$kernelListFilename\n'); |
| packageManifest |
| .write('data/$dataDir/app.frameworkversion=$frameworkVersionFilename\n'); |
| await packageManifest.close(); |
| } |
| |
| class CompilerResultLoadedFromKernel implements CompilerResult { |
| final Component component; |
| final Component sdkComponent = Component(); |
| |
| CompilerResultLoadedFromKernel(this.component); |
| |
| List<int> get summary => null; |
| List<Component> get loadedComponents => const <Component>[]; |
| List<Uri> get deps => const <Uri>[]; |
| CoreTypes get coreTypes => null; |
| ClassHierarchy get classHierarchy => null; |
| } |
| |
| Future<CompilerResult> loadKernel( |
| FileSystem fileSystem, Uri dillFileUri) async { |
| final component = loadComponentFromBinary( |
| (await asFileUri(fileSystem, dillFileUri)).toFilePath()); |
| return CompilerResultLoadedFromKernel(component); |
| } |
| |
| // Used by kernel_front_end_test.dart |
| main() {} |