blob: 9e35c25b4b315b1aca7a5324ccf39e91b9f2ac5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'dart:io' show Directory, Platform;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id_testing.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/testing/id_testing_helper.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/testing/id_testing_utils.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
Directory dataDir = new Directory.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('data'));
await runTests<String>(dataDir,
args: args,
createUriForFileName: createUriForFileName,
onFailure: onFailure,
runTest: runTestFor(const StaticTypeDataComputer(),
[cfeNoNonNullableConfig, cfeNonNullableConfig]),
skipMap: {
defaultCfeConfig.marker: [
// NNBD-only tests.
class StaticTypeDataComputer extends DataComputer<String> {
const StaticTypeDataComputer();
/// Function that computes a data mapping for [library].
/// Fills [actualMap] with the data.
void computeLibraryData(
TestConfig config,
InternalCompilerResult compilerResult,
Library library,
Map<Id, ActualData<String>> actualMap,
{bool verbose}) {
new StaticTypeDataExtractor(compilerResult, actualMap)
void computeMemberData(
TestConfig config,
InternalCompilerResult compilerResult,
Member member,
Map<Id, ActualData<String>> actualMap,
{bool verbose}) {
member.accept(new StaticTypeDataExtractor(compilerResult, actualMap));
DataInterpreter<String> get dataValidator => const StringDataInterpreter();
class StaticTypeDataExtractor extends CfeDataExtractor<String> {
final TypeEnvironment _environment;
StaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext;
StaticTypeDataExtractor(InternalCompilerResult compilerResult,
Map<Id, ActualData<String>> actualMap)
: _environment = new TypeEnvironment(
compilerResult.coreTypes, compilerResult.classHierarchy),
super(compilerResult, actualMap);
visitField(Field node) {
_staticTypeContext = new StaticTypeContext(node, _environment);
_staticTypeContext = null;
visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
_staticTypeContext = new StaticTypeContext(node, _environment);
_staticTypeContext = null;
visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
_staticTypeContext = new StaticTypeContext(node, _environment);
_staticTypeContext = null;
String computeLibraryValue(Id id, Library node) {
return 'nnbd=${node.isNonNullableByDefault}';
String computeMemberValue(Id id, Member node) {
if (node is Procedure && node.function.futureValueType != null) {
return 'futureValueType=${typeToText(node.function.futureValueType)}';
return null;
String computeNodeValue(Id id, TreeNode node) {
if (isSkippedExpression(node)) {
return null;
if (node is Expression) {
DartType type = node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext);
if (node is FunctionExpression && node.function.futureValueType != null) {
return '${typeToText(type)},'
return typeToText(type);
} else if (node is Arguments) {
if (node.types.isNotEmpty) {
return '<${',')}>';
} else if (node is ForInStatement) {
if (id.kind == IdKind.current) {
DartType type = _staticTypeContext.typeEnvironment.forInElementType(
node, node.iterable.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext));
return typeToText(type);
} else if (node is FunctionDeclaration) {
if (node.function.futureValueType != null) {
return 'futureValueType=${typeToText(node.function.futureValueType)}';
return null;
bool isNewReachabilityError(object) {
if (object is ConstructorInvocation) {
Class cls =;
return == 'ReachabilityError' &&
cls.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme == 'dart' &&
cls.enclosingLibrary.importUri.path == '_internal';
return false;
bool isNewReachabilityErrorArgument(object) {
return object is StringLiteral &&
bool isThrowReachabilityError(object) {
return object is Throw && isNewReachabilityError(object.expression);
bool isReachabilityErrorLet(object) {
return object is Let &&
(isThrowReachabilityError(object.variable.initializer) ||
bool isSkippedExpression(object) =>
isReachabilityErrorLet(object) ||
isThrowReachabilityError(object) ||
isNewReachabilityErrorArgument(object) ||
ActualData<String> mergeData(
ActualData<String> value1, ActualData<String> value2) {
if (value1.object is NullLiteral && value2.object is! NullLiteral) {
// Skip `null` literals from null-aware operations.
return value2;
} else if (value1.object is! NullLiteral && value2.object is NullLiteral) {
// Skip `null` literals from null-aware operations.
return value1;
return new ActualData<String>(, '${value1.value}|${value2.value}',
value1.uri, value1.offset, value1.object);