| // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.md file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| library fasta.test.assert_locations_test; |
| |
| import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart' show asyncTest; |
| |
| import 'package:expect/expect.dart' show Expect; |
| |
| import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' |
| show Component, RecursiveVisitor, Procedure, AssertStatement; |
| |
| import "package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart" |
| show CompilerOptions, DiagnosticMessage; |
| |
| import 'package:front_end/src/testing/compiler_common.dart' show compileScript; |
| |
| /// Span of the condition expression in the assert statement. |
| class ConditionSpan { |
| final startOffset; |
| final endOffset; |
| ConditionSpan(this.startOffset, this.endOffset); |
| } |
| |
| /// Generated test with multiple functions each containing a single |
| /// assertion statement inside. [spans] specifies the mapping |
| /// between function name and [ConditionSpan] for an [AssertionStatement] |
| /// inside that function. |
| class Test { |
| final String source; |
| final Map<String, ConditionSpan> spans; |
| |
| Test(this.source, this.spans); |
| } |
| |
| Test generateTest() { |
| final sb = new StringBuffer(); |
| final spans = new Map<String, ConditionSpan>(); |
| |
| // Create a test case for assert statement with the given [condition] and |
| // [message]. Argument list would contain a trailing comma if [trailingComma] |
| // is [true]. |
| // [additionalOffset] specifies an offset in characters from the opening |
| // parenthesis of the assert statement to the first character of the |
| // condition. |
| void makeAssertWithMessage(String condition, |
| {String message, bool trailingComma: false, int additionalOffset: 0}) { |
| final name = 'testCase${spans.length}'; |
| sb.writeln('void $name(x) {'); |
| sb.write('assert('); |
| final startOffset = sb.length + additionalOffset; |
| sb.write(condition); |
| final endOffset = sb.length; |
| if (message != null) { |
| sb.write(', "${message}"'); |
| } |
| if (trailingComma) { |
| sb.write(','); |
| } |
| sb.writeln(');'); |
| sb.writeln('}'); |
| spans[name] = new ConditionSpan(startOffset, endOffset); |
| } |
| |
| // Create test cases for various variants of the assert statement with |
| // the given condition. |
| void makeAssert(String condition, {int additionalOffset: 0}) { |
| makeAssertWithMessage(condition, additionalOffset: additionalOffset); |
| makeAssertWithMessage(condition, |
| trailingComma: true, additionalOffset: additionalOffset); |
| makeAssertWithMessage(condition, |
| message: 'message message', additionalOffset: additionalOffset); |
| makeAssertWithMessage(condition, |
| message: 'message message', |
| trailingComma: true, |
| additionalOffset: additionalOffset); |
| } |
| |
| // Create all test cases. |
| makeAssert(''' |
| |
| ( |
| x != null |
| )''', additionalOffset: 3); |
| makeAssert('''(x != null)'''); |
| makeAssert('''x'''); |
| makeAssert('''((x))'''); |
| makeAssert('''!x'''); |
| makeAssert('''((!x))'''); |
| makeAssert('''x.method("a", "b")'''); |
| |
| // Add a dummy main to avoid compilation errors. |
| sb.writeln(''' |
| void main() {} |
| '''); |
| |
| return new Test(sb.toString(), spans); |
| } |
| |
| /// Visitor that verifies that all [AssertStatement]s in the Kernel AST |
| /// have expected spans for their conditions. |
| class VerifyingVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor { |
| final Test test; |
| |
| /// Set of names of verified [Procedure]s. |
| final Set<String> verified = new Set<String>(); |
| |
| /// When [AssertStatement] is reached it is checked against this |
| /// span. |
| ConditionSpan expectedSpan; |
| |
| VerifyingVisitor(this.test); |
| |
| @override |
| visitProcedure(Procedure node) { |
| expectedSpan = test.spans[node.name.text]; |
| if (expectedSpan != null) { |
| super.visitProcedure(node); |
| verified.add(node.name.text); |
| expectedSpan = null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) { |
| Expect.equals(expectedSpan.startOffset, node.conditionStartOffset); |
| Expect.equals(expectedSpan.endOffset, node.conditionEndOffset); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| asyncTest(() async { |
| Test test = generateTest(); |
| CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions() |
| ..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) { |
| Expect.fail( |
| "Unexpected message: ${message.plainTextFormatted.join('\n')}"); |
| }; |
| Component p = (await compileScript(test.source, |
| options: options, fileName: 'synthetic-test.dart')) |
| ?.component; |
| Expect.isNotNull(p); |
| VerifyingVisitor visitor = new VerifyingVisitor(test); |
| p.mainMethod.enclosingLibrary.accept(visitor); |
| Expect.setEquals(test.spans.keys, visitor.verified); |
| }); |
| } |