blob: b4e509ce313c09af0a3421f1a0828846550c0d40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class AliasedElementTag {
static const int nothing = 0;
static const int genericFunctionElement = 1;
/// A `MethodInvocation` in unresolved AST might be rewritten later as
/// another kinds of AST node. We store this rewrite with resolution data.
class MethodInvocationRewriteTag {
static const int extensionOverride = 1;
static const int functionExpressionInvocation = 2;
static const int instanceCreationExpression_withName = 3;
static const int instanceCreationExpression_withoutName = 4;
static const int none = 5;
class Tag {
static const int Nothing = 0;
static const int Something = 1;
static const int AdjacentStrings = 75;
static const int Annotation = 2;
static const int ArgumentList = 3;
static const int AsExpression = 84;
static const int AssertInitializer = 82;
static const int AssignmentExpression = 96;
static const int AwaitExpression = 100;
static const int BinaryExpression = 52;
static const int BooleanLiteral = 4;
static const int CascadeExpression = 95;
static const int ConditionalExpression = 51;
static const int ConstructorFieldInitializer = 50;
static const int ConstructorName = 7;
static const int DeclaredIdentifier = 90;
static const int DefaultFormalParameter = 8;
static const int DottedName = 47;
static const int DoubleLiteral = 9;
static const int ExtensionOverride = 87;
static const int FieldFormalParameter = 16;
static const int ForEachPartsWithDeclaration = 89;
static const int ForElement = 88;
static const int ForPartsWithDeclarations = 91;
static const int ForPartsWithExpression = 99;
static const int FormalParameterList = 17;
static const int FunctionDeclaration_getter = 57;
static const int FunctionDeclaration_setter = 58;
static const int FunctionExpression = 19;
static const int FunctionExpressionInvocation = 93;
static const int FunctionTypedFormalParameter = 20;
static const int GenericFunctionType = 21;
static const int HideCombinator = 48;
static const int IfElement = 63;
static const int IndexExpression = 98;
static const int InstanceCreationExpression = 25;
static const int IntegerLiteralNegative = 73;
static const int IntegerLiteralNegative1 = 71;
static const int IntegerLiteralNull = 97;
static const int IntegerLiteralPositive = 72;
static const int IntegerLiteralPositive1 = 26;
static const int InterpolationExpression = 77;
static const int InterpolationString = 78;
static const int IsExpression = 83;
static const int ListLiteral = 56;
static const int MapLiteralEntry = 66;
static const int MethodDeclaration_getter = 85;
static const int MethodDeclaration_setter = 86;
static const int MethodInvocation = 59;
static const int MixinDeclaration = 67;
static const int NamedExpression = 60;
static const int NullLiteral = 49;
static const int ParenthesizedExpression = 53;
static const int PostfixExpression = 94;
static const int PrefixExpression = 79;
static const int PrefixedIdentifier = 32;
static const int PropertyAccess = 62;
static const int RedirectingConstructorInvocation = 54;
static const int SetOrMapLiteral = 65;
static const int ShowCombinator = 33;
static const int SimpleFormalParameter = 34;
static const int SimpleIdentifier = 35;
static const int SimpleStringLiteral = 36;
static const int SpreadElement = 64;
static const int StringInterpolation = 76;
static const int SuperConstructorInvocation = 69;
static const int SuperExpression = 80;
static const int SymbolLiteral = 74;
static const int ThisExpression = 70;
static const int ThrowExpression = 81;
static const int TypeArgumentList = 38;
static const int TypeName = 39;
static const int TypeParameter = 40;
static const int TypeParameterList = 41;
static const int VariableDeclaration = 42;
static const int VariableDeclarationList = 43;
static const int RawElement = 0;
static const int MemberLegacyWithoutTypeArguments = 1;
static const int MemberLegacyWithTypeArguments = 2;
static const int MemberWithTypeArguments = 3;
static const int ParameterKindRequiredPositional = 1;
static const int ParameterKindOptionalPositional = 2;
static const int ParameterKindRequiredNamed = 3;
static const int ParameterKindOptionalNamed = 4;
static const int NullType = 2;
static const int DynamicType = 3;
static const int FunctionType = 4;
static const int NeverType = 5;
static const int InterfaceType = 6;
static const int InterfaceType_noTypeArguments_none = 7;
static const int InterfaceType_noTypeArguments_question = 8;
static const int InterfaceType_noTypeArguments_star = 9;
static const int TypeParameterType = 10;
static const int VoidType = 11;
enum TypeParameterVarianceTag {