blob: b53515f561b0f0c957c3197776807957f6ed7988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/diagnostic/diagnostic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
/// Methods useful in detecting errors. This mixin exists to allow code to be
/// more easily shared between the two visitors that do the majority of error
/// reporting (ResolverVisitor and ErrorVerifier).
mixin ErrorDetectionHelpers {
ErrorReporter get errorReporter;
TypeSystemImpl get typeSystem;
/// Verify that the given [expression] can be assigned to its corresponding
/// parameters. The [expectedStaticType] is the expected static type of the
/// parameter. The [actualStaticType] is the actual static type of the
/// argument.
void checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignable(
Expression expression,
DartType? expectedStaticType,
DartType actualStaticType,
ErrorCode errorCode,
{Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
// Warning case: test static type information
if (expectedStaticType != null) {
if (!expectedStaticType.isVoid && checkForUseOfVoidResult(expression)) {
expression, actualStaticType, expectedStaticType, errorCode,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted);
/// Verify that the given [argument] can be assigned to its corresponding
/// parameter.
/// This method corresponds to
/// [BestPracticesVerifier.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument].
void checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(Expression argument,
{bool promoteParameterToNullable = false,
Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
argument: argument is NamedExpression ? argument.expression : argument,
parameter: argument.staticParameterElement,
promoteParameterToNullable: promoteParameterToNullable,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted,
/// Verify that the given constructor field [initializer] has compatible field
/// and initializer expression types. The [fieldElement] is the static element
/// from the name in the [ConstructorFieldInitializer].
void checkForFieldInitializerNotAssignable(
ConstructorFieldInitializer initializer, FieldElement fieldElement,
{required bool isConstConstructor,
required Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
// prepare field type
DartType fieldType = fieldElement.type;
// prepare expression type
Expression expression = initializer.expression;
// test the static type of the expression
DartType staticType = expression.typeOrThrow;
if (typeSystem.isAssignableTo(staticType, fieldType)) {
if (!fieldType.isVoid) {
var messages =
computeWhyNotPromotedMessages(expression, whyNotPromoted?.call());
// report problem
if (isConstConstructor) {
// TODO(paulberry): this error should be based on the actual type of the
// constant, not the static type. See
[staticType, fieldType],
[staticType, fieldType],
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Define a hint corresponding to these errors and
// report it if appropriate.
// // test the propagated type of the expression
// Type propagatedType = expression.getPropagatedType();
// if (propagatedType != null && propagatedType.isAssignableTo(fieldType)) {
// return false;
// }
// // report problem
// if (isEnclosingConstructorConst) {
// errorReporter.reportTypeErrorForNode(
// expression,
// propagatedType == null ? staticType : propagatedType,
// fieldType);
// } else {
// errorReporter.reportTypeErrorForNode(
// expression,
// propagatedType == null ? staticType : propagatedType,
// fieldType);
// }
// return true;
/// Verify that the given left hand side ([lhs]) and right hand side ([rhs])
/// represent a valid assignment.
/// See [CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT].
void checkForInvalidAssignment(Expression? lhs, Expression? rhs,
{Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
if (lhs is IndexExpression &&
identical(lhs.realTarget.staticType, NeverTypeImpl.instance) ||
lhs is PrefixedIdentifier &&
identical(lhs.prefix.staticType, NeverTypeImpl.instance) ||
lhs is PropertyAccess &&
identical(lhs.realTarget.staticType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) {
DartType leftType;
var parent = lhs.parent;
if (parent is AssignmentExpression && parent.leftHandSide == lhs) {
leftType = parent.writeType!;
} else {
var leftVariableElement = getVariableElement(lhs);
leftType = (leftVariableElement == null)
? lhs.typeOrThrow
: leftVariableElement.type;
if (!leftType.isVoid && checkForUseOfVoidResult(rhs)) {
rhs, leftType, CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted);
/// Check for situations where the result of a method or function is used,
/// when it returns 'void'. Or, in rare cases, when other types of expressions
/// are void, such as identifiers.
/// See [StaticWarningCode.USE_OF_VOID_RESULT].
bool checkForUseOfVoidResult(Expression expression) {
if (!identical(expression.staticType, VoidTypeImpl.instance)) {
return false;
if (expression is MethodInvocation) {
SimpleIdentifier methodName = expression.methodName;
CompileTimeErrorCode.USE_OF_VOID_RESULT, methodName, []);
} else {
CompileTimeErrorCode.USE_OF_VOID_RESULT, expression, []);
return true;
void checkIndexExpressionIndex(
Expression index, {
required ExecutableElement? readElement,
required ExecutableElement? writeElement,
required Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted,
}) {
if (readElement is MethodElement) {
var parameters = readElement.parameters;
if (parameters.isNotEmpty) {
argument: index,
parameter: parameters[0],
promoteParameterToNullable: false,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted,
if (writeElement is MethodElement) {
var parameters = writeElement.parameters;
if (parameters.isNotEmpty) {
argument: index,
parameter: parameters[0],
promoteParameterToNullable: false,
/// Computes the appropriate set of context messages to report along with an
/// error that may have occurred because [expression] was not type promoted.
/// If [expression] is `null`, it means the expression that was not type
/// promoted was an implicit `this`.
/// [errorEntity] is the entity whose location will be associated with the
/// error. This is needed for test instrumentation.
/// [whyNotPromoted] should be the non-promotion details returned by the flow
/// analysis engine.
List<DiagnosticMessage> computeWhyNotPromotedMessages(
SyntacticEntity errorEntity,
Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason>? whyNotPromoted);
/// Return the variable element represented by the given [expression], or
/// `null` if there is no such element.
VariableElement? getVariableElement(Expression? expression) {
if (expression is Identifier) {
var element = expression.staticElement;
if (element is VariableElement) {
return element;
return null;
void _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument2({
required Expression argument,
required ParameterElement? parameter,
required bool promoteParameterToNullable,
Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted,
}) {
var staticParameterType = parameter?.type;
if (promoteParameterToNullable && staticParameterType != null) {
staticParameterType =
typeSystem.makeNullable(staticParameterType as TypeImpl);
/// Verify that the given [expression] can be assigned to its corresponding
/// parameters.
/// [CompileTimeErrorCode.MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE],
/// [StaticWarningCode.MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE], and
void _checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableWithExpectedTypes(
Expression expression,
DartType? expectedStaticType,
ErrorCode errorCode,
Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted) {
expression, expectedStaticType, expression.typeOrThrow, errorCode,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted);
bool _checkForAssignableExpression(
Expression expression, DartType expectedStaticType, ErrorCode errorCode,
{required Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
DartType actualStaticType = expression.typeOrThrow;
return _checkForAssignableExpressionAtType(
expression, actualStaticType, expectedStaticType, errorCode,
whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted);
bool _checkForAssignableExpressionAtType(
Expression expression,
DartType actualStaticType,
DartType expectedStaticType,
ErrorCode errorCode,
{Map<DartType, NonPromotionReason> Function()? whyNotPromoted}) {
if (!typeSystem.isAssignableTo(actualStaticType, expectedStaticType)) {
AstNode getErrorNode(AstNode node) {
if (node is CascadeExpression) {
return getErrorNode(;
if (node is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return getErrorNode(node.expression);
return node;
[actualStaticType, expectedStaticType],
computeWhyNotPromotedMessages(expression, whyNotPromoted?.call()),
return false;
return true;