blob: 654043a266c7c87fa84801f779f22342ebe41c53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library sdk_source;
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// A package source that uses libraries from the Dart SDK.
class SdkSource extends Source {
final String name = "sdk";
final bool shouldCache = false;
/// The root directory of the Dart SDK.
final String _rootDir;
String get rootDir {
if (_rootDir != null) return _rootDir;
throw "Pub can't find the Dart SDK. Please set the DART_SDK environment "
"variable to the Dart SDK directory.";
/// SDK packages are not individually versioned. Instead, their version is
/// inferred from the revision number of the SDK itself.
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) {
var version;
return readTextFile(join(rootDir, "revision")).chain((revision) {
version = new Version.parse("0.0.0-r.${revision.trim()}");
// Read the pubspec for the package's dependencies.
return _getPackagePath(id);
}).chain((packageDir) {
// TODO(rnystrom): What if packageDir is null?
return Package.load(, packageDir, systemCache.sources);
}).transform((package) {
// Ignore the pubspec's version, and use the SDK's.
return new Pubspec(, version, package.pubspec.dependencies);
/// Since all the SDK files are already available locally, installation just
/// involves symlinking the SDK library into the packages directory.
Future<bool> install(PackageId id, String destPath) {
return _getPackagePath(id).chain((path) {
if (path == null) return new Future<bool>.immediate(false);
return createPackageSymlink(, path, destPath).transform(
(_) => true);
/// Gets the path in the SDK to the directory containing package [id]. Looks
/// inside both "pkg" and "lib" in the SDK. Returns `null` if the package
/// could not be found.
Future<String> _getPackagePath(PackageId id) {
// Look in "pkg" first.
var pkgPath = join(rootDir, "pkg", id.description);
return exists(pkgPath).chain((found) {
if (found) return new Future<String>.immediate(pkgPath);
// Not in "pkg", so try "lib".
// TODO(rnystrom): Get rid of this when all SDK packages are moved from
// "lib" to "pkg".
var libPath = join(rootDir, "lib", id.description);
return exists(libPath).transform((found) => found ? libPath : null);