blob: 53c3bc41f1c1706ac7df63bd93ee981187760c74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library XMLDocumentTest;
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var isXMLDocument = predicate((x) => x is XMLDocument, 'is an XMLDocument');
var isXMLElement = predicate((x) => x is XMLElement, 'is an XMLElement');
XMLDocument makeDocument() => new XMLDocument.xml("<xml><foo/><bar/></xml>");
group('constructor', () {
test('with a well-formed document', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc, isXMLDocument);
expect(doc.children[0].tagName, 'foo');
expect(doc.children[1].tagName, 'bar');
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable this when Document#query matches the root-level
// element. Otherwise it fails on Firefox.
// test('with a parse error', () {
// expect(() => new XMLDocument.xml("<xml></xml>foo"),
// throwsArgumentError);
// });
test('with a PARSERERROR tag', () {
final doc = new XMLDocument.xml("<xml><parsererror /></xml>");
expect(doc.children[0].tagName, 'parsererror');
// FilteredElementList is tested more thoroughly in DocumentFragmentTests.
group('children', () {
test('filters out non-element nodes', () {
final doc = new XMLDocument.xml("<xml>1<a/><b/>2<c/>3<d/></xml>");
expect( => e.tagName), ["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
test('overwrites nodes when set', () {
final doc = new XMLDocument.xml("<xml>1<a/><b/>2<c/>3<d/></xml>");
doc.children = [new XMLElement.tag('x'), new XMLElement.tag('y')];
expect(doc.outerHTML, "<xml><x></x><y></y></xml>");
group('classes', () {
XMLDocument makeDocumentWithClasses() =>
new XMLDocument.xml("<xml class='foo bar baz'></xml>");
Set<String> makeClassSet() => makeDocumentWithClasses().classes;
Set<String> extractClasses(Document doc) {
final match = new RegExp('class="([^"]+)"').firstMatch(doc.outerHTML);
return new Set.from(match[1].split(' '));
test('affects the "class" attribute', () {
final doc = makeDocumentWithClasses();
expect(extractClasses(doc), ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"]);
test('is affected by the "class" attribute', () {
final doc = makeDocumentWithClasses();
doc.attributes['class'] = 'foo qux';
expect(doc.classes, ["foo", "qux"]);
test('classes=', () {
final doc = makeDocumentWithClasses();
doc.classes = ['foo', 'qux'];
expect(doc.classes, ["foo", "qux"]);
expect(extractClasses(doc), ["foo", "qux"]);
test('toString', () {
expect(makeClassSet().toString().split(' '),
unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
expect(makeDocument().classes.toString(), '');
test('forEach', () {
final classes = <String>[];
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
test('iterator', () {
final classes = <String>[];
for (var doc in makeClassSet()) {
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
test('map', () {
expect(makeClassSet().map((c) => c.toUpperCase()),
unorderedEquals(['FOO', 'BAR', 'BAZ']));
test('filter', () {
expect(makeClassSet().filter((c) => c.contains('a')),
unorderedEquals(['bar', 'baz']));
test('every', () {
expect(makeClassSet().every((c) => c is String), isTrue);
expect(makeClassSet().every((c) => c.contains('a')), isFalse);
test('some', () {
expect(makeClassSet().some((c) => c.contains('a')), isTrue);
expect(makeClassSet().some((c) => c is num), isFalse);
test('isEmpty', () {
expect(makeClassSet().isEmpty, isFalse);
expect(makeDocument().classes.isEmpty, isTrue);
test('length', () {
expect(makeClassSet().length, 3);
expect(makeDocument().classes.length, 0);
test('contains', () {
expect(makeClassSet().contains('foo'), isTrue);
expect(makeClassSet().contains('qux'), isFalse);
test('add', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']);
final list = new List.from(classes);
list.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
expect(list, ['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'qux'],
reason: "The class set shouldn't have duplicate elements.");
test('remove', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'baz']));
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'baz']));
test('addAll', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
classes.addAll(['bar', 'qux', 'bip']);
expect(classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'bip']));
test('removeAll', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
classes.removeAll(['bar', 'baz', 'qux']);
expect(classes, ['foo']);
test('isSubsetOf', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes.isSubsetOf(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']), isTrue);
expect(classes.isSubsetOf(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']), isTrue);
expect(classes.isSubsetOf(['foo', 'bar', 'qux']), isFalse);
test('containsAll', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes.containsAll(['foo', 'baz']), isTrue);
expect(classes.containsAll(['foo', 'qux']), isFalse);
test('intersection', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes.intersection(['foo', 'qux', 'baz']),
unorderedEquals(['foo', 'baz']))
test('clear', () {
final classes = makeClassSet();
expect(classes, []);
// XMLClassSet is tested more thoroughly in XMLElementTests.
group('classes', () {
XMLDocument makeDocumentWithClasses() =>
new XMLDocument.xml("<xml class='foo bar baz'></xml>");
test('affects the "class" attribute', () {
final doc = makeDocumentWithClasses();
expect(doc.attributes['class'].split(' '),
unorderedEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux']));
test('is affected by the "class" attribute', () {
final doc = makeDocumentWithClasses();
doc.attributes['class'] = 'foo qux';
expect(doc.classes, unorderedEquals(['foo', 'qux']));
test("no-op methods don't throw errors", () {
final doc = makeDocument(); => null);
expect(doc.execCommand("foo", false, "bar"), isFalse);
group('properties that map to attributes', () {
group('contentEditable', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.contentEditable, 'inherit');
doc.attributes['contentEditable'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.contentEditable, 'foo');
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.contentEditable = 'foo';
expect(doc.attributes['contentEditable'], 'foo');
test('isContentEditable', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.isContentEditable, isFalse);
doc.contentEditable = 'true';
expect(doc.isContentEditable, isFalse);
group('draggable', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.draggable, isFalse);
doc.attributes['draggable'] = 'true';
expect(doc.draggable, isTrue);
doc.attributes['draggable'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.draggable, isFalse);
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.draggable = true;
expect(doc.attributes['draggable'], 'true');
doc.draggable = false;
expect(doc.attributes['draggable'], 'false');
group('spellcheck', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.spellcheck, isFalse);
doc.attributes['spellcheck'] = 'true';
expect(doc.spellcheck, isTrue);
doc.attributes['spellcheck'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.spellcheck, isFalse);
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.spellcheck = true;
expect(doc.attributes['spellcheck'], 'true');
doc.spellcheck = false;
expect(doc.attributes['spellcheck'], 'false');
group('hidden', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.hidden, isFalse);
doc.attributes['hidden'] = '';
expect(doc.hidden, isTrue);
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.hidden = true;
expect(doc.attributes['hidden'], '');
doc.hidden = false;
expect(doc.attributes.containsKey('hidden'), isFalse);
group('tabIndex', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.tabIndex, 0);
doc.attributes['tabIndex'] = '2';
expect(doc.tabIndex, 2);
doc.attributes['tabIndex'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.tabIndex, 0);
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.tabIndex = 15;
expect(doc.attributes['tabIndex'], '15');
group('id', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(, '');
doc.attributes['id'] = 'foo';
expect(, 'foo');
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument(); = 'foo';
expect(doc.attributes['id'], 'foo');
group('title', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.title, '');
doc.attributes['title'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.title, 'foo');
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.title = 'foo';
expect(doc.attributes['title'], 'foo');
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable this when the WebKit-specificness won't break
// non-WebKit browsers.
// group('webkitdropzone', () {
// test('get', () {
// final doc = makeDocument();
// expect(doc.webkitdropzone, '');
// doc.attributes['webkitdropzone'] = 'foo';
// expect(doc.webkitdropzone, 'foo');
// });
// test('set', () {
// final doc = makeDocument();
// doc.webkitdropzone = 'foo';
// expect(doc.attributes['webkitdropzone'], 'foo');
// });
// });
group('lang', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.lang, '');
doc.attributes['lang'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.lang, 'foo');
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.lang = 'foo';
expect(doc.attributes['lang'], 'foo');
group('dir', () {
test('get', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.dir, '');
doc.attributes['dir'] = 'foo';
expect(doc.dir, 'foo');
test('set', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.dir = 'foo';
expect(doc.attributes['dir'], 'foo');
test('set innerHTML', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.innerHTML = "<foo>Bar<baz/></foo>";
expect(doc.nodes.length, 1);
final node = doc.nodes[0];
expect(node, isXMLElement);
expect(node.tagName, 'foo');
expect(node.nodes[0].text, 'Bar');
expect(node.nodes[1].tagName, 'baz');
test('get innerHTML/outerHTML', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<foo></foo><bar></bar>");
doc.nodes.addAll([new Text("foo"), new XMLElement.xml("<a>bar</a>")]);
expect(doc.innertHTML, "foo<a>bar</a>");
expect(doc.outerHTML, "<xml>foo<a>bar</a></xml>");
test('query', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
expect(doc.query('foo').tagName, 'foo');
expect(doc.query('baz'), isNull);
test('queryAll', () {
final doc = new XMLDocument.xml(
"<xml><foo id='f1' /><bar><foo id='f2' /></bar></xml>");
expect(doc.queryAll('foo').map((e) =>, ['f1', 'f2']);
expect(doc.queryAll('baz'), []);
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable this when matchesSelector works cross-browser.
// test('matchesSelector', () {
// final doc = makeDocument();
// expect(doc.matchesSelector('*'), isTrue);
// expect(doc.matchesSelector('xml'), isTrue);
// expect(doc.matchesSelector('html'), isFalse);
// });
group('insertAdjacentElement', () {
getDoc() => new XMLDocument.xml("<xml><a>foo</a></xml>");
test('beforeBegin does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
expect(doc.insertAdjacentElement("beforeBegin", new XMLElement.tag("b")),
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterEnd does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
expect(doc.insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", new XMLElement.tag("b")),
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterBegin inserts the element', () {
final doc = getDoc();
final el = new XMLElement.tag("b");
expect(doc.insertAdjacentElement("afterBegin", el), el);
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<b></b><a>foo</a>");
test('beforeEnd inserts the element', () {
final doc = getDoc();
final el = new XMLElement.tag("b");
expect(doc.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", el), el);
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a><b></b>");
group('insertAdjacentText', () {
getDoc() => new XMLDocument.xml("<xml><a>foo</a></xml>");
test('beforeBegin does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentText("beforeBegin", "foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterEnd does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentText("afterEnd", "foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterBegin inserts the text', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentText("afterBegin", "foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "foo<a>foo</a>");
test('beforeEnd inserts the text', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentText("beforeEnd", "foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>foo");
group('insertAdjacentHTML', () {
getDoc() => new XMLDocument.xml("<xml><a>foo</a></xml>");
test('beforeBegin does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeBegin", "foo<b/>");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterEnd does nothing', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentHTML("afterEnd", "<b/>foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a>");
test('afterBegin inserts the HTML', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", "foo<b/>");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "foo<b></b><a>foo</a>");
test('beforeEnd inserts the HTML', () {
final doc = getDoc();
doc.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<b/>foo");
expect(doc.innerHTML, "<a>foo</a><b></b>foo");
group('default values', () {
test('default rect values', () {
makeDocument().rect.then(expectAsync1((ElementRect rect) {
expect(rect.clientRects.isEmpty, isTrue);
test('nextElementSibling', () =>
expect(makeDocument().nextElementSibling), isNull);
test('previousElementSibling', () =>
expect(makeDocument().previousElementSibling), isNull);
test('parent', () => expect(makeDocument().parent), isNull);
test('offsetParent', () => expect(makeDocument().offsetParent), isNull);
test('activeElement', () => expect(makeDocument().activeElement), isNull);
test('body', () => expect(makeDocument().body), isNull);
test('window', () => expect(makeDocument().window), isNull);
test('domain', () => expect(makeDocument().domain), '');
test('head', () => expect(makeDocument().head), isNull);
test('referrer', () => expect(makeDocument().referrer), '');
test('styleSheets', () => expect(makeDocument().styleSheets), []);
test('title', () => expect(makeDocument().title), '');
// TODO(nweiz): IE sets the charset to "windows-1252". How do we want to
// handle that?
// test('charset', () => expect(makeDocument().charset), isNull);
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable these when the WebKit-specificness won't break
// non-WebKit browsers.
// test('webkitHidden', () => expect(makeDocument().webkitHidden), isFalse);
// test('webkitVisibilityState', () =>
// expect(makeDocument().webkitVisibilityState), 'visible');
test('caretRangeFromPoint', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.caretRangeFromPoint(0, 0),
doc.caretRangeFromPoint(5, 5)
]).then(expectAsync1((ranges) {
expect(ranges, [null, null, null]);
test('elementFromPoint', () {
final doc = makeDocument();
doc.elementFromPoint(0, 0),
doc.elementFromPoint(5, 5)
]).then(expectAsync1((ranges) {
expect(ranges, [null, null, null]);
test('queryCommandEnabled', () {
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandEnabled('foo'), isFalse);
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandEnabled('bold'), isFalse);
test('queryCommandIndeterm', () {
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandIndeterm('foo'), isFalse);
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandIndeterm('bold'), isFalse);
test('queryCommandState', () {
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandState('foo'), isFalse);
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandState('bold'), isFalse);
test('queryCommandSupported', () {
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandSupported('foo'), isFalse);
expect(makeDocument().queryCommandSupported('bold'), isFalse);
test('manifest', () => expect(makeDocument().manifest), '');
test('unsupported operations', () {
expectUnsupported(() { makeDocument().body = new XMLElement.tag('xml'); });
expectUnsupported(() => makeDocument().cookie);
expectUnsupported(() { makeDocument().cookie = 'foo'; });
expectUnsupported(() { makeDocument().manifest = 'foo'; });