blob: 35f3013d4e0c3b7875d6f4d5a7e250be6436310f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Common supertype for most declarations. A declaration introduces a new name in a scope. Certain
* tools, such as the IDE, need to know the location of this name, but the name should otherwise be
* considered a part of the declaration, not an independent node. So the name is not visited when
* traversing the AST.
public abstract class DartDeclaration<N extends DartExpression> extends DartNodeWithMetadata
implements HasObsoleteMetadata {
private N name; // Not visited.
private DartComment dartDoc;
private DartObsoleteMetadata obsoleteMetadata = DartObsoleteMetadata.EMPTY;
protected DartDeclaration(N name) { = becomeParentOf(name);
public final N getName() {
return name;
public final void setName(N newName) {
name = becomeParentOf(newName);
public DartComment getDartDoc() {
return dartDoc;
public void setDartDoc(DartComment dartDoc) {
// dartDoc is still parented by the containing DartUnit.
this.dartDoc = dartDoc;
public DartObsoleteMetadata getObsoleteMetadata() {
return obsoleteMetadata;
public void setObsoleteMetadata(DartObsoleteMetadata metadata) {
this.obsoleteMetadata = metadata;
public void visitChildren(ASTVisitor<?> visitor) {
safelyVisitChild(dartDoc, visitor);
safelyVisitChild(name, visitor);