blob: 746c8bf28bbdfd99d5e6b9189bc2aaf353aa923e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing the instanceof operation.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// In the type test 'e is T', if T does not denote a type available in the
// current lexical scope, then T is mapped to dynamic and the test succeeds.
isCheckedMode() {
try {
var i = 1;
String s = i;
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
testAll() {
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = null;
try {
Expect.isTrue(x is UndeclaredType); // x is null.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = 1;
try {
Expect.isTrue(x is UndeclaredType); // x is not null.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = null;
try {
Expect.isFalse(x is List<UndeclaredType>); // x is null.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = 1;
try {
Expect.isFalse(x is List<UndeclaredType>); // x is not a List.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = new List();
try {
Expect.isTrue(x is List<UndeclaredType>); // x is a List<dynamic>.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
bool got_type_error = false;
var x = new List<int>();
try {
Expect.isTrue(x is List<UndeclaredType>); // x is a List<int>.
} on TypeError catch (error) {
got_type_error = true;
// No type error.
main() {
// Repeat type checks so that inlined tests can be tested as well.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {