blob: 85b5585f5fa447b1fb4b37ca53f12faeb3f8e8f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "include/dart_native_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// Forward declarations.
class File;
class OSError;
/* Handles error handles returned from Dart API functions. If a value
* is an error, uses Dart_PropagateError to throw it to the enclosing
* Dart activation. Otherwise, returns the original handle.
* This function can be used to wrap most API functions, but API
* functions can also be nested without this error check, since all
* API functions return any error handles passed in as arguments, unchanged.
static inline Dart_Handle ThrowIfError(Dart_Handle handle) {
if (Dart_IsError(handle)) Dart_PropagateError(handle);
return handle;
class CommandLineOptions {
explicit CommandLineOptions(int max_count)
: count_(0), max_count_(max_count), arguments_(NULL) {
static const int kWordSize = sizeof(intptr_t);
arguments_ = reinterpret_cast<const char **>(malloc(max_count * kWordSize));
if (arguments_ == NULL) {
max_count_ = 0;
~CommandLineOptions() {
count_ = 0;
max_count_ = 0;
arguments_ = NULL;
int count() const { return count_; }
const char** arguments() const { return arguments_; }
const char* GetArgument(int index) const {
return (index >= 0 && index < count_) ? arguments_[index] : NULL;
void AddArgument(const char* argument) {
if (count_ < max_count_) {
arguments_[count_] = argument;
count_ += 1;
} else {
abort(); // We should never get into this situation.
void operator delete(void* pointer) { abort(); }
void* operator new(size_t size);
int count_;
int max_count_;
const char** arguments_;
class DartUtils {
// TODO(turnidge): Clean up the implementations of these so that
// they allow for proper error propagation.
// Assumes that the value object is known to be an integer object
// that fits in a signed 64-bit integer.
static int64_t GetIntegerValue(Dart_Handle value_obj);
// Assumes that the value object is known to be an intptr_t. This should
// only be known when the value has been put into Dart as a pointer encoded
// in a 64-bit integer. This is the case for file and directory operations.
static intptr_t GetIntptrValue(Dart_Handle value_obj);
// Checks that the value object is an integer object that fits in a
// signed 64-bit integer. If it is, the value is returned in the
// value out parameter and true is returned. Otherwise, false is
// returned.
static bool GetInt64Value(Dart_Handle value_obj, int64_t* value);
static const char* GetStringValue(Dart_Handle str_obj);
static bool GetBooleanValue(Dart_Handle bool_obj);
static void SetIntegerField(Dart_Handle handle,
const char* name,
intptr_t val);
static intptr_t GetIntegerField(Dart_Handle handle,
const char* name);
static void SetStringField(Dart_Handle handle,
const char* name,
const char* val);
static bool IsDartSchemeURL(const char* url_name);
static bool IsDartExtensionSchemeURL(const char* url_name);
static bool IsDartIOLibURL(const char* url_name);
static bool IsDartBuiltinLibURL(const char* url_name);
static bool IsHttpSchemeURL(const char* url_name);
static Dart_Handle CanonicalizeURL(CommandLineOptions* url_mapping,
Dart_Handle library,
const char* url_str);
static void* OpenFile(const char* name, bool write);
static void ReadFile(const uint8_t** data, intptr_t* file_len, void* stream);
static void WriteFile(const void* buffer, intptr_t num_bytes, void* stream);
static void CloseFile(void* stream);
static Dart_Handle ReadStringFromFile(const char* filename);
static Dart_Handle ReadStringFromHttp(const char* filename);
static Dart_Handle LibraryTagHandler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url);
static Dart_Handle LoadScript(const char* script_uri,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static Dart_Handle LoadScriptHttp(Dart_Handle script_uri,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static Dart_Handle LoadSource(CommandLineOptions* url_mapping,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url,
Dart_LibraryTag tag,
const char* filename);
static Dart_Handle PrepareForScriptLoading(const char* package_root,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static bool PostNull(Dart_Port port_id);
static bool PostInt32(Dart_Port port_id, int32_t value);
static Dart_Handle GetDartType(const char* library_url,
const char* class_name);
// Create a new Dart OSError object with the current OS error.
static Dart_Handle NewDartOSError();
// Create a new Dart OSError object with the provided OS error.
static Dart_Handle NewDartOSError(OSError* os_error);
static Dart_Handle NewDartExceptionWithOSError(const char* library_url,
const char* exception_name,
const char* message,
Dart_Handle os_error);
static Dart_Handle NewDartExceptionWithMessage(const char* library_url,
const char* exception_name,
const char* message);
static Dart_Handle NewDartArgumentError(const char* message);
static Dart_Handle NewDartIOException(const char* exception_name,
const char* message,
Dart_Handle os_error);
// Create a new Dart String object from a C String.
static Dart_Handle NewString(const char* str) {
ASSERT(str != NULL);
return Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str),
// Create a new Dart InternalError object with the provided message.
static Dart_Handle NewInternalError(const char* message);
static void SetOriginalWorkingDirectory();
static const char* MapLibraryUrl(CommandLineOptions* url_mapping,
const char* url_string);
static Dart_Handle SetWorkingDirectory(Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static Dart_Handle ResolveScriptUri(Dart_Handle script_uri,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static Dart_Handle FilePathFromUri(Dart_Handle script_uri,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
static Dart_Handle ResolveUri(Dart_Handle library_url,
Dart_Handle url,
Dart_Handle builtin_lib);
// Sniffs the specified text_buffer to see if it contains the magic number
// representing a script snapshot. If the text_buffer is a script snapshot
// the return value is an updated pointer to the text_buffer pointing past
// the magic number value. The 'buffer_len' parameter is also appropriately
// adjusted.
static const uint8_t* SniffForMagicNumber(const uint8_t* text_buffer,
intptr_t* buffer_len,
bool* is_snapshot);
// Write a magic number to indicate a script snapshot file.
static void WriteMagicNumber(File* file);
// Global state that stores the original working directory..
static const char* original_working_directory;
static const char* kDartScheme;
static const char* kDartExtensionScheme;
static const char* kAsyncLibURL;
static const char* kBuiltinLibURL;
static const char* kCoreLibURL;
static const char* kIOLibURL;
static const char* kIOLibPatchURL;
static const char* kUriLibURL;
static const char* kHttpScheme;
static const char* kIdFieldName;
static uint8_t magic_number[];
static const char* GetCanonicalPath(const char* reference_dir,
const char* filename);
class CObject {
// These match the constants in sdk/lib/io/common.dart.
static const int kSuccess = 0;
static const int kArgumentError = 1;
static const int kOSError = 2;
static const int kFileClosedError = 3;
explicit CObject(Dart_CObject *cobject) : cobject_(cobject) {}
Dart_CObject_Type type() { return cobject_->type; }
Dart_TypedData_Type byte_array_type() {
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData ||
type() == Dart_CObject_kExternalTypedData);
return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.type;
bool IsNull() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kNull; }
bool IsBool() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kBool; }
bool IsInt32() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kInt32; }
bool IsInt64() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kInt64; }
bool IsInt32OrInt64() { return IsInt32() || IsInt64(); }
bool IsIntptr() { return IsInt32OrInt64(); }
bool IsBigint() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kBigint; }
bool IsDouble() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kDouble; }
bool IsString() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kString; }
bool IsArray() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kArray; }
bool IsTypedData() { return type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData; }
bool IsUint8Array() {
return type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData &&
byte_array_type() == Dart_TypedData_kUint8;
bool IsTrue() {
return type() == Dart_CObject_kBool && cobject_->value.as_bool;
bool IsFalse() {
return type() == Dart_CObject_kBool && !cobject_->value.as_bool;
void* operator new(size_t size) {
return Dart_ScopeAllocate(size);
static CObject* Null();
static CObject* True();
static CObject* False();
static CObject* Bool(bool value);
static Dart_CObject* NewInt32(int32_t value);
static Dart_CObject* NewInt64(int64_t value);
static Dart_CObject* NewIntptr(intptr_t value);
// TODO(sgjesse): Add support for kBigint.
static Dart_CObject* NewDouble(double value);
static Dart_CObject* NewString(int length);
static Dart_CObject* NewString(const char* str);
static Dart_CObject* NewArray(int length);
static Dart_CObject* NewUint8Array(int length);
static Dart_CObject* NewExternalUint8Array(
int64_t length, uint8_t* data, void* peer,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer callback);
static Dart_CObject* NewIOBuffer(int64_t length);
static void FreeIOBufferData(Dart_CObject* object);
Dart_CObject* AsApiCObject() { return cobject_; }
// Create a new CObject array with an illegal arguments error.
static CObject* IllegalArgumentError();
// Create a new CObject array with a file closed error.
static CObject* FileClosedError();
// Create a new CObject array with the current OS error.
static CObject* NewOSError();
// Create a new CObject array with the specified OS error.
static CObject* NewOSError(OSError* os_error);
CObject() : cobject_(NULL) {}
Dart_CObject* cobject_;
static Dart_CObject* New(Dart_CObject_Type type, int additional_bytes = 0);
static Dart_CObject api_null_;
static Dart_CObject api_true_;
static Dart_CObject api_false_;
static CObject null_;
static CObject true_;
static CObject false_;
explicit CObject##t(Dart_CObject *cobject) : CObject(cobject) { \
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject; \
} \
explicit CObject##t(CObject* cobject) : CObject() { \
ASSERT(cobject != NULL); \
ASSERT(cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject->AsApiCObject(); \
} \
explicit CObject##t##Array(Dart_CObject *cobject) : CObject(cobject) { \
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData); \
ASSERT(byte_array_type() == Dart_TypedData_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject; \
} \
explicit CObject##t##Array(CObject* cobject) : CObject() { \
ASSERT(cobject != NULL); \
ASSERT(cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData); \
ASSERT(cobject->byte_array_type() == Dart_TypedData_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject->AsApiCObject(); \
} \
explicit CObjectExternal##t##Array(Dart_CObject *cobject) \
: CObject(cobject) { \
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_kExternalTypedData); \
ASSERT(byte_array_type() == Dart_TypedData_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject; \
} \
explicit CObjectExternal##t##Array(CObject* cobject) : CObject() { \
ASSERT(cobject != NULL); \
ASSERT(cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_kExternalTypedData); \
ASSERT(cobject->byte_array_type() == Dart_TypedData_k##t); \
cobject_ = cobject->AsApiCObject(); \
} \
class CObjectBool : public CObject {
bool Value() const { return cobject_->value.as_bool; }
class CObjectInt32 : public CObject {
int32_t Value() const { return cobject_->value.as_int32; }
class CObjectInt64 : public CObject {
int64_t Value() const { return cobject_->value.as_int64; }
class CObjectIntptr : public CObject {
explicit CObjectIntptr(Dart_CObject *cobject) : CObject(cobject) {
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_kInt32 || type() == Dart_CObject_kInt64);
cobject_ = cobject;
explicit CObjectIntptr(CObject* cobject) : CObject() {
ASSERT(cobject != NULL);
ASSERT(cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_kInt64 ||
cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_kInt32);
cobject_ = cobject->AsApiCObject();
intptr_t Value() {
intptr_t result;
if (type() == Dart_CObject_kInt32) {
result = cobject_->value.as_int32;
} else {
ASSERT(sizeof(result) == 8);
result = static_cast<intptr_t>(cobject_->value.as_int64);
return result;
class CObjectBigint : public CObject {
char* Value() const { return cobject_->value.as_bigint; }
class CObjectDouble : public CObject {
double Value() const { return cobject_->value.as_double; }
class CObjectString : public CObject {
int Length() const { return strlen(cobject_->value.as_string); }
char* CString() const { return cobject_->value.as_string; }
class CObjectArray : public CObject {
int Length() const { return cobject_->value.as_array.length; }
CObject* operator[](int index) const {
return new CObject(cobject_->value.as_array.values[index]);
void SetAt(int index, CObject* value) {
cobject_->value.as_array.values[index] = value->AsApiCObject();
class CObjectTypedData : public CObject {
explicit CObjectTypedData(Dart_CObject *cobject) : CObject(cobject) {
ASSERT(type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData);
cobject_ = cobject;
explicit CObjectTypedData(CObject* cobject) : CObject() {
ASSERT(cobject != NULL);
ASSERT(cobject->type() == Dart_CObject_kTypedData);
cobject_ = cobject->AsApiCObject();
Dart_TypedData_Type Type() const {
return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.type;
int Length() const { return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.length; }
uint8_t* Buffer() const { return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.values; }
class CObjectUint8Array : public CObject {
int Length() const { return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.length; }
uint8_t* Buffer() const { return cobject_->value.as_typed_data.values; }
class CObjectExternalUint8Array : public CObject {
int Length() const { return cobject_->value.as_external_typed_data.length; }
void SetLength(uint64_t length) {
cobject_->value.as_external_typed_data.length = length;
uint8_t* Data() const { return cobject_->; }
void* Peer() const { return cobject_->value.as_external_typed_data.peer; }
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer Callback() const {
return cobject_->value.as_external_typed_data.callback;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart
#endif // BIN_DARTUTILS_H_