blob: 97398be49fa5228a7ad7097753d86221d23c5b17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Helper library to run tests in content_shell
library polymer.testing.end2end;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:polymer/dwc.dart' as dwc;
* Compiles [testFile] with the web-ui compiler, and then runs the output as a
* unit test in content_shell.
void endToEndTests(String inputDir, String outDir, {List<String> arguments}) {
_testHelper(new _TestOptions(inputDir, inputDir, null, outDir,
arguments: arguments));
* Compiles [testFile] with the web-ui compiler, and then runs the output as a
* render test in content_shell.
void renderTests(String baseDir, String inputDir, String expectedDir,
String outDir, {List<String> arguments, String script, String pattern,
bool deleteDir: true}) {
_testHelper(new _TestOptions(baseDir, inputDir, expectedDir, outDir,
arguments: arguments, script: script, pattern: pattern,
deleteDir: deleteDir));
void _testHelper(_TestOptions options) {
expect(options, isNotNull);
var paths = new Directory(options.inputDir).listSync()
.where((f) => f is File).map((f) => f.path)
.where((p) => p.endsWith('_test.html') && options.pattern.hasMatch(p));
if (paths.isEmpty) return;
// First clear the output folder. Otherwise we can miss bugs when we fail to
// generate a file.
var dir = new Directory(options.outDir);
if (dir.existsSync() && options.deleteDir) {
print('Cleaning old output for ${path.normalize(options.outDir)}');
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
for (var filePath in paths) {
var filename = path.basename(filePath);
test('compile $filename', () {
var testArgs = ['-o', options.outDir, '--basedir', options.baseDir,
expect(, printTime: false).then((res) {
expect(res.messages.length, 0, reason: res.messages.join('\n'));
}), completes);
var filenames =;
// Sort files to match the order in which runs diff.
// Get the path from "input" relative to "baseDir"
var relativeToBase = path.relative(options.inputDir, from: options.baseDir);
var finalOutDir = path.join(options.outDir, relativeToBase);
runTests(String search) {
var output;
for (var filename in filenames) {
test('content_shell run $filename$search', () {
var args = ['--dump-render-tree',
var env = {'DART_FLAGS': '--checked'};
expect('content_shell', args, environment: env).then((res) {
expect(res.exitCode, 0, reason: 'content_shell exit code: '
'${res.exitCode}. Contents of stderr: \n${res.stderr}');
var outs = res.stdout.split('#EOF\n')
.where((s) => !s.trim().isEmpty).toList();
expect(outs.length, 1);
output = outs.first;
}), completes);
test('verify $filename $search', () {
expect(output, isNotNull, reason:
'Output not available, maybe content_shell failed to run.');
var outPath = path.join(options.outDir, '$filename.txt');
new File(outPath).writeAsStringSync(output);
if (options.isRenderTest) {
var expectedPath = path.join(options.expectedDir, '$filename.txt');
var expected = new File(expectedPath).readAsStringSync();
expect(output, expected, reason: 'unexpected output for <$filename>');
} else {
bool passes = matches(
new RegExp('All .* tests passed')).matches(output, {});
expect(passes, true, reason: 'unit test failed:\n$output');
bool compiled = false;
ensureCompileToJs() {
if (compiled) return;
compiled = true;
for (var filename in filenames) {
test('dart2js $filename', () {
// TODO(jmesserly): this depends on DWC's output scheme.
// Alternatively we could use html5lib to find the script tag.
var inPath = '${filename}_bootstrap.dart';
var outPath = '${inPath}.js';
inPath = path.join(finalOutDir, inPath);
outPath = path.join(finalOutDir, outPath);
expect('dart2js', ['-o$outPath', inPath]).then((res) {
expect(res.exitCode, 0, reason: 'dart2js exit code: '
'${res.exitCode}. Contents of stderr: \n${res.stderr}. '
'Contents of stdout: \n${res.stdout}.');
expect(new File(outPath).existsSync(), true, reason: 'input file '
'$inPath should have been compiled to $outPath.');
}), completes);
if (options.runAsDart) {
if (options.runAsJs) {
if (options.forcePolyfillShadowDom) {
class _TestOptions {
final String baseDir;
final String inputDir;
final String expectedDir;
bool get isRenderTest => expectedDir != null;
final String outDir;
final bool deleteDir;
final bool runAsDart;
final bool runAsJs;
final bool forcePolyfillShadowDom;
final List<String> compilerArgs;
final RegExp pattern;
factory _TestOptions(String baseDir, String inputDir, String expectedDir,
String outDir, {List<String> arguments, String script, String pattern,
bool deleteDir: true}) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = new Options().arguments;
if (script == null) script = new Options().script;
var args = _parseArgs(arguments, script);
if (args == null) return null;
var compilerArgs =;
var filePattern;
if (pattern != null) {
filePattern = new RegExp(pattern);
} else if (compilerArgs.length > 0) {
filePattern = new RegExp(compilerArgs[0]);
compilerArgs = compilerArgs.sublist(1);
} else {
filePattern = new RegExp('.');
var scriptDir = path.absolute(path.dirname(script));
baseDir = path.join(scriptDir, baseDir);
inputDir = path.join(scriptDir, inputDir);
outDir = path.join(scriptDir, outDir);
if (expectedDir != null) {
expectedDir = path.join(scriptDir, expectedDir);
return new _TestOptions._(baseDir, inputDir, expectedDir, outDir, deleteDir,
args['dart'] == true, args['js'] == true, args['shadowdom'] == true,
compilerArgs, filePattern);
_TestOptions._(this.baseDir, this.inputDir, this.expectedDir, this.outDir,
this.deleteDir, this.runAsDart, this.runAsJs,
this.forcePolyfillShadowDom, this.compilerArgs, this.pattern);
ArgResults _parseArgs(List<String> arguments, String script) {
var parser = new ArgParser()
..addFlag('dart', abbr: 'd', help: 'run on Dart VM', defaultsTo: true)
..addFlag('js', abbr: 'j', help: 'run compiled dart2js', defaultsTo: true)
..addFlag('shadowdom', abbr: 's',
help: 'run dart2js and polyfilled ShadowDOM', defaultsTo: true)
..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Displays this help message',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false);
showUsage() {
print('Usage: $script [options...] [test_name_regexp]');
return null;
try {
var results = parser.parse(arguments);
if (results['help']) return showUsage();
return results;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return showUsage();