blob: da79dc2478dfff2db0e557b7b6d063a6fa28db3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer.src.utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show Builder;
export 'utils_observe.dart' show toCamelCase, toHyphenedName;
* An instance of the pathos library builder. We could just use the default
* builder in pathos, but we add this indirection to make it possible to run
* unittest for windows paths.
Builder path = new Builder();
/** Convert a OS specific path into a url. */
String pathToUrl(String relPath) =>
(path.separator == '/') ? relPath : path.split(relPath).join('/');
* Invokes [callback], logs how long it took to execute in ms, and returns
* whatever [callback] returns. The log message will be printed if [printTime]
* is true.
time(String logMessage, callback(),
{bool printTime: false, bool useColors: false}) {
final watch = new Stopwatch();
var result = callback();
final duration = watch.elapsedMilliseconds;
if (printTime) {
_printMessage(logMessage, duration, useColors);
return result;
* Invokes [callback], logs how long it takes from the moment [callback] is
* executed until the future it returns is completed. Returns the future
* returned by [callback]. The log message will be printed if [printTime]
* is true.
Future asyncTime(String logMessage, Future callback(),
{bool printTime: false, bool useColors: false}) {
final watch = new Stopwatch();
return callback()..then((_) {
final duration = watch.elapsedMilliseconds;
if (printTime) {
_printMessage(logMessage, duration, useColors);
void _printMessage(String logMessage, int duration, bool useColors) {
var buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = logMessage.length; i < 60; i++) buf.write(' ');
buf.write(' -- ');
if (useColors) {
if (duration < 10) buf.write(' ');
if (duration < 100) buf.write(' ');
buf..write(duration)..write(' ms');
if (useColors) {
// Color constants used for generating messages.
final String GREEN_COLOR = '\u001b[32m';
final String RED_COLOR = '\u001b[31m';
final String MAGENTA_COLOR = '\u001b[35m';
final String NO_COLOR = '\u001b[0m';
/** A future that waits until all added [Future]s complete. */
// TODO(sigmund): this should be part of the futures/core libraries.
class FutureGroup {
static const _FINISHED = -1;
int _pending = 0;
Future _failedTask;
final Completer<List> _completer = new Completer<List>();
final List results = [];
/** Gets the task that failed, if any. */
Future get failedTask => _failedTask;
* Wait for [task] to complete.
* If this group has already been marked as completed, you'll get a
* [StateError].
* If this group has a [failedTask], new tasks will be ignored, because the
* error has already been signaled.
void add(Future task) {
if (_failedTask != null) return;
if (_pending == _FINISHED) throw new StateError("Future already completed");
var i = results.length;
task.then((res) {
results[i] = res;
if (_failedTask != null) return;
if (_pending == 0) {
_pending = _FINISHED;
}, onError: (e) {
if (_failedTask != null) return;
_failedTask = task;
_completer.completeError(e, getAttachedStackTrace(e));
Future<List> get future => _completer.future;
* Escapes [text] for use in a Dart string.
* [single] specifies single quote `'` vs double quote `"`.
* [triple] indicates that a triple-quoted string, such as `'''` or `"""`.
String escapeDartString(String text, {bool single: true, bool triple: false}) {
// Note: don't allocate anything until we know we need it.
StringBuffer result = null;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
int code = text.codeUnitAt(i);
var replace = null;
switch (code) {
case 92/*'\\'*/: replace = r'\\'; break;
case 36/*r'$'*/: replace = r'\$'; break;
case 34/*'"'*/: if (!single) replace = r'\"'; break;
case 39/*"'"*/: if (single) replace = r"\'"; break;
case 10/*'\n'*/: if (!triple) replace = r'\n'; break;
case 13/*'\r'*/: if (!triple) replace = r'\r'; break;
// Note: we don't escape unicode characters, under the assumption that
// writing the file in UTF-8 will take care of this.
// TODO(jmesserly): do we want to replace any other non-printable
// characters (such as \f) for readability?
if (replace != null && result == null) {
result = new StringBuffer(text.substring(0, i));
if (result != null) result.write(replace != null ? replace : text[i]);
return result == null ? text : result.toString();
/** Iterates through an infinite sequence, starting from zero. */
class IntIterator implements Iterator<int> {
int _next = -1;
int get current => _next < 0 ? null : _next;
bool moveNext() {
return true;