blob: d1863f59ff24e1a9cb28fa76719b3fa0e0eaee17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer.src.css_emitters;
import 'package:csslib/visitor.dart' show Visitor, CssPrinter, ElementSelector,
UriTerm, Selector, HostDirective, SimpleSelectorSequence, StyleSheet;
import 'info.dart';
import 'paths.dart' show PathMapper;
import 'utils.dart';
void rewriteCssUris(PathMapper pathMapper, String cssPath, bool rewriteUrls,
StyleSheet styleSheet) {
new _UriVisitor(pathMapper, cssPath, rewriteUrls).visitTree(styleSheet);
/** Compute each CSS URI resource relative from the generated CSS file. */
class _UriVisitor extends Visitor {
* Relative path from the output css file to the location of the original
* css file that contained the URI to each resource.
final String _pathToOriginalCss;
factory _UriVisitor(PathMapper pathMapper, String cssPath, bool rewriteUrl) {
var cssDir = path.dirname(cssPath);
var outCssDir = rewriteUrl ? pathMapper.outputDirPath(cssPath)
: path.dirname(cssPath);
return new _UriVisitor._internal(path.relative(cssDir, from: outCssDir));
void visitUriTerm(UriTerm node) {
// Don't touch URIs that have any scheme (http, etc.).
var uri = Uri.parse(node.text);
if ( != '') return;
if (uri.scheme != '' && uri.scheme != 'package') return;
node.text = pathToUrl(
path.normalize(path.join(_pathToOriginalCss, node.text)));
/** Emit the contents of the style tag outside of a component. */
String emitStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss, FileInfo file) =>
(new _CssEmitter(file.components.keys.toSet())
..visitTree(ss, pretty: true)).toString();
/** Emit a component's style tag content emulating scoped css. */
String emitComponentStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss, String tagName) =>
(new _ComponentCssEmitter(tagName)..visitTree(ss, pretty: true)).toString();
String emitOriginalCss(StyleSheet css) =>
(new CssPrinter()..visitTree(css)).toString();
/** Only x-tag name element selectors are emitted as [is="x-"]. */
class _CssEmitter extends CssPrinter {
final Set _componentsTag;
void visitElementSelector(ElementSelector node) {
// If element selector is a component's tag name, then change selector to
// find element who's is attribute's the component's name.
if (_componentsTag.contains( {
* Emits a css stylesheet applying rules to emulate scoped css. The rules adjust
* element selectors to include the component's tag name.
class _ComponentCssEmitter extends CssPrinter {
final String _componentTagName;
bool _inHostDirective = false;
bool _selectorStartInHostDirective = false;
/** Is the element selector an x-tag name. */
bool _isSelectorElementXTag(Selector node) {
if (node.simpleSelectorSequences.length > 0) {
var selector = node.simpleSelectorSequences[0].simpleSelector;
return selector is ElementSelector && == _componentTagName;
return false;
void visitSelector(Selector node) {
// If the selector starts with an x-tag name don't emit it twice.
if (!_isSelectorElementXTag(node)) {
if (_inHostDirective) {
// Style the element that's hosting the component, therefore don't emit
// the descendent combinator (first space after the [is="x-..."]).
// Signal that first simpleSelector must be checked.
_selectorStartInHostDirective = true;
} else {
// Emit its scoped as a descendent (space at end).
emit('[is="$_componentTagName"] ');
* If first simple selector of a ruleset in a @host directive is a wildcard
* then don't emit the wildcard.
void visitSimpleSelectorSequence(SimpleSelectorSequence node) {
if (_selectorStartInHostDirective) {
_selectorStartInHostDirective = false;
if (node.simpleSelector.isWildcard) {
// Skip the wildcard if first item in the sequence.
void visitElementSelector(ElementSelector node) {
// If element selector is the component's tag name, then change selector to
// find element who's is attribute is the component's name.
if (_componentTagName == {
* If we're polyfilling scoped styles the @host directive is stripped. Any
* ruleset(s) processed in an @host will fixup the first selector. See
* visitSelector and visitSimpleSelectorSequence in this class, they adjust
* the selectors so it styles the element hosting the compopnent.
void visitHostDirective(HostDirective node) {
_inHostDirective = true;
emit('/* @host */');
for (var ruleset in node.rulesets) {
_inHostDirective = false;
emit('/* end of @host */\n');