blob: 5e2c98f4238019f05062a9c45941b43928d780fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library compiler;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show SplayTreeMap;
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/ast.dart' show Directive, UriBasedDirective;
import 'package:csslib/visitor.dart' show StyleSheet, treeToDebugString;
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart';
import 'package:observe/transform.dart' show transformObservables;
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show Span;
import 'package:source_maps/refactor.dart' show TextEditTransaction;
import 'package:source_maps/printer.dart';
import 'analyzer.dart';
import 'css_analyzer.dart' show analyzeCss, findUrlsImported,
findImportsInStyleSheet, parseCss;
import 'css_emitters.dart' show rewriteCssUris,
emitComponentStyleSheet, emitOriginalCss, emitStyleSheet;
import 'dart_parser.dart';
import 'emitters.dart';
import 'file_system.dart';
import 'files.dart';
import 'info.dart';
import 'messages.dart';
import 'compiler_options.dart';
import 'paths.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
* Parses an HTML file [contents] and returns a DOM-like tree.
* Note that [contents] will be a [String] if coming from a browser-based
* [FileSystem], or it will be a [List<int>] if running on the command line.
* Adds emitted error/warning to [messages], if [messages] is supplied.
Document parseHtml(contents, String sourcePath, Messages messages) {
var parser = new HtmlParser(contents, generateSpans: true,
sourceUrl: sourcePath);
var document = parser.parse();
// Note: errors aren't fatal in HTML (unless strict mode is on).
// So just print them as warnings.
for (var e in parser.errors) {
messages.warning(e.message, e.span);
return document;
/** Compiles an application written with Dart web components. */
class Compiler {
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final CompilerOptions options;
final List<SourceFile> files = <SourceFile>[];
final List<OutputFile> output = <OutputFile>[];
String _mainPath;
String _resetCssFile;
StyleSheet _cssResetStyleSheet;
PathMapper _pathMapper;
Messages _messages;
FutureGroup _tasks;
Set _processed;
/** Information about source [files] given their href. */
final Map<String, FileInfo> info = new SplayTreeMap<String, FileInfo>();
final _edits = new Map<DartCodeInfo, TextEditTransaction>();
final GlobalInfo global = new GlobalInfo();
/** Creates a compiler with [options] using [fileSystem]. */
Compiler(this.fileSystem, this.options, this._messages) {
_mainPath = options.inputFile;
var mainDir = path.dirname(_mainPath);
var baseDir = options.baseDir != null ? options.baseDir : mainDir;
var outputDir = options.outputDir != null ? options.outputDir : mainDir;
var packageRoot = options.packageRoot != null ? options.packageRoot
: path.join(path.dirname(_mainPath), 'packages');
if (options.resetCssFile != null) {
_resetCssFile = options.resetCssFile;
if (path.isRelative(_resetCssFile)) {
// If CSS reset file path is relative from our current path.
_resetCssFile = path.resolve(_resetCssFile);
// Normalize paths - all should be relative or absolute paths.
if (path.isAbsolute(_mainPath) || path.isAbsolute(baseDir) ||
path.isAbsolute(outputDir) || path.isAbsolute(packageRoot)) {
if (path.isRelative(_mainPath)) _mainPath = path.resolve(_mainPath);
if (path.isRelative(baseDir)) baseDir = path.resolve(baseDir);
if (path.isRelative(outputDir)) outputDir = path.resolve(outputDir);
if (path.isRelative(packageRoot)) {
packageRoot = path.resolve(packageRoot);
_pathMapper = new PathMapper(
baseDir, outputDir, packageRoot, options.forceMangle,
/** Compile the application starting from the given input file. */
Future run() {
if (path.basename(_mainPath).endsWith('.dart')) {
_messages.error("Please provide an HTML file as your entry point.",
return new Future.value(null);
return _parseAndDiscover(_mainPath).then((_) {
// Analyze all CSS files.
_time('Analyzed Style Sheets', '', () =>
analyzeCss(_pathMapper.packageRoot, files, info,
global.pseudoElements, _messages,
warningsAsErrors: options.warningsAsErrors));
// TODO(jmesserly): need to go through our errors, and figure out if some
// of them should be warnings instead.
if (_messages.hasErrors || options.analysisOnly) return;
* Asynchronously parse [inputFile] and transitively discover web components
* to load and parse. Returns a future that completes when all files are
* processed.
Future _parseAndDiscover(String inputFile) {
_tasks = new FutureGroup();
_processed = new Set();
_tasks.add(_parseHtmlFile(new UrlInfo(inputFile, inputFile, null)));
return _tasks.future;
void _processHtmlFile(UrlInfo inputUrl, SourceFile file) {
if (file == null) return;
bool isEntryPoint = _processed.length == 1;
var fileInfo = _time('Analyzed definitions', inputUrl.url, () {
return analyzeDefinitions(global, inputUrl, file.document,
_pathMapper.packageRoot, _messages, isEntryPoint: isEntryPoint);
info[inputUrl.resolvedPath] = fileInfo;
if (isEntryPoint && _resetCssFile != null) {
_tasks.add(_parseCssFile(new UrlInfo(_resetCssFile, _resetCssFile,
// Load component files referenced by [file].
for (var link in fileInfo.componentLinks) {
_loadFile(link, _parseHtmlFile);
// Load stylesheet files referenced by [file].
for (var link in fileInfo.styleSheetHrefs) {
_loadFile(link, _parseCssFile);
// Load .dart files being referenced in the page.
_loadFile(fileInfo.externalFile, _parseDartFile);
// Process any @imports inside of a <style> tag.
var urlInfos = findUrlsImported(fileInfo, fileInfo.inputUrl,
_pathMapper.packageRoot, file.document, _messages, options);
for (var urlInfo in urlInfos) {
_loadFile(urlInfo, _parseCssFile);
// Load .dart files being referenced in components.
for (var component in fileInfo.declaredComponents) {
if (component.externalFile != null) {
_loadFile(component.externalFile, _parseDartFile);
} else if (component.userCode != null) {
// Process any @imports inside of the <style> tag in a component.
var urlInfos = findUrlsImported(component,
component.declaringFile.inputUrl, _pathMapper.packageRoot,
component.element, _messages, options);
for (var urlInfo in urlInfos) {
_loadFile(urlInfo, _parseCssFile);
* Helper function to load [urlInfo] and parse it using [loadAndParse] if it
* hasn't been loaded before.
void _loadFile(UrlInfo urlInfo, Future loadAndParse(UrlInfo inputUrl)) {
if (urlInfo == null) return;
var resolvedPath = urlInfo.resolvedPath;
if (!_processed.contains(resolvedPath)) {
void _setOutputFilenames(FileInfo fileInfo) {
var filePath = fileInfo.dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath;
fileInfo.outputFilename = _pathMapper.mangle(path.basename(filePath),
'.dart', path.extension(filePath) == '.html');
for (var component in fileInfo.declaredComponents) {
var externalFile = component.externalFile;
var name = null;
if (externalFile != null) {
name = _pathMapper.mangle(
path.basename(externalFile.resolvedPath), '.dart');
} else {
var declaringFile = component.declaringFile;
var prefix = path.basename(declaringFile.inputUrl.resolvedPath);
if (declaringFile.declaredComponents.length == 1
&& !declaringFile.codeAttached && !declaringFile.isEntryPoint) {
name = _pathMapper.mangle(prefix, '.dart', true);
} else {
var componentName = component.tagName.replaceAll('-', '_');
name = _pathMapper.mangle('${prefix}_$componentName', '.dart', true);
component.outputFilename = name;
/** Parse an HTML file. */
Future _parseHtmlFile(UrlInfo inputUrl) {
if (!_pathMapper.checkInputPath(inputUrl, _messages)) {
return new Future<SourceFile>.value(null);
var filePath = inputUrl.resolvedPath;
return fileSystem.readTextOrBytes(filePath)
.catchError((e) => _readError(e, inputUrl))
.then((source) {
if (source == null) return;
var file = new SourceFile(filePath);
file.document = _time('Parsed', filePath,
() => parseHtml(source, filePath, _messages));
_processHtmlFile(inputUrl, file);
/** Parse a Dart file. */
Future _parseDartFile(UrlInfo inputUrl) {
if (!_pathMapper.checkInputPath(inputUrl, _messages)) {
return new Future<SourceFile>.value(null);
var filePath = inputUrl.resolvedPath;
return fileSystem.readText(filePath)
.catchError((e) => _readError(e, inputUrl))
.then((code) {
if (code == null) return;
var file = new SourceFile(filePath, type: SourceFile.DART);
file.code = code;
_processDartFile(inputUrl, file);
/** Parse a stylesheet file. */
Future _parseCssFile(UrlInfo inputUrl) {
if (!options.emulateScopedCss ||
!_pathMapper.checkInputPath(inputUrl, _messages)) {
return new Future<SourceFile>.value(null);
var filePath = inputUrl.resolvedPath;
return fileSystem.readText(filePath)
.catchError((e) => _readError(e, inputUrl, isWarning: true))
.then((code) {
if (code == null) return;
var file = new SourceFile(filePath, type: SourceFile.STYLESHEET);
file.code = code;
_processCssFile(inputUrl, file);
SourceFile _readError(error, UrlInfo inputUrl, {isWarning: false}) {
var message = 'unable to open file "${inputUrl.resolvedPath}"';
if (options.verbose) {
message = '$message. original message:\n $error';
if (isWarning) {
_messages.warning(message, inputUrl.sourceSpan);
} else {
_messages.error(message, inputUrl.sourceSpan);
return null;
void _processDartFile(UrlInfo inputUrl, SourceFile dartFile) {
if (dartFile == null) return;
var resolvedPath = inputUrl.resolvedPath;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(inputUrl);
info[resolvedPath] = fileInfo;
fileInfo.inlinedCode = parseDartCode(resolvedPath, dartFile.code);
fileInfo.outputFilename =
_pathMapper.mangle(path.basename(resolvedPath), '.dart', false);
void _processImports(LibraryInfo library) {
if (library.userCode == null) return;
for (var directive in library.userCode.directives) {
_loadFile(_getDirectiveUrlInfo(library, directive), _parseDartFile);
void _processCssFile(UrlInfo inputUrl, SourceFile cssFile) {
if (cssFile == null) return;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(inputUrl);
info[inputUrl.resolvedPath] = fileInfo;
var styleSheet = parseCss(cssFile.code, _messages, options);
if (inputUrl.url == _resetCssFile) {
_cssResetStyleSheet = styleSheet;
} else if (styleSheet != null) {
_resolveStyleSheetImports(inputUrl, cssFile.path, styleSheet);
/** Load and parse all style sheets referenced with an @imports. */
void _resolveStyleSheetImports(UrlInfo inputUrl, String processingFile,
StyleSheet styleSheet) {
var urlInfos = _time('CSS imports', processingFile, () =>
findImportsInStyleSheet(styleSheet, _pathMapper.packageRoot, inputUrl,
for (var urlInfo in urlInfos) {
if (urlInfo == null) break;
// Load any @imported stylesheet files referenced in this style sheet.
_loadFile(urlInfo, _parseCssFile);
String _directiveUri(Directive directive) {
var uriDirective = (directive as UriBasedDirective).uri;
return (uriDirective as dynamic).value;
UrlInfo _getDirectiveUrlInfo(LibraryInfo library, Directive directive) {
var uri = _directiveUri(directive);
if (uri.startsWith('dart:')) return null;
if (uri.startsWith('package:') && uri.startsWith('package:polymer/')) {
// Don't process our own package -- we'll implement @observable manually.
return null;
var span = library.userCode.sourceFile.span(
directive.offset, directive.end);
return UrlInfo.resolve(uri, library.dartCodeUrl, span,
_pathMapper.packageRoot, _messages);
* Transform Dart source code.
* Currently, the only transformation is [transformObservables].
* Calls _emitModifiedDartFiles to write the transformed files.
void _transformDart() {
var libraries = _findAllDartLibraries();
var transformed = [];
for (var lib in libraries) {
var userCode = lib.userCode;
var transaction = transformObservables(userCode.compilationUnit,
userCode.sourceFile, userCode.code, _messages);
if (transaction != null) {
_edits[lib.userCode] = transaction;
if (transaction.hasEdits) {
} else if (lib.htmlFile != null) {
// All web components will be transformed too. Track that.
_findModifiedDartFiles(libraries, transformed);
* Finds all Dart code libraries.
* Each library will have [LibraryInfo.inlinedCode] that is non-null.
* Also each inlinedCode will be unique.
List<LibraryInfo> _findAllDartLibraries() {
var libs = <LibraryInfo>[];
void _addLibrary(LibraryInfo lib) {
if (lib.inlinedCode != null) libs.add(lib);
for (var sourceFile in files) {
var file = info[sourceFile.path];
// Assert that each file path is unique.
return libs;
bool _uniquePaths(List<LibraryInfo> libs) {
var seen = new Set();
for (var lib in libs) {
if (seen.contains(lib.inlinedCode)) {
throw new StateError('internal error: '
'duplicate user code for ${lib.dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath}.'
' Files were: $files');
return true;
* Queue modified Dart files to be written.
* This will not write files that are handled by [WebComponentEmitter] and
* [EntryPointEmitter].
void _emitModifiedDartFiles(List<LibraryInfo> libraries) {
for (var lib in libraries) {
// Components will get emitted by WebComponentEmitter, and the
// entry point will get emitted by MainPageEmitter.
// So we only need to worry about other .dart files.
if (lib.modified && lib is FileInfo &&
lib.htmlFile == null && !lib.isEntryPoint) {
var transaction = _edits[lib.userCode];
// Save imports that were modified by _fixImports.
for (var d in lib.userCode.directives) {
transaction.edit(d.offset, d.end, d.toString());
if (!lib.userCode.isPart) {
var pos = lib.userCode.firstPartOffset;
// Note: we use a different prefix than "autogenerated" to make
// ChangeRecord unambiguous. Otherwise it would be imported by this
// and polymer, resulting in a collision.
// TODO(jmesserly): only generate this for libraries that need it.
transaction.edit(pos, pos, "\nimport "
"'package:observe/observe.dart' as __observe;\n");
_emitFileAndSourceMaps(lib, transaction.commit(), lib.dartCodeUrl);
* This method computes which Dart files have been modified, starting
* from [transformed] and marking recursively through all files that import
* the modified files.
void _findModifiedDartFiles(List<LibraryInfo> libraries,
List<FileInfo> transformed) {
if (transformed.length == 0) return;
// Compute files that reference each file, then use this information to
// flip the modified bit transitively. This is a lot simpler than trying
// to compute it the other way because of circular references.
for (var lib in libraries) {
for (var directive in lib.userCode.directives) {
var importPath = _getDirectiveUrlInfo(lib, directive);
if (importPath == null) continue;
var importInfo = info[importPath.resolvedPath];
if (importInfo != null) {
// Propegate the modified bit to anything that references a modified file.
void setModified(LibraryInfo library) {
if (library.modified) return;
library.modified = true;
for (var lib in libraries) {
// We don't need this anymore, so free it.
lib.referencedBy = null;
void _fixImports(LibraryInfo library) {
// Fix imports. Modified files must use the generated path, otherwise
// we need to make the path relative to the input.
for (var directive in library.userCode.directives) {
var importPath = _getDirectiveUrlInfo(library, directive);
if (importPath == null) continue;
var importInfo = info[importPath.resolvedPath];
if (importInfo == null) continue;
String newUri = null;
if (importInfo.modified) {
// Use the generated URI for this file.
newUri = _pathMapper.importUrlFor(library, importInfo);
} else if (options.rewriteUrls) {
// Get the relative path to the input file.
newUri = _pathMapper.transformUrl(
library.dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath, directive.uri.value);
if (newUri != null) {
directive.uri = createStringLiteral(newUri);
/** Run the analyzer on every input html file. */
void _analyze() {
var uniqueIds = new IntIterator();
for (var file in files) {
if (file.isHtml) {
_time('Analyzed contents', file.path, () =>
analyzeFile(file, info, uniqueIds, global, _messages,
/** Emit the generated code corresponding to each input file. */
void _emit() {
for (var file in files) {
if (file.isDart || file.isStyleSheet) continue;
_time('Codegen', file.path, () {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
var entryPoint = files[0];
bool _unqiueOutputs() {
var seen = new Set();
for (var file in output) {
if (seen.contains(file.path)) {
throw new StateError('internal error: '
'duplicate output file ${file.path}. Files were: $output');
return true;
/** Emit the main .dart file. */
void _emitMainDart(SourceFile file) {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
var codeInfo = fileInfo.userCode;
if (codeInfo != null) {
var printer = new NestedPrinter(0);
if (codeInfo.libraryName == null) {
printer.addLine('library ${fileInfo.libraryName};');
_emitFileAndSourceMaps(fileInfo, printer, fileInfo.dartCodeUrl);
// TODO(jmesserly): refactor this out of Compiler.
/** Generate an html file with the (trimmed down) main html page. */
void _emitMainHtml(SourceFile file) {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
var bootstrapName = '${path.basename(file.path)}_bootstrap.dart';
var bootstrapPath = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), bootstrapName);
var bootstrapOutPath = _pathMapper.outputPath(bootstrapPath, '');
var bootstrapOutName = path.basename(bootstrapOutPath);
var bootstrapInfo = new FileInfo(new UrlInfo('', bootstrapPath, null));
var printer = generateBootstrapCode(bootstrapInfo, fileInfo, global,
_pathMapper, options);;
output.add(new OutputFile(
bootstrapOutPath, printer.text, source: file.path));
var document = file.document;
var hasCss = _emitAllCss();
transformMainHtml(document, fileInfo, _pathMapper, hasCss,
options.rewriteUrls, _messages, global, bootstrapOutName);
output.add(new OutputFile(_pathMapper.outputPath(file.path, '.html'),
document.outerHtml, source: file.path));
// TODO(jmesserly): refactor this and other CSS related transforms out of
// Compiler.
* Generate an CSS file for all style sheets (main and components).
* Returns true if a file was generated, otherwise false.
bool _emitAllCss() {
if (!options.emulateScopedCss) return false;
var buff = new StringBuffer();
// Emit all linked style sheet files first.
for (var file in files) {
var css = new StringBuffer();
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
if (file.isStyleSheet) {
for (var styleSheet in fileInfo.styleSheets) {
// Translate any URIs in CSS.
rewriteCssUris(_pathMapper, fileInfo.inputUrl.resolvedPath,
options.rewriteUrls, styleSheet);
'/* Auto-generated from style sheet href = ${file.path} */\n'
'/* DO NOT EDIT. */\n\n');
css.write(emitStyleSheet(styleSheet, fileInfo));
// Emit the linked style sheet in the output directory.
if (fileInfo.inputUrl.url != _resetCssFile) {
var outCss = _pathMapper.outputPath(fileInfo.inputUrl.resolvedPath,
output.add(new OutputFile(outCss, css.toString()));
// Emit all CSS for each component (style scoped).
for (var file in files) {
if (file.isHtml) {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
for (var component in fileInfo.declaredComponents) {
for (var styleSheet in component.styleSheets) {
// Translate any URIs in CSS.
rewriteCssUris(_pathMapper, fileInfo.inputUrl.resolvedPath,
options.rewriteUrls, styleSheet);
if (buff.isEmpty) {
'/* Auto-generated from components style tags. */\n'
'/* DO NOT EDIT. */\n\n');
'/* ==================================================== \n'
' Component ${component.tagName} stylesheet \n'
' ==================================================== */\n');
var tagName = component.tagName;
if (!component.hasAuthorStyles) {
if (_cssResetStyleSheet != null) {
// If component doesn't have apply-author-styles then we need to
// reset the CSS the styles for the component (if css-reset file
// option was passed).
buff.write('\n/* Start CSS Reset */\n');
var style;
if (options.emulateScopedCss) {
style = emitComponentStyleSheet(_cssResetStyleSheet, tagName);
} else {
style = emitOriginalCss(_cssResetStyleSheet);
buff.write('/* End CSS Reset */\n\n');
if (options.emulateScopedCss) {
buff.write(emitComponentStyleSheet(styleSheet, tagName));
} else {
if (buff.isEmpty) return false;
var cssPath = _pathMapper.outputPath(_mainPath, '.css', true);
output.add(new OutputFile(cssPath, buff.toString()));
return true;
/** Emits the Dart code for all components in [fileInfo]. */
void _emitComponents(FileInfo fileInfo) {
for (var component in fileInfo.declaredComponents) {
// TODO(terry): Handle more than one stylesheet per component
if (component.styleSheets.length > 1 && options.emulateScopedCss) {
var span = component.externalFile != null
? component.externalFile.sourceSpan : null;
'Component has more than one stylesheet - first stylesheet used.',
var printer = emitPolymerElement(
component, _pathMapper, _edits[component.userCode], options);
_emitFileAndSourceMaps(component, printer, component.externalFile);
* Emits a file that was created using [NestedPrinter] and it's corresponding
* source map file.
void _emitFileAndSourceMaps(
LibraryInfo lib, NestedPrinter printer, UrlInfo dartCodeUrl) {
// Bail if we had an error generating the code for the file.
if (printer == null) return;
var libPath = _pathMapper.outputLibraryPath(lib);
var dir = path.dirname(libPath);
var filename = path.basename(libPath);
printer.add('\n//# sourceMappingURL=$');;
var sourcePath = dartCodeUrl != null ? dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath : null;
output.add(new OutputFile(libPath, printer.text, source: sourcePath));
// Fix-up the paths in the source map file
var sourceMap = json.parse(;
var urls = sourceMap['sources'];
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
urls[i] = path.relative(urls[i], from: dir);
output.add(new OutputFile(path.join(dir, '$'),
_time(String logMessage, String filePath, callback(),
{bool printTime: false}) {
var message = new StringBuffer();
var filename = path.basename(filePath);
for (int i = (60 - logMessage.length - filename.length); i > 0 ; i--) {
message.write(' ');
return time(message.toString(), callback,
printTime: options.verbose || printTime);