blob: 316124eb45feb2614fb2f3e12b31841d9e559988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Common logic to make it easy to create a `build.dart` for your project.
* The `build.dart` script is invoked automatically by the Editor whenever a
* file in the project changes. It must be placed in the root of a project
* (where pubspec.yaml lives) and should be named exactly 'build.dart'.
* A common `build.dart` would look as follows:
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'package:polymer/component_build.dart';
* main() => build(new Options().arguments, ['web/index.html']);
library build_utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'dwc.dart' as dwc;
import 'src/utils.dart';
import 'src/compiler_options.dart';
* Set up 'build.dart' to compile with the dart web components compiler every
* [entryPoints] listed. On clean commands, the directory where [entryPoints]
* live will be scanned for generated files to delete them.
// TODO(jmesserly): we need a better way to automatically detect input files
Future<List<dwc.CompilerResult>> build(List<String> arguments,
List<String> entryPoints,
{bool printTime: true, bool shouldPrint: true}) {
bool useColors = stdioType(stdout) == StdioType.TERMINAL;
return asyncTime('Total time', () {
var args = _processArgs(arguments);
var tasks = new FutureGroup();
var lastTask = new Future.value(null);
var changedFiles = args["changed"];
var removedFiles = args["removed"];
var cleanBuild = args["clean"];
var machineFormat = args["machine"];
// Also trigger a full build if the script was run from the command line
// with no arguments
var fullBuild = args["full"] || (!machineFormat && changedFiles.isEmpty &&
removedFiles.isEmpty && !cleanBuild);
var options = CompilerOptions.parse(, checkUsage: false);
// [outputOnlyDirs] contains directories known to only have output files.
// When outputDir is not specified, we create a new directory which only
// contains output files. If options.outputDir is specified, we don't know
// if the output directory may also have input files. In which case,
// [_handleCleanCommand] and [_isInputFile] are more conservative.
// TODO(sigmund): get rid of this. Instead, use the compiler to understand
// which files are input or output files.
var outputOnlyDirs = options.outputDir == null ? []
: => _outDir(e)).toList();
if (cleanBuild) {
} else if (fullBuild
|| changedFiles.any((f) => _isInputFile(f, outputOnlyDirs))
|| removedFiles.any((f) => _isInputFile(f, outputOnlyDirs))) {
for (var file in entryPoints) {
var dwcArgs = new List.from(;
if (machineFormat) dwcArgs.add('--json_format');
if (!useColors) dwcArgs.add('--no-colors');
// We'll set 'out/' as the out folder, unless an output directory was
// already specified in the command line.
if (options.outputDir == null) dwcArgs.addAll(['-o', _outDir(file)]);
// Chain tasks to that we run one at a time.
lastTask = lastTask.then((_) =>, printTime: printTime,
shouldPrint: shouldPrint));
if (machineFormat) {
lastTask = lastTask.then((res) {
appendMessage(Map jsonMessage) {
var message = json.stringify([jsonMessage]);
if (shouldPrint) print(message);
// Print for the Editor messages about mappings and generated files
res.outputs.forEach((out, input) {
if (out.endsWith(".html") && input != null) {
"method": "mapping",
"params": {"from": input, "to": out},
appendMessage({"method": "generated", "params": {"file": out}});
return res;
return tasks.future.then((r) => r.where((v) => v != null));
}, printTime: printTime, useColors: useColors);
String _outDir(String file) => path.join(path.dirname(file), 'out');
/** Tell whether [filePath] is a generated file. */
bool _isGeneratedFile(String filePath, List<String> outputOnlyDirs) {
var dirPrefix = path.dirname(filePath);
for (var outDir in outputOnlyDirs) {
if (dirPrefix.startsWith(outDir)) return true;
return path.basename(filePath).startsWith('_');
/** Tell whether [filePath] is an input file. */
bool _isInputFile(String filePath, List<String> outputOnlyDirs) {
var ext = path.extension(filePath);
return (ext == '.dart' || ext == '.html') &&
!_isGeneratedFile(filePath, outputOnlyDirs);
* Delete all generated files. Currently we only delete files under directories
* that are known to contain only generated code.
void _handleCleanCommand(List<String> outputOnlyDirs) {
for (var dirPath in outputOnlyDirs) {
var dir = new Directory(dirPath);
if (!dir.existsSync()) continue;
for (var f in dir.listSync(recursive: false)) {
if (f is File && _isGeneratedFile(f.path, outputOnlyDirs)) f.deleteSync();
/** Process the command-line arguments. */
ArgResults _processArgs(List<String> arguments) {
var parser = new ArgParser()
..addOption("changed", help: "the file has changed since the last build",
allowMultiple: true)
..addOption("removed", help: "the file was removed since the last build",
allowMultiple: true)
..addFlag("clean", negatable: false, help: "remove any build artifacts")
..addFlag("full", negatable: false, help: "perform a full build")
..addFlag("machine", negatable: false,
help: "produce warnings in a machine parseable format")
..addFlag("help", abbr: 'h',
negatable: false, help: "displays this help and exit");
var args = parser.parse(arguments);
if (args["help"]) {
print('A build script that invokes the web-ui compiler (dwc).');
print('Usage: dart build.dart [options] [-- [dwc-options]]');
print('\nThese are valid options expected by build.dart:');
print('\nThese are valid options expected by dwc:');['-h']).then((_) => exit(0));
return args;