blob: c4ed1d86cd1986e4d435ca4cc1faafa7e6506c8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.asset_id;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
/// AssetIDs always use POSIX style paths regardless of the host platform.
final _posix = new pathos.Builder(style: pathos.Style.posix);
/// Identifies an asset within a package.
class AssetId implements Comparable<AssetId> {
/// The name of the package containing this asset.
final String package;
/// The path to the asset relative to the root directory of [package].
/// Source (i.e. read from disk) and generated (i.e. the output of a
/// [Transformer]) assets all have paths. Even intermediate assets that are
/// generated and then consumed by later transformations will still have
/// a path used to identify it.
/// Asset paths always use forward slashes as path separators, regardless of
/// the host platform.
final String path;
/// Gets the file extension of the asset, if it has one, including the ".".
String get extension => pathos.extension(path);
/// Creates a new AssetId at [path] within [package].
AssetId(this.package, String path)
: path = _posix.normalize(path);
/// Parses an [AssetId] string of the form "package|path/to/asset.txt".
factory AssetId.parse(String description) {
var parts = description.split("|");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw new FormatException('Could not parse "$description".');
if (parts[0].isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException(
'Cannot have empty package name in "$description".');
if (parts[1].isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException(
'Cannot have empty path in "$description".');
return new AssetId(parts[0], parts[1]);
/// Deserializes an [AssetId] from [data], which must be the result of
/// calling [serialize] on an existing [AssetId].
/// Note that this is intended for communicating ids across isolates and not
/// for persistent storage of asset identifiers. There is no guarantee of
/// backwards compatibility in serialization form across versions.
: package = data[0],
path = data[1];
/// Returns `true` of [other] is an [AssetId] with the same package and path.
operator ==(other) =>
other is AssetId &&
package == other.package &&
path == other.path;
int get hashCode => package.hashCode ^ path.hashCode;
int compareTo(AssetId other) {
var packageComp = package.compareTo(other.package);
if (packageComp != 0) return packageComp;
return path.compareTo(other.path);
/// Returns a new [AssetId] with the same [package] as this one and with the
/// [path] extended to include [extension].
AssetId addExtension(String extension) =>
new AssetId(package, "$path$extension");
/// Returns a new [AssetId] with the same [package] and [path] as this one
/// but with file extension [newExtension].
AssetId changeExtension(String newExtension) =>
new AssetId(package, pathos.withoutExtension(path) + newExtension);
String toString() => "$package|$path";
/// Serializes this [AssetId] to an object that can be sent across isolates
/// and passed to [deserialize].
serialize() => [package, path];