blob: 1f46b18725d7bba1b4b2ee4ec33ef961f3e039c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/memory_region.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
static void* NewRegion(uword size) {
void* pointer = new uint8_t[size];
return pointer;
static void DeleteRegion(const MemoryRegion& region) {
delete[] reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(region.pointer());
UNIT_TEST_CASE(NullRegion) {
static const uword kSize = 512;
MemoryRegion region(NULL, kSize);
EXPECT(region.pointer() == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(kSize, region.size());
static const uword kSize = 1024;
MemoryRegion region(NewRegion(kSize), kSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kSize, region.size());
EXPECT(region.pointer() != NULL);
region.Store<int32_t>(0, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(42, region.Load<int32_t>(0));
UNIT_TEST_CASE(Subregion) {
static const uword kSize = 1024;
static const uword kSubOffset = 128;
static const uword kSubSize = 512;
MemoryRegion region(NewRegion(kSize), kSize);
MemoryRegion sub_region;
sub_region.Subregion(region, kSubOffset, kSubSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kSubSize, sub_region.size());
EXPECT(sub_region.pointer() != NULL);
EXPECT(sub_region.start() == region.start() + kSubOffset);
region.Store<int32_t>(0, 42);
sub_region.Store<int32_t>(0, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(42, region.Load<int32_t>(0));
EXPECT_EQ(100, region.Load<int32_t>(kSubOffset));
UNIT_TEST_CASE(ExtendedRegion) {
static const uword kSize = 1024;
static const uword kSubSize = 512;
static const uword kExtendSize = 512;
MemoryRegion region(NewRegion(kSize), kSize);
MemoryRegion sub_region;
sub_region.Subregion(region, 0, kSubSize);
MemoryRegion extended_region;
extended_region.Extend(sub_region, kExtendSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kSize, extended_region.size());
EXPECT(extended_region.pointer() == region.pointer());
EXPECT(extended_region.pointer() == sub_region.pointer());
extended_region.Store<int32_t>(0, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(42, extended_region.Load<int32_t>(0));
} // namespace dart