blob: dbba199885d12ef6979e0301fce5ed0f5ab6f040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
/// An interface implemented by all stack trace objects.
/// A [StackTrace] is intended to convey information to the user about the call
/// sequence that triggered an exception.
/// These objects are created by the runtime, it is not possible to create
/// them programmatically.
abstract class StackTrace {
/// A stack trace object with no information.
/// This stack trace is used as the default in situations where
/// a stack trace is required, but the user has not supplied one.
static const empty = const _StringStackTrace("");
StackTrace(); // In case existing classes extend StackTrace.
/// Create a `StackTrace` object from [stackTraceString].
/// The created stack trace will have a `toString` method returning
/// `stackTraceString`.
/// The `stackTraceString` can be a string returned by some other
/// stack trace, or it can be any string at all.
/// If the string doesn't look like a stack trace, code that interprets
/// stack traces is likely to fail, so fake stack traces should be used
/// with care.
factory StackTrace.fromString(String stackTraceString) = _StringStackTrace;
/// Returns a representation of the current stack trace.
/// This is similar to what can be achieved by doing:
/// ```dart
/// try { throw 0; } catch (_, stack) { return stack; }
/// ```
/// The getter achieves this without throwing if possible.
external static StackTrace get current;
/// Returns a [String] representation of the stack trace.
/// The string represents the full stack trace starting from
/// the point where a throw occurred to the top of the current call sequence.
/// The exact format of the string representation is not final.
String toString();
class _StringStackTrace implements StackTrace {
final String _stackTrace;
const _StringStackTrace(this._stackTrace);
String toString() => _stackTrace;