blob: d279e0cc14a204fe8cef33b70733029e5750eb0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Library for creating mock versions of platform and internal libraries.
library mock_libraries;
String buildLibrarySource(Map<String, String> elementMap,
[Map<String, String> additionalElementMap = const <String, String>{}]) {
Map<String, String> map = new Map<String, String>.from(elementMap);
if (additionalElementMap != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
map.values.forEach((String element) {
return sb.toString();
const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_CORE_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'<imports>': '''
import 'dart:_internal' as internal;
'bool': 'class bool {}',
'Comparator': 'abstract class Comparator<T> {}',
'DateTime': r'''
class DateTime {
'Deprecated': r'''
class Deprecated extends Object {
final String expires;
const Deprecated(this.expires);
'deprecated': 'const Object deprecated = const Deprecated("next release");',
'double': r'''
abstract class double extends num {
static var nan = 0;
static parse(s) {}
'Enum': r'''
abstract class Enum {
int get index;
'Function': r'''
class Function {
static apply(Function fn, List positional, [Map named]) => null;
'identical': 'bool identical(Object a, Object b) { return true; }',
'int': 'abstract class int extends num { }',
'Iterable': '''
abstract class Iterable<E> {
Iterator<E> get iterator => null;
'Iterator': '''
abstract class Iterator<E> {
E get current => null;
'LinkedHashMap': r'''
class LinkedHashMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
'List': r'''
class List<E> extends Iterable<E> {
var length;
List.filled(length, element);
E get first => null;
E get last => null;
E get single => null;
E removeLast() => null;
E removeAt(i) => null;
E elementAt(i) => null;
E singleWhere(f) => null;
'Map': 'abstract class Map<K,V> {}',
'Null': 'class Null {}',
'num': r'''
abstract class num {
operator +(_);
operator *(_);
operator -();
'print': 'print(var obj) {}',
'proxy': 'const proxy = 0;',
'Object': r'''
class Object {
const Object();
operator ==(other) { return true; }
get hashCode => throw "Object.hashCode not implemented.";
String toString() { return null; }
noSuchMethod(im) { throw im; }
'StackTrace': 'abstract class StackTrace {}',
'String': 'class String implements Pattern {}',
'Symbol': '''
abstract class Symbol {
const factory Symbol(String name) = internal.Symbol;
'Type': 'class Type {}',
'Pattern': 'abstract class Pattern {}',
'_genericNoSuchMethod': '_genericNoSuchMethod(a,b,c,d,e) {}',
'_unresolvedConstructorError': '_unresolvedConstructorError(a,b,c,d,e) {}',
'_malformedTypeError': '_malformedTypeError(message) {}',
const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_INTERNAL_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'<imports>': '''
import 'dart:core' as core;
'Symbol': '''
class Symbol implements core.Symbol {
final core.String _name;
const Symbol(this._name);
import 'dart:_js_helper';
import 'dart:_interceptors';
import 'dart:async';
class LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
factory LinkedHashMap._empty() => null;
factory LinkedHashMap._literal(elements) => null;
static _makeEmpty() => null;
static _makeLiteral(elements) => null;
const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_JS_HELPER_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'assertTest': 'assertTest(a) {}',
'assertThrow': 'assertThrow(a) {}',
'assertHelper': 'assertHelper(a) {}',
'assertUnreachable': 'assertUnreachable() {}',
'assertIsSubtype': 'assertIsSubtype(subtype, supertype, message) {}',
'assertSubtype': 'assertSubtype(object, isField, checks, asField) {}',
'assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType': 'assertSubtypeOfRuntimeType(object, type) {}',
'asyncHelper': 'asyncHelper(object, asyncBody, completer) {}',
'boolConversionCheck': 'boolConversionCheck(x) {}',
'boolTypeCast': 'boolTypeCast(value) {}',
'boolTypeCheck': 'boolTypeCheck(value) {}',
'checkSubtype': 'checkSubtype(object, isField, checks, asField) {}',
'checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType': 'checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(o, t) {}',
'BoundClosure': r'''abstract class BoundClosure extends Closure {
var self;
var target;
var receiver;
'buildFunctionType': r'''buildFunctionType(returnType, parameterTypes,
optionalParameterTypes) {
return new RuntimeFunctionType();
'buildInterfaceType': '''buildInterfaceType(rti, typeArguments) {
if (rti == null) return new RuntimeTypePlain();
return new RuntimeTypeGeneric();
r'''buildNamedFunctionType(returnType, parameterTypes,
namedParameters) {
return new RuntimeFunctionType();
r'''checkFunctionSubtype(var target, String signatureName,
String contextName, var context,
var typeArguments) {}''',
'checkMalformedType': 'checkMalformedType(value, message) {}',
'checkInt': 'checkInt(value) {}',
'checkNum': 'checkNum(value) {}',
'checkString': 'checkString(value) {}',
'Closure': 'abstract class Closure implements Function { }',
r'''closureFromTearOff(receiver, functions, reflectionInfo,
isStatic, jsArguments, name) {}''',
'computeSignature(var signature, var context, var contextName) {}',
'ConstantMap': 'class ConstantMap<K, V> {}',
'ConstantProtoMap': 'class ConstantProtoMap<K, V> {}',
'ConstantStringMap': 'class ConstantStringMap<K, V> {}',
'createInvocationMirror': 'createInvocationMirror(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {}',
'createRuntimeType': 'createRuntimeType(a) {}',
'doubleTypeCast': 'doubleTypeCast(value) {}',
'doubleTypeCheck': 'doubleTypeCheck(value) {}',
r'''functionSubtypeCast(Object object, String signatureName,
String contextName, var context) {}''',
'functionTypeTestMetaHelper': r'''
functionTypeTestMetaHelper() {
buildFunctionType(null, null, null);
buildNamedFunctionType(null, null, null);
buildInterfaceType(null, null);
'functionTypeTest': r'functionTypeTest(f, t) {}',
'functionTypeCast': r'functionTypeCast(f, t) { return f; }',
'functionTypeCheck': r'functionTypeCheck(f, t) { return f; }',
'futureOrTest': r'futureOrTest(f, t) {}',
'futureOrCast': r'futureOrCast(f, t) { return f; }',
'futureOrCheck': r'futureOrCheck(f, t) { return f; }',
'getFallThroughError': 'getFallThroughError() {}',
'getIsolateAffinityTag': 'getIsolateAffinityTag(_) {}',
'getRuntimeTypeArgumentIntercepted(interceptor, target, substitutionName, index) {}',
'getRuntimeTypeArgument(target, substitutionName, index) {}',
'getRuntimeTypeArguments(target, substitutionName) {}',
'getRuntimeTypeInfo': 'getRuntimeTypeInfo(a) {}',
'getTraceFromException': 'getTraceFromException(exception) {}',
'getTypeArgumentByIndex': 'getTypeArgumentByIndex(target, index) {}',
'GeneralConstantMap': 'class GeneralConstantMap {}',
'iae': 'iae(x) { throw x; } ioore(x) { throw x; }',
'Instantiation1': 'class Instantiation1<T1> extends Closure {}',
'Instantiation2': 'class Instantiation2<T1,T2> extends Closure {}',
'Instantiation3': 'class Instantiation3<T1,T2,T3> extends Closure {}',
'interceptedTypeCast': 'interceptedTypeCast(value, property) {}',
'interceptedTypeCheck': 'interceptedTypeCheck(value, property) {}',
'intTypeCast': 'intTypeCast(value) {}',
'intTypeCheck': 'intTypeCheck(value) {}',
'isJsIndexable': 'isJsIndexable(a, b) {}',
'JavaScriptIndexingBehavior': 'abstract class JavaScriptIndexingBehavior {}',
'JSInvocationMirror': r'''
class JSInvocationMirror {
get typeArguments => null;
'listSuperNativeTypeCast': 'listSuperNativeTypeCast(value) {}',
'listSuperNativeTypeCheck': 'listSuperNativeTypeCheck(value) {}',
'listSuperTypeCast': 'listSuperTypeCast(value) {}',
'listSuperTypeCheck': 'listSuperTypeCheck(value) {}',
'listTypeCast': 'listTypeCast(value) {}',
'listTypeCheck': 'listTypeCheck(value) {}',
'makeLiteralMap': 'makeLiteralMap(List keyValuePairs) {}',
'Native': 'class Native {}',
'numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCast(value) {}',
'numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCheck(value) {}',
'numberOrStringSuperTypeCast': 'numberOrStringSuperTypeCast(value) {}',
'numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck': 'numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck(value) {}',
'numTypeCast': 'numTypeCast(value) {}',
'numTypeCheck': 'numTypeCheck(value) {}',
'_Patch': 'class _Patch { final tag; const _Patch(this.tag); }',
'patch': 'const patch = const _Patch(null);',
'patch_full': 'const patch_full = const _Patch("full");',
'patch_lazy': 'const patch_lazy = const _Patch("lazy");',
'patch_startup': 'const patch_startup = const _Patch("startup");',
'propertyTypeCast': 'propertyTypeCast(x) {}',
'propertyTypeCheck': 'propertyTypeCheck(value, property) {}',
'requiresPreamble': 'requiresPreamble() {}',
'RuntimeFunctionType': 'class RuntimeFunctionType {}',
'RuntimeTypeGeneric': 'class RuntimeTypeGeneric {}',
'RuntimeTypePlain': 'class RuntimeTypePlain {}',
'S': 'S() {}',
'setRuntimeTypeInfo': 'setRuntimeTypeInfo(a, b) {}',
'stringSuperNativeTypeCast': 'stringSuperNativeTypeCast(value) {}',
'stringSuperNativeTypeCheck': 'stringSuperNativeTypeCheck(value) {}',
'stringSuperTypeCast': 'stringSuperTypeCast(value) {}',
'stringSuperTypeCheck': 'stringSuperTypeCheck(value) {}',
'stringTypeCast': 'stringTypeCast(x) {}',
'stringTypeCheck': 'stringTypeCheck(x) {}',
'subtypeCast': 'subtypeCast(object, isField, checks, asField) {}',
'subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast': 'subtypeOfRuntimeTypeCast(object, type) {}',
'checkConcurrentModificationError(collection) {}',
'throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) {}',
'throwCyclicInit': 'throwCyclicInit(staticName) {}',
'throwExpression': 'throwExpression(e) {}',
'throwNoSuchMethod(obj, name, arguments, expectedArgumentNames) {}',
'throwUnsupportedError': 'throwUnsupportedError(message) {}',
'throwTypeError': 'throwTypeError(message) {}',
'unwrapException': 'unwrapException(e) {}',
'voidTypeCheck': 'voidTypeCheck(value) {}',
'wrapException': 'wrapException(x) { return x; }',
'badMain': 'badMain() { throw "bad main"; }',
'missingMain': 'missingMain() { throw "missing main"; }',
'mainHasTooManyParameters': 'mainHasTooManyParameters() '
'{ throw "main has too many parameters"; }',
const <String, String>{
'JS': r'''
dynamic JS(String typeDescription, String codeTemplate,
[var arg0, var arg1, var arg2, var arg3, var arg4, var arg5, var arg6,
var arg7, var arg8, var arg9, var arg10, var arg11]) {}''',
const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_INTERCEPTORS_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'findIndexForNativeSubclassType': 'findIndexForNativeSubclassType(type) {}',
'getDispatchProperty': 'getDispatchProperty(o) {}',
'getInterceptor': 'getInterceptor(x) {}',
'getNativeInterceptor': 'getNativeInterceptor(x) {}',
'initializeDispatchProperty': 'initializeDispatchProperty(f,p,i) {}',
'initializeDispatchPropertyCSP': 'initializeDispatchPropertyCSP(f,p,i) {}',
'Interceptor': r'''
class Interceptor {
toString() {}
bool operator==(other) => identical(this, other);
get hashCode => throw "Interceptor.hashCode not implemented.";
noSuchMethod(im) { throw im; }
'JSArray': r'''
class JSArray<E> extends Interceptor implements List<E>, JSIndexable {
factory JSArray.typed(a) => a;
var length;
operator[](index) => this[index];
operator[]=(index, value) { this[index] = value; }
add(value) { this[length] = value; }
insert(index, value) {}
E get first => this[0];
E get last => this[0];
E get single => this[0];
E removeLast() => this[0];
E removeAt(index) => this[0];
E elementAt(index) => this[0];
E singleWhere(f) => this[0];
Iterator<E> get iterator => null;
'JSBool': 'class JSBool extends Interceptor implements bool {}',
'JSDouble': 'class JSDouble extends JSNumber implements double {}',
'JSExtendableArray': 'class JSExtendableArray extends JSMutableArray {}',
'JSFixedArray': 'class JSFixedArray extends JSMutableArray {}',
'abstract class JSFunction extends Interceptor implements Function {}',
'JSIndexable': r'''
abstract class JSIndexable {
get length;
'JSInt': r'''
class JSInt extends JSNumber implements int {
operator~() => this;
'class JSMutableArray extends JSArray implements JSMutableIndexable {}',
'JSUnmodifiableArray': 'class JSUnmodifiableArray extends JSArray {}',
'abstract class JSMutableIndexable extends JSIndexable {}',
'JSPositiveInt': 'class JSPositiveInt extends JSInt {}',
'JSNull': r'''
class JSNull extends Interceptor {
bool operator==(other) => identical(null, other);
get hashCode => throw "JSNull.hashCode not implemented.";
String toString() => 'Null';
Type get runtimeType => null;
noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
'JSNumber': r'''
class JSNumber extends Interceptor implements num {
// All these methods return a number to please type inferencing.
operator-() => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator +(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator -(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator ~/(other) => _tdivFast(other);
operator /(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator *(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator %(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
operator <<(other) => _shlPositive(other);
operator >>(other) {
return _shrBothPositive(other) + _shrReceiverPositive(other) +
operator |(other) => 42;
operator &(other) => 42;
operator ^(other) => 42;
operator >(other) => !identical(this, other);
operator >=(other) => !identical(this, other);
operator <(other) => !identical(this, other);
operator <=(other) => !identical(this, other);
operator ==(other) => identical(this, other);
get hashCode => throw "JSNumber.hashCode not implemented.";
// We force side effects on _tdivFast to mimic the shortcomings of
// the effect analysis: because the `_tdivFast` implementation of
// the core library has calls that may not already be analyzed,
// the analysis will conclude that `_tdivFast` may have side
// effects.
_tdivFast(other) => new List()..length = 42;
_shlPositive(other) => 42;
_shrBothPositive(other) => 42;
_shrReceiverPositive(other) => 42;
_shrOtherPositive(other) => 42;
abs() => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
remainder(other) => (this is JSInt) ? 42 : 42.2;
truncate() => 42;
'JSString': r'''
class JSString extends Interceptor implements String, JSIndexable {
split(pattern) => [];
int get length => 42;
operator[](index) {}
toString() {}
operator+(other) => this;
codeUnitAt(index) => 42;
'JSUInt31': 'class JSUInt31 extends JSUInt32 {}',
'JSUInt32': 'class JSUInt32 extends JSPositiveInt {}',
'ObjectInterceptor': 'class ObjectInterceptor {}',
'JavaScriptObject': 'class JavaScriptObject {}',
'PlainJavaScriptObject': 'class PlainJavaScriptObject {}',
'UnknownJavaScriptObject': 'class UnknownJavaScriptObject {}',
'JavaScriptFunction': 'class JavaScriptFunction {}',
const Map<String, String> DEFAULT_ASYNC_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'DeferredLibrary': 'class DeferredLibrary {}',
'Future': '''
class Future<T> {
'Stream': 'class Stream<T> {}',
'Completer': 'class Completer<T> {}',
'StreamIterator': 'class StreamIterator<T> {}',
/// These members are only needed when async/await is used.
const Map<String, String> ASYNC_AWAIT_LIBRARY = const <String, String>{
'_wrapJsFunctionForAsync': '_wrapJsFunctionForAsync(f) {}',
'_asyncHelper': '_asyncHelper(o, f, c) {}',
'_SyncStarIterable': 'class _SyncStarIterable {}',
'_IterationMarker': 'class _IterationMarker {}',
'_AsyncStarStreamController': 'class _AsyncStarStreamController {}',
'_asyncStarHelper': '_asyncStarHelper(x, y, z) {}',
'_streamOfController': '_streamOfController(x) {}',
const String DEFAULT_MIRRORS_SOURCE = r'''
import 'dart:_js_mirrors' as js;
class Comment {}
class MirrorSystem {}
class MirrorsUsed {
final targets;
const MirrorsUsed({this.targets});
void reflectType(Type t) => js.disableTreeShaking();