| // Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Tests that JS objects can be referred to as extensions of JavaScriptObject. |
| |
| @JS() |
| library javascriptobject_extensions_test; |
| |
| import 'package:js/js.dart'; |
| import 'package:js/js_util.dart'; |
| import 'package:expect/expect.dart' show hasUnsoundNullSafety; |
| import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; |
| |
| import 'dart:typed_data'; |
| import 'dart:_interceptors' |
| show JavaScriptObject, UnknownJavaScriptObject, JSObject; |
| |
| @JS() |
| external void eval(String code); |
| |
| class InterfaceClass {} |
| |
| @JS('JSClass') |
| class JSClass implements InterfaceClass { |
| external JSClass(); |
| external String get name; |
| } |
| |
| class ImplementationClass implements JSClass { |
| String get name => 'ImplementationClass'; |
| } |
| |
| @JS() |
| @anonymous |
| class AnonymousClass { |
| external String get name; |
| } |
| |
| class DartClass {} |
| |
| external AnonymousClass get anonymousObj; |
| |
| external ByteBuffer get arrayBuffer; |
| |
| @JS('arrayBuffer') |
| external dynamic get arrayBufferDynamic; |
| |
| // Extension on JavaScriptObject. In the future, when extension types are |
| // introduced, this will be explicitly disallowed. |
| extension JavaScriptObjectExtension on JavaScriptObject { |
| // Use `className` instead so there's no ambiguity on what method is called. |
| String get className => getProperty(this, 'name'); |
| } |
| |
| // Test runtime type checks and casts. |
| @pragma('dart2js:noInline') |
| void runtimeIsAndAs<T>(instance, [bool expectation = true]) { |
| expect(instance is T, expectation); |
| expect(() => instance as T, expectation ? returnsNormally : throws); |
| } |
| |
| @pragma('dart2js:noInline') |
| @pragma('dart2js:assumeDynamic') |
| confuse(x) => x; |
| |
| JavaScriptObject returnJavaScriptObject() => throw ''; |
| |
| JavaScriptObject? returnNullableJavaScriptObject() => throw ''; |
| |
| JSClass returnJS() => throw ''; |
| |
| AnonymousClass returnAnon() => throw ''; |
| |
| UnknownJavaScriptObject returnUnknownJavaScriptObject() => throw ''; |
| |
| ImplementationClass returnImpl() => throw ''; |
| |
| main() { |
| eval(r''' |
| function JSClass() { |
| this.name = 'JSClass'; |
| } |
| self.anonymousObj = { |
| name: 'AnonymousClass', |
| }; |
| self.arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(); |
| '''); |
| |
| // Instances of JS classes can be casted to JavaScriptObject and back. |
| var jsObj = JSClass(); |
| expect(jsObj is JavaScriptObject, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(jsObj); |
| var javaScriptObject = jsObj as JavaScriptObject; |
| expect(javaScriptObject.className == 'JSClass', true); |
| expect(javaScriptObject is JSClass, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JSClass>(javaScriptObject); |
| |
| // Object literals can be casted to JavaScriptObject and back. |
| expect(anonymousObj is JavaScriptObject, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(anonymousObj); |
| javaScriptObject = anonymousObj as JavaScriptObject; |
| expect(javaScriptObject.className == 'AnonymousClass', true); |
| expect(javaScriptObject is AnonymousClass, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<AnonymousClass>(javaScriptObject); |
| |
| // Dart objects that don't implement a JS type cannot be casted to or from |
| // JavaScriptObject. |
| var dartObj = DartClass(); |
| expect(dartObj is JavaScriptObject, false); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(dartObj, false); |
| expect(javaScriptObject is DartClass, false); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<DartClass>(javaScriptObject, false); |
| |
| // Native objects cannot be casted to or from JavaScriptObject. |
| expect(arrayBuffer is JavaScriptObject, false); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(arrayBuffer, false); |
| expect(javaScriptObject is ByteBuffer, false); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<ByteBuffer>(javaScriptObject, false); |
| |
| // Dynamic native objects are intercepted and cannot be casted to |
| // JavaScriptObject. |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(arrayBufferDynamic, false); |
| |
| // Make sure `Object` methods work with JavaScriptObject like they do with JS |
| // interop objects. |
| expect(anonymousObj == javaScriptObject, true); |
| expect(javaScriptObject.hashCode, isNotNull); |
| expect(javaScriptObject.toString, isNotNull); |
| expect(javaScriptObject.noSuchMethod, isNotNull); |
| expect(javaScriptObject.runtimeType, isNotNull); |
| |
| // Test that nullability works as expected. |
| expect(null is JavaScriptObject?, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject?>(null); |
| expect(null is JavaScriptObject, false); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(null, hasUnsoundNullSafety); |
| |
| // Transitive is and as. |
| // JS type <: JavaScriptObject <: JSObject |
| expect(jsObj is JSObject, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JSObject>(jsObj); |
| // JavaScriptObject <: JS type <: Dart interface |
| expect(javaScriptObject is InterfaceClass, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<InterfaceClass>(javaScriptObject); |
| // Dart implementation <: JS type <: JavaScriptObject |
| var impl = ImplementationClass(); |
| expect(impl is JavaScriptObject, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JavaScriptObject>(impl); |
| // Dart implementation <: JS type <: JavaScriptObject <: JSObject |
| expect(impl is JSObject, true); |
| runtimeIsAndAs<JSObject>(impl); |
| |
| // Test that subtyping with nullability works as expected. |
| expect(returnJavaScriptObject is JavaScriptObject? Function(), true); |
| expect(returnNullableJavaScriptObject is JavaScriptObject Function(), |
| hasUnsoundNullSafety); |
| |
| // Test that JavaScriptObject can be used in place of package:js types in |
| // function types, and vice versa. |
| expect(returnJavaScriptObject is JSClass Function(), true); |
| expect(returnJS is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| expect(returnJavaScriptObject is AnonymousClass Function(), true); |
| expect(returnAnon is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| |
| // Transitive subtyping. |
| // UnknownJavaScriptObject <: JavaScriptObject <: JS type |
| expect(returnUnknownJavaScriptObject is JSClass Function(), true); |
| // JS type <: JavaScriptObject <: JSObject |
| expect(returnJS is JSObject Function(), true); |
| // JavaScriptObject <: JS type <: Dart interface |
| expect(returnJavaScriptObject is InterfaceClass Function(), true); |
| // Dart implementation <: JS type <: JavaScriptObject |
| expect(returnImpl is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| // UnknownJavaScriptObject <: JavaScriptObject <: JS type <: Dart interface |
| expect(returnUnknownJavaScriptObject is InterfaceClass Function(), true); |
| // Dart implementation <: JS type <: JavaScriptObject <: JSObject |
| expect(returnImpl is JSObject Function(), true); |
| |
| // Run above subtype checks but at runtime. |
| expect(confuse(returnJavaScriptObject) is JavaScriptObject? Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnNullableJavaScriptObject) is JavaScriptObject Function(), |
| hasUnsoundNullSafety); |
| |
| expect(confuse(returnJavaScriptObject) is JSClass Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnJS) is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnJavaScriptObject) is AnonymousClass Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnAnon) is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| |
| expect(confuse(returnUnknownJavaScriptObject) is JSClass Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnJS) is JSObject Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnJavaScriptObject) is InterfaceClass Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnImpl) is JavaScriptObject Function(), true); |
| expect(confuse(returnUnknownJavaScriptObject) is InterfaceClass Function(), |
| true); |
| expect(confuse(returnImpl) is JSObject Function(), true); |
| } |