blob: c4420c6323fb006d1511fd99ca1545206ba097d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.convert;
/// A [base64]( encoder and decoder.
/// It encodes using the default base64 alphabet,
/// decodes using both the base64 and base64url alphabets,
/// does not allow invalid characters and requires padding.
/// Examples:
/// ```dart
/// var encoded = base64.encode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6,
/// 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]);
/// var decoded = base64.decode("YmzDpWLDpnJncsO4ZAo=");
/// ```
/// The top-level [base64Encode] and [base64Decode] functions may be used
/// instead if a local variable shadows the [base64] constant.
const Base64Codec base64 = Base64Codec();
/// A [base64url]( encoder and decoder.
/// It encodes and decodes using the base64url alphabet,
/// decodes using both the base64 and base64url alphabets,
/// does not allow invalid characters and requires padding.
/// Examples:
/// ```dart
/// var encoded = base64Url.encode([0x62, 0x6c, 0xc3, 0xa5, 0x62, 0xc3, 0xa6,
/// 0x72, 0x67, 0x72, 0xc3, 0xb8, 0x64]);
/// var decoded = base64Url.decode("YmzDpWLDpnJncsO4ZAo=");
/// ```
const Base64Codec base64Url = Base64Codec.urlSafe();
/// Encodes [bytes] using [base64]( encoding.
/// Shorthand for `base64.encode(bytes)`. Useful if a local variable shadows the global
/// [base64] constant.
String base64Encode(List<int> bytes) => base64.encode(bytes);
/// Encodes [bytes] using [base64url]( encoding.
/// Shorthand for `base64url.encode(bytes)`.
String base64UrlEncode(List<int> bytes) => base64Url.encode(bytes);
/// Decodes [base64]( or [base64url]( encoded bytes.
/// Shorthand for `base64.decode(bytes)`. Useful if a local variable shadows the
/// global [base64] constant.
Uint8List base64Decode(String source) => base64.decode(source);
// Constants used in more than one class.
const int _paddingChar = 0x3d; // '='.
/// A [base64]( encoder and decoder.
/// A [Base64Codec] allows base64 encoding bytes into ASCII strings and
/// decoding valid encodings back to bytes.
/// This implementation only handles the simplest RFC 4648 base64 and base64url
/// encodings.
/// It does not allow invalid characters when decoding and it requires,
/// and generates, padding so that the input is always a multiple of four
/// characters.
class Base64Codec extends Codec<List<int>, String> {
final Base64Encoder _encoder;
const Base64Codec() : _encoder = const Base64Encoder();
const Base64Codec.urlSafe() : _encoder = const Base64Encoder.urlSafe();
Base64Encoder get encoder => _encoder;
Base64Decoder get decoder => const Base64Decoder();
/// Decodes [encoded].
/// The input is decoded as if by `decoder.convert`.
/// The returned [Uint8List] contains exactly the decoded bytes,
/// so the [Uint8List.length] is precisely the number of decoded bytes.
/// The [Uint8List.buffer] may be larger than the decoded bytes.
Uint8List decode(String encoded) => decoder.convert(encoded);
/// Validates and normalizes the base64 encoded data in [source].
/// Only acts on the substring from [start] to [end], with [end]
/// defaulting to the end of the string.
/// Normalization will:
/// * Unescape any `%`-escapes.
/// * Only allow valid characters (`A`-`Z`, `a`-`z`, `0`-`9`, `/` and `+`).
/// * Normalize a `_` or `-` character to `/` or `+`.
/// * Validate that existing padding (trailing `=` characters) is correct.
/// * If no padding exists, add correct padding if necessary and possible.
/// * Validate that the length is correct (a multiple of four).
String normalize(String source, [int start = 0, int? end]) {
end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length);
const percent = 0x25;
const equals = 0x3d;
StringBuffer? buffer;
var sliceStart = start;
var alphabet = _Base64Encoder._base64Alphabet;
var inverseAlphabet = _Base64Decoder._inverseAlphabet;
var firstPadding = -1;
var firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1;
var paddingCount = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end;) {
var sliceEnd = i;
var char = source.codeUnitAt(i++);
var originalChar = char;
// Normalize char, keep originalChar to see if it matches the source.
if (char == percent) {
if (i + 2 <= end) {
char = parseHexByte(source, i); // May be negative.
i += 2;
// We know that %25 isn't valid, but our table considers it
// a potential padding start, so skip the checks.
if (char == percent) char = -1;
} else {
// An invalid HEX escape (too short).
// Just skip past the handling and reach the throw below.
char = -1;
// If char is negative here, hex-decoding failed in some way.
if (0 <= char && char <= 127) {
var value = inverseAlphabet[char];
if (value >= 0) {
char = alphabet.codeUnitAt(value);
if (char == originalChar) continue;
} else if (value == _Base64Decoder._padding) {
// We have ruled out percent, so char is '='.
if (firstPadding < 0) {
// Mark position in normalized output where padding occurs.
firstPadding = (buffer?.length ?? 0) + (sliceEnd - sliceStart);
firstPaddingSourceIndex = sliceEnd;
// It could have been an escaped equals (%3D).
if (originalChar == equals) continue;
if (value != _Base64Decoder._invalid) {
(buffer ??= StringBuffer())
..write(source.substring(sliceStart, sliceEnd))
sliceStart = i;
throw FormatException("Invalid base64 data", source, sliceEnd);
if (buffer != null) {
buffer.write(source.substring(sliceStart, end));
if (firstPadding >= 0) {
// There was padding in the source. Check that it is valid:
// * result length a multiple of four
// * one or two padding characters at the end.
_checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding,
paddingCount, buffer.length);
} else {
// Length of last chunk (1-4 chars) in the encoding.
var endLength = ((buffer.length - 1) % 4) + 1;
if (endLength == 1) {
// The data must have length 0, 2 or 3 modulo 4.
throw FormatException("Invalid base64 encoding length ", source, end);
while (endLength < 4) {
return source.replaceRange(start, end, buffer.toString());
// Original was already normalized, only check padding.
var length = end - start;
if (firstPadding >= 0) {
_checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding,
paddingCount, length);
} else {
// No padding given, so add some if needed it.
var endLength = length % 4;
if (endLength == 1) {
// The data must have length 0, 2 or 3 modulo 4.
throw FormatException("Invalid base64 encoding length ", source, end);
if (endLength > 1) {
// There is no "insertAt" on String, but this works as well.
source = source.replaceRange(end, end, (endLength == 2) ? "==" : "=");
return source;
static void _checkPadding(String source, int sourceIndex, int sourceEnd,
int firstPadding, int paddingCount, int length) {
if (length % 4 != 0) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, "
"is $length",
if (firstPadding + paddingCount != length) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex);
if (paddingCount > 2) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters",
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encoder
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Base64 and base64url encoding converter.
/// Encodes lists of bytes using base64 or base64url encoding.
/// The results are ASCII strings using a restricted alphabet.
class Base64Encoder extends Converter<List<int>, String> {
final bool _urlSafe;
const Base64Encoder() : _urlSafe = false;
const Base64Encoder.urlSafe() : _urlSafe = true;
String convert(List<int> input) {
if (input.isEmpty) return "";
var encoder = _Base64Encoder(_urlSafe);
var buffer = encoder.encode(input, 0, input.length, true)!;
return String.fromCharCodes(buffer);
ByteConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink<String> sink) {
if (sink is StringConversionSink) {
return _Utf8Base64EncoderSink(sink.asUtf8Sink(false), _urlSafe);
return _AsciiBase64EncoderSink(sink, _urlSafe);
/// Helper class for encoding bytes to base64.
class _Base64Encoder {
/// The RFC 4648 base64 encoding alphabet.
static const String _base64Alphabet =
/// The RFC 4648 base64url encoding alphabet.
static const String _base64UrlAlphabet =
/// Shift-count to extract the values stored in [_state].
static const int _valueShift = 2;
/// Mask to extract the count value stored in [_state].
static const int _countMask = 3;
static const int _sixBitMask = 0x3F;
/// Intermediate state between chunks.
/// Encoding handles three bytes at a time.
/// If fewer than three bytes has been seen, this value encodes
/// the number of bytes seen (0, 1 or 2) and their values.
int _state = 0;
/// Alphabet used for encoding.
final String _alphabet;
_Base64Encoder(bool urlSafe)
: _alphabet = urlSafe ? _base64UrlAlphabet : _base64Alphabet;
/// Encode count and bits into a value to be stored in [_state].
static int _encodeState(int count, int bits) {
assert(count <= _countMask);
return bits << _valueShift | count;
/// Extract bits from encoded state.
static int _stateBits(int state) => state >> _valueShift;
/// Extract count from encoded state.
static int _stateCount(int state) => state & _countMask;
/// Create a [Uint8List] with the provided length.
Uint8List createBuffer(int bufferLength) => Uint8List(bufferLength);
/// Encode [bytes] from [start] to [end] and the bits in [_state].
/// Returns a [Uint8List] of the ASCII codes of the encoded data.
/// If the input, including left over [_state] from earlier encodings,
/// are not a multiple of three bytes, then the partial state is stored
/// back into [_state].
/// If [isLast] is true, partial state is encoded in the output instead,
/// with the necessary padding.
/// Returns `null` if there is no output.
Uint8List? encode(List<int> bytes, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= end);
assert(end <= bytes.length);
var length = end - start;
var count = _stateCount(_state);
var byteCount = (count + length);
var fullChunks = byteCount ~/ 3;
var partialChunkLength = byteCount - fullChunks * 3;
var bufferLength = fullChunks * 4;
if (isLast && partialChunkLength > 0) {
bufferLength += 4; // Room for padding.
var output = createBuffer(bufferLength);
_state =
encodeChunk(_alphabet, bytes, start, end, isLast, output, 0, _state);
if (bufferLength > 0) return output;
// If the input plus the data in state is still less than three bytes,
// there may not be any output.
return null;
static int encodeChunk(String alphabet, List<int> bytes, int start, int end,
bool isLast, Uint8List output, int outputIndex, int state) {
var bits = _stateBits(state);
// Count number of missing bytes in three-byte chunk.
var expectedChars = 3 - _stateCount(state);
// The input must be a list of bytes (integers in the range 0..255).
// The value of `byteOr` will be the bitwise or of all the values in
// `bytes` and a later check will validate that they were all valid bytes.
var byteOr = 0;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var byte = bytes[i];
byteOr |= byte;
bits = ((bits << 8) | byte) & 0xFFFFFF; // Never store more than 24 bits.
if (expectedChars == 0) {
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 18) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 12) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 6) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt(bits & _sixBitMask);
expectedChars = 3;
bits = 0;
if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) {
if (isLast && expectedChars < 3) {
writeFinalChunk(alphabet, output, outputIndex, 3 - expectedChars, bits);
return 0;
return _encodeState(3 - expectedChars, bits);
// There was an invalid byte value somewhere in the input - find it!
var i = start;
while (i < end) {
var byte = bytes[i];
if (byte < 0 || byte > 255) break;
throw ArgumentError.value(
bytes, "Not a byte value at index $i: 0x${bytes[i].toRadixString(16)}");
/// Writes a final encoded four-character chunk.
/// Only used when the [_state] contains a partial (1 or 2 byte)
/// input.
static void writeFinalChunk(
String alphabet, Uint8List output, int outputIndex, int count, int bits) {
assert(count > 0);
if (count == 1) {
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 2) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits << 4) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar;
output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar;
} else {
assert(count == 2);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 10) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits >> 4) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = alphabet.codeUnitAt((bits << 2) & _sixBitMask);
output[outputIndex++] = _paddingChar;
class _BufferCachingBase64Encoder extends _Base64Encoder {
/// Reused buffer.
/// When the buffer isn't released to the sink, only used to create another
/// value (a string), the buffer can be reused between chunks.
Uint8List? bufferCache;
_BufferCachingBase64Encoder(bool urlSafe) : super(urlSafe);
Uint8List createBuffer(int bufferLength) {
Uint8List? buffer = bufferCache;
if (buffer == null || buffer.length < bufferLength) {
bufferCache = buffer = Uint8List(bufferLength);
// Return a view of the buffer, so it has the requested length.
return Uint8List.view(buffer.buffer, buffer.offsetInBytes, bufferLength);
abstract class _Base64EncoderSink extends ByteConversionSinkBase {
void add(List<int> source) {
_add(source, 0, source.length, false);
void close() {
_add(const [], 0, 0, true);
void addSlice(List<int> source, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
if (end == null) throw ArgumentError.notNull("end");
RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, source.length);
_add(source, start, end, isLast);
void _add(List<int> source, int start, int end, bool isLast);
class _AsciiBase64EncoderSink extends _Base64EncoderSink {
final Sink<String> _sink;
final _Base64Encoder _encoder;
_AsciiBase64EncoderSink(this._sink, bool urlSafe)
: _encoder = _BufferCachingBase64Encoder(urlSafe);
void _add(List<int> source, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
var buffer = _encoder.encode(source, start, end, isLast);
if (buffer != null) {
var string = String.fromCharCodes(buffer);
if (isLast) {
class _Utf8Base64EncoderSink extends _Base64EncoderSink {
final ByteConversionSink _sink;
final _Base64Encoder _encoder;
_Utf8Base64EncoderSink(this._sink, bool urlSafe)
: _encoder = _Base64Encoder(urlSafe);
void _add(List<int> source, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
var buffer = _encoder.encode(source, start, end, isLast);
if (buffer != null) {
_sink.addSlice(buffer, 0, buffer.length, isLast);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decoder
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Decoder for base64 encoded data.
/// This decoder accepts both base64 and base64url ("url-safe") encodings.
/// The encoding is required to be properly padded.
class Base64Decoder extends Converter<String, List<int>> {
const Base64Decoder();
/// Decodes the characters of [input] from [start] to [end] as base64.
/// If [start] is omitted, it defaults to the start of [input].
/// If [end] is omitted, it defaults to the end of [input].
/// The returned [Uint8List] contains exactly the decoded bytes,
/// so the [Uint8List.length] is precisely the number of decoded bytes.
/// The [Uint8List.buffer] may be larger than the decoded bytes.
Uint8List convert(String input, [int start = 0, int? end]) {
end = RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, input.length);
if (start == end) return Uint8List(0);
var decoder = _Base64Decoder();
var buffer = decoder.decode(input, start, end)!;
decoder.close(input, end);
return buffer;
StringConversionSink startChunkedConversion(Sink<List<int>> sink) {
return _Base64DecoderSink(sink);
/// Helper class implementing base64 decoding with intermediate state.
class _Base64Decoder {
/// Shift-count to extract the values stored in [_state].
static const int _valueShift = 2;
/// Mask to extract the count value stored in [_state].
static const int _countMask = 3;
/// Invalid character in decoding table.
static const int _invalid = -2;
/// Padding character in decoding table.
static const int _padding = -1;
// Shorthands to make the table more readable.
static const int __ = _invalid;
static const int _p = _padding;
/// Mapping from ASCII characters to their index in the base64 alphabet.
/// Uses [_invalid] for invalid indices and [_padding] for the padding
/// character.
/// Accepts the "URL-safe" alphabet as well (`-` and `_` are the
/// 62nd and 63rd alphabet characters), and considers `%` a padding
/// character, which must then be followed by `3D`, the percent-escape
/// for `=`.
static final List<int> _inverseAlphabet = Int8List.fromList([
__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, //
__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, //
__, __, __, __, __, _p, __, __, __, __, __, 62, __, 62, __, 63, //
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, __, __, __, _p, __, __, //
__, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, //
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, __, __, __, __, 63, //
__, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, //
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, __, __, __, __, __, //
// Character constants.
static const int _char_percent = 0x25; // '%'.
static const int _char_3 = 0x33; // '3'.
static const int _char_d = 0x64; // 'd'.
/// Maintains the intermediate state of a partly-decoded input.
/// Base64 is decoded in chunks of four characters. If a chunk does not
/// contain a full block, the decoded bits (six per character) of the
/// available characters are stored in [_state] until the next call to
/// [_decode] or [_close].
/// If no padding has been seen, the value is
/// `numberOfCharactersSeen | (decodedBits << 2)`
/// where `numberOfCharactersSeen` is between 0 and 3 and decoded bits
/// contains six bits per seen character.
/// If padding has been seen the value is negative. It's the bitwise negation
/// of the number of remaining allowed padding characters (always ~0 or ~1).
/// A state of `0` or `~0` are valid places to end decoding, all other values
/// mean that a four-character block has not been completed.
int _state = 0;
/// Encodes [count] and [bits] as a value to be stored in [_state].
static int _encodeCharacterState(int count, int bits) {
assert(count == (count & _countMask));
return (bits << _valueShift | count);
/// Extracts count from a [_state] value.
static int _stateCount(int state) {
assert(state >= 0);
return state & _countMask;
/// Extracts value bits from a [_state] value.
static int _stateBits(int state) {
assert(state >= 0);
return state >> _valueShift;
/// Encodes a number of expected padding characters to be stored in [_state].
static int _encodePaddingState(int expectedPadding) {
assert(expectedPadding >= 0);
assert(expectedPadding <= 5);
return -expectedPadding - 1; // ~expectedPadding adapted to dart2js.
/// Extracts expected padding character count from a [_state] value.
static int _statePadding(int state) {
assert(state < 0);
return -state - 1; // ~state adapted to dart2js.
static bool _hasSeenPadding(int state) => state < 0;
/// Decodes [input] from [start] to [end].
/// Returns a [Uint8List] with the decoded bytes.
/// If a previous call had an incomplete four-character block, the bits from
/// those are included in decoding
Uint8List? decode(String input, int start, int end) {
assert(0 <= start);
assert(start <= end);
assert(end <= input.length);
if (_hasSeenPadding(_state)) {
_state = _checkPadding(input, start, end, _state);
return null;
if (start == end) return Uint8List(0);
var buffer = _allocateBuffer(input, start, end, _state);
_state = decodeChunk(input, start, end, buffer, 0, _state);
return buffer;
/// Checks that [_state] represents a valid decoding.
void close(String? input, int? end) {
if (_state < _encodePaddingState(0)) {
throw FormatException("Missing padding character", input, end);
if (_state > 0) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid length, must be multiple of four", input, end);
_state = _encodePaddingState(0);
/// Decodes [input] from [start] to [end].
/// Includes the state returned by a previous call in the decoding.
/// Writes the decoding to [output] at [outIndex], and there must
/// be room in the output.
static int decodeChunk(String input, int start, int end, Uint8List output,
int outIndex, int state) {
const asciiMask = 127;
const asciiMax = 127;
const eightBitMask = 0xFF;
const bitsPerCharacter = 6;
var bits = _stateBits(state);
var count = _stateCount(state);
// String contents should be all ASCII.
// Instead of checking for each character, we collect the bitwise-or of
// all the characters in `charOr` and later validate that all characters
// were ASCII.
var charOr = 0;
final inverseAlphabet = _Base64Decoder._inverseAlphabet;
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
var char = input.codeUnitAt(i);
charOr |= char;
var code = inverseAlphabet[char & asciiMask];
if (code >= 0) {
bits = ((bits << bitsPerCharacter) | code) & 0xFFFFFF;
count = (count + 1) & 3;
if (count == 0) {
assert(outIndex + 3 <= output.length);
output[outIndex++] = (bits >> 16) & eightBitMask;
output[outIndex++] = (bits >> 8) & eightBitMask;
output[outIndex++] = bits & eightBitMask;
bits = 0;
} else if (code == _padding && count > 1) {
if (charOr < 0 || charOr > asciiMax) break;
if (count == 3) {
if ((bits & 0x03) != 0) {
throw FormatException("Invalid encoding before padding", input, i);
output[outIndex++] = bits >> 10;
output[outIndex++] = bits >> 2;
} else {
if ((bits & 0x0F) != 0) {
throw FormatException("Invalid encoding before padding", input, i);
output[outIndex++] = bits >> 4;
// Expected padding is the number of expected padding characters,
// where `=` counts as three and `%3D` counts as one per character.
// Expect either zero or one padding depending on count (2 or 3),
// plus two more characters if the code was `%` (a partial padding).
var expectedPadding = (3 - count) * 3;
if (char == _char_percent) expectedPadding += 2;
state = _encodePaddingState(expectedPadding);
return _checkPadding(input, i + 1, end, state);
throw FormatException("Invalid character", input, i);
if (charOr >= 0 && charOr <= asciiMax) {
return _encodeCharacterState(count, bits);
// There is an invalid (non-ASCII) character in the input.
int i;
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
var char = input.codeUnitAt(i);
if (char < 0 || char > asciiMax) break;
throw FormatException("Invalid character", input, i);
static Uint8List _emptyBuffer = Uint8List(0);
/// Allocates a buffer with room for the decoding of a substring of [input].
/// Includes room for the characters in [state], and handles padding correctly.
static Uint8List _allocateBuffer(
String input, int start, int end, int state) {
assert(state >= 0);
var paddingStart = _trimPaddingChars(input, start, end);
var length = _stateCount(state) + (paddingStart - start);
// Three bytes per full four bytes in the input.
var bufferLength = (length >> 2) * 3;
// If padding was seen, then this is the last chunk, and the final partial
// chunk should be decoded too.
var remainderLength = length & 3;
if (remainderLength != 0 && paddingStart < end) {
bufferLength += remainderLength - 1;
if (bufferLength > 0) return Uint8List(bufferLength);
// If the input plus state is less than four characters, and it's not
// at the end of input, no buffer is needed.
return _emptyBuffer;
/// Returns the position of the start of padding at the end of the input.
/// Returns the end of input if there is no padding.
/// This is used to ensure that the decoding buffer has the exact size
/// it needs when input is valid, and at least enough bytes to reach the error
/// when input is invalid.
/// Never count more than two padding sequences since any more than that
/// will raise an error anyway, and we only care about being precise for
/// successful conversions.
static int _trimPaddingChars(String input, int start, int end) {
// This may count '%=' as two paddings. That's ok, it will err later,
// but the buffer will be large enough to reach the error.
var padding = 0;
var index = end;
var newEnd = end;
while (index > start && padding < 2) {
var char = input.codeUnitAt(index);
if (char == _paddingChar) {
newEnd = index;
if ((char | 0x20) == _char_d) {
if (index == start) break;
char = input.codeUnitAt(index);
if (char == _char_3) {
if (index == start) break;
char = input.codeUnitAt(index);
if (char == _char_percent) {
newEnd = index;
return newEnd;
/// Check that the remainder of the string is valid padding.
/// Valid padding is a correct number (0, 1 or 2) of `=` characters
/// or `%3D` sequences depending on the number of preceding base64 characters.
/// The [state] parameter encodes which padding continuations are allowed
/// as the number of expected characters. That number is the number of
/// expected padding characters times 3 minus the number of padding characters
/// seen so far, where `=` counts as 3 counts as three characters,
/// and the padding sequence `%3D` counts as one character per character.
/// The number of missing characters is always between 0 and 5 because we
/// only call this function after having seen at least one `=` or `%`
/// character.
/// If the number of missing characters is not 3 or 0, we have seen (at least)
/// a `%` character and expects the rest of the `%3D` sequence, and a `=` is
/// not allowed. When missing 3 characters, either `=` or `%` is allowed.
/// When the value is 0, no more padding (or any other character) is allowed.
static int _checkPadding(String input, int start, int end, int state) {
if (start == end) return state;
var expectedPadding = _statePadding(state);
assert(expectedPadding >= 0);
assert(expectedPadding < 6);
while (expectedPadding > 0) {
var char = input.codeUnitAt(start);
if (expectedPadding == 3) {
if (char == _paddingChar) {
expectedPadding -= 3;
if (char == _char_percent) {
if (start == end) break;
char = input.codeUnitAt(start);
} else {
// Partial padding means we have seen part of a "%3D" escape.
var expectedPartialPadding = expectedPadding;
if (expectedPartialPadding > 3) expectedPartialPadding -= 3;
if (expectedPartialPadding == 2) {
// Expects '3'
if (char != _char_3) break;
if (start == end) break;
char = input.codeUnitAt(start);
// Expects 'D' or 'd'.
if ((char | 0x20) != _char_d) break;
if (start == end) break;
if (start != end) {
throw FormatException("Invalid padding character", input, start);
return _encodePaddingState(expectedPadding);
class _Base64DecoderSink extends StringConversionSinkBase {
/// Output sink
final Sink<List<int>> _sink;
final _Base64Decoder _decoder = _Base64Decoder();
void add(String string) {
if (string.isEmpty) return;
var buffer = _decoder.decode(string, 0, string.length);
if (buffer != null) _sink.add(buffer);
void close() {
_decoder.close(null, null);
void addSlice(String string, int start, int end, bool isLast) {
RangeError.checkValidRange(start, end, string.length);
if (start == end) return;
var buffer = _decoder.decode(string, start, end);
if (buffer != null) _sink.add(buffer);
if (isLast) {
_decoder.close(string, end);