blob: 8ecfd9e479937ef8e95d1bbd6e014a1be2cb855c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js.size_estimator;
import 'package:js_ast/js_ast.dart';
import 'package:js_ast/src/characters.dart' as charCodes;
import 'package:js_ast/src/precedence.dart';
import '../js_backend/deferred_holder_expression.dart';
import '../js_backend/string_reference.dart';
import '../js_backend/type_reference.dart';
import '../js_emitter/metadata_collector.dart';
/// Estimates the size of the Javascript AST represented by the provided [Node].
int estimateSize(Node node) {
var estimator = SizeEstimator();
return estimator.charCount;
/// [SizeEstimator] is a [NodeVisitor] designed to produce a consistent size
/// estimate for a given JavaScript AST. [SizeEstimator] trades accuracy for
/// stability and performance. In addition, [SizeEstimator] assumes we will emit
/// production quality minified JavaScript.
class SizeEstimator implements NodeVisitor {
int charCount = 0;
bool inForInit = false;
bool atStatementBegin = false;
bool pendingSemicolon = false;
bool pendingSpace = false;
static final String variableSizeEstimate = '#';
static final String nameSizeEstimate = '###';
String sizeEstimate(Node node) {
if (node is VariableDeclaration || node is VariableUse) {
// We assume all [VariableDeclaration] and [VariableUse] nodes are
// locals.
return variableSizeEstimate;
} else if (node is Name ||
node is Parameter ||
node is VariableDeclaration ||
node is VariableUse) {
return nameSizeEstimate;
} else if (node is LiteralString) {
// We assume all non-final literal strings are minified names, and thus
// use the nameSizeEstimate.
return nameSizeEstimate;
} else if (node is BoundMetadataEntry) {
// Value is an int.
return '####';
} else if (node is TypeReference) {
// Type references vary in size. Some references look like:
// '<typeHolder>$.<type>' where <typeHolder> is a one byte local and
// <type> is roughly 3 bytes. However, we also have to initialize the type
// in the holder, some like ab:f("QQ<b7c>"), ie 16 bytes. For two
// occurences we will have on average 13 bytes. For a more detailed
// estimate, we'd have to partially finalize the results.
return '###_###_###_#';
} else if (node is StringReference) {
// Worst case we have to inline the string so size of string + 2 bytes for
// quotes.
return "'${node.constant.toDartString()}'";
} else if (node is DeferredHolderExpression) {
// 1 byte holder + dot + nameSizeEstimate
return '#.$nameSizeEstimate';
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('$node type is not supported');
String literalStringToString(LiteralString node) {
if (node.isFinalized) {
return node.value;
} else {
return sizeEstimate(node);
/// Always emit a newline, even under `enableMinification`.
void forceLine() {
out('\n'); // '\n'
void out(String s) {
if (s.length > 0) {
// We can elide a semicolon in some cases, but for simplicity we
// assume a semicolon is needed here.
if (pendingSemicolon) {
emit(';'); // ';'
// We can elide a pending space in some cases, but for simplicity we
// assume a space is needed here.
if (pendingSpace) {
emit(' '); // ' '
pendingSpace = false;
pendingSemicolon = false;
emit(s); // str
void outSemicolonLn() {
pendingSemicolon = true;
void emit(String s) {
charCount += s.length;
void visit(Node node) {
void visitCommaSeparated(List<Node> nodes, int hasRequiredType,
{bool newInForInit, bool newAtStatementBegin}) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
atStatementBegin = false;
out(','); // ','
visitNestedExpression(nodes[i], hasRequiredType,
newInForInit: newInForInit, newAtStatementBegin: newAtStatementBegin);
void visitAll(List<Node> nodes) {
void visitProgram(Program program) {
if (program.body.isNotEmpty) {
Statement unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(Statement body) {
Statement result = body;
while (result is Block) {
Block block = result;
if (block.statements.length != 1) break;
result = block.statements.single;
return result;
bool blockBody(Statement body, {bool needsSeparation}) {
if (body is Block) {
return true;
if (needsSeparation) {
out(' '); // ' '
return false;
void blockOutWithoutBraces(Node node) {
if (node is Block) {
Block block = node;
} else {
int blockOut(Block node) {
out('{'); // '{'
out('}'); // '}'
int closingPosition = charCount - 1;
return closingPosition;
void visitBlock(Block block) {
void visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: true);
void visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
out(';'); // ';'
void ifOut(If node) {
Statement then = unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(node.then);
Statement elsePart = node.otherwise;
bool hasElse = node.hasElse;
out('if('); // 'if('
visitNestedExpression(node.condition, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
blockBody(then, needsSeparation: false);
if (hasElse) {
out('else'); // 'else'
if (elsePart is If) {
pendingSpace = true;
} else {
needsSeparation: true);
void visitIf(If node) {
void visitFor(For loop) {
out('for('); // 'for('
if (loop.init != null) {
visitNestedExpression(loop.init, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: true, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(';'); // ';'
if (loop.condition != null) {
visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(';'); // ';'
if (loop.update != null) {
visitNestedExpression(loop.update, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
blockBody(unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(loop.body), needsSeparation: false);
void visitForIn(ForIn loop) {
out('for('); // 'for('
visitNestedExpression(loop.leftHandSide, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: true, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(' in'); // ' in'
pendingSpace = true;
visitNestedExpression(loop.object, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
blockBody(unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(loop.body), needsSeparation: false);
void visitWhile(While loop) {
out('while('); // 'while('
visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
blockBody(unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(loop.body), needsSeparation: false);
void visitDo(Do loop) {
out('do'); // 'do'
if (blockBody(unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(loop.body),
needsSeparation: true)) {}
out('while('); // 'while('
visitNestedExpression(loop.condition, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
void visitContinue(Continue node) {
if (node.targetLabel == null) {
out('continue'); // 'continue'
} else {
out('continue ${node.targetLabel}'); // 'continue ${node.targetLabel}'
void visitBreak(Break node) {
if (node.targetLabel == null) {
} else {
out('break ${node.targetLabel}');
void visitReturn(Return node) {
out('return'); // 'return'
if (node.value != null) {
pendingSpace = true;
visitNestedExpression(node.value, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitDartYield(DartYield node) {
if (node.hasStar) {
out('yield*'); // 'yield*'
} else {
out('yield'); // 'yield'
pendingSpace = true;
visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitThrow(Throw node) {
out('throw'); // 'throw'
pendingSpace = true;
visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitTry(Try node) {
out('try'); // 'try'
blockBody(node.body, needsSeparation: true);
if (node.catchPart != null) {
if (node.finallyPart != null) {
out('finally'); // 'finally'
blockBody(node.finallyPart, needsSeparation: true);
void visitCatch(Catch node) {
out('catch('); // 'catch('
visitNestedExpression(node.declaration, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
blockBody(node.body, needsSeparation: false);
void visitSwitch(Switch node) {
out('switch('); // 'switch('
visitNestedExpression(node.key, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out('){'); // '){
out('}'); // '}'
void visitCase(Case node) {
out('case'); // 'case'
pendingSpace = true;
visitNestedExpression(node.expression, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(':'); // ':'
if (!node.body.statements.isEmpty) {
void visitDefault(Default node) {
out('default:'); // 'default:'
if (!node.body.statements.isEmpty) {
void visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement body = unwrapBlockIfSingleStatement(node.body);
// `label: break label;`
// Does not work on IE. The statement is a nop, so replace it by an empty
// statement.
// See:
if (body is Break && body.targetLabel == node.label) {
visit(new EmptyStatement());
blockBody(body, needsSeparation: false);
int functionOut(Fun fun, Node name, VarCollector vars) {
out('function'); // 'function'
if (name != null) {
out(' '); // ' '
// Name must be a [Decl]. Therefore only test for primary expressions.
visitNestedExpression(name, PRIMARY,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out('('); // '('
if (fun.params != null) {
visitCommaSeparated(fun.params, PRIMARY,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
switch (fun.asyncModifier) {
case AsyncModifier.sync:
case AsyncModifier.async:
out(' async'); // ' async'
case AsyncModifier.syncStar:
out(' sync*'); // ' sync*'
case AsyncModifier.asyncStar:
out(' async*'); // ' async*'
int closingPosition = blockOut(fun.body);
return closingPosition;
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration declaration) {
VarCollector vars = new VarCollector();
functionOut(declaration.function,, vars);
visitNestedExpression(Expression node, int requiredPrecedence,
{bool newInForInit, bool newAtStatementBegin}) {
bool needsParentheses = !node.isFinalized ||
// a - (b + c).
(requiredPrecedence != EXPRESSION &&
node.precedenceLevel < requiredPrecedence) ||
// for (a = (x in o); ... ; ... ) { ... }
(newInForInit && node is Binary && node.op == "in") ||
// (function() { ... })().
// ({a: 2, b: 3}.toString()).
(newAtStatementBegin &&
(node is NamedFunction ||
node is Fun ||
node is ObjectInitializer));
if (needsParentheses) {
inForInit = false;
atStatementBegin = false;
out('('); // '('
out(')'); // ')'
} else {
inForInit = newInForInit;
atStatementBegin = newAtStatementBegin;
visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList list) {
out('var '); // 'var '
List<Node> nodes = list.declarations;
if (inForInit) {
visitCommaSeparated(nodes, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
Node node = nodes[i];
if (i > 0) {
atStatementBegin = false;
out(','); // ','
visitNestedExpression(node, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void _outputIncDec(String op, Expression variable, [Expression alias]) {
// We can eliminate the space preceding the inc/dec in some cases,
// but for estimation purposes we assume the worst case.
if (op == '+') {
out(' ++');
} else {
out(' --');
visitNestedExpression(variable, UNARY,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
visitAssignment(Assignment assignment) {
/// To print assignments like `a = a + 1` and `a = a + b` compactly as
/// `++a` and `a += b` in the face of [DeferredExpression]s we detect the
/// pattern of the undeferred assignment.
String op = assignment.op;
Node leftHandSide = assignment.leftHandSide;
Node rightHandSide = assignment.value;
if ((op == '+' || op == '-') &&
leftHandSide is VariableUse &&
rightHandSide is LiteralNumber &&
rightHandSide.value == "1") {
// Output 'a += 1' as '++a' and 'a -= 1' as '--a'.
_outputIncDec(op, assignment.leftHandSide);
if (!assignment.isCompound &&
leftHandSide is VariableUse &&
rightHandSide is Binary) {
Node rLeft = rightHandSide.left;
Node rRight = rightHandSide.right;
String op = rightHandSide.op;
if (op == '+' ||
op == '-' ||
op == '/' ||
op == '*' ||
op == '%' ||
op == '^' ||
op == '&' ||
op == '|') {
if (rLeft is VariableUse && == {
// Output 'a = a + 1' as '++a' and 'a = a - 1' as '--a'.
if ((op == '+' || op == '-') &&
rRight is LiteralNumber &&
rRight.value == "1") {
_outputIncDec(op, assignment.leftHandSide, rightHandSide.left);
// Output 'a = a + b' as 'a += b'.
visitNestedExpression(assignment.leftHandSide, CALL,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
assert(op.length == 1);
out('$op='); // '$op='
visitNestedExpression(rRight, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
visitNestedExpression(assignment.leftHandSide, CALL,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
if (assignment.value != null) {
if (op != null) out(op);
out('='); // '='
visitNestedExpression(assignment.value, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
visitVariableInitialization(VariableInitialization initialization) {
visitConditional(Conditional cond) {
visitNestedExpression(cond.condition, LOGICAL_OR,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
out('?'); // '?'
// The then part is allowed to have an 'in'.
visitNestedExpression(cond.then, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(':'); // ':'
visitNestedExpression(cond.otherwise, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
visitNew(New node) {
out('new'); // 'new'
visitNestedExpression(, LEFT_HAND_SIDE,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out('('); // '('
visitCommaSeparated(node.arguments, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
visitCall(Call call) {
visitNestedExpression(, CALL,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
out('('); // '('
visitCommaSeparated(call.arguments, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
void visitBinary(Binary binary) {
Expression left = binary.left;
Expression right = binary.right;
String op = binary.op;
int leftPrecedenceRequirement;
int rightPrecedenceRequirement;
switch (op) {
case ',':
// x, (y, z) <=> (x, y), z.
leftPrecedenceRequirement = EXPRESSION;
rightPrecedenceRequirement = EXPRESSION;
case "||":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_OR;
// x || (y || z) <=> (x || y) || z.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_OR;
case "&&":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_AND;
// x && (y && z) <=> (x && y) && z.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = LOGICAL_AND;
case "|":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_OR;
// x | (y | z) <=> (x | y) | z.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_OR;
case "^":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_XOR;
// x ^ (y ^ z) <=> (x ^ y) ^ z.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_XOR;
case "&":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_AND;
// x & (y & z) <=> (x & y) & z.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = BIT_AND;
case "==":
case "!=":
case "===":
case "!==":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = EQUALITY;
rightPrecedenceRequirement = RELATIONAL;
case "<":
case ">":
case "<=":
case ">=":
case "instanceof":
case "in":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = RELATIONAL;
rightPrecedenceRequirement = SHIFT;
case ">>":
case "<<":
case ">>>":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = SHIFT;
rightPrecedenceRequirement = ADDITIVE;
case "+":
case "-":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = ADDITIVE;
// We cannot remove parenthesis for "+" because
// x + (y + z) <!=> (x + y) + z:
// Example:
// "a" + (1 + 2) => "a3";
// ("a" + 1) + 2 => "a12";
rightPrecedenceRequirement = MULTIPLICATIVE;
case "*":
case "/":
case "%":
leftPrecedenceRequirement = MULTIPLICATIVE;
// We cannot remove parenthesis for "*" because of precision issues.
rightPrecedenceRequirement = UNARY;
throw UnsupportedError("Forgot operator: $op");
visitNestedExpression(left, leftPrecedenceRequirement,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
if (op == "in" || op == "instanceof") {
// There are cases where the space is not required but without further
// analysis we cannot know.
out(' $op '); // ' $op '
} else {
out(op); // '$op'
visitNestedExpression(right, rightPrecedenceRequirement,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitPrefix(Prefix unary) {
String op = unary.op;
switch (op) {
case "delete":
case "void":
case "typeof":
case "+":
case "++":
case "-":
case "--":
// We may be able to eliminate the space in some cases, but for
// estimation we assume the worst case.
out('$op '); // '$op '
out('$op'); // '$op'
visitNestedExpression(unary.argument, UNARY,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitPostfix(Postfix postfix) {
visitNestedExpression(postfix.argument, CALL,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
out(postfix.op); // '${postfix.op}'
void visitVariableUse(VariableUse ref) {
// For simplicity and stability we use a constant name size estimate.
// In production this is:
// '${localNamer.getName('
void visitThis(This node) {
out('this'); // 'this'
void visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration decl) {
// '${localNamer.getName('
void visitParameter(Parameter param) {
// For simplicity and stability we use a constant name size estimate.
// In production this is:
// '${localNamer.getName('
bool isDigit(int charCode) {
return charCodes.$0 <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$9;
bool isValidJavaScriptId(String field) {
if (field.length < 3) return false;
// Ignore the leading and trailing string-delimiter.
for (int i = 1; i < field.length - 1; i++) {
// TODO(floitsch): allow more characters.
int charCode = field.codeUnitAt(i);
if (!(charCodes.$a <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$z ||
charCodes.$A <= charCode && charCode <= charCodes.$Z ||
charCode == charCodes.$$ ||
charCode == charCodes.$_ ||
i != 1 && isDigit(charCode))) {
return false;
// TODO(floitsch): normally we should also check that the field is not a
// reserved word. We don't generate fields with reserved word names except
// for 'super'.
if (field == '"super"') return false;
if (field == '"catch"') return false;
return true;
void visitAccess(PropertyAccess access) {
visitNestedExpression(access.receiver, CALL,
newInForInit: inForInit, newAtStatementBegin: atStatementBegin);
Node selector = access.selector;
if (selector is LiteralString) {
String fieldWithQuotes = literalStringToString(selector);
if (isValidJavaScriptId(fieldWithQuotes)) {
if (access.receiver is LiteralNumber) {
// We can eliminate the space in some cases, but for simplicity we
// always assume it is necessary.
out(' '); // ' '
// '.${fieldWithQuotes.substring(1, fieldWithQuotes.length - 1)}'
out('.${fieldWithQuotes.substring(1, fieldWithQuotes.length - 1)}');
} else if (selector is Name) {
Node receiver = access.receiver;
if (receiver is LiteralNumber) {
// We can eliminate the space in some cases, but for simplicity we
// always assume it is necessary.
out(' '); // ' '
out('.'); // '.'
out('['); // '['
visitNestedExpression(access.selector, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(']'); // ']
void visitNamedFunction(NamedFunction namedFunction) {
VarCollector vars = new VarCollector();
functionOut(namedFunction.function,, vars);
void visitFun(Fun fun) {
VarCollector vars = new VarCollector();
functionOut(fun, null, vars);
visitDeferredExpression(DeferredExpression node) {
if (node.isFinalized) {
// Continue printing with the expression value.
assert(node.precedenceLevel == node.value.precedenceLevel);
} else {
visitDeferredStatement(DeferredStatement node) {
if (node.isFinalized) {
// Continue printing with the statement value.
} else {
outputNumberWithRequiredWhitespace(String number) {
int charCode = number.codeUnitAt(0);
if (charCode == charCodes.$MINUS) {
// We can eliminate the space in some cases, but for simplicity we
// always assume it is necessary.
out(' ');
out(number); // '${number}'
visitDeferredNumber(DeferredNumber node) {
if (node.isFinalized) {
} else {
visitDeferredString(DeferredString node) {
if (node.isFinalized) {
} else {
visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
out(node.value ? '!0' : '!1');
void visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
visitName(Name node) {
// For simplicity and stability we use a constant name size estimate.
visitParentheses(Parentheses node) {
out('('); // '('
visitNestedExpression(node.enclosed, EXPRESSION,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
out(')'); // ')'
visitLiteralNumber(LiteralNumber node) {
void visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
out('null'); // 'null'
void visitArrayInitializer(ArrayInitializer node) {
out('['); // '['
List<Expression> elements = node.elements;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
Expression element = elements[i];
if (element is ArrayHole) {
// Note that array holes must have a trailing "," even if they are
// in last position. Otherwise `[,]` (having length 1) would become
// equal to `[]` (the empty array)
// and [1,,] (array with 1 and a hole) would become [1,] = [1].
out(','); // ','
visitNestedExpression(element, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
// We can skip the trailing "," for the last element (since it's not
// an array hole).
if (i != elements.length - 1) out(','); // ','
out(']'); // ']'
void visitArrayHole(ArrayHole node) {
throw UnsupportedError("Unreachable");
void visitObjectInitializer(ObjectInitializer node) {
// Print all the properties on one line until we see a function-valued
// property. Ideally, we would use a proper pretty-printer to make the
// decision based on layout.
bool exitOneLinerMode(Expression value) {
return value is Fun ||
value is ArrayInitializer && value.elements.any((e) => e is Fun);
bool isOneLiner = true;
List<Property> properties =;
out('{'); // '{'
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
Node value = properties[i].value;
if (isOneLiner && exitOneLinerMode(value)) isOneLiner = false;
if (i != 0) {
out(','); // ','
if (!isOneLiner) {
out('}'); // '}'
void visitProperty(Property node) {
Node name =;
if (name is LiteralString) {
String text = literalStringToString(name);
if (isValidJavaScriptId(text)) {
// '${text.substring(1, text.length - 1)}
out('${text.substring(1, text.length - 1)}');
} else {
out(text); // '$text'
} else if (name is Name) {;
} else if (name is DeferredExpression) {
} else {
assert(name is LiteralNumber);
LiteralNumber nameNumber =;
out(nameNumber.value); // '${nameNumber.value}'
out(':'); // ':'
visitNestedExpression(node.value, ASSIGNMENT,
newInForInit: false, newAtStatementBegin: false);
void visitRegExpLiteral(RegExpLiteral node) {
out(node.pattern); // '${node.pattern}'
void visitLiteralExpression(LiteralExpression node) {
out(node.template); // '${node.template}'
void visitLiteralStatement(LiteralStatement node) {
out(node.code); // '${node.code}'
void visitInterpolatedNode(InterpolatedNode node) {
throw UnsupportedError('InterpolatedStatements are not supported');
void visitInterpolatedExpression(InterpolatedExpression node) =>
void visitInterpolatedLiteral(InterpolatedLiteral node) =>
void visitInterpolatedParameter(InterpolatedParameter node) =>
void visitInterpolatedSelector(InterpolatedSelector node) =>
void visitInterpolatedStatement(InterpolatedStatement node) {
throw UnsupportedError('InterpolatedStatements are not supported');
void visitInterpolatedDeclaration(InterpolatedDeclaration node) {
void visitComment(Comment node) {
// We assume output is compressed and thus do not output comments.
void visitAwait(Await node) {
out('await '); // 'await '