blob: 5cbeeab3202bd44e4bda20d7be99ea84145bbe68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// Basic implementation of a heap, with O(log n) insertion and removal.
abstract class Heap<T> {
final _items = <T>[];
bool get isEmpty => _items.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _items.isNotEmpty;
void add(T item) {
int index = _items.length;
while (index > 0) {
T parent = _items[_parentIndex(index)];
if (sortsBefore(parent, item)) break;
_items[index] = parent;
index = _parentIndex(index);
_items[index] = item;
T remove() {
T removed = _items[0];
T orphan = _items.removeLast();
if (_items.isNotEmpty) _reInsert(orphan);
return removed;
/// Client should use a derived class to specify the sort order.
bool sortsBefore(T a, T b);
int _firstChildIndex(int index) {
return (index << 1) + 1;
int _parentIndex(int index) {
return (index - 1) >> 1;
void _reInsert(T item) {
int index = 0;
while (true) {
int childIndex = _firstChildIndex(index);
if (childIndex >= _items.length) break;
T child = _items[childIndex];
if (childIndex + 1 < _items.length) {
T nextChild = _items[childIndex + 1];
if (sortsBefore(nextChild, child)) {
child = nextChild;
if (sortsBefore(item, child)) break;
_items[index] = _items[childIndex];
index = childIndex;
_items[index] = item;