blob: 3318b1c34a3105f2e4a8edd8bb088ba6e8f4cb28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import '../common.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../types/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../universe/side_effects.dart';
import '../world.dart';
abstract class InferredData {
/// Returns the side effects of executing [element].
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfElement(FunctionEntity element);
/// Returns the side effects of calling [selector] on the [receiver].
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfSelector(
Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is guaranteed not to throw an exception.
bool getCannotThrow(FunctionEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] is called in a loop.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this 'potentially called' or 'known to be called'?
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change [MemberEntity] to [FunctionEntity].
bool isCalledInLoop(MemberEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] might be passed to `Function.apply`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this 'passed invocation target` or
// `passed as argument`?
bool getMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element);
abstract class InferredDataBuilder {
/// Registers the executing of [element] as without side effects.
void registerSideEffectsFree(FunctionEntity element);
/// Returns the [SideEffectBuilder] associated with [element].
SideEffectsBuilder getSideEffectsBuilder(FunctionEntity member);
/// Registers that [element] might be passed to `Function.apply`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this 'passed invocation target` or
// `passed as argument`?
void registerMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element);
/// Returns `true` if [element] might be passed to `Function.apply` given the
/// currently inferred information.
bool getCurrentlyKnownMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element);
/// Registers that [element] is called in a loop.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Is this 'potentially called' or 'known to be called'?
void addFunctionCalledInLoop(MemberEntity element);
/// Registers that [element] is guaranteed not to throw an exception.
void registerCannotThrow(FunctionEntity element);
/// Create a [InferredData] object for the collected information.
InferredData close(JClosedWorld closedWorld);
class InferredDataImpl implements InferredData {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final Set<MemberEntity> _functionsCalledInLoop;
final Map<FunctionEntity, SideEffects> _sideEffects;
final Set<FunctionEntity> _sideEffectsFreeElements;
final Set<FunctionEntity> _elementsThatCannotThrow;
final Set<FunctionEntity> _functionsThatMightBePassedToApply;
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfSelector(
Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver) {
// We're not tracking side effects of closures.
if (selector.isClosureCall ||
_closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, receiver)) {
return new SideEffects();
SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects.empty();
for (MemberEntity e in _closedWorld.locateMembers(selector, receiver)) {
if (e.isField) {
if (selector.isGetter) {
if (!_closedWorld.fieldNeverChanges(e)) {
} else if (selector.isSetter) {
} else {
} else {
return sideEffects;
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfElement(FunctionEntity element) {
assert(_sideEffects != null,
failedAt(element, "Side effects have not been computed yet."));
// TODO(johnniwinther): Check that [_makeSideEffects] is only called if
// type inference has been disabled (explicitly or because of compile time
// errors).
return _sideEffects.putIfAbsent(element, _makeSideEffects);
static SideEffects _makeSideEffects() => new SideEffects();
bool isCalledInLoop(MemberEntity element) {
return _functionsCalledInLoop.contains(element);
bool getCannotThrow(FunctionEntity element) {
return _elementsThatCannotThrow.contains(element);
bool getMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element) {
// We assume all functions reach Function.apply if no functions are
// registered so. We get an empty set in two circumstances (1) a trivial
// program and (2) when compiling without type inference
// (i.e. --disable-type-inference). Returning `true` has consequences (extra
// metadata for Function.apply) only when Function.apply is also part of the
// program. It is an unusual trivial program that includes Function.apply
// but does not call it on a function.
// TODO(sra): We should reverse the sense of this set and register functions
// that we have proven do not reach Function.apply.
if (_functionsThatMightBePassedToApply.isEmpty) return true;
return _functionsThatMightBePassedToApply.contains(element);
class InferredDataBuilderImpl implements InferredDataBuilder {
final Set<MemberEntity> _functionsCalledInLoop = new Set<MemberEntity>();
Map<MemberEntity, SideEffectsBuilder> _sideEffectsBuilders =
<MemberEntity, SideEffectsBuilder>{};
final Set<FunctionEntity> prematureSideEffectAccesses =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
final Set<FunctionEntity> _sideEffectsFreeElements =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
final Set<FunctionEntity> _elementsThatCannotThrow =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
final Set<FunctionEntity> _functionsThatMightBePassedToApply =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
SideEffectsBuilder getSideEffectsBuilder(MemberEntity member) {
return _sideEffectsBuilders.putIfAbsent(
member, () => new SideEffectsBuilder(member));
void registerSideEffectsFree(FunctionEntity element) {
_sideEffectsBuilders[element] = new;
/// Compute [SideEffects] for all registered [SideEffectBuilder]s.
InferredData close(JClosedWorld closedWorld) {
assert(_sideEffectsBuilders != null,
"Inferred data has already been computed.");
Map<FunctionEntity, SideEffects> _sideEffects =
<FunctionEntity, SideEffects>{};
Iterable<SideEffectsBuilder> sideEffectsBuilders =
for (SideEffectsBuilder sideEffectsBuilder in sideEffectsBuilders) {
_sideEffects[sideEffectsBuilder.member] = sideEffectsBuilder.sideEffects;
_sideEffectsBuilders = null;
return new InferredDataImpl(
static void emptyWorkList(Iterable<SideEffectsBuilder> sideEffectsBuilders) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Optimize this algorithm, possibly by using
// `pkg/front_end/lib/src/dependency_walker.dart`.
Queue<SideEffectsBuilder> queue = new Queue<SideEffectsBuilder>();
Set<SideEffectsBuilder> inQueue = new Set<SideEffectsBuilder>();
for (SideEffectsBuilder builder in sideEffectsBuilders) {
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
SideEffectsBuilder sideEffectsBuilder = queue.removeFirst();
for (SideEffectsBuilder dependent in sideEffectsBuilder.depending) {
if (dependent.add(sideEffectsBuilder.sideEffects)) {
if (inQueue.add(dependent)) {
void addFunctionCalledInLoop(MemberEntity element) {
void registerCannotThrow(FunctionEntity element) {
void registerMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element) {
bool getCurrentlyKnownMightBePassedToApply(FunctionEntity element) {
return _functionsThatMightBePassedToApply.contains(element);