| // Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| library dart2js.inferrer.type_graph_dump; |
| |
| import '../../compiler_new.dart'; |
| import '../elements/entities.dart'; |
| import '../elements/entity_utils.dart' as utils; |
| import '../types/abstract_value_domain.dart'; |
| import 'inferrer_engine.dart'; |
| import 'type_graph_nodes.dart'; |
| import 'debug.dart'; |
| |
| /// Dumps the type inference graph in Graphviz Dot format into the `typegraph` |
| /// subfolder of the current working directory. Each function body is dumped in |
| /// a separate file. |
| /// |
| /// The resulting .dot files must be processed using the Graphviz `dot` command, |
| /// which can be obtained from `http://www.graphviz.org`, or installed using |
| /// most package managers (search for `graphviz` or `dot`). |
| /// |
| /// Example commands: |
| /// |
| /// dot -Tpng -O typegraph/main.dot |
| /// open typegraph/main.dot.png |
| /// |
| /// dot -Tpng -O typegraph/dart._internal.Sort._dualPivotQuicksort.dot |
| /// open typegraph/dart._internal.Sort._dualPivotQuicksort.dot.png |
| /// |
| class TypeGraphDump { |
| static const String outputDir = 'typegraph'; |
| |
| final CompilerOutput compilerOutput; |
| final InferrerEngine inferrer; |
| final Map<TypeInformation, Set<TypeInformation>> assignmentsBeforeAnalysis = |
| <TypeInformation, Set<TypeInformation>>{}; |
| final Map<TypeInformation, Set<TypeInformation>> assignmentsBeforeTracing = |
| <TypeInformation, Set<TypeInformation>>{}; |
| final Set<String> usedFilenames = new Set<String>(); |
| |
| TypeGraphDump(this.compilerOutput, this.inferrer); |
| |
| /// Take a copy of the assignment set for each node, since that may change |
| /// during the analysis. |
| void beforeAnalysis() { |
| for (TypeInformation node in inferrer.types.allTypes) { |
| Set<TypeInformation> copy = node.assignments.toSet(); |
| if (!copy.isEmpty) { |
| assignmentsBeforeAnalysis[node] = copy; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Like [beforeAnalysis], takes a copy of the assignment sets. |
| void beforeTracing() { |
| for (TypeInformation node in inferrer.types.allTypes) { |
| Set<TypeInformation> copy = node.assignments.toSet(); |
| if (!copy.isEmpty) { |
| assignmentsBeforeTracing[node] = copy; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Dumps the entire graph. |
| void afterAnalysis() { |
| // Group all the type nodes by their context member. |
| Map<MemberEntity, List<TypeInformation>> nodes = |
| <MemberEntity, List<TypeInformation>>{}; |
| for (TypeInformation node in inferrer.types.allTypes) { |
| if (node.contextMember != null) { |
| nodes |
| .putIfAbsent(node.contextMember, () => <TypeInformation>[]) |
| .add(node); |
| } |
| } |
| // Print every group separately. |
| for (MemberEntity element in nodes.keys) { |
| OutputSink output; |
| try { |
| String name = filenameFromElement(element); |
| output = compilerOutput.createOutputSink( |
| '$outputDir/$name', 'dot', OutputType.debug); |
| _GraphGenerator visitor = new _GraphGenerator( |
| this, element, output, inferrer.abstractValueDomain.getCompactText); |
| for (TypeInformation node in nodes[element]) { |
| visitor.visit(node); |
| } |
| visitor.addMissingNodes(); |
| visitor.finish(); |
| } finally { |
| if (output != null) { |
| output.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the filename (without extension) in which to dump the type |
| /// graph for [element]. |
| /// |
| /// Will never return the a given filename more than once, even if called with |
| /// the same element. |
| String filenameFromElement(MemberEntity element) { |
| // The toString method of elements include characters that are unsuitable |
| // for URIs and file systems. |
| List<String> parts = <String>[]; |
| parts.add(element.library.canonicalUri.pathSegments.last); |
| parts.add(element.enclosingClass?.name); |
| if (element.isGetter) { |
| parts.add('get-${element.name}'); |
| } else if (element.isSetter) { |
| parts.add('set-${element.name}'); |
| } else if (element.isConstructor) { |
| if (element.name.isEmpty) { |
| parts.add('-constructor'); |
| } else { |
| parts.add(element.name); |
| } |
| } else { |
| parts.add( |
| utils.operatorNameToIdentifier(element.name).replaceAll(r'$', '-')); |
| } |
| String filename = parts.where((x) => x != null && x != '').join('.'); |
| if (usedFilenames.add(filename)) return filename; |
| // The filename has already been used by another method. Append a serial |
| // number to ensure we don't overwrite it. |
| int serialNumber = 2; |
| while (!usedFilenames.add('$filename-$serialNumber')) { |
| ++serialNumber; |
| } |
| return '$filename-$serialNumber'; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds the Graphviz Dot file for one function body. |
| class _GraphGenerator extends TypeInformationVisitor { |
| final TypeGraphDump global; |
| final Set<TypeInformation> seen = new Set<TypeInformation>(); |
| final List<TypeInformation> worklist = new List<TypeInformation>(); |
| final Map<TypeInformation, int> nodeId = <TypeInformation, int>{}; |
| final String Function(AbstractValue) formatType; |
| int usedIds = 0; |
| final OutputSink output; |
| final MemberEntity element; |
| TypeInformation returnValue; |
| |
| _GraphGenerator(this.global, this.element, this.output, this.formatType) { |
| returnValue = global.inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOfMember(element); |
| getNode(returnValue); // Ensure return value is part of graph. |
| append('digraph {'); |
| } |
| |
| void finish() { |
| append('}'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Ensures that all nodes which have been referenced are generated. |
| /// |
| /// Sometimes an input to a TypeInformation node does not belong to the same |
| /// function body, and the graph looks confusing if they are missing. |
| void addMissingNodes() { |
| while (worklist.isNotEmpty) { |
| TypeInformation node = worklist.removeLast(); |
| assert(nodeId.containsKey(node)); |
| visit(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void visit(TypeInformation info) { |
| if (seen.contains(info)) return; |
| info.accept(this); |
| } |
| |
| void append(String string) { |
| output..add(string)..add('\n'); |
| } |
| |
| String shorten(String text) { |
| if (text.length > 40) { |
| return text.substring(0, 19) + '...' + text.substring(text.length - 18); |
| } |
| return text; |
| } |
| |
| int getFreshId() => ++usedIds; |
| |
| /// Obtains a unique ID for the node representing [info]. |
| String getNode(TypeInformation info) { |
| int id = nodeId.putIfAbsent(info, () { |
| worklist.add(info); // Ensure that the referenced node is generated. |
| return getFreshId(); |
| }); |
| return '$id'; |
| } |
| |
| final RegExp escapeRegexp = new RegExp('["{}<>|]'); |
| |
| /// Escapes characters in [text] so it can be used as part of a label. |
| String escapeLabel(String text) { |
| return text.replaceAllMapped(escapeRegexp, (m) => '\\${m.group(0)}'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates an edge from [src] to [dst]. |
| /// |
| /// If [dst] is a record type node, [port] may refer to one of the fields |
| /// defined in that record (e.g. `obj`, `arg0`, `arg1`, etc) |
| void addEdge(TypeInformation src, TypeInformation dst, |
| {String port, String color: 'black'}) { |
| if (isExternal(src) && isExternal(dst)) { |
| return; // Do not add edges between external nodes. |
| } |
| String dstText = getNode(dst); |
| if (port != null) { |
| dstText += ':$port'; |
| } |
| if (src is ConcreteTypeInformation) { |
| // Concrete types can have a huge number of uses which will flood the |
| // graph with very long hard-to-follow edges. Copy the concrete nodes |
| // for every use to enhance readability. |
| int id = getFreshId(); |
| String type = escapeLabel('${formatType(src.type)}'); |
| String text = 'Concrete'; |
| String label = '{$text|<returnType> $type}'; |
| append('$id [shape=record,style=dotted,label="$label"]'); |
| append('$id -> $dstText [color="$color"]'); |
| } else { |
| append('${getNode(src)}:returnType -> $dstText [color="$color"]'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Some graphs are flooded by a huge number of phi and narrow nodes. |
| // We color the nodes so the "interesting" nodes stand out more. |
| static const String defaultNodeColor = '#eeffee'; |
| static const String phiColor = '#eeffff'; |
| static const String narrowColor = phiColor; |
| static const String callColor = '#ffffee'; |
| |
| // Colors for edges based on whether they were added or removed during the |
| // analysis. |
| static const String unchangedEdge = 'black'; |
| static const String addedEdge = 'green4'; |
| static const String removedEdge = 'red3'; |
| static const String temporaryEdge = 'orange'; // Added and then removed again. |
| |
| bool isExternal(TypeInformation node) { |
| return node != returnValue && node.contextMember != element; |
| } |
| |
| String getStyleForNode(TypeInformation node, String color) { |
| return isExternal(node) |
| ? 'style=dotted' |
| : 'style=filled,fillcolor="$color"'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Adds details that are not specific to a subclass of [TypeInformation]. |
| String appendDetails(TypeInformation node, String text) { |
| if (node == returnValue) { |
| return '$text\n(return value)'; |
| } |
| if (node.contextMember != null && node.contextMember != element) { |
| return '$text\n(from ${node.contextMember})'; |
| } |
| return text; |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a node for [node] displaying the given [text] in its box. |
| /// |
| /// [inputs] specify named inputs to the node. If omitted, edges will be |
| /// based on [node.assignments]. |
| void addNode(TypeInformation node, String text, |
| {String color: defaultNodeColor, Map<String, TypeInformation> inputs}) { |
| seen.add(node); |
| String style = getStyleForNode(node, color); |
| text = appendDetails(node, text); |
| text = escapeLabel(text); |
| String id = getNode(node); |
| String returnType = escapeLabel(formatType(node.type)); |
| if (inputs != null) { |
| Iterable<String> keys = inputs.keys.where((key) => inputs[key] != null); |
| String header = keys.map((key) => '<a$key> $key').join('|'); |
| String label = '{{$header}|$text|<returnType> $returnType}'; |
| append('$id [shape=record,label="$label",$style]'); |
| for (String key in keys) { |
| addEdge(inputs[key], node, port: 'a$key'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| String label = '{$text|<returnType> $returnType}'; |
| append('$id [shape=record,label="$label",$style]'); |
| // Add assignment edges. Color the edges based on whether they were |
| // added, removed, temporary, or unchanged. |
| dynamic originalSet = global.assignmentsBeforeAnalysis[node] ?? const []; |
| var tracerSet = global.assignmentsBeforeTracing[node] ?? const []; |
| var currentSet = node.assignments.toSet(); |
| for (TypeInformation assignment in currentSet) { |
| String color = |
| originalSet.contains(assignment) ? unchangedEdge : addedEdge; |
| addEdge(assignment, node, color: color); |
| } |
| for (TypeInformation assignment in originalSet) { |
| if (!currentSet.contains(assignment)) { |
| addEdge(assignment, node, color: removedEdge); |
| } |
| } |
| for (TypeInformation assignment in tracerSet) { |
| if (!currentSet.contains(assignment) && |
| !originalSet.contains(assignment)) { |
| addEdge(assignment, node, color: temporaryEdge); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| for (TypeInformation user in node.users) { |
| if (!isExternal(user)) { |
| visit(user); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void visitNarrowTypeInformation(NarrowTypeInformation info) { |
| // Omit unused Narrows. |
| if (!PRINT_GRAPH_ALL_NODES && info.users.isEmpty) return; |
| addNode(info, 'Narrow\n${formatType(info.typeAnnotation)}', |
| color: narrowColor); |
| } |
| |
| void visitPhiElementTypeInformation(PhiElementTypeInformation info) { |
| // Omit unused Phis. |
| if (!PRINT_GRAPH_ALL_NODES && info.users.isEmpty) return; |
| addNode(info, 'Phi ${info.variable?.name ?? ''}', color: phiColor); |
| } |
| |
| void visitElementInContainerTypeInformation( |
| ElementInContainerTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'ElementInContainer'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitKeyInMapTypeInformation(KeyInMapTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'KeyInMap'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitValueInMapTypeInformation(ValueInMapTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'ValueInMap'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitListTypeInformation(ListTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'List'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitMapTypeInformation(MapTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'Map'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitConcreteTypeInformation(ConcreteTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'Concrete'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitStringLiteralTypeInformation(StringLiteralTypeInformation info) { |
| String text = shorten(info.value).replaceAll('\n', '\\n'); |
| addNode(info, 'StringLiteral\n"$text"'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitBoolLiteralTypeInformation(BoolLiteralTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'BoolLiteral\n${info.value}'); |
| } |
| |
| void handleCall(CallSiteTypeInformation info, String text, |
| Map<String, TypeInformation> inputs) { |
| String sourceCode = shorten('${info.debugName}'); |
| text = '$text\n$sourceCode'; |
| if (info.arguments != null) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < info.arguments.positional.length; ++i) { |
| inputs['arg$i'] = info.arguments.positional[i]; |
| } |
| for (String argName in info.arguments.named.keys) { |
| inputs[argName] = info.arguments.named[argName]; |
| } |
| } |
| addNode(info, text, color: callColor, inputs: inputs); |
| } |
| |
| void visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation( |
| ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation info) { |
| handleCall(info, 'ClosureCallSite', {}); |
| } |
| |
| void visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info) { |
| handleCall(info, 'StaticCallSite', {}); |
| } |
| |
| void visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation( |
| DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation info) { |
| handleCall(info, 'DynamicCallSite', {'obj': info.receiver}); |
| } |
| |
| void visitMemberTypeInformation(MemberTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'Member\n${info.debugName}'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitParameterTypeInformation(ParameterTypeInformation info) { |
| addNode(info, 'Parameter ${info.debugName}'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitClosureTypeInformation(ClosureTypeInformation info) { |
| String text = shorten('${info.debugName}'); |
| addNode(info, 'Closure\n$text'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitAwaitTypeInformation(AwaitTypeInformation info) { |
| String text = shorten('${info.debugName}'); |
| addNode(info, 'Await\n$text'); |
| } |
| |
| void visitYieldTypeInformation(YieldTypeInformation info) { |
| String text = shorten('${info.debugName}'); |
| addNode(info, 'Yield\n$text'); |
| } |
| } |