blob: 935ac8c3552073ef66a92b26c7f270639e168bea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show EventSink;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import '../../compiler.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../util/util.dart';
// Helper methods for statistics.
/// Current stats collector. Use [enableStatsOutput] to enable recording of
/// stats.
Stats get stats {
if (_stats == null) {
_stats = const Stats();
return _stats;
Stats _stats;
/// Enable recording of stats. Use [Stats.dumpStats] to output the record stats.
/// Pass the [outputProvider] of [Compiler] to generate stats into a separate
/// file using [name] and [extension] for the filename. If omitted, stats are
/// printed on standard out.
/// If [xml] is `true`, stats output is formatted as XML with a default
/// extension of 'xml', otherwise the output is indented text with a default
/// extension of 'log'.
void enableStatsOutput(
{CompilerOutputProvider outputProvider,
bool xml: true,
String name: 'stats',
String extension,
int examples: 10}) {
if (_stats != null) {
throw new StateError('Stats have already been initialized.');
StatsOutput output;
if (outputProvider != null) {
if (extension == null) {
extension = xml ? 'xml' : 'log';
output = new SinkOutput(outputProvider(name, extension));
} else {
output = const DebugOutput();
StatsPrinter printer;
if (xml) {
printer = new XMLPrinter(output: output, examples: examples);
} else {
printer = new ConsolePrinter(output: output, examples: examples);
_stats = new ActiveStats(printer);
/// Interface for gathering and display of statistical information.
/// This class serves as the noop collector.
class Stats {
const Stats();
/// Registers [key], [value] pair in the map [id]. If [fromExisting] is
/// non-null and [key] already exists, the value associated with [key] will
/// be the return value of [fromExisting] when called with the existing value.
/// The recorded information is not dumped automatically.
void recordMap(id, key, value, {fromExisting(value)}) {}
/// Returns the map [id] recorded with [recordMap].
Map getMap(id) => const {};
/// Registers [element] as an element of the list [id]. If provided, [data]
/// provides additional data for [element].
/// The recorded information is dumped automatically on call to [dumpStats].
/// Example:
/// Calling [recordElement] like this:
/// recordElement('foo', 'a', data: 'first-a-data');
/// recordElement('foo', 'a', data: 'second-a-data');
/// recordElement('foo', 'b');
/// recordElement('bar', 'a', data: 'third-a-data');
/// recordElement('bar', 'c');
/// will result in a dump like this:
/// foo: 2
/// value=a data=second-a-data
/// b
/// bar: 2
/// value=a data=third-a-data
/// c
void recordElement(id, element, {data}) {}
/// Returns the list [id] recorded with [recordElement].
Iterable getList(String id) => const [];
/// Registers [value] as an occurrence of [id]. If passed, [example] provides
/// an example data of the occurrence of [value].
/// The recorded information is dumped automatically on call to [dumpStats].
/// Example:
/// Calling [recordFrequency] like this:
/// recordFrequency('foo', 'a', 'first-a-data');
/// recordFrequency('foo', 'a', 'second-a-data');
/// recordFrequency('bar', 'b', 'first-b-data');
/// recordFrequency('foo', 'c');
/// recordFrequency('bar', 'b');
/// will result in a dump like this:
/// foo:
/// a: 2
/// first-a-data
/// second-a-data
/// c: 1
/// bar:
/// b: 2
/// first-b-data
void recordFrequency(id, value, [example]) {}
/// For each key/value pair in [map] the elements in the value are registered
/// as examples of occurrences of the key in [id].
void recordFrequencies(id, Map<dynamic, Iterable> map) {}
/// Returns the examples given for the occurrence of [value] for [id].
Iterable recordedFrequencies(id, value) => const [];
/// Increases the counter [id] by 1. If provided, [example] is used as an
/// example of the count and [data] provides additional information for
/// [example].
/// The recorded information is dumped automatically on call to [dumpStats].
/// Example:
/// Calling [recordCounter] like this:
/// recordCounter('foo', 'a');
/// recordCounter('foo', 'a');
/// recordCounter('foo', 'b');
/// recordCounter('bar', 'c', 'first-c-data');
/// recordCounter('bar', 'c', 'second-c-data');
/// recordCounter('bar', 'd');
/// recordCounter('bar', 'd');
/// recordCounter('baz');
/// recordCounter('baz');
/// will result in a dump like this:
/// foo: 3
/// count=2 example=a
/// count=1 example=b
/// bar: 4
/// count=2 examples=2
/// c:
/// first-c-data
/// second-c-data
/// d
/// baz: 2
void recordCounter(id, [example, data]) {}
/// Records the current stack trace under the key [id]. Only every
/// [sampleFrequency] call with the same id is recorded, and if omitted
/// [stackTraceSampleFrequency] is used.
void recordTrace(id, {int sampleFrequency}) {}
/// The default sample frequency used for recording stack traces.
int get stackTraceSampleFrequency => 0;
/// Set the default sample frequency used for recording stack traces.
void set stackTraceSampleFrequency(int value) {}
/// Dumps the stats for the recorded frequencies, sets, and counters. If
/// provided [beforeClose] is called before closing the dump output. This
/// can be used to include correlations on the collected data through
/// [dumpCorrelation].
void dumpStats({void beforeClose()}) {}
/// Prints the correlation between the elements of [a] and [b].
/// Three sets are output using [idA] and [idB] as labels for the elements
/// [a] and [b]:
/// 'idA && idB' lists the elements both in [a] and [b],
/// '!idA && idB' lists the elements not in [a] but in [b], and
/// 'idA && !idB' lists the elements in [a] but not in [b].
/// If [dataA] and/or [dataB] are provided, additional information on the
/// elements are looked up in [dataA] or [dataB] using [dataA] as the primary
/// source.
void dumpCorrelation(idA, Iterable a, idB, Iterable b,
{Map dataA, Map dataB}) {}
/// Interface for printing output data.
/// This class serves as the disabled output.
class StatsOutput {
const StatsOutput();
/// Print [text] as on a separate line.
void println(String text) {}
/// Output to the [debugPrint] method.
class DebugOutput implements StatsOutput {
const DebugOutput();
void println(String text) => debugPrint(text);
/// Output to an [EventSink]. Used to output to a file through the
/// [CompilerOutputProvider].
class SinkOutput implements StatsOutput {
EventSink<String> sink;
void println(String text) {
/// Interface for printing stats collected in [Stats].
abstract class StatsPrinter {
/// The number of examples printer. If `null` all examples are printed.
int get examples => 0;
/// Start a group [id].
void start(String id) {}
/// Create a group [id] with content created by [createGroupContent].
void group(String id, void createGroupContent()) {
/// End a group [id].
void end(String id) {}
/// Start a stat entry for [id] with additional [data].
void open(String id,
[Map<String, dynamic> data = const <String, dynamic>{}]) {}
/// Create a stat entry for [id] with additional [data] and content created by
/// [createChildContent].
void child(String id,
[Map<String, dynamic> data = const <String, dynamic>{},
void createChildContent()]) {
open(id, data);
if (createChildContent != null) createChildContent();
/// End a stat entry for [id].
void close(String id) {}
/// Starts a group of additional information.
void beginExtra() {}
/// Starts a group of additional information.
void endExtra() {}
/// Abstract base class for [ConsolePrinter] and [XMLPrinter].
abstract class BasePrinter extends StatsPrinter with Indentation {
final int examples;
final StatsOutput output;
BasePrinter({this.output: const DebugOutput(), this.examples: 10}) {
indentationUnit = " ";
/// [StatsPrinter] that displays stats in console lines.
class ConsolePrinter extends BasePrinter {
int extraLevel = 0;
ConsolePrinter({StatsOutput output: const DebugOutput(), int examples: 10})
: super(output: output, examples: examples);
void open(String id,
[Map<String, dynamic> data = const <String, dynamic>{}]) {
if (extraLevel > 0) return;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String space = '';
if (data['title'] != null) {
space = ' ';
} else if (data['name'] != null) {
space = ' ';
Iterable nonNullValues = data.values.where((v) => v != null);
if (nonNullValues.length == 1) {
} else {
data.forEach((key, value) {
space = ' ';
void close(String id) {
if (extraLevel > 0) return;
void beginExtra() {
if (extraLevel == 0) output.println('$indentation...');
void endExtra() {
/// [StatsPrinter] that displays stats in XML format.
class XMLPrinter extends BasePrinter {
static const HtmlEscape escape = const HtmlEscape();
bool opened = false;
XMLPrinter({output: const DebugOutput(), int examples: 10})
: super(output: output, examples: examples);
void start(String id) {
if (!opened) {
output.println('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
opened = true;
void end(String id) {
void open(String id,
[Map<String, dynamic> data = const <String, dynamic>{}]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
data.forEach((key, value) {
if (value != null) {
sb.write(' $key="${escape.convert('$value')}"');
void close(String id) {
void beginExtra() {
void endExtra() {
/// A node in a stack trace tree used to store and organize stack traces by
/// common prefixes.
class _StackTraceNode implements Comparable<_StackTraceNode> {
int count;
List<StackTraceLine> commonPrefix;
List<_StackTraceNode> subtraces;
_StackTraceNode(this.commonPrefix, this.count, this.subtraces);
_StackTraceNode.root() : this([], 0, []);
_StackTraceNode.leaf(StackTraceLines stackTrace)
: this(stackTrace.lines, 1, const []);
_StackTraceNode.node(List<StackTraceLine> commonPrefix, _StackTraceNode first,
_StackTraceNode second)
: this(commonPrefix, first.count + second.count, [first, second]);
void add(StackTraceLines stackTrace) {
if (!stackTrace.lines.isEmpty) {
void addSubtrace(StackTraceLines stackTrace) {
List<StackTraceLine> lines = stackTrace.lines;
for (_StackTraceNode subtrace in subtraces) {
int commonPrefixLength =
longestCommonPrefixLength(subtrace.commonPrefix, lines);
if (commonPrefixLength > 0) {
stackTrace = stackTrace.subtrace(commonPrefixLength);
if (commonPrefixLength == subtrace.commonPrefix.length) {
} else {
subtrace.commonPrefix =
subtraces.add(new _StackTraceNode.node(
lines.sublist(0, commonPrefixLength),
new _StackTraceNode.leaf(stackTrace)));
subtraces.add(new _StackTraceNode.leaf(stackTrace));
void dumpTraces(StatsPrinter printer) {'trace', {'count': count, 'line': commonPrefix.first});
if (commonPrefix.length > 1) {
for (StackTraceLine line in commonPrefix.skip(1)) {
printer.child('trace', {'line': line});
void dumpSubtraces(StatsPrinter printer) {
if (!subtraces.isEmpty) {
for (_StackTraceNode step in subtraces) {
int compareTo(_StackTraceNode other) {
// Sorts in decreasing count order.
return other.count - count;
void printOn(StringBuffer sb, String indentation) {
String countText = '$indentation$count ';
indentation = ''.padLeft(countText.length, ' ');
if (commonPrefix != null) {
int index = 0;
for (StackTraceLine line in commonPrefix) {
if (index > 1) {
for (_StackTraceNode subtrace in subtraces) {
subtrace.printOn(sb, indentation);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
printOn(sb, '');
return sb.toString();
class _StackTraceTree extends _StackTraceNode {
final id;
int totalCount = 0;
final int sampleFrequency;
_StackTraceTree(, this.sampleFrequency) : super.root();
void dumpTraces(StatsPrinter printer) {'trace', {
'id': id,
'totalCount': totalCount,
'sampleFrequency': sampleFrequency
void sample() {
if (totalCount++ % sampleFrequency == 0) {
add(stackTrace(offset: 3));
/// Actual implementation of [Stats].
class ActiveStats implements Stats {
final StatsPrinter printer;
Map<dynamic, Map> maps = {};
Map<dynamic, Map<dynamic, List>> frequencyMaps = {};
Map<dynamic, Map> setsMap = {};
Map<dynamic, Map<dynamic, List>> countersMap =
<dynamic, Map<dynamic, List>>{};
Map<dynamic, _StackTraceTree> traceMap = {};
int stackTraceSampleFrequency = 1;
ActiveStats(StatsPrinter this.printer);
void recordMap(id, key, value, {fromExisting(value)}) {
Map map = maps.putIfAbsent(id, () => {});
if (fromExisting != null && map.containsKey(key)) {
map[key] = fromExisting(map[key]);
} else {
map[key] = value;
Map getMap(key) {
return maps[key];
void recordFrequency(id, value, [example]) {
Map<dynamic, List> map = frequencyMaps.putIfAbsent(id, () => {});
map.putIfAbsent(value, () => []);
void recordFrequencies(id, Map<dynamic, Iterable> frequencyMap) {
Map<dynamic, List> map = frequencyMaps.putIfAbsent(id, () => {});
frequencyMap.forEach((value, examples) {
map.putIfAbsent(value, () => []);
Iterable recordedFrequencies(id, value) {
Map<dynamic, List> map = frequencyMaps[id];
if (map == null) return const [];
List list = map[value];
if (list == null) return const [];
return list;
void recordCounter(id, [reason, example]) {
Map<dynamic, List> map = countersMap.putIfAbsent(id, () => {});
map.putIfAbsent(reason, () => []).add(example);
void recordElement(key, element, {data}) {
setsMap.putIfAbsent(key, () => new Map())[element] = data;
void recordTrace(key, {int sampleFrequency}) {
if (sampleFrequency == null) {
sampleFrequency = stackTraceSampleFrequency;
.putIfAbsent(key, () => new _StackTraceTree(key, sampleFrequency))
Iterable getList(String key) {
Map map = setsMap[key];
if (map == null) return const [];
return map.keys;
void dumpStats({void beforeClose()}) {
if (beforeClose != null) {
void dumpSets() {'sets', () {
setsMap.forEach((k, set) {
dumpIterable('examples', '$k', set.keys,
limit: printer.examples, dataMap: set);
void dumpFrequencies() {'frequencies', () {
frequencyMaps.forEach((key, Map<dynamic, List> map) {
printer.child('frequency', {'title': '$key'}, () {
void dumpFrequency(Map<dynamic, Iterable> map) {
Map sortedMap = trySortMap(map);
sortedMap.forEach((k, list) {
dumpIterable('examples', '$k', list, limit: printer.examples);
void dumpCounters() {'counters', () {
void dumpCounter(id) {
Map<dynamic, List> map = countersMap[id];
bool hasData(example) {
if (map == null) return false;
List list = map[example];
if (list == null) return false;
return list.any((data) => data != null);
int count = 0;
Map<dynamic, int> frequencyMap = {};
map.forEach((var category, List examples) {
if (category != null) {
frequencyMap.putIfAbsent(category, () => 0);
frequencyMap[category] += examples.length;
count += examples.length;
Map<int, Set> result = sortMap(inverseMap(frequencyMap), (a, b) => b - a);
int examplesLimit = null;
if (printer.examples != null && result.length >= printer.examples) {
examplesLimit = 0;
int counter = 0;
bool hasMore = false;'counter', {'title': '$id', 'count': count});
result.forEach((int count, Set examples) {
if (counter == printer.examples) {
hasMore = true;
if (examples.length == 1 &&
(examplesLimit == 0 || !hasData(examples.first))) {
printer.child('examples', {'count': count, 'example': examples.first});
} else {
printer.child('examples', {'count': count, 'examples': examples.length},
() {
examples.forEach((example) {
dumpIterable('examples', '$example', map[example],
limit: examplesLimit, includeCount: false);
if (hasMore) {
void dumpTraces() {'traces', () {
void dumpTrace(key) {
_StackTraceTree tree = traceMap[key];
void dumpCorrelation(keyA, Iterable a, keyB, Iterable b,
{Map dataA, Map dataB}) {
printer.child('correlations', {'title': '$keyA vs $keyB'}, () {
List aAndB = a.where((e) => e != null && b.contains(e)).toList();
List aAndNotB = a.where((e) => e != null && !b.contains(e)).toList();
List notAandB = b.where((e) => e != null && !a.contains(e)).toList();
dumpIterable('correlation', '$keyA && $keyB', aAndB,
dataMap: dataA, limit: printer.examples);
dumpIterable('correlation', '$keyA && !$keyB', aAndNotB,
dataMap: dataA, limit: printer.examples);
dumpIterable('correlation', '!$keyA && $keyB', notAandB,
dataMap: dataB, limit: printer.examples);
void dumpIterable(String tag, String title, Iterable iterable,
{int limit, Map dataMap, bool includeCount: true}) {
if (limit == 0) return;
Map<String, dynamic> childData = {};
Iterable nonNullIterable = iterable.where((e) => e != null);
if (nonNullIterable.isEmpty && !includeCount) {
childData['name'] = title;
} else {
childData['title'] = title;
if (includeCount) {
childData['count'] = iterable.length;
printer.child(tag, childData, () {
bool hasMore = false;
int counter = 0;
nonNullIterable.forEach((element) {
if (counter == limit) {
hasMore = true;
var data = dataMap != null ? dataMap[element] : null;
if (data != null) {
printer.child('example', {'value': element, 'data': data});
} else {
printer.child('example', {'value': element});
if (hasMore) {
/// Returns a map that is an inversion of [map], where the keys are the values
/// of [map] and the values are the set of keys in [map] that share values.
/// If [equals] and [hashCode] are provided, these are used to determine
/// equality among the values of [map].
/// If [isValidKey] is provided, this is used to determine with a value of [map]
/// is a potential key of the inversion map.
Map<V, Set<K>> inverseMap<K, V>(Map<K, V> map,
{bool equals(V key1, V key2),
int hashCode(V key),
bool isValidKey(V potentialKey)}) {
Map<V, Set<K>> result = new LinkedHashMap<V, Set<K>>(
equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode, isValidKey: isValidKey);
map.forEach((k, v) {
if (isValidKey == null || isValidKey(v)) {
result.putIfAbsent(v, () => new Set()).add(k);
return result;
/// Return a new map heuristically sorted by the keys of [map]. If the first
/// key of [map] is [Comparable], the keys are sorted using [sortMap] under
/// the assumption that all keys are [Comparable].
/// Otherwise, the keys are sorted as string using their `toString`
/// representation.
Map<K, V> trySortMap<K, V>(Map<K, V> map) {
Iterable<K> iterable = map.keys.where((K k) => k != null);
if (iterable.isEmpty) return map;
var key = iterable.first;
if (key is Comparable<K>) {
return sortMap(map);
return sortMap(map, (a, b) => '$a'.compareTo('$b'));
/// Returns a new map in which the keys of [map] are sorted using [compare].
/// If [compare] is null, the keys must be [Comparable].
Map<K, V> sortMap<K, V>(Map<K, V> map, [int compare(K a, K b)]) {
List<K> keys = map.keys.toList();
Map<K, V> sortedMap = new Map<K, V>();
keys.forEach((K k) => sortedMap[k] = map[k]);
return sortedMap;