blob: f3e44dd2704cd767b095c9e55a60578e49e5aca2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests related to the [TypeSystem] class.
library analyzer.test.generated.type_system_test;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart'
show ErrorReporter, ParameterKind, StrongModeCode;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart' show astFactory;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show Keyword;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart' show KeywordToken;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart'
show NonExistingSource, UriKind;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/element_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/testing/test_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show toUri;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'analysis_context_factory.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
* Base class for testing LUB and GLB in spec and strong mode.
abstract class BoundTestBase {
TypeProvider typeProvider;
TypeSystem typeSystem;
FunctionType simpleFunctionType;
DartType get bottomType => typeProvider.bottomType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => typeProvider.doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => typeProvider.dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => typeProvider.functionType;
InterfaceType get futureOrType => typeProvider.futureOrType;
InterfaceType get intType => typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType get iterableType => typeProvider.iterableType;
InterfaceType get listType => typeProvider.listType;
InterfaceType get numType => typeProvider.numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get stringType => typeProvider.stringType;
StrongTypeSystemImpl get strongTypeSystem =>
typeSystem as StrongTypeSystemImpl;
DartType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
void setUp() {
InternalAnalysisContext context = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore();
typeProvider = context.typeProvider;
var simpleFunctionElement =
ElementFactory.genericTypeAliasElement('A', returnType: voidType);
simpleFunctionType = simpleFunctionElement.type;
void _checkGreatestLowerBound(
DartType type1, DartType type2, DartType expectedResult) {
DartType glb = strongTypeSystem.getGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2);
expect(glb, expectedResult);
// Check that the result is a lower bound.
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(glb, type1), true);
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(glb, type2), true);
// Check for symmetry while we're at it. Unfortunately,
// for function types, the current version of equality
// does not respect re-ordering of named parameters, so
// for function types we just check if they are mutual subtypes.
// TODO(leafp): Fix this.
glb = strongTypeSystem.getGreatestLowerBound(type2, type1);
if (glb is FunctionTypeImpl) {
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(glb, expectedResult), true);
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expectedResult, glb), true);
} else {
expect(glb, expectedResult);
void _checkLeastUpperBound(
DartType type1, DartType type2, DartType expectedResult) {
DartType lub = typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(type1, type2);
expect(lub, expectedResult);
// Check that the result is an upper bound.
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type1, lub), true);
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type2, lub), true);
// Check for symmetry while we're at it. Unfortunately,
// for function types, the current version of equality
// does not respect re-ordering of named parameters, so
// for function types we just check if they are mutual subtypes.
// TODO(leafp): Fix this.
lub = typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(type2, type1);
if (lub is FunctionTypeImpl) {
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(lub, expectedResult), true);
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(expectedResult, lub), true);
} else {
expect(lub, expectedResult);
* Creates a function type with the given parameter and return types.
* The return type defaults to `void` if omitted.
FunctionType _functionType(List<DartType> required,
{List<DartType> optional,
Map<String, DartType> named,
DartType returns}) {
if (returns == null) {
returns = voidType;
return ElementFactory
.functionElement8(required, returns, optional: optional, named: named)
class ConstraintMatchingTest {
TypeProvider typeProvider;
TypeSystem typeSystem;
TypeParameterType T;
DartType get dynamicType => DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
InterfaceType get functionType => typeProvider.functionType;
InterfaceType get intType => typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType get nullType => typeProvider.nullType;
InterfaceType get objectType => typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get stringType => typeProvider.stringType;
DartType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
DartType fn(DartType paramType, DartType returnType) =>
new FunctionElementImpl.synthetic([
new ParameterElementImpl.synthetic(
'value', paramType, ParameterKind.REQUIRED)
], returnType)
DartType future(DartType T) => typeProvider.futureType.instantiate([T]);
DartType futureOr(DartType T) => typeProvider.futureOrType.instantiate([T]);
DartType iterable(DartType T) => typeProvider.iterableType.instantiate([T]);
DartType list(DartType T) => typeProvider.listType.instantiate([T]);
void setUp() {
typeProvider = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore().typeProvider;
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
T = _newTypeParameter('T');
void test_function_coreFunction() {
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(fn(intType, stringType), functionType, [T],
covariant: true);
void test_function_parameter_types() {
fn(T, intType), fn(stringType, intType), [T], ['String <: T'],
covariant: true);
void test_function_return_types() {
fn(intType, T), fn(intType, stringType), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_futureOr_futureOr() {
futureOr(T), futureOr(stringType), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_futureOr_x_fail_future_branch() {
// FutureOr<List<T>> <: List<String> can't be satisfied because
// Future<List<T>> <: List<String> can't be satisfied
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(futureOr(list(T)), list(stringType), [T],
covariant: true);
void test_futureOr_x_fail_nonFuture_branch() {
// FutureOr<List<T>> <: Future<List<String>> can't be satisfied because
// List<T> <: Future<List<String>> can't be satisfied
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(futureOr(list(T)), future(list(stringType)), [T],
covariant: true);
void test_futureOr_x_success() {
// FutureOr<T> <: Future<T> can be satisfied by T=Null. At this point in
// the type inference algorithm all we figure out is that T must be a
// subtype of both String and Future<String>.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(futureOr(T), future(stringType), [T],
['T <: String', 'T <: Future<String>'],
covariant: true);
void test_lhs_null() {
// Null <: T is trivially satisfied by the constraint Null <: T.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(nullType, T, [T], ['Null <: T'], covariant: false);
// For any other type X, Null <: X is satisfied without the need for any
// constraints.
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, list(T), [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, stringType, [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, voidType, [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, objectType, [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, nullType, [T], covariant: false);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, fn(intType, stringType), [T],
covariant: false);
void test_param_on_lhs_contravariant_direct() {
// When doing a contravariant match, the type parameters we're trying to
// find types for are on the right hand side. Is a type parameter also
// appears on the left hand side, there is a condition in which the
// constraint can be satisfied without consulting the bound of the LHS type
// parameter: the condition where both parameters appear at corresponding
// locations in the type tree.
// In other words, List<S> <: List<T> is satisfied provided that
// S <: T.
var S = _newTypeParameter('S');
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(list(S), list(T), [T], ['S <: T'], covariant: false);
void test_param_on_lhs_contravariant_via_bound() {
// When doing a contravariant match, the type parameters we're trying to
// find types for are on the right hand side. Is a type parameter also
// appears on the left hand side, we may have to constrain the RHS type
// parameter using the bounds of the LHS type parameter.
// In other words, S <: List<T> is satisfied provided that
// bound(S) <: List<T>.
var S = _newTypeParameter('S', list(stringType));
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(S, list(T), [T], ['String <: T'], covariant: false);
void test_param_on_lhs_covariant() {
// When doing a covariant match, the type parameters we're trying to find
// types for are on the left hand side.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(T, stringType, [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_param_on_rhs_contravariant() {
// When doing a contravariant match, the type parameters we're trying to
// find types for are on the right hand side.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(stringType, T, [T], ['String <: T'],
covariant: false);
void test_param_on_rhs_covariant_match() {
// When doing a covariant match, the type parameters we're trying to find
// types for are on the left hand side. If a type parameter appears on the
// right hand side, there is a condition in which the constraint can be
// satisfied: where both parameters appear at corresponding locations in the
// type tree.
// In other words, T <: S can be satisfied trivially by the constraint
// T <: S.
var S = _newTypeParameter('S');
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(T, S, [T], ['T <: S'], covariant: true);
void test_param_on_rhs_covariant_no_match() {
// When doing a covariant match, the type parameters we're trying to find
// types for are on the left hand side. If a type parameter appears on the
// right hand side, it's probable that the constraint can't be satisfied,
// because there is no possible type for the LHS (other than bottom)
// that's guaranteed to satisfy the relation for all possible assignments of
// the RHS type parameter.
// In other words, no match can be found for List<T> <: S because regardless
// of T, we can't guarantee that List<T> <: S for all S.
var S = _newTypeParameter('S');
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(list(T), S, [T], covariant: true);
void test_related_interface_types_failure() {
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(iterable(T), list(stringType), [T],
covariant: true);
void test_related_interface_types_success() {
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(list(T), iterable(stringType), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_rhs_dynamic() {
// T <: dynamic is trivially satisfied by the constraint T <: dynamic.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(T, dynamicType, [T], ['T <: dynamic'],
covariant: true);
// For any other type X, X <: dynamic is satisfied without the need for any
// constraints.
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(list(T), dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(stringType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(voidType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(dynamicType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(objectType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, dynamicType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(fn(intType, stringType), dynamicType, [T],
covariant: true);
void test_rhs_object() {
// T <: Object is trivially satisfied by the constraint T <: Object.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(T, objectType, [T], ['T <: Object'],
covariant: true);
// For any other type X, X <: Object is satisfied without the need for any
// constraints.
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(list(T), objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(stringType, objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(voidType, objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(dynamicType, objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(objectType, objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, objectType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(fn(intType, stringType), objectType, [T],
covariant: true);
void test_rhs_void() {
// T <: void is trivially satisfied by the constraint T <: void.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(T, voidType, [T], ['T <: void'], covariant: true);
// For any other type X, X <: void is satisfied without the need for any
// constraints.
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(list(T), voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(stringType, voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(voidType, voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(dynamicType, voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(objectType, voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(nullType, voidType, [T], covariant: true);
_checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(fn(intType, stringType), voidType, [T],
covariant: true);
void test_same_interface_types() {
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(list(T), list(stringType), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_x_futureOr_fail_both_branches() {
// List<T> <: FutureOr<String> can't be satisfied because neither
// List<T> <: Future<String> nor List<T> <: int can be satisfied
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(list(T), futureOr(stringType), [T],
covariant: true);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_both_branches_constraints_from_both_branches() {
// Future<String> <: FutureOr<T> can be satisfied because both
// Future<String> <: Future<T> and Future<String> <: T can be satisfied.
// Trying to match Future<String> <: Future<T> generates the constraint
// String <: T, whereas trying to match Future<String> <: T generates the
// constraint Future<String> <: T. We keep the constraint based on trying
// to match Future<String> <: Future<T>, so String <: T.
future(stringType), futureOr(T), [T], ['String <: T'],
covariant: false);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_both_branches_constraints_from_future_branch() {
// Future<T> <: FutureOr<Object> can be satisfied because both
// Future<T> <: Future<Object> and Future<T> <: Object can be satisfied.
// Trying to match Future<T> <: Future<Object> generates the constraint
// T <: Object, whereas trying to match Future<T> <: Object generates no
// constraints, so we keep the constraint T <: Object.
future(T), futureOr(objectType), [T], ['T <: Object'],
covariant: true);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_both_branches_constraints_from_nonFuture_branch() {
// Null <: FutureOr<T> can be satisfied because both
// Null <: Future<T> and Null <: T can be satisfied.
// Trying to match Null <: FutureOr<T> generates no constraints, whereas
// trying to match Null <: T generates the constraint Null <: T,
// so we keep the constraint Null <: T.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(nullType, futureOr(T), [T], ['Null <: T'],
covariant: false);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_both_branches_no_constraints() {
// Future<String> <: FutureOr<Object> is satisfied because both
// Future<String> <: Future<Object> and Future<String> <: Object.
// No constraints are recorded.
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(future(stringType), futureOr(objectType), [T], [],
covariant: true);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_future_branch() {
// Future<T> <: FutureOr<String> can be satisfied because
// Future<T> <: Future<String> can be satisfied
future(T), futureOr(stringType), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void test_x_futureOr_pass_nonFuture_branch() {
// List<T> <: FutureOr<List<String>> can be satisfied because
// List<T> <: List<String> can be satisfied
list(T), futureOr(list(stringType)), [T], ['T <: String'],
covariant: true);
void _checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(
DartType t1, DartType t2, Iterable<TypeParameterType> typeFormals,
{bool covariant}) {
var inferrer = new GenericInferrer(
typeProvider, typeSystem, => t.element));
var success =
inferrer.tryMatchSubtypeOf(t1, t2, null, covariant: covariant);
expect(success, isFalse);
inferrer.constraints.forEach((typeParameter, constraintsForTypeParameter) {
expect(constraintsForTypeParameter, isEmpty);
void _checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(
DartType t1,
DartType t2,
Iterable<TypeParameterType> typeFormals,
Iterable<String> expectedConstraints,
{bool covariant}) {
var inferrer = new GenericInferrer(
typeProvider, typeSystem, => t.element));
var success =
inferrer.tryMatchSubtypeOf(t1, t2, null, covariant: covariant);
expect(success, isTrue);
var formattedConstraints = <String>[];
inferrer.constraints.forEach((typeParameter, constraintsForTypeParameter) {
for (var constraint in constraintsForTypeParameter) {
expect(formattedConstraints, unorderedEquals(expectedConstraints));
void _checkOrdinarySubtypeMatch(
DartType t1, DartType t2, Iterable<TypeParameterType> typeFormals,
{bool covariant}) {
bool expectSuccess = typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(t1, t2);
if (expectSuccess) {
_checkIsSubtypeMatchOf(t1, t2, typeFormals, [], covariant: covariant);
} else {
_checkIsNotSubtypeMatchOf(t1, t2, typeFormals);
TypeParameterType _newTypeParameter(String name, [DartType bound]) {
var element = new TypeParameterElementImpl(name, 0);
if (bound != null) {
element.bound = bound;
return new TypeParameterTypeImpl(element);
* Tests LUB in spec mode.
* Tests defined in this class are ones whose behavior is spec mode-specific.
* In particular, function parameters are compared using LUB in spec mode, but
* GLB in strong mode.
class LeastUpperBoundTest extends LeastUpperBoundTestBase {
void setUp() {
typeSystem = new TypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_functionsLubNamedParams() {
FunctionType type1 =
_functionType([], named: {'a': stringType, 'b': intType});
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': numType});
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([], named: {'a': objectType, 'b': numType});
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubPositionalParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], optional: [stringType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], optional: [intType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], optional: [objectType, numType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubRequiredParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([stringType, intType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType, doubleType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([objectType, numType, numType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_nestedNestedFunctionsLubInnermostParamTypes() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([
_functionType([stringType, intType, intType])
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([
_functionType([intType, doubleType, numType])
FunctionType expected = _functionType([
_functionType([objectType, numType, numType])
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_typeParam_class_implements_Function() {
DartType typeA = ElementFactory.classElement('A', functionType).type;
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElement =
typeParamElement.bound = typeA;
DartType typeParam = typeParamElement.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, simpleFunctionType, functionType);
/// Check least upper bound of the same class with different type parameters.
void test_typeParameters_different() {
// class List<int>
// class List<double>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType listOfDoubleType =
_checkLeastUpperBound(listOfIntType, listOfDoubleType, objectType);
/// Check least upper bound of two related classes with different
/// type parameters.
void test_typeParametersAndClass_different() {
// class List<int>
// class Iterable<double>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType iterableOfDoubleType =
_checkLeastUpperBound(listOfIntType, iterableOfDoubleType, objectType);
* Base class for testing LUB in spec and strong mode.
* Defines helper functions and tests. Tests here are ones whose behavior is
* the same in strong and spec mode.
abstract class LeastUpperBoundTestBase extends BoundTestBase {
void test_bottom_function() {
_checkLeastUpperBound(bottomType, simpleFunctionType, simpleFunctionType);
void test_bottom_interface() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(bottomType, interfaceType, interfaceType);
void test_bottom_typeParam() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(bottomType, typeParam, typeParam);
void test_directInterfaceCase() {
// class A
// class B implements A
// class C implements B
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeB];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeB);
void test_directSubclassCase() {
// class A
// class B extends A
// class C extends B
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classB.type);
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeB);
void test_dynamic_bottom() {
_checkLeastUpperBound(dynamicType, bottomType, dynamicType);
void test_dynamic_function() {
_checkLeastUpperBound(dynamicType, simpleFunctionType, dynamicType);
void test_dynamic_interface() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(dynamicType, interfaceType, dynamicType);
void test_dynamic_typeParam() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(dynamicType, typeParam, dynamicType);
void test_dynamic_void() {
// Note: _checkLeastUpperBound tests `LUB(x, y)` as well as `LUB(y, x)`
_checkLeastUpperBound(dynamicType, voidType, voidType);
void test_functionsDifferentRequiredArity() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([intType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType, intType, intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, functionType);
void test_functionsIgnoreExtraNamedParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': intType});
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'c': intType});
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType});
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsIgnoreExtraPositionalParams() {
FunctionType type1 =
_functionType([], optional: [intType, intType, stringType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], optional: [intType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], optional: [intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubReturnType() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], returns: intType);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], returns: doubleType);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], returns: numType);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsSameType() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_interface_function() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(interfaceType, simpleFunctionType, objectType);
void test_mixinCase() {
// class A
// class B extends A
// class C extends A
// class D extends B with M, N, O, P
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElement classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classB.type);
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
InterfaceType typeD = classD.type;
classD.mixins = <InterfaceType>[
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeD, typeC, typeA);
void test_nestedFunctionsLubInnerParamTypes() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([
_functionType([stringType, intType, intType])
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([
_functionType([intType, doubleType, numType])
FunctionType expected = _functionType([
_functionType([objectType, numType, numType])
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_object() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
DartType typeObject = typeA.element.supertype;
// assert that object does not have a super type
expect((typeObject.element as ClassElement).supertype, isNull);
// assert that both A and B have the same super type of Object
expect(typeB.element.supertype, typeObject);
// finally, assert that the only least upper bound of A and B is Object
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeA, typeB, typeObject);
void test_self() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> types = [
for (DartType type in types) {
_checkLeastUpperBound(type, type, type);
void test_sharedSuperclass1() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classA.type);
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeA);
void test_sharedSuperclass2() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classC.type);
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeD = classD.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeD, typeA);
void test_sharedSuperclass3() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classB.type);
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classB.type);
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
InterfaceType typeD = classD.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeC, typeD, typeB);
void test_sharedSuperclass4() {
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classA2 = ElementFactory.classElement2("A2");
ClassElement classA3 = ElementFactory.classElement2("A3");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classA.type);
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeA2 = classA2.type;
InterfaceType typeA3 = classA3.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA2];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA3];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeA);
void test_sharedSuperinterface1() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeA);
void test_sharedSuperinterface2() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement2("D");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
InterfaceType typeD = classD.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
classD.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeC];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeD, typeA);
void test_sharedSuperinterface3() {
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement2("D");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
InterfaceType typeD = classD.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeB];
classD.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeB];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeC, typeD, typeB);
void test_sharedSuperinterface4() {
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classA2 = ElementFactory.classElement2("A2");
ClassElement classA3 = ElementFactory.classElement2("A3");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
InterfaceType typeA = classA.type;
InterfaceType typeA2 = classA2.type;
InterfaceType typeA3 = classA3.type;
InterfaceType typeB = classB.type;
InterfaceType typeC = classC.type;
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA, typeA2];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[typeA, typeA3];
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeB, typeC, typeA);
void test_twoComparables() {
_checkLeastUpperBound(stringType, numType, objectType);
void test_typeParam_function_bounded() {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElement =
typeParamElement.bound = functionType;
DartType typeParam = typeParamElement.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, simpleFunctionType, functionType);
void test_typeParam_function_noBound() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, simpleFunctionType, objectType);
void test_typeParam_interface_bounded() {
DartType typeA = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
DartType typeB = ElementFactory.classElement('B', typeA).type;
DartType typeC = ElementFactory.classElement('C', typeA).type;
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElement =
typeParamElement.bound = typeB;
DartType typeParam = typeParamElement.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, typeC, typeA);
void test_typeParam_interface_noBound() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, interfaceType, objectType);
void test_typeParameters_same() {
// List<int>
// List<int>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(listOfIntType, listOfIntType, listOfIntType);
void test_void() {
List<DartType> types = [
ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type,
for (DartType type in types) {
_functionType([], returns: voidType),
_functionType([], returns: type),
_functionType([], returns: voidType));
class StrongAssignabilityTest {
TypeProvider typeProvider;
TypeSystem typeSystem;
DartType get bottomType => typeProvider.bottomType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => typeProvider.doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => typeProvider.dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => typeProvider.functionType;
InterfaceType get intType => typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType get listType => typeProvider.listType;
InterfaceType get numType => typeProvider.numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get stringType => typeProvider.stringType;
DartType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
void setUp() {
typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_isAssignableTo_bottom_isBottom() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> interassignable = <DartType>[
_checkGroups(bottomType, interassignable: interassignable);
void test_isAssignableTo_call_method() {
ClassElementImpl classBottom = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
MethodElement methodBottom =
ElementFactory.methodElement("call", objectType, <DartType>[intType]);
classBottom.methods = <MethodElement>[methodBottom];
DartType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: objectType);
InterfaceType bottom = classBottom.type;
_checkIsStrictAssignableTo(bottom, top);
void test_isAssignableTo_classes() {
ClassElement classTop = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classLeft = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classTop.type);
ClassElement classRight = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classTop.type);
ClassElement classBottom = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classLeft.type)
..interfaces = <InterfaceType>[classRight.type];
InterfaceType top = classTop.type;
InterfaceType left = classLeft.type;
InterfaceType right = classRight.type;
InterfaceType bottom = classBottom.type;
_checkLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_isAssignableTo_double() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> interassignable = <DartType>[
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[
interassignable: interassignable, unrelated: unrelated);
void test_isAssignableTo_dynamic_isTop() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> interassignable = <DartType>[
_checkGroups(dynamicType, interassignable: interassignable);
void test_isAssignableTo_generics() {
ClassElementImpl LClass = ElementFactory.classElement2('L', ["T"]);
InterfaceType LType = LClass.type;
ClassElementImpl MClass = ElementFactory.classElement2('M', ["T"]);
DartType typeParam = MClass.typeParameters[0].type;
InterfaceType superType = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[typeParam]);
MClass.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[superType];
InterfaceType MType = MClass.type;
InterfaceType top = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
InterfaceType left = MType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
InterfaceType right = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType bottom = MType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
_checkCrossLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_isAssignableTo_int() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> interassignable = <DartType>[
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[
interassignable: interassignable, unrelated: unrelated);
void test_isAssignableTo_named_optional() {
DartType r =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
DartType o = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[], optional: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
DartType n = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType},
result: intType);
DartType rr = TypeBuilder
.function(required: <DartType>[intType, intType], result: intType);
DartType ro = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[intType],
optional: <DartType>[intType],
result: intType);
DartType rn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[intType],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType},
result: intType);
DartType oo = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
optional: <DartType>[intType, intType],
result: intType);
DartType nn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType, 'y': intType},
result: intType);
DartType nnn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType, 'y': intType, 'z': intType},
result: intType);
interassignable: [r, o, ro, rn, oo], unrelated: [n, rr, nn, nnn]);
interassignable: [o, oo], unrelated: [n, rr, ro, rn, nn, nnn]);
interassignable: [n, nn, nnn], unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
interassignable: [rr, ro, oo], unrelated: [r, o, n, rn, nn, nnn]);
_checkGroups(ro, interassignable: [ro, oo], unrelated: [o, n, rn, nn, nnn]);
interassignable: [rn], unrelated: [o, n, rr, ro, oo, nn, nnn]);
_checkGroups(oo, interassignable: [oo], unrelated: [n, rn, nn, nnn]);
interassignable: [nn, nnn], unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
interassignable: [nnn], unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
void test_isAssignableTo_num() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> interassignable = <DartType>[
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[
interassignable: interassignable, unrelated: unrelated);
void test_isAssignableTo_simple_function() {
FunctionType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: objectType);
FunctionType left =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
FunctionType right = TypeBuilder
.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: objectType);
FunctionType bottom =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: intType);
_checkCrossLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_isAssignableTo_void_functions() {
FunctionType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: voidType);
FunctionType bottom =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: intType);
_checkEquivalent(bottom, top);
void _checkCrossLattice(
DartType top, DartType left, DartType right, DartType bottom) {
_checkGroups(top, interassignable: [top, left, right, bottom]);
interassignable: [top, left, bottom], unrelated: [right]);
interassignable: [top, right, bottom], unrelated: [left]);
_checkGroups(bottom, interassignable: [top, left, right, bottom]);
void _checkEquivalent(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsAssignableTo(type1, type2);
_checkIsAssignableTo(type2, type1);
void _checkGroups(DartType t1,
{List<DartType> interassignable, List<DartType> unrelated}) {
if (interassignable != null) {
for (DartType t2 in interassignable) {
_checkEquivalent(t1, t2);
if (unrelated != null) {
for (DartType t2 in unrelated) {
_checkUnrelated(t1, t2);
void _checkIsAssignableTo(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
expect(typeSystem.isAssignableTo(type1, type2), true);
void _checkIsNotAssignableTo(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
expect(typeSystem.isAssignableTo(type1, type2), false);
void _checkIsStrictAssignableTo(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsAssignableTo(type1, type2);
_checkIsNotAssignableTo(type2, type1);
void _checkLattice(
DartType top, DartType left, DartType right, DartType bottom) {
_checkGroups(top, interassignable: <DartType>[top, left, right, bottom]);
interassignable: <DartType>[top, left, bottom],
unrelated: <DartType>[right]);
interassignable: <DartType>[top, right, bottom],
unrelated: <DartType>[left]);
_checkGroups(bottom, interassignable: <DartType>[top, left, right, bottom]);
void _checkUnrelated(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsNotAssignableTo(type1, type2);
_checkIsNotAssignableTo(type2, type1);
class StrongGenericFunctionInferenceTest {
TypeProvider typeProvider;
StrongTypeSystemImpl typeSystem;
DartType get bottomType => typeProvider.bottomType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => typeProvider.doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => typeProvider.dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => typeProvider.functionType;
InterfaceType get intType => typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType get iterableType => typeProvider.iterableType;
InterfaceType get listType => typeProvider.listType;
DartType get nullType => typeProvider.nullType;
InterfaceType get numType => typeProvider.numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get stringType => typeProvider.stringType;
DartType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
void setUp() {
typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider();
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_boundedByAnotherTypeParameter() {
// <TFrom, TTo extends Iterable<TFrom>>(TFrom) -> TTo
var tFrom = TypeBuilder.variable('TFrom');
var tTo =
TypeBuilder.variable('TTo', bound: iterableType.instantiate([tFrom]));
var cast = TypeBuilder
.function(types: [tFrom, tTo], required: [tFrom], result: tTo);
expect(_inferCall(cast, [stringType]), [
void test_boundedByOuterClass() {
// Regression test for
// class A {}
var a = ElementFactory.classElement('A', objectType);
// class B extends A {}
var b = ElementFactory.classElement('B', a.type);
// class C<T extends A> {
var c = ElementFactory.classElement('C', objectType, ['T']);
(c.typeParameters[0] as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = a.type;
// S m<S extends T>(S);
var s = TypeBuilder.variable('S');
(s.element as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = c.typeParameters[0].type;
var m = ElementFactory.methodElement('m', s, [s]);
m.typeParameters = [s.element];
c.methods = [m];
// }
// C<Object> cOfObject;
var cOfObject = c.type.instantiate([objectType]);
// C<A> cOfA;
var cOfA = c.type.instantiate([a.type]);
// C<B> cOfB;
var cOfB = c.type.instantiate([b.type]);
// B b;
// cOfB.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfB.getMethod('m').type, [b.type]), [b.type, b.type]);
// cOfA.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfA.getMethod('m').type, [b.type]), [a.type, b.type]);
// cOfObject.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfObject.getMethod('m').type, [b.type]),
[objectType, b.type]);
void test_boundedByOuterClassSubstituted() {
// Regression test for
// class A {}
var a = ElementFactory.classElement('A', objectType);
// class B extends A {}
var b = ElementFactory.classElement('B', a.type);
// class C<T extends A> {
var c = ElementFactory.classElement('C', objectType, ['T']);
(c.typeParameters[0] as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = a.type;
// S m<S extends Iterable<T>>(S);
var s = TypeBuilder.variable('S');
var iterableOfT = iterableType.instantiate([c.typeParameters[0].type]);
(s.element as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = iterableOfT;
var m = ElementFactory.methodElement('m', s, [s]);
m.typeParameters = [s.element];
c.methods = [m];
// }
// C<Object> cOfObject;
var cOfObject = c.type.instantiate([objectType]);
// C<A> cOfA;
var cOfA = c.type.instantiate([a.type]);
// C<B> cOfB;
var cOfB = c.type.instantiate([b.type]);
// List<B> b;
var listOfB = listType.instantiate([b.type]);
// cOfB.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfB.getMethod('m').type, [listOfB]), [b.type, listOfB]);
// cOfA.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfA.getMethod('m').type, [listOfB]), [a.type, listOfB]);
// cOfObject.m(b); // infer <B>
expect(_inferCall(cOfObject.getMethod('m').type, [listOfB]),
[objectType, listOfB]);
void test_boundedRecursively() {
// class Clonable<T extends Clonable<T>>
ClassElementImpl clonable =
ElementFactory.classElement('Clonable', objectType, ['T']);
(clonable.typeParameters[0] as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound =
// class Foo extends Clonable<Foo>
ClassElementImpl foo = ElementFactory.classElement('Foo', null);
foo.supertype = clonable.type.instantiate([foo.type]);
// <S extends Clonable<S>>
var s = TypeBuilder.variable('S');
(s.element as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound =
// (S, S) -> S
var clone = TypeBuilder.function(types: [s], required: [s, s], result: s);
expect(_inferCall(clone, [foo.type, foo.type]), [foo.type]);
// Something invalid...
expect(_inferCall(clone, [stringType, numType], expectError: true),
void test_genericCastFunction() {
// <TFrom, TTo>(TFrom) -> TTo
var tFrom = TypeBuilder.variable('TFrom');
var tTo = TypeBuilder.variable('TTo');
var cast = TypeBuilder
.function(types: [tFrom, tTo], required: [tFrom], result: tTo);
expect(_inferCall(cast, [intType]), [intType, dynamicType]);
void test_genericCastFunctionWithUpperBound() {
// <TFrom, TTo extends TFrom>(TFrom) -> TTo
var tFrom = TypeBuilder.variable('TFrom');
var tTo = TypeBuilder.variable('TTo', bound: tFrom);
var cast = TypeBuilder
.function(types: [tFrom, tTo], required: [tFrom], result: tTo);
expect(_inferCall(cast, [intType]), [intType, intType]);
void test_parametersToFunctionParam() {
// <T>(f(T t)) -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var cast = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: dynamicType)
], result: t);
_inferCall(cast, [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [numType], result: dynamicType)
void test_parametersUseLeastUpperBound() {
// <T>(T x, T y) -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var cast = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [t, t], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(cast, [intType, doubleType]), [numType]);
void test_parameterTypeUsesUpperBound() {
// <T extends num>(T) -> dynamic
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T', bound: numType);
var f =
TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [t], result: dynamicType);
expect(_inferCall(f, [intType]), [intType]);
void test_returnFunctionWithGenericParameter() {
// <T>(T -> T) -> (T -> void)
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: t)
], result: TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: voidType));
_inferCall(f, [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [numType], result: intType)
void test_returnFunctionWithGenericParameterAndContext() {
// <T>(T -> T) -> (T -> Null)
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: t)
], result: TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: nullType));
_inferCall(f, [],
TypeBuilder.function(required: [numType], result: intType)),
void test_returnFunctionWithGenericParameterAndReturn() {
// <T>(T -> T) -> (T -> T)
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: t)
], result: TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: t));
_inferCall(f, [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [numType], result: intType)
void test_returnFunctionWithGenericReturn() {
// <T>(T -> T) -> (() -> T)
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: t)
], result: TypeBuilder.function(required: [], result: t));
_inferCall(f, [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [numType], result: intType)
void test_returnTypeFromContext() {
// <T>() -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(f, [], returnType: stringType), [stringType]);
void test_returnTypeWithBoundFromContext() {
// <T extends num>() -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T', bound: numType);
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(f, [], returnType: doubleType), [doubleType]);
void test_returnTypeWithBoundFromInvalidContext() {
// <T extends num>() -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T', bound: numType);
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(f, [], returnType: stringType), [nullType]);
void test_unifyParametersToFunctionParam() {
// <T>(f(T t), g(T t)) -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var cast = TypeBuilder.function(types: [
], required: [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: dynamicType),
TypeBuilder.function(required: [t], result: dynamicType)
], result: t);
_inferCall(cast, [
TypeBuilder.function(required: [intType], result: dynamicType),
TypeBuilder.function(required: [doubleType], result: dynamicType)
void test_unusedReturnTypeIsDynamic() {
// <T>() -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T');
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(f, []), [dynamicType]);
void test_unusedReturnTypeWithUpperBound() {
// <T extends num>() -> T
var t = TypeBuilder.variable('T', bound: numType);
var f = TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [], result: t);
expect(_inferCall(f, []), [numType]);
List<DartType> _inferCall(FunctionTypeImpl ft, List<DartType> arguments,
{DartType returnType, bool expectError: false}) {
var listener = new RecordingErrorListener();
var reporter = new ErrorReporter(
new NonExistingSource(
'/test.dart', toUri('/test.dart'), UriKind.FILE_URI));
FunctionType inferred = typeSystem.inferGenericFunctionOrType(
ft, ft.parameters, arguments, returnType,
errorReporter: reporter,
errorNode: astFactory.nullLiteral(new KeywordToken(Keyword.NULL, 0)));
if (expectError) {
expect( => e.errorCode).toList(),
reason: 'expected exactly 1 could not infer error.');
} else {
expect(listener.errors, isEmpty, reason: 'did not expect any errors.');
return inferred?.typeArguments;
* Tests GLB, which only exists in strong mode.
class StrongGreatestLowerBoundTest extends BoundTestBase {
void setUp() {
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_bottom_function() {
_checkGreatestLowerBound(bottomType, simpleFunctionType, bottomType);
void test_bottom_interface() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(bottomType, interfaceType, bottomType);
void test_bottom_typeParam() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(bottomType, typeParam, bottomType);
void test_bounds_of_top_types_complete() {
// Test every combination of a subset of Tops programatically.
final futureOrDynamicType = futureOrType.instantiate([dynamicType]);
final futureOrObjectType = futureOrType.instantiate([objectType]);
final futureOrVoidType = futureOrType.instantiate([voidType]);
final futureOrFutureOrDynamicType =
final futureOrFutureOrObjectType =
final futureOrFutureOrVoidType =
final orderedTops = [
// Lower index, so lower Top
// Higher index, higher Top
// We could sort and check the sort result is correct in O(n log n), but a
// good sorting algorithm would only run n tests here (that each value is
// correct relative to its nearest neighbors). But O(n^2) for n=6 is stupid
// fast, in this case, so just do the brute force check because we can.
for (var i = 0; i < orderedTops.length; ++i) {
for (var lower = 0; lower <= i; ++lower) {
orderedTops[i], orderedTops[lower], orderedTops[i]);
orderedTops[i], orderedTops[lower], orderedTops[lower]);
for (var greater = i; greater < orderedTops.length; ++greater) {
orderedTops[i], orderedTops[greater], orderedTops[greater]);
orderedTops[i], orderedTops[greater], orderedTops[i]);
void test_bounds_of_top_types_sanity() {
final futureOrDynamicType = futureOrType.instantiate([dynamicType]);
final futureOrFutureOrDynamicType =
// Sanity check specific cases of top for GLB/LUB.
_checkLeastUpperBound(objectType, dynamicType, dynamicType);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(objectType, dynamicType, objectType);
_checkLeastUpperBound(objectType, voidType, voidType);
_checkLeastUpperBound(futureOrDynamicType, dynamicType, dynamicType);
futureOrDynamicType, objectType, futureOrDynamicType);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(futureOrDynamicType, futureOrFutureOrDynamicType,
void test_classAndSuperclass() {
// class A
// class B extends A
// class C extends B
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classB.type);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classA.type, classC.type, classC.type);
void test_classAndSuperinterface() {
// class A
// class B implements A
// class C implements B
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
classB.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[classA.type];
classC.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[classB.type];
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classA.type, classC.type, classC.type);
void test_dynamic_bottom() {
_checkGreatestLowerBound(dynamicType, bottomType, bottomType);
void test_dynamic_function() {
dynamicType, simpleFunctionType, simpleFunctionType);
void test_dynamic_interface() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(dynamicType, interfaceType, interfaceType);
void test_dynamic_typeParam() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(dynamicType, typeParam, typeParam);
void test_dynamic_void() {
// Note: _checkGreatestLowerBound tests `GLB(x, y)` as well as `GLB(y, x)`
_checkGreatestLowerBound(dynamicType, voidType, dynamicType);
void test_functionsDifferentNamedTakeUnion() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': intType});
FunctionType type2 =
_functionType([], named: {'b': doubleType, 'c': stringType});
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': numType, 'c': stringType});
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsDifferentOptionalArityTakeMax() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], optional: [intType]);
FunctionType type2 =
_functionType([], optional: [doubleType, stringType, objectType]);
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([], optional: [numType, stringType, objectType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsDifferentRequiredArityBecomeOptional() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType, intType, intType]);
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([intType], optional: [intType, intType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsFromDynamic() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([dynamicType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([dynamicType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsGlbReturnType() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], returns: intType);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], returns: numType);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], returns: intType);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubNamedParams() {
FunctionType type1 =
_functionType([], named: {'a': stringType, 'b': intType});
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': numType});
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([], named: {'a': objectType, 'b': numType});
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubPositionalParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], optional: [stringType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], optional: [intType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], optional: [objectType, numType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsLubRequiredParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([stringType, intType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType, doubleType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([objectType, numType, numType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsMixedOptionalAndRequiredBecomeOptional() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([intType, intType],
optional: [intType, intType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType], optional: [intType, intType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([intType],
optional: [intType, intType, intType, intType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsReturnBottomIfMixOptionalAndNamed() {
// Dart doesn't allow a function to have both optional and named parameters,
// so if we would have synthethized that, pick bottom instead.
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([intType], named: {'a': intType});
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType});
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, bottomType);
void test_functionsSameType() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([stringType, intType, numType],
optional: [doubleType], named: {'n': numType}, returns: intType);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_interface_function() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(interfaceType, simpleFunctionType, bottomType);
void test_mixin() {
// class A
// class B
// class C
// class D extends A with B, C
ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
ClassElement classC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C");
ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classA.type);
classD.mixins = <InterfaceType>[classB.type, classC.type];
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classA.type, classD.type, classD.type);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classB.type, classD.type, classD.type);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classC.type, classD.type, classD.type);
void test_self() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> types = [
for (DartType type in types) {
_checkGreatestLowerBound(type, type, type);
void test_typeParam_function_noBound() {
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(typeParam, simpleFunctionType, bottomType);
void test_typeParam_interface_bounded() {
DartType typeA = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
DartType typeB = ElementFactory.classElement('B', typeA).type;
DartType typeC = ElementFactory.classElement('C', typeB).type;
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParam =
typeParam.bound = typeB;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(typeParam.type, typeC, bottomType);
void test_typeParam_interface_noBound() {
// GLB(T, A) = ⊥
DartType typeParam = ElementFactory.typeParameterElement('T').type;
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
_checkGreatestLowerBound(typeParam, interfaceType, bottomType);
void test_typeParameters_different() {
// GLB(List<int>, List<double>) = ⊥
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType listOfDoubleType =
// TODO(rnystrom): Can we do something better here?
_checkGreatestLowerBound(listOfIntType, listOfDoubleType, bottomType);
void test_typeParameters_same() {
// GLB(List<int>, List<int>) = List<int>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
_checkGreatestLowerBound(listOfIntType, listOfIntType, listOfIntType);
void test_unrelatedClasses() {
// class A
// class B
// class C
ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B");
_checkGreatestLowerBound(classA.type, classB.type, bottomType);
void test_void() {
List<DartType> types = [
ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type,
for (DartType type in types) {
_checkGreatestLowerBound(_functionType([], returns: voidType),
_functionType([], returns: type), _functionType([], returns: type));
* Tests LUB in strong mode.
* Tests defined in this class are ones whose behavior is spec mode-specific.
* In particular, function parameters are compared using LUB in spec mode, but
* GLB in strong mode.
class StrongLeastUpperBoundTest extends LeastUpperBoundTestBase {
void setUp() {
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_functionsFuzzyArrows() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([dynamicType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsGlbNamedParams() {
FunctionType type1 =
_functionType([], named: {'a': stringType, 'b': intType});
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], named: {'a': intType, 'b': numType});
FunctionType expected =
_functionType([], named: {'a': bottomType, 'b': intType});
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsGlbPositionalParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([], optional: [stringType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([], optional: [intType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([], optional: [bottomType, intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_functionsGlbRequiredParams() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([stringType, intType, intType]);
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([intType, doubleType, numType]);
FunctionType expected = _functionType([bottomType, bottomType, intType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_nestedNestedFunctionsGlbInnermostParamTypes() {
FunctionType type1 = _functionType([
_functionType([stringType, intType, intType])
FunctionType type2 = _functionType([
_functionType([intType, doubleType, numType])
FunctionType expected = _functionType([
_functionType([bottomType, bottomType, intType])
_checkLeastUpperBound(type1, type2, expected);
void test_typeParam_boundedByParam() {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElementT =
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElementS =
DartType typeParamT = typeParamElementT.type;
DartType typeParamS = typeParamElementS.type;
typeParamElementT.bound = typeParamS;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParamT, typeParamS, typeParamS);
void test_typeParam_class_implements_Function_ignored() {
DartType typeA = ElementFactory.classElement('A', functionType).type;
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParamElement =
typeParamElement.bound = typeA;
DartType typeParam = typeParamElement.type;
_checkLeastUpperBound(typeParam, simpleFunctionType, objectType);
void test_typeParam_fBounded() {
ClassElementImpl AClass = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', ["Q"]);
InterfaceType AType = AClass.type;
DartType s = TypeBuilder.variable("S");
(s.element as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = AType.instantiate([s]);
DartType u = TypeBuilder.variable("U");
(u.element as TypeParameterElementImpl).bound = AType.instantiate([u]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(s, u, AType.instantiate([objectType]));
/// Check least upper bound of the same class with different type parameters.
void test_typeParameters_different() {
// class List<int>
// class List<double>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType listOfDoubleType =
InterfaceType listOfNum = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[numType]);
_checkLeastUpperBound(listOfIntType, listOfDoubleType, listOfNum);
/// Check least upper bound of two related classes with different
/// type parameters.
void test_typeParametersAndClass_different() {
// class List<int>
// class Iterable<double>
InterfaceType listOfIntType = listType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType iterableOfDoubleType =
// TODO(leafp): this should be iterableOfNumType
_checkLeastUpperBound(listOfIntType, iterableOfDoubleType, objectType);
class StrongSubtypingTest {
TypeProvider typeProvider;
TypeSystem typeSystem;
DartType get bottomType => typeProvider.bottomType;
InterfaceType get doubleType => typeProvider.doubleType;
DartType get dynamicType => typeProvider.dynamicType;
InterfaceType get functionType => typeProvider.functionType;
InterfaceType get futureOrType => typeProvider.futureOrType;
InterfaceType get intType => typeProvider.intType;
InterfaceType get listType => typeProvider.listType;
InterfaceType get numType => typeProvider.numType;
InterfaceType get objectType => typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get stringType => typeProvider.stringType;
DartType get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
void setUp() {
typeProvider = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore().typeProvider;
typeSystem = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(typeProvider);
void test_bottom_isBottom() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[bottomType];
List<DartType> supertypes = <DartType>[
_checkGroups(bottomType, equivalents: equivalents, supertypes: supertypes);
void test_call_method() {
ClassElementImpl classBottom = ElementFactory.classElement2("Bottom");
MethodElement methodBottom =
ElementFactory.methodElement("call", objectType, <DartType>[intType]);
classBottom.methods = <MethodElement>[methodBottom];
DartType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: objectType);
InterfaceType bottom = classBottom.type;
_checkIsNotSubtypeOf(bottom, top);
void test_classes() {
ClassElement classTop = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
ClassElement classLeft = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classTop.type);
ClassElement classRight = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classTop.type);
ClassElement classBottom = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classLeft.type)
..interfaces = <InterfaceType>[classRight.type];
InterfaceType top = classTop.type;
InterfaceType left = classLeft.type;
InterfaceType right = classRight.type;
InterfaceType bottom = classBottom.type;
_checkLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_double() {
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[doubleType];
List<DartType> supertypes = <DartType>[numType];
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[intType];
equivalents: equivalents, supertypes: supertypes, unrelated: unrelated);
void test_dynamic_isTop() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[dynamicType, objectType, voidType];
List<DartType> subtypes = <DartType>[
_checkGroups(dynamicType, equivalents: equivalents, subtypes: subtypes);
void test_function_subtypes_itself_top_types() {
var tops = [dynamicType, objectType, voidType];
// Add FutureOr<T> for T := dynamic, object, void
tops.addAll( => futureOrType.instantiate([t])).toList());
// Add FutureOr<FutureOr<T>> for T := dynamic, object, void
tops.skip(3).map((t) => futureOrType.instantiate([t])).toList());
// Function should subtype all of those top types.
_checkGroups(functionType, supertypes: [
// Create a non-identical but equal copy of Function, and verify subtyping
var copyOfFunction = new InterfaceTypeImpl(functionType.element, null);
_checkEquivalent(functionType, copyOfFunction);
void test_genericFunction_generic_monomorphic() {
DartType s = TypeBuilder.variable("S");
DartType t = TypeBuilder.variable("T", bound: s);
DartType u = TypeBuilder.variable("U", bound: intType);
DartType v = TypeBuilder.variable("V", bound: u);
DartType a = TypeBuilder.variable("A");
DartType b = TypeBuilder.variable("B", bound: a);
DartType c = TypeBuilder.variable("C", bound: intType);
DartType d = TypeBuilder.variable("D", bound: c);
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t], required: [s], result: t),
types: [a, b], required: [bottomType], result: dynamicType));
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: v),
types: [c, d], required: [objectType], result: objectType));
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: v),
.function(types: [c, d], required: [intType], result: intType));
void test_genericFunction_genericDoesNotSubtypeNonGeneric() {
DartType s = TypeBuilder.variable("S");
DartType t = TypeBuilder.variable("T", bound: s);
DartType u = TypeBuilder.variable("U", bound: intType);
DartType v = TypeBuilder.variable("V", bound: u);
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t], required: [s], result: t),
TypeBuilder.function(required: [dynamicType], result: dynamicType));
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: v),
TypeBuilder.function(required: [objectType], result: objectType));
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: v),
TypeBuilder.function(required: [intType], result: intType));
void test_genericFunction_simple() {
DartType s = TypeBuilder.variable("S");
DartType t = TypeBuilder.variable("T");
TypeBuilder.function(types: [t]), TypeBuilder.function(types: [s]));
_checkEquivalent(TypeBuilder.function(types: [t], required: [t], result: t),
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s], required: [s], result: s));
void test_genericFunction_simple_bounded() {
DartType s = TypeBuilder.variable("S");
DartType t = TypeBuilder.variable("T", bound: s);
DartType u = TypeBuilder.variable("U");
DartType v = TypeBuilder.variable("V", bound: u);
_checkEquivalent(TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t]),
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v]));
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t], required: [s], result: t),
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: v));
DartType top =
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t], required: [t], result: s);
DartType left =
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [u], result: u);
DartType right =
TypeBuilder.function(types: [u, v], required: [v], result: v);
DartType bottom =
TypeBuilder.function(types: [s, t], required: [s], result: t);
_checkLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_generics() {
ClassElementImpl LClass = ElementFactory.classElement2('L', ["T"]);
InterfaceType LType = LClass.type;
ClassElementImpl MClass = ElementFactory.classElement2('M', ["T"]);
DartType typeParam = MClass.typeParameters[0].type;
InterfaceType superType = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[typeParam]);
MClass.interfaces = <InterfaceType>[superType];
InterfaceType MType = MClass.type;
InterfaceType top = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
InterfaceType left = MType.instantiate(<DartType>[dynamicType]);
InterfaceType right = LType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
InterfaceType bottom = MType.instantiate(<DartType>[intType]);
_checkLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
void test_int() {
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[intType];
List<DartType> supertypes = <DartType>[numType];
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[doubleType];
equivalents: equivalents, supertypes: supertypes, unrelated: unrelated);
void test_named_optional() {
DartType r =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
DartType o = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[], optional: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
DartType n = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType},
result: intType);
DartType rr = TypeBuilder
.function(required: <DartType>[intType, intType], result: intType);
DartType ro = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[intType],
optional: <DartType>[intType],
result: intType);
DartType rn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[intType],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType},
result: intType);
DartType oo = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
optional: <DartType>[intType, intType],
result: intType);
DartType nn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType, 'y': intType},
result: intType);
DartType nnn = TypeBuilder.function(
required: <DartType>[],
named: <String, DartType>{'x': intType, 'y': intType, 'z': intType},
result: intType);
equivalents: [r],
subtypes: [o, ro, rn, oo],
unrelated: [n, rr, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [o], subtypes: [oo], unrelated: [n, rr, ro, rn, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [n],
subtypes: [nn, nnn],
unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
equivalents: [rr],
subtypes: [ro, oo],
unrelated: [r, o, n, rn, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [ro], subtypes: [oo], unrelated: [o, n, rn, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [rn],
subtypes: [],
unrelated: [o, n, rr, ro, oo, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [oo], subtypes: [], unrelated: [n, rn, nn, nnn]);
equivalents: [nn], subtypes: [nnn], unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
equivalents: [nnn], subtypes: [], unrelated: [r, o, rr, ro, rn, oo]);
void test_num() {
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[numType];
List<DartType> supertypes = <DartType>[];
List<DartType> unrelated = <DartType>[stringType];
List<DartType> subtypes = <DartType>[intType, doubleType];
equivalents: equivalents,
supertypes: supertypes,
unrelated: unrelated,
subtypes: subtypes);
void test_simple_function() {
FunctionType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: objectType);
FunctionType left =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: intType);
FunctionType right = TypeBuilder
.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: objectType);
FunctionType bottom =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: intType);
_checkLattice(top, left, right, bottom);
/// Regression test for
void test_simple_function_void() {
FunctionType functionType =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: objectType);
_checkIsNotSubtypeOf(voidType, functionType);
void test_void_functions() {
FunctionType top =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[intType], result: voidType);
FunctionType bottom =
TypeBuilder.function(required: <DartType>[objectType], result: intType);
_checkIsStrictSubtypeOf(bottom, top);
void test_void_isTop() {
DartType interfaceType = ElementFactory.classElement2('A', []).type;
List<DartType> equivalents = <DartType>[dynamicType, objectType, voidType];
List<DartType> subtypes = <DartType>[
_checkGroups(voidType, equivalents: equivalents, subtypes: subtypes);
void _checkEquivalent(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsSubtypeOf(type1, type2);
_checkIsSubtypeOf(type2, type1);
void _checkGroups(DartType t1,
{List<DartType> equivalents,
List<DartType> unrelated,
List<DartType> subtypes,
List<DartType> supertypes}) {
if (equivalents != null) {
for (DartType t2 in equivalents) {
_checkEquivalent(t1, t2);
if (unrelated != null) {
for (DartType t2 in unrelated) {
_checkUnrelated(t1, t2);
if (subtypes != null) {
for (DartType t2 in subtypes) {
_checkIsStrictSubtypeOf(t2, t1);
if (supertypes != null) {
for (DartType t2 in supertypes) {
_checkIsStrictSubtypeOf(t1, t2);
void _checkIsNotSubtypeOf(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type1, type2), false);
void _checkIsStrictSubtypeOf(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsSubtypeOf(type1, type2);
_checkIsNotSubtypeOf(type2, type1);
void _checkIsSubtypeOf(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
expect(typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(type1, type2), true);
void _checkLattice(
DartType top, DartType left, DartType right, DartType bottom) {
equivalents: <DartType>[top],
subtypes: <DartType>[left, right, bottom]);
equivalents: <DartType>[left],
subtypes: <DartType>[bottom],
unrelated: <DartType>[right],
supertypes: <DartType>[top]);
equivalents: <DartType>[right],
subtypes: <DartType>[bottom],
unrelated: <DartType>[left],
supertypes: <DartType>[top]);
equivalents: <DartType>[bottom],
supertypes: <DartType>[top, left, right]);
void _checkUnrelated(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
_checkIsNotSubtypeOf(type1, type2);
_checkIsNotSubtypeOf(type2, type1);
class TypeBuilder {
static FunctionTypeImpl function(
{List<DartType> types,
List<DartType> required,
List<DartType> optional,
Map<String, DartType> named,
DartType result}) {
result = result ?? VoidTypeImpl.instance;
required = required ?? [];
FunctionElementImpl f = ElementFactory.functionElement8(required, result,
optional: optional, named: named);
if (types != null) {
f.typeParameters =
new List<TypeParameterElement>.from( => t.element));
return f.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(f);
static TypeParameterType variable(String name, {DartType bound}) =>
ElementFactory.typeParameterWithType(name, bound).type;