blob: f6436971a7396b36806abd7223846d16818f9f33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisEngine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show LineInfo, Source;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/fasta/token_utils.dart' as util show findPrevious;
* Two or more string literals that are implicitly concatenated because of being
* adjacent (separated only by whitespace).
* While the grammar only allows adjacent strings when all of the strings are of
* the same kind (single line or multi-line), this class doesn't enforce that
* restriction.
* adjacentStrings ::=
* [StringLiteral] [StringLiteral]+
class AdjacentStringsImpl extends StringLiteralImpl implements AdjacentStrings {
* The strings that are implicitly concatenated.
NodeList<StringLiteral> _strings;
* Initialize a newly created list of adjacent strings. To be syntactically
* valid, the list of [strings] must contain at least two elements.
AdjacentStringsImpl(List<StringLiteral> strings) {
_strings = new NodeListImpl<StringLiteral>(this, strings);
Token get beginToken => _strings.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..addAll(_strings);
Token get endToken => _strings.endToken;
NodeList<StringLiteral> get strings => _strings;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAdjacentStrings(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
void _appendStringValue(StringBuffer buffer) {
int length = strings.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
StringLiteralImpl stringLiteral = strings[i];
* An AST node that can be annotated with both a documentation comment and a
* list of annotations.
abstract class AnnotatedNodeImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements AnnotatedNode {
* The documentation comment associated with this node, or `null` if this node
* does not have a documentation comment associated with it.
CommentImpl _comment;
* The annotations associated with this node.
NodeList<Annotation> _metadata;
* Initialize a newly created annotated node. Either or both of the [comment]
* and [metadata] can be `null` if the node does not have the corresponding
* attribute.
AnnotatedNodeImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata) {
_comment = _becomeParentOf(comment);
_metadata = new NodeListImpl<Annotation>(this, metadata);
Token get beginToken {
if (_comment == null) {
if (_metadata.isEmpty) {
return firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata;
return _metadata.beginToken;
} else if (_metadata.isEmpty) {
return _comment.beginToken;
Token commentToken = _comment.beginToken;
Token metadataToken = _metadata.beginToken;
if (commentToken.offset < metadataToken.offset) {
return commentToken;
return metadataToken;
Comment get documentationComment => _comment;
void set documentationComment(Comment comment) {
_comment = _becomeParentOf(comment as CommentImpl);
NodeList<Annotation> get metadata => _metadata;
List<AstNode> get sortedCommentAndAnnotations {
return <AstNode>[]
* Return a holder of child entities that subclasses can add to.
ChildEntities get _childEntities {
ChildEntities result = new ChildEntities();
if (_commentIsBeforeAnnotations()) {
} else {
return result;
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
if (_commentIsBeforeAnnotations()) {
} else {
List<AstNode> children = sortedCommentAndAnnotations;
int length = children.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
* Return `true` if there are no annotations before the comment. Note that a
* result of `true` does not imply that there is a comment, nor that there are
* annotations associated with this node.
bool _commentIsBeforeAnnotations() {
if (_comment == null || _metadata.isEmpty) {
return true;
Annotation firstAnnotation = _metadata[0];
return _comment.offset < firstAnnotation.offset;
* An annotation that can be associated with an AST node.
* metadata ::=
* annotation*
* annotation ::=
* '@' [Identifier] ('.' [SimpleIdentifier])? [ArgumentList]?
class AnnotationImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements Annotation {
* The at sign that introduced the annotation.
Token atSign;
* The name of the class defining the constructor that is being invoked or the
* name of the field that is being referenced.
IdentifierImpl _name;
* The period before the constructor name, or `null` if this annotation is not
* the invocation of a named constructor.
Token period;
* The name of the constructor being invoked, or `null` if this annotation is
* not the invocation of a named constructor.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _constructorName;
* The arguments to the constructor being invoked, or `null` if this
* annotation is not the invocation of a constructor.
ArgumentListImpl _arguments;
* The element associated with this annotation, or `null` if the AST structure
* has not been resolved or if this annotation could not be resolved.
Element _element;
* The element annotation representing this annotation in the element model.
ElementAnnotation elementAnnotation;
* Initialize a newly created annotation. Both the [period] and the
* [constructorName] can be `null` if the annotation is not referencing a
* named constructor. The [arguments] can be `null` if the annotation is not
* referencing a constructor.
AnnotationImpl(this.atSign, IdentifierImpl name, this.period,
SimpleIdentifierImpl constructorName, ArgumentListImpl arguments) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(name);
_constructorName = _becomeParentOf(constructorName);
_arguments = _becomeParentOf(arguments);
ArgumentList get arguments => _arguments;
void set arguments(ArgumentList arguments) {
_arguments = _becomeParentOf(arguments as ArgumentListImpl);
Token get beginToken => atSign;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
SimpleIdentifier get constructorName => _constructorName;
void set constructorName(SimpleIdentifier name) {
_constructorName = _becomeParentOf(name as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
Element get element {
if (_element != null) {
return _element;
} else if (_constructorName == null && _name != null) {
return _name.staticElement;
return null;
void set element(Element element) {
_element = element;
Token get endToken {
if (_arguments != null) {
return _arguments.endToken;
} else if (_constructorName != null) {
return _constructorName.endToken;
return _name.endToken;
Identifier get name => _name;
void set name(Identifier name) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(name as IdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAnnotation(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A list of arguments in the invocation of an executable element (that is, a
* function, method, or constructor).
* argumentList ::=
* '(' arguments? ')'
* arguments ::=
* [NamedExpression] (',' [NamedExpression])*
* | [Expression] (',' [Expression])* (',' [NamedExpression])*
class ArgumentListImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements ArgumentList {
* The left parenthesis.
Token leftParenthesis;
* The expressions producing the values of the arguments.
NodeList<Expression> _arguments;
* The right parenthesis.
Token rightParenthesis;
* A list containing the elements representing the parameters corresponding to
* each of the arguments in this list, or `null` if the AST has not been
* resolved or if the function or method being invoked could not be determined
* based on static type information. The list must be the same length as the
* number of arguments, but can contain `null` entries if a given argument
* does not correspond to a formal parameter.
List<ParameterElement> _correspondingStaticParameters;
* A list containing the elements representing the parameters corresponding to
* each of the arguments in this list, or `null` if the AST has not been
* resolved or if the function or method being invoked could not be determined
* based on propagated type information. The list must be the same length as
* the number of arguments, but can contain `null` entries if a given argument
* does not correspond to a formal parameter.
List<ParameterElement> _correspondingPropagatedParameters;
* Initialize a newly created list of arguments. The list of [arguments] can
* be `null` if there are no arguments.
this.leftParenthesis, List<Expression> arguments, this.rightParenthesis) {
_arguments = new NodeListImpl<Expression>(this, arguments);
NodeList<Expression> get arguments => _arguments;
Token get beginToken => leftParenthesis;
// TODO(paulberry): Add commas.
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
List<ParameterElement> get correspondingPropagatedParameters =>
void set correspondingPropagatedParameters(
List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
if (parameters != null && parameters.length != _arguments.length) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Expected ${_arguments.length} parameters, not ${parameters.length}");
_correspondingPropagatedParameters = parameters;
List<ParameterElement> get correspondingStaticParameters =>
void set correspondingStaticParameters(List<ParameterElement> parameters) {
if (parameters != null && parameters.length != _arguments.length) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Expected ${_arguments.length} parameters, not ${parameters.length}");
_correspondingStaticParameters = parameters;
Token get endToken => rightParenthesis;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitArgumentList(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* If
* * the given [expression] is a child of this list,
* * the AST structure has been resolved,
* * the function being invoked is known based on propagated type information,
* and
* * the expression corresponds to one of the parameters of the function being
* invoked,
* then return the parameter element representing the parameter to which the
* value of the given expression will be bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement _getPropagatedParameterElementFor(Expression expression) {
if (_correspondingPropagatedParameters == null ||
_correspondingPropagatedParameters.length != _arguments.length) {
// Either the AST structure has not been resolved, the invocation of which
// this list is a part could not be resolved, or the argument list was
// modified after the parameters were set.
return null;
int index = _arguments.indexOf(expression);
if (index < 0) {
// The expression isn't a child of this node.
return null;
return _correspondingPropagatedParameters[index];
* If
* * the given [expression] is a child of this list,
* * the AST structure has been resolved,
* * the function being invoked is known based on static type information, and
* * the expression corresponds to one of the parameters of the function being
* invoked,
* then return the parameter element representing the parameter to which the
* value of the given expression will be bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement _getStaticParameterElementFor(Expression expression) {
if (_correspondingStaticParameters == null ||
_correspondingStaticParameters.length != _arguments.length) {
// Either the AST structure has not been resolved, the invocation of which
// this list is a part could not be resolved, or the argument list was
// modified after the parameters were set.
return null;
int index = _arguments.indexOf(expression);
if (index < 0) {
// The expression isn't a child of this node.
return null;
return _correspondingStaticParameters[index];
* An as expression.
* asExpression ::=
* [Expression] 'as' [TypeName]
class AsExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl implements AsExpression {
* The expression used to compute the value being cast.
ExpressionImpl _expression;
* The 'as' operator.
Token asOperator;
* The type being cast to.
TypeAnnotationImpl _type;
* Initialize a newly created as expression.
ExpressionImpl expression, this.asOperator, TypeAnnotationImpl type) {
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression);
_type = _becomeParentOf(type);
Token get beginToken => _expression.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(_expression)..add(asOperator)..add(_type);
Token get endToken => _type.endToken;
Expression get expression => _expression;
void set expression(Expression expression) {
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
int get precedence => 7;
TypeAnnotation get type => _type;
void set type(TypeAnnotation type) {
_type = _becomeParentOf(type as TypeAnnotationImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAsExpression(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* An assert in the initializer list of a constructor.
* assertInitializer ::=
* 'assert' '(' [Expression] (',' [Expression])? ')'
class AssertInitializerImpl extends ConstructorInitializerImpl
implements AssertInitializer {
Token assertKeyword;
Token leftParenthesis;
* The condition that is being asserted to be `true`.
ExpressionImpl _condition;
Token comma;
* The message to report if the assertion fails, or `null` if no message was
* supplied.
ExpressionImpl _message;
Token rightParenthesis;
* Initialize a newly created assert initializer.
ExpressionImpl condition,
ExpressionImpl message,
this.rightParenthesis) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(condition);
_message = _becomeParentOf(message);
Token get beginToken => assertKeyword;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Expression get condition => _condition;
void set condition(Expression condition) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(condition as ExpressionImpl);
Token get endToken => rightParenthesis;
Expression get message => _message;
void set message(Expression expression) {
_message = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAssertInitializer(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* An assert statement.
* assertStatement ::=
* 'assert' '(' [Expression] ')' ';'
class AssertStatementImpl extends StatementImpl implements AssertStatement {
Token assertKeyword;
Token leftParenthesis;
* The condition that is being asserted to be `true`.
ExpressionImpl _condition;
Token comma;
* The message to report if the assertion fails, or `null` if no message was
* supplied.
ExpressionImpl _message;
Token rightParenthesis;
Token semicolon;
* Initialize a newly created assert statement.
ExpressionImpl condition,
ExpressionImpl message,
this.semicolon) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(condition);
_message = _becomeParentOf(message);
Token get beginToken => assertKeyword;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Expression get condition => _condition;
void set condition(Expression condition) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(condition as ExpressionImpl);
Token get endToken => semicolon;
Expression get message => _message;
void set message(Expression expression) {
_message = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAssertStatement(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* An assignment expression.
* assignmentExpression ::=
* [Expression] operator [Expression]
class AssignmentExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl
implements AssignmentExpression {
* The expression used to compute the left hand side.
ExpressionImpl _leftHandSide;
* The assignment operator being applied.
Token operator;
* The expression used to compute the right hand side.
ExpressionImpl _rightHandSide;
* The element associated with the operator based on the static type of the
* left-hand-side, or `null` if the AST structure has not been resolved, if
* the operator is not a compound operator, or if the operator could not be
* resolved.
MethodElement staticElement;
* The element associated with the operator based on the propagated type of
* the left-hand-side, or `null` if the AST structure has not been resolved,
* if the operator is not a compound operator, or if the operator could not be
* resolved.
MethodElement propagatedElement;
* Initialize a newly created assignment expression.
AssignmentExpressionImpl(ExpressionImpl leftHandSide, this.operator,
ExpressionImpl rightHandSide) {
if (leftHandSide == null || rightHandSide == null) {
String message;
if (leftHandSide == null) {
if (rightHandSide == null) {
message = "Both the left-hand and right-hand sides are null";
} else {
message = "The left-hand size is null";
} else {
message = "The right-hand size is null";
message, new CaughtException(new AnalysisException(message), null));
_leftHandSide = _becomeParentOf(leftHandSide);
_rightHandSide = _becomeParentOf(rightHandSide);
Token get beginToken => _leftHandSide.beginToken;
MethodElement get bestElement {
MethodElement element = propagatedElement;
if (element == null) {
element = staticElement;
return element;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => _rightHandSide.endToken;
Expression get leftHandSide => _leftHandSide;
void set leftHandSide(Expression expression) {
_leftHandSide = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
int get precedence => 1;
Expression get rightHandSide => _rightHandSide;
void set rightHandSide(Expression expression) {
_rightHandSide = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
* If the AST structure has been resolved, and the function being invoked is
* known based on propagated type information, then return the parameter
* element representing the parameter to which the value of the right operand
* will be bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement get _propagatedParameterElementForRightHandSide {
ExecutableElement executableElement = null;
if (propagatedElement != null) {
executableElement = propagatedElement;
} else {
Expression left = _leftHandSide;
if (left is Identifier) {
Element leftElement = left.propagatedElement;
if (leftElement is ExecutableElement) {
executableElement = leftElement;
} else if (left is PropertyAccess) {
Element leftElement = left.propertyName.propagatedElement;
if (leftElement is ExecutableElement) {
executableElement = leftElement;
if (executableElement == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = executableElement.parameters;
if (parameters.length < 1) {
return null;
return parameters[0];
* If the AST structure has been resolved, and the function being invoked is
* known based on static type information, then return the parameter element
* representing the parameter to which the value of the right operand will be
* bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement get _staticParameterElementForRightHandSide {
ExecutableElement executableElement = null;
if (staticElement != null) {
executableElement = staticElement;
} else {
Expression left = _leftHandSide;
if (left is Identifier) {
Element leftElement = left.staticElement;
if (leftElement is ExecutableElement) {
executableElement = leftElement;
} else if (left is PropertyAccess) {
Element leftElement = left.propertyName.staticElement;
if (leftElement is ExecutableElement) {
executableElement = leftElement;
if (executableElement == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = executableElement.parameters;
if (parameters.length < 1) {
return null;
return parameters[0];
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAssignmentExpression(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A node in the AST structure for a Dart program.
abstract class AstNodeImpl implements AstNode {
* The parent of the node, or `null` if the node is the root of an AST
* structure.
AstNode _parent;
* A table mapping the names of properties to their values, or `null` if this
* node does not have any properties associated with it.
Map<String, Object> _propertyMap;
int get end => offset + length;
bool get isSynthetic => false;
int get length {
Token beginToken = this.beginToken;
Token endToken = this.endToken;
if (beginToken == null || endToken == null) {
return -1;
return endToken.offset + endToken.length - beginToken.offset;
int get offset {
Token beginToken = this.beginToken;
if (beginToken == null) {
return -1;
return beginToken.offset;
AstNode get parent => _parent;
AstNode get root {
AstNode root = this;
AstNode parent = this.parent;
while (parent != null) {
root = parent;
parent = root.parent;
return root;
E getAncestor<E extends AstNode>(Predicate<AstNode> predicate) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) It is a bug that this method can return `this`.
AstNode node = this;
while (node != null && !predicate(node)) {
node = node.parent;
return node as E;
E getProperty<E>(String name) {
if (_propertyMap == null) {
return null;
return _propertyMap[name] as E;
Token findPrevious(Token target) =>
util.findPrevious(beginToken, target) ?? parent?.findPrevious(target);
void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
if (_propertyMap != null) {
if (_propertyMap.isEmpty) {
_propertyMap = null;
} else {
if (_propertyMap == null) {
_propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
_propertyMap[name] = value;
String toSource() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
accept(new ToSourceVisitor2(buffer));
return buffer.toString();
String toString() => toSource();
* Make this node the parent of the given [child] node. Return the child node.
T _becomeParentOf<T extends AstNodeImpl>(T child) {
if (child != null) {
child._parent = this;
return child;
* An await expression.
* awaitExpression ::=
* 'await' [Expression]
class AwaitExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl implements AwaitExpression {
* The 'await' keyword.
Token awaitKeyword;
* The expression whose value is being waited on.
ExpressionImpl _expression;
* Initialize a newly created await expression.
AwaitExpressionImpl(this.awaitKeyword, ExpressionImpl expression) {
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression);
Token get beginToken {
if (awaitKeyword != null) {
return awaitKeyword;
return _expression.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(awaitKeyword)..add(_expression);
Token get endToken => _expression.endToken;
Expression get expression => _expression;
void set expression(Expression expression) {
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
int get precedence => 0;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitAwaitExpression(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A binary (infix) expression.
* binaryExpression ::=
* [Expression] [Token] [Expression]
class BinaryExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl implements BinaryExpression {
* The expression used to compute the left operand.
ExpressionImpl _leftOperand;
* The binary operator being applied.
Token operator;
* The expression used to compute the right operand.
ExpressionImpl _rightOperand;
* The element associated with the operator based on the static type of the
* left operand, or `null` if the AST structure has not been resolved, if the
* operator is not user definable, or if the operator could not be resolved.
MethodElement staticElement;
* The element associated with the operator based on the propagated type of
* the left operand, or `null` if the AST structure has not been resolved, if
* the operator is not user definable, or if the operator could not be
* resolved.
MethodElement propagatedElement;
* Initialize a newly created binary expression.
ExpressionImpl leftOperand, this.operator, ExpressionImpl rightOperand) {
_leftOperand = _becomeParentOf(leftOperand);
_rightOperand = _becomeParentOf(rightOperand);
Token get beginToken => _leftOperand.beginToken;
MethodElement get bestElement {
MethodElement element = propagatedElement;
if (element == null) {
element = staticElement;
return element;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(_leftOperand)..add(operator)..add(_rightOperand);
Token get endToken => _rightOperand.endToken;
Expression get leftOperand => _leftOperand;
void set leftOperand(Expression expression) {
_leftOperand = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
int get precedence => operator.type.precedence;
Expression get rightOperand => _rightOperand;
void set rightOperand(Expression expression) {
_rightOperand = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
* If the AST structure has been resolved, and the function being invoked is
* known based on propagated type information, then return the parameter
* element representing the parameter to which the value of the right operand
* will be bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement get _propagatedParameterElementForRightOperand {
if (propagatedElement == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = propagatedElement.parameters;
if (parameters.length < 1) {
return null;
return parameters[0];
* If the AST structure has been resolved, and the function being invoked is
* known based on static type information, then return the parameter element
* representing the parameter to which the value of the right operand will be
* bound. Otherwise, return `null`.
ParameterElement get _staticParameterElementForRightOperand {
if (staticElement == null) {
return null;
List<ParameterElement> parameters = staticElement.parameters;
if (parameters.length < 1) {
return null;
return parameters[0];
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitBinaryExpression(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A function body that consists of a block of statements.
* blockFunctionBody ::=
* ('async' | 'async' '*' | 'sync' '*')? [Block]
class BlockFunctionBodyImpl extends FunctionBodyImpl
implements BlockFunctionBody {
* The token representing the 'async' or 'sync' keyword, or `null` if there is
* no such keyword.
Token keyword;
* The star optionally following the 'async' or 'sync' keyword, or `null` if
* there is wither no such keyword or no star.
Token star;
* The block representing the body of the function.
BlockImpl _block;
* Initialize a newly created function body consisting of a block of
* statements. The [keyword] can be `null` if there is no keyword specified
* for the block. The [star] can be `null` if there is no star following the
* keyword (and must be `null` if there is no keyword).
BlockFunctionBodyImpl(this.keyword,, BlockImpl block) {
_block = _becomeParentOf(block);
Token get beginToken {
if (keyword != null) {
return keyword;
return _block.beginToken;
Block get block => _block;
void set block(Block block) {
_block = _becomeParentOf(block as BlockImpl);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(keyword)..add(star)..add(_block);
Token get endToken => _block.endToken;
bool get isAsynchronous => keyword != null && keyword.lexeme == Parser.ASYNC;
bool get isGenerator => star != null;
bool get isSynchronous => keyword == null || keyword.lexeme != Parser.ASYNC;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitBlockFunctionBody(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A sequence of statements.
* block ::=
* '{' statement* '}'
class BlockImpl extends StatementImpl implements Block {
* The left curly bracket.
Token leftBracket;
* The statements contained in the block.
NodeList<Statement> _statements;
* The right curly bracket.
Token rightBracket;
* Initialize a newly created block of code.
BlockImpl(this.leftBracket, List<Statement> statements, this.rightBracket) {
_statements = new NodeListImpl<Statement>(this, statements);
Token get beginToken => leftBracket;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => rightBracket;
NodeList<Statement> get statements => _statements;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitBlock(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A boolean literal expression.
* booleanLiteral ::=
* 'false' | 'true'
class BooleanLiteralImpl extends LiteralImpl implements BooleanLiteral {
* The token representing the literal.
Token literal;
* The value of the literal.
bool value = false;
* Initialize a newly created boolean literal.
BooleanLiteralImpl(this.literal, this.value);
Token get beginToken => literal;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(literal);
Token get endToken => literal;
bool get isSynthetic => literal.isSynthetic;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitBooleanLiteral(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
// There are no children to visit.
* A break statement.
* breakStatement ::=
* 'break' [SimpleIdentifier]? ';'
class BreakStatementImpl extends StatementImpl implements BreakStatement {
* The token representing the 'break' keyword.
Token breakKeyword;
* The label associated with the statement, or `null` if there is no label.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _label;
* The semicolon terminating the statement.
Token semicolon;
* The AstNode which this break statement is breaking from. This will be
* either a [Statement] (in the case of breaking out of a loop), a
* [SwitchMember] (in the case of a labeled break statement whose label
* matches a label on a switch case in an enclosing switch statement), or
* `null` if the AST has not yet been resolved or if the target could not be
* resolved. Note that if the source code has errors, the target might be
* invalid (e.g. trying to break to a switch case).
AstNode target;
* Initialize a newly created break statement. The [label] can be `null` if
* there is no label associated with the statement.
this.breakKeyword, SimpleIdentifierImpl label, this.semicolon) {
_label = _becomeParentOf(label);
Token get beginToken => breakKeyword;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(breakKeyword)..add(_label)..add(semicolon);
Token get endToken => semicolon;
SimpleIdentifier get label => _label;
void set label(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
_label = _becomeParentOf(identifier as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitBreakStatement(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A sequence of cascaded expressions: expressions that share a common target.
* There are three kinds of expressions that can be used in a cascade
* expression: [IndexExpression], [MethodInvocation] and [PropertyAccess].
* cascadeExpression ::=
* [Expression] cascadeSection*
* cascadeSection ::=
* '..' (cascadeSelector arguments*) (assignableSelector arguments*)*
* (assignmentOperator expressionWithoutCascade)?
* cascadeSelector ::=
* '[ ' expression '] '
* | identifier
class CascadeExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl
implements CascadeExpression {
* The target of the cascade sections.
ExpressionImpl _target;
* The cascade sections sharing the common target.
NodeList<Expression> _cascadeSections;
* Initialize a newly created cascade expression. The list of
* [cascadeSections] must contain at least one element.
ExpressionImpl target, List<Expression> cascadeSections) {
_target = _becomeParentOf(target);
_cascadeSections = new NodeListImpl<Expression>(this, cascadeSections);
Token get beginToken => _target.beginToken;
NodeList<Expression> get cascadeSections => _cascadeSections;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => _cascadeSections.endToken;
int get precedence => 2;
Expression get target => _target;
void set target(Expression target) {
_target = _becomeParentOf(target as ExpressionImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitCascadeExpression(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A catch clause within a try statement.
* onPart ::=
* catchPart [Block]
* | 'on' type catchPart? [Block]
* catchPart ::=
* 'catch' '(' [SimpleIdentifier] (',' [SimpleIdentifier])? ')'
class CatchClauseImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements CatchClause {
* The token representing the 'on' keyword, or `null` if there is no 'on'
* keyword.
Token onKeyword;
* The type of exceptions caught by this catch clause, or `null` if this catch
* clause catches every type of exception.
TypeAnnotationImpl _exceptionType;
* The token representing the 'catch' keyword, or `null` if there is no
* 'catch' keyword.
Token catchKeyword;
* The left parenthesis, or `null` if there is no 'catch' keyword.
Token leftParenthesis;
* The parameter whose value will be the exception that was thrown, or `null`
* if there is no 'catch' keyword.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _exceptionParameter;
* The comma separating the exception parameter from the stack trace
* parameter, or `null` if there is no stack trace parameter.
Token comma;
* The parameter whose value will be the stack trace associated with the
* exception, or `null` if there is no stack trace parameter.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _stackTraceParameter;
* The right parenthesis, or `null` if there is no 'catch' keyword.
Token rightParenthesis;
* The body of the catch block.
BlockImpl _body;
* Initialize a newly created catch clause. The [onKeyword] and
* [exceptionType] can be `null` if the clause will catch all exceptions. The
* [comma] and [stackTraceParameter] can be `null` if the stack trace
* parameter is not defined.
TypeAnnotationImpl exceptionType,
SimpleIdentifierImpl exceptionParameter,
SimpleIdentifierImpl stackTraceParameter,
BlockImpl body) {
_exceptionType = _becomeParentOf(exceptionType);
_exceptionParameter = _becomeParentOf(exceptionParameter);
_stackTraceParameter = _becomeParentOf(stackTraceParameter);
_body = _becomeParentOf(body);
Token get beginToken {
if (onKeyword != null) {
return onKeyword;
return catchKeyword;
Block get body => _body;
void set body(Block block) {
_body = _becomeParentOf(block as BlockImpl);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => _body.endToken;
SimpleIdentifier get exceptionParameter => _exceptionParameter;
void set exceptionParameter(SimpleIdentifier parameter) {
_exceptionParameter = _becomeParentOf(parameter as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
TypeAnnotation get exceptionType => _exceptionType;
void set exceptionType(TypeAnnotation exceptionType) {
_exceptionType = _becomeParentOf(exceptionType as TypeAnnotationImpl);
SimpleIdentifier get stackTraceParameter => _stackTraceParameter;
void set stackTraceParameter(SimpleIdentifier parameter) {
_stackTraceParameter = _becomeParentOf(parameter as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitCatchClause(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* Helper class to allow iteration of child entities of an AST node.
class ChildEntities extends Object
with IterableMixin<SyntacticEntity>
implements Iterable<SyntacticEntity> {
* The list of child entities to be iterated over.
List<SyntacticEntity> _entities = [];
Iterator<SyntacticEntity> get iterator => _entities.iterator;
* Add an AST node or token as the next child entity, if it is not null.
void add(SyntacticEntity entity) {
if (entity != null) {
* Add the given items as the next child entities, if [items] is not null.
void addAll(Iterable<SyntacticEntity> items) {
if (items != null) {
* The declaration of a class.
* classDeclaration ::=
* 'abstract'? 'class' [SimpleIdentifier] [TypeParameterList]?
* ([ExtendsClause] [WithClause]?)?
* [ImplementsClause]?
* '{' [ClassMember]* '}'
class ClassDeclarationImpl extends NamedCompilationUnitMemberImpl
implements ClassDeclaration {
* The 'abstract' keyword, or `null` if the keyword was absent.
Token abstractKeyword;
* The token representing the 'class' keyword.
Token classKeyword;
* The type parameters for the class, or `null` if the class does not have any
* type parameters.
TypeParameterListImpl _typeParameters;
* The extends clause for the class, or `null` if the class does not extend
* any other class.
ExtendsClauseImpl _extendsClause;
* The with clause for the class, or `null` if the class does not have a with
* clause.
WithClauseImpl _withClause;
* The implements clause for the class, or `null` if the class does not
* implement any interfaces.
ImplementsClauseImpl _implementsClause;
* The native clause for the class, or `null` if the class does not have a
* native clause.
NativeClauseImpl _nativeClause;
* The left curly bracket.
Token leftBracket;
* The members defined by the class.
NodeList<ClassMember> _members;
* The right curly bracket.
Token rightBracket;
* Initialize a newly created class declaration. Either or both of the
* [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the class does not have the
* corresponding attribute. The [abstractKeyword] can be `null` if the class
* is not abstract. The [typeParameters] can be `null` if the class does not
* have any type parameters. Any or all of the [extendsClause], [withClause],
* and [implementsClause] can be `null` if the class does not have the
* corresponding clause. The list of [members] can be `null` if the class does
* not have any members.
CommentImpl comment,
List<Annotation> metadata,
SimpleIdentifierImpl name,
TypeParameterListImpl typeParameters,
ExtendsClauseImpl extendsClause,
WithClauseImpl withClause,
ImplementsClauseImpl implementsClause,
List<ClassMember> members,
: super(comment, metadata, name) {
_typeParameters = _becomeParentOf(typeParameters);
_extendsClause = _becomeParentOf(extendsClause);
_withClause = _becomeParentOf(withClause);
_implementsClause = _becomeParentOf(implementsClause);
_members = new NodeListImpl<ClassMember>(this, members);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => super._childEntities
ClassElement get element => _name?.staticElement as ClassElement;
Token get endToken => rightBracket;
ExtendsClause get extendsClause => _extendsClause;
void set extendsClause(ExtendsClause extendsClause) {
_extendsClause = _becomeParentOf(extendsClause as ExtendsClauseImpl);
Token get firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata {
if (abstractKeyword != null) {
return abstractKeyword;
return classKeyword;
ImplementsClause get implementsClause => _implementsClause;
void set implementsClause(ImplementsClause implementsClause) {
_implementsClause =
_becomeParentOf(implementsClause as ImplementsClauseImpl);
bool get isAbstract => abstractKeyword != null;
NodeList<ClassMember> get members => _members;
NativeClause get nativeClause => _nativeClause;
void set nativeClause(NativeClause nativeClause) {
_nativeClause = _becomeParentOf(nativeClause as NativeClauseImpl);
TypeParameterList get typeParameters => _typeParameters;
void set typeParameters(TypeParameterList typeParameters) {
_typeParameters = _becomeParentOf(typeParameters as TypeParameterListImpl);
WithClause get withClause => _withClause;
void set withClause(WithClause withClause) {
_withClause = _becomeParentOf(withClause as WithClauseImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitClassDeclaration(this);
ConstructorDeclaration getConstructor(String name) {
int length = _members.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassMember classMember = _members[i];
if (classMember is ConstructorDeclaration) {
ConstructorDeclaration constructor = classMember;
SimpleIdentifier constructorName =;
if (name == null && constructorName == null) {
return constructor;
if (constructorName != null && == name) {
return constructor;
return null;
VariableDeclaration getField(String name) {
int memberLength = _members.length;
for (int i = 0; i < memberLength; i++) {
ClassMember classMember = _members[i];
if (classMember is FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = classMember;
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> fields =
int fieldLength = fields.length;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldLength; i++) {
VariableDeclaration field = fields[i];
SimpleIdentifier fieldName =;
if (fieldName != null && name == {
return field;
return null;
MethodDeclaration getMethod(String name) {
int length = _members.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ClassMember classMember = _members[i];
if (classMember is MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration method = classMember;
SimpleIdentifier methodName =;
if (methodName != null && name == {
return method;
return null;
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A node that declares a name within the scope of a class.
abstract class ClassMemberImpl extends DeclarationImpl implements ClassMember {
* Initialize a newly created member of a class. Either or both of the
* [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the member does not have the
* corresponding attribute.
ClassMemberImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata)
: super(comment, metadata);
* A class type alias.
* classTypeAlias ::=
* [SimpleIdentifier] [TypeParameterList]? '=' 'abstract'? mixinApplication
* mixinApplication ::=
* [TypeName] [WithClause] [ImplementsClause]? ';'
class ClassTypeAliasImpl extends TypeAliasImpl implements ClassTypeAlias {
* The type parameters for the class, or `null` if the class does not have any
* type parameters.
TypeParameterListImpl _typeParameters;
* The token for the '=' separating the name from the definition.
Token equals;
* The token for the 'abstract' keyword, or `null` if this is not defining an
* abstract class.
Token abstractKeyword;
* The name of the superclass of the class being declared.
TypeNameImpl _superclass;
* The with clause for this class.
WithClauseImpl _withClause;
* The implements clause for this class, or `null` if there is no implements
* clause.
ImplementsClauseImpl _implementsClause;
* Initialize a newly created class type alias. Either or both of the
* [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the class type alias does not
* have the corresponding attribute. The [typeParameters] can be `null` if the
* class does not have any type parameters. The [abstractKeyword] can be
* `null` if the class is not abstract. The [implementsClause] can be `null`
* if the class does not implement any interfaces.
CommentImpl comment,
List<Annotation> metadata,
Token keyword,
SimpleIdentifierImpl name,
TypeParameterListImpl typeParameters,
TypeNameImpl superclass,
WithClauseImpl withClause,
ImplementsClauseImpl implementsClause,
Token semicolon)
: super(comment, metadata, keyword, name, semicolon) {
_typeParameters = _becomeParentOf(typeParameters);
_superclass = _becomeParentOf(superclass);
_withClause = _becomeParentOf(withClause);
_implementsClause = _becomeParentOf(implementsClause);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => super._childEntities
ClassElement get element => _name?.staticElement as ClassElement;
Token get firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata {
if (abstractKeyword != null) {
return abstractKeyword;
return typedefKeyword;
ImplementsClause get implementsClause => _implementsClause;
void set implementsClause(ImplementsClause implementsClause) {
_implementsClause =
_becomeParentOf(implementsClause as ImplementsClauseImpl);
bool get isAbstract => abstractKeyword != null;
TypeName get superclass => _superclass;
void set superclass(TypeName superclass) {
_superclass = _becomeParentOf(superclass as TypeNameImpl);
TypeParameterList get typeParameters => _typeParameters;
void set typeParameters(TypeParameterList typeParameters) {
_typeParameters = _becomeParentOf(typeParameters as TypeParameterListImpl);
WithClause get withClause => _withClause;
void set withClause(WithClause withClause) {
_withClause = _becomeParentOf(withClause as WithClauseImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitClassTypeAlias(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A combinator associated with an import or export directive.
* combinator ::=
* [HideCombinator]
* | [ShowCombinator]
abstract class CombinatorImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements Combinator {
* The 'hide' or 'show' keyword specifying what kind of processing is to be
* done on the names.
Token keyword;
* Initialize a newly created combinator.
Token get beginToken => keyword;
* A comment within the source code.
* comment ::=
* endOfLineComment
* | blockComment
* | documentationComment
* endOfLineComment ::=
* blockComment ::=
* '/ *' CHARACTER* '&#42;/'
* documentationComment ::=
* '/ **' (CHARACTER | [CommentReference])* '&#42;/'
* | ('///' (CHARACTER - EOL)* EOL)+
class CommentImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements Comment {
* The tokens representing the comment.
final List<Token> tokens;
* The type of the comment.
final CommentType _type;
* The references embedded within the documentation comment. This list will be
* empty unless this is a documentation comment that has references embedded
* within it.
NodeList<CommentReference> _references;
* Initialize a newly created comment. The list of [tokens] must contain at
* least one token. The [_type] is the type of the comment. The list of
* [references] can be empty if the comment does not contain any embedded
* references.
CommentImpl(this.tokens, this._type, List<CommentReference> references) {
_references = new NodeListImpl<CommentReference>(this, references);
Token get beginToken => tokens[0];
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..addAll(tokens);
Token get endToken => tokens[tokens.length - 1];
bool get isBlock => _type == CommentType.BLOCK;
bool get isDocumentation => _type == CommentType.DOCUMENTATION;
bool get isEndOfLine => _type == CommentType.END_OF_LINE;
NodeList<CommentReference> get references => _references;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitComment(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* Create a block comment consisting of the given [tokens].
static Comment createBlockComment(List<Token> tokens) =>
new CommentImpl(tokens, CommentType.BLOCK, null);
* Create a documentation comment consisting of the given [tokens].
static Comment createDocumentationComment(List<Token> tokens) =>
new CommentImpl(
tokens, CommentType.DOCUMENTATION, new List<CommentReference>());
* Create a documentation comment consisting of the given [tokens] and having
* the given [references] embedded within it.
static Comment createDocumentationCommentWithReferences(
List<Token> tokens, List<CommentReference> references) =>
new CommentImpl(tokens, CommentType.DOCUMENTATION, references);
* Create an end-of-line comment consisting of the given [tokens].
static Comment createEndOfLineComment(List<Token> tokens) =>
new CommentImpl(tokens, CommentType.END_OF_LINE, null);
* A reference to a Dart element that is found within a documentation comment.
* commentReference ::=
* '[' 'new'? [Identifier] ']'
class CommentReferenceImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements CommentReference {
* The token representing the 'new' keyword, or `null` if there was no 'new'
* keyword.
Token newKeyword;
* The identifier being referenced.
IdentifierImpl _identifier;
* Initialize a newly created reference to a Dart element. The [newKeyword]
* can be `null` if the reference is not to a constructor.
CommentReferenceImpl(this.newKeyword, IdentifierImpl identifier) {
_identifier = _becomeParentOf(identifier);
Token get beginToken => _identifier.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(newKeyword)..add(_identifier);
Token get endToken => _identifier.endToken;
Identifier get identifier => _identifier;
void set identifier(Identifier identifier) {
_identifier = _becomeParentOf(identifier as IdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitCommentReference(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* The possible types of comments that are recognized by the parser.
class CommentType {
* A block comment.
static const CommentType BLOCK = const CommentType('BLOCK');
* A documentation comment.
static const CommentType DOCUMENTATION = const CommentType('DOCUMENTATION');
* An end-of-line comment.
static const CommentType END_OF_LINE = const CommentType('END_OF_LINE');
* The name of the comment type.
final String name;
* Initialize a newly created comment type to have the given [name].
const CommentType(;
String toString() => name;
* A compilation unit.
* While the grammar restricts the order of the directives and declarations
* within a compilation unit, this class does not enforce those restrictions.
* In particular, the children of a compilation unit will be visited in lexical
* order even if lexical order does not conform to the restrictions of the
* grammar.
* compilationUnit ::=
* directives declarations
* directives ::=
* [ScriptTag]? [LibraryDirective]? namespaceDirective* [PartDirective]*
* | [PartOfDirective]
* namespaceDirective ::=
* [ImportDirective]
* | [ExportDirective]
* declarations ::=
* [CompilationUnitMember]*
class CompilationUnitImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements CompilationUnit {
* The first token in the token stream that was parsed to form this
* compilation unit.
Token beginToken;
* The script tag at the beginning of the compilation unit, or `null` if there
* is no script tag in this compilation unit.
ScriptTagImpl _scriptTag;
* The directives contained in this compilation unit.
NodeList<Directive> _directives;
* The declarations contained in this compilation unit.
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> _declarations;
* The last token in the token stream that was parsed to form this compilation
* unit. This token should always have a type of [TokenType.EOF].
Token endToken;
* The element associated with this compilation unit, or `null` if the AST
* structure has not been resolved.
CompilationUnitElement element;
* The line information for this compilation unit.
LineInfo lineInfo;
Map<int, AstNode> localDeclarations;
* Initialize a newly created compilation unit to have the given directives
* and declarations. The [scriptTag] can be `null` if there is no script tag
* in the compilation unit. The list of [directives] can be `null` if there
* are no directives in the compilation unit. The list of [declarations] can
* be `null` if there are no declarations in the compilation unit.
ScriptTagImpl scriptTag,
List<Directive> directives,
List<CompilationUnitMember> declarations,
this.endToken) {
_scriptTag = _becomeParentOf(scriptTag);
_directives = new NodeListImpl<Directive>(this, directives);
_declarations = new NodeListImpl<CompilationUnitMember>(this, declarations);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities {
ChildEntities result = new ChildEntities()..add(_scriptTag);
if (_directivesAreBeforeDeclarations) {
} else {
return result;
NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> get declarations => _declarations;
NodeList<Directive> get directives => _directives;
int get length {
Token endToken = this.endToken;
if (endToken == null) {
return 0;
return endToken.offset + endToken.length;
int get offset => 0;
ScriptTag get scriptTag => _scriptTag;
void set scriptTag(ScriptTag scriptTag) {
_scriptTag = _becomeParentOf(scriptTag as ScriptTagImpl);
List<AstNode> get sortedDirectivesAndDeclarations {
return <AstNode>[]
* Return `true` if all of the directives are lexically before any
* declarations.
bool get _directivesAreBeforeDeclarations {
if (_directives.isEmpty || _declarations.isEmpty) {
return true;
Directive lastDirective = _directives[_directives.length - 1];
CompilationUnitMember firstDeclaration = _declarations[0];
return lastDirective.offset < firstDeclaration.offset;
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitCompilationUnit(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
if (_directivesAreBeforeDeclarations) {
} else {
List<AstNode> sortedMembers = sortedDirectivesAndDeclarations;
int length = sortedMembers.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
AstNode child = sortedMembers[i];
* A node that declares one or more names within the scope of a compilation
* unit.
* compilationUnitMember ::=
* [ClassDeclaration]
* | [TypeAlias]
* | [FunctionDeclaration]
* | [MethodDeclaration]
* | [VariableDeclaration]
* | [VariableDeclaration]
abstract class CompilationUnitMemberImpl extends DeclarationImpl
implements CompilationUnitMember {
* Initialize a newly created generic compilation unit member. Either or both
* of the [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the member does not have
* the corresponding attribute.
CompilationUnitMemberImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata)
: super(comment, metadata);
* A conditional expression.
* conditionalExpression ::=
* [Expression] '?' [Expression] ':' [Expression]
class ConditionalExpressionImpl extends ExpressionImpl
implements ConditionalExpression {
* The condition used to determine which of the expressions is executed next.
ExpressionImpl _condition;
* The token used to separate the condition from the then expression.
Token question;
* The expression that is executed if the condition evaluates to `true`.
ExpressionImpl _thenExpression;
* The token used to separate the then expression from the else expression.
Token colon;
* The expression that is executed if the condition evaluates to `false`.
ExpressionImpl _elseExpression;
* Initialize a newly created conditional expression.
ExpressionImpl condition,
ExpressionImpl thenExpression,
ExpressionImpl elseExpression) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(condition);
_thenExpression = _becomeParentOf(thenExpression);
_elseExpression = _becomeParentOf(elseExpression);
Token get beginToken => _condition.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Expression get condition => _condition;
void set condition(Expression expression) {
_condition = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
Expression get elseExpression => _elseExpression;
void set elseExpression(Expression expression) {
_elseExpression = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
Token get endToken => _elseExpression.endToken;
int get precedence => 3;
Expression get thenExpression => _thenExpression;
void set thenExpression(Expression expression) {
_thenExpression = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) =>
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A configuration in either an import or export directive.
* configuration ::=
* 'if' '(' test ')' uri
* test ::=
* dottedName ('==' stringLiteral)?
* dottedName ::=
* identifier ('.' identifier)*
class ConfigurationImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements Configuration {
Token ifKeyword;
Token leftParenthesis;
DottedNameImpl _name;
Token equalToken;
StringLiteralImpl _value;
Token rightParenthesis;
StringLiteralImpl _uri;
Source uriSource;
DottedNameImpl name,
StringLiteralImpl value,
StringLiteralImpl libraryUri) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(name);
_value = _becomeParentOf(value);
_uri = _becomeParentOf(libraryUri);
Token get beginToken => ifKeyword;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => _uri.endToken;
StringLiteral get libraryUri => _uri;
void set libraryUri(StringLiteral libraryUri) {
_uri = _becomeParentOf(libraryUri as StringLiteralImpl);
DottedName get name => _name;
void set name(DottedName name) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(name as DottedNameImpl);
StringLiteral get uri => _uri;
void set uri(StringLiteral uri) {
_uri = _becomeParentOf(uri as StringLiteralImpl);
StringLiteral get value => _value;
void set value(StringLiteral value) {
_value = _becomeParentOf(value as StringLiteralImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitConfiguration(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* An error listener that only records whether any constant related errors have
* been reported.
class ConstantAnalysisErrorListener extends AnalysisErrorListener {
* A flag indicating whether any constant related errors have been reported to
* this listener.
bool hasConstError = false;
void onError(AnalysisError error) {
ErrorCode errorCode = error.errorCode;
if (errorCode is CompileTimeErrorCode) {
switch (errorCode) {
case CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_BOOL:
case CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_INT:
case CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_TYPE_NUM:
case CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_IDBZE:
case CompileTimeErrorCode
case CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTANT:
hasConstError = true;
* A constructor declaration.
* constructorDeclaration ::=
* constructorSignature [FunctionBody]?
* | constructorName formalParameterList ':' 'this' ('.' [SimpleIdentifier])? arguments
* constructorSignature ::=
* 'external'? constructorName formalParameterList initializerList?
* | 'external'? 'factory' factoryName formalParameterList initializerList?
* | 'external'? 'const' constructorName formalParameterList initializerList?
* constructorName ::=
* [SimpleIdentifier] ('.' [SimpleIdentifier])?
* factoryName ::=
* [Identifier] ('.' [SimpleIdentifier])?
* initializerList ::=
* ':' [ConstructorInitializer] (',' [ConstructorInitializer])*
class ConstructorDeclarationImpl extends ClassMemberImpl
implements ConstructorDeclaration {
* The token for the 'external' keyword, or `null` if the constructor is not
* external.
Token externalKeyword;
* The token for the 'const' keyword, or `null` if the constructor is not a
* const constructor.
Token constKeyword;
* The token for the 'factory' keyword, or `null` if the constructor is not a
* factory constructor.
Token factoryKeyword;
* The type of object being created. This can be different than the type in
* which the constructor is being declared if the constructor is the
* implementation of a factory constructor.
IdentifierImpl _returnType;
* The token for the period before the constructor name, or `null` if the
* constructor being declared is unnamed.
Token period;
* The name of the constructor, or `null` if the constructor being declared is
* unnamed.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _name;
* The parameters associated with the constructor.
FormalParameterListImpl _parameters;
* The token for the separator (colon or equals) before the initializer list
* or redirection, or `null` if there are no initializers.
Token separator;
* The initializers associated with the constructor.
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> _initializers;
* The name of the constructor to which this constructor will be redirected,
* or `null` if this is not a redirecting factory constructor.
ConstructorNameImpl _redirectedConstructor;
* The body of the constructor, or `null` if the constructor does not have a
* body.
FunctionBodyImpl _body;
* The element associated with this constructor, or `null` if the AST
* structure has not been resolved or if this constructor could not be
* resolved.
ConstructorElement element;
* Initialize a newly created constructor declaration. The [externalKeyword]
* can be `null` if the constructor is not external. Either or both of the
* [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the constructor does not have the
* corresponding attribute. The [constKeyword] can be `null` if the
* constructor cannot be used to create a constant. The [factoryKeyword] can
* be `null` if the constructor is not a factory. The [period] and [name] can
* both be `null` if the constructor is not a named constructor. The
* [separator] can be `null` if the constructor does not have any initializers
* and does not redirect to a different constructor. The list of
* [initializers] can be `null` if the constructor does not have any
* initializers. The [redirectedConstructor] can be `null` if the constructor
* does not redirect to a different constructor. The [body] can be `null` if
* the constructor does not have a body.
CommentImpl comment,
List<Annotation> metadata,
IdentifierImpl returnType,
SimpleIdentifierImpl name,
FormalParameterListImpl parameters,
List<ConstructorInitializer> initializers,
ConstructorNameImpl redirectedConstructor,
FunctionBodyImpl body)
: super(comment, metadata) {
_returnType = _becomeParentOf(returnType);
_name = _becomeParentOf(name);
_parameters = _becomeParentOf(parameters);
_initializers =
new NodeListImpl<ConstructorInitializer>(this, initializers);
_redirectedConstructor = _becomeParentOf(redirectedConstructor);
_body = _becomeParentOf(body);
FunctionBody get body => _body;
void set body(FunctionBody functionBody) {
_body = _becomeParentOf(functionBody as FunctionBodyImpl);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => super._childEntities
Token get endToken {
if (_body != null) {
return _body.endToken;
} else if (!_initializers.isEmpty) {
return _initializers.endToken;
return _parameters.endToken;
Token get firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata {
Token leftMost =
Token.lexicallyFirst([externalKeyword, constKeyword, factoryKeyword]);
if (leftMost != null) {
return leftMost;
return _returnType.beginToken;
NodeList<ConstructorInitializer> get initializers => _initializers;
SimpleIdentifier get name => _name;
void set name(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(identifier as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
FormalParameterList get parameters => _parameters;
void set parameters(FormalParameterList parameters) {
_parameters = _becomeParentOf(parameters as FormalParameterListImpl);
ConstructorName get redirectedConstructor => _redirectedConstructor;
void set redirectedConstructor(ConstructorName redirectedConstructor) {
_redirectedConstructor =
_becomeParentOf(redirectedConstructor as ConstructorNameImpl);
Identifier get returnType => _returnType;
void set returnType(Identifier typeName) {
_returnType = _becomeParentOf(typeName as IdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) =>
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* The initialization of a field within a constructor's initialization list.
* fieldInitializer ::=
* ('this' '.')? [SimpleIdentifier] '=' [Expression]
class ConstructorFieldInitializerImpl extends ConstructorInitializerImpl
implements ConstructorFieldInitializer {
* The token for the 'this' keyword, or `null` if there is no 'this' keyword.
Token thisKeyword;
* The token for the period after the 'this' keyword, or `null` if there is no
* 'this' keyword.
Token period;
* The name of the field being initialized.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _fieldName;
* The token for the equal sign between the field name and the expression.
Token equals;
* The expression computing the value to which the field will be initialized.
ExpressionImpl _expression;
* Initialize a newly created field initializer to initialize the field with
* the given name to the value of the given expression. The [thisKeyword] and
* [period] can be `null` if the 'this' keyword was not specified.
ConstructorFieldInitializerImpl(this.thisKeyword, this.period,
SimpleIdentifierImpl fieldName, this.equals, ExpressionImpl expression) {
_fieldName = _becomeParentOf(fieldName);
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression);
Token get beginToken {
if (thisKeyword != null) {
return thisKeyword;
return _fieldName.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities => new ChildEntities()
Token get endToken => _expression.endToken;
Expression get expression => _expression;
void set expression(Expression expression) {
_expression = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
SimpleIdentifier get fieldName => _fieldName;
void set fieldName(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
_fieldName = _becomeParentOf(identifier as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) =>
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A node that can occur in the initializer list of a constructor declaration.
* constructorInitializer ::=
* [SuperConstructorInvocation]
* | [ConstructorFieldInitializer]
* | [RedirectingConstructorInvocation]
abstract class ConstructorInitializerImpl extends AstNodeImpl
implements ConstructorInitializer {}
* The name of the constructor.
* constructorName ::=
* type ('.' identifier)?
class ConstructorNameImpl extends AstNodeImpl implements ConstructorName {
* The name of the type defining the constructor.
TypeNameImpl _type;
* The token for the period before the constructor name, or `null` if the
* specified constructor is the unnamed constructor.
Token period;
* The name of the constructor, or `null` if the specified constructor is the
* unnamed constructor.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _name;
* The element associated with this constructor name based on static type
* information, or `null` if the AST structure has not been resolved or if
* this constructor name could not be resolved.
ConstructorElement staticElement;
* Initialize a newly created constructor name. The [period] and [name] can be
* `null` if the constructor being named is the unnamed constructor.
TypeNameImpl type, this.period, SimpleIdentifierImpl name) {
_type = _becomeParentOf(type);
_name = _becomeParentOf(name);
Token get beginToken => _type.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(_type)..add(period)..add(_name);
Token get endToken {
if (_name != null) {
return _name.endToken;
return _type.endToken;
SimpleIdentifier get name => _name;
void set name(SimpleIdentifier name) {
_name = _becomeParentOf(name as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
TypeName get type => _type;
void set type(TypeName type) {
_type = _becomeParentOf(type as TypeNameImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitConstructorName(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A continue statement.
* continueStatement ::=
* 'continue' [SimpleIdentifier]? ';'
class ContinueStatementImpl extends StatementImpl implements ContinueStatement {
* The token representing the 'continue' keyword.
Token continueKeyword;
* The label associated with the statement, or `null` if there is no label.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _label;
* The semicolon terminating the statement.
Token semicolon;
* The AstNode which this continue statement is continuing to. This will be
* either a Statement (in the case of continuing a loop) or a SwitchMember
* (in the case of continuing from one switch case to another). Null if the
* AST has not yet been resolved or if the target could not be resolved.
* Note that if the source code has errors, the target may be invalid (e.g.
* the target may be in an enclosing function).
AstNode target;
* Initialize a newly created continue statement. The [label] can be `null` if
* there is no label associated with the statement.
this.continueKeyword, SimpleIdentifierImpl label, this.semicolon) {
_label = _becomeParentOf(label);
Token get beginToken => continueKeyword;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(continueKeyword)..add(_label)..add(semicolon);
Token get endToken => semicolon;
SimpleIdentifier get label => _label;
void set label(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
_label = _becomeParentOf(identifier as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitContinueStatement(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A node that represents the declaration of one or more names. Each declared
* name is visible within a name scope.
abstract class DeclarationImpl extends AnnotatedNodeImpl
implements Declaration {
* Initialize a newly created declaration. Either or both of the [comment] and
* [metadata] can be `null` if the declaration does not have the corresponding
* attribute.
DeclarationImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata)
: super(comment, metadata);
* The declaration of a single identifier.
* declaredIdentifier ::=
* [Annotation] finalConstVarOrType [SimpleIdentifier]
class DeclaredIdentifierImpl extends DeclarationImpl
implements DeclaredIdentifier {
* The token representing either the 'final', 'const' or 'var' keyword, or
* `null` if no keyword was used.
Token keyword;
* The name of the declared type of the parameter, or `null` if the parameter
* does not have a declared type.
TypeAnnotationImpl _type;
* The name of the variable being declared.
SimpleIdentifierImpl _identifier;
* Initialize a newly created formal parameter. Either or both of the
* [comment] and [metadata] can be `null` if the declaration does not have the
* corresponding attribute. The [keyword] can be `null` if a type name is
* given. The [type] must be `null` if the keyword is 'var'.
DeclaredIdentifierImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata,
this.keyword, TypeAnnotationImpl type, SimpleIdentifierImpl identifier)
: super(comment, metadata) {
_type = _becomeParentOf(type);
_identifier = _becomeParentOf(identifier);
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
LocalVariableElement get element {
if (_identifier == null) {
return null;
return _identifier.staticElement as LocalVariableElement;
Token get endToken => _identifier.endToken;
Token get firstTokenAfterCommentAndMetadata {
if (keyword != null) {
return keyword;
} else if (_type != null) {
return _type.beginToken;
return _identifier.beginToken;
SimpleIdentifier get identifier => _identifier;
void set identifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
_identifier = _becomeParentOf(identifier as SimpleIdentifierImpl);
bool get isConst => keyword?.keyword == Keyword.CONST;
bool get isFinal => keyword?.keyword == Keyword.FINAL;
TypeAnnotation get type => _type;
void set type(TypeAnnotation type) {
_type = _becomeParentOf(type as TypeAnnotationImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) => visitor.visitDeclaredIdentifier(this);
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A simple identifier that declares a name.
// TODO(rnystrom): Consider making this distinct from [SimpleIdentifier] and
// get rid of all of the:
// if (node.inDeclarationContext()) { ... }
// code and instead visit this separately. A declaration is semantically pretty
// different from a use, so using the same node type doesn't seem to buy us
// much.
class DeclaredSimpleIdentifier extends SimpleIdentifierImpl {
DeclaredSimpleIdentifier(Token token) : super(token);
bool inDeclarationContext() => true;
* A formal parameter with a default value. There are two kinds of parameters
* that are both represented by this class: named formal parameters and
* positional formal parameters.
* defaultFormalParameter ::=
* [NormalFormalParameter] ('=' [Expression])?
* defaultNamedParameter ::=
* [NormalFormalParameter] (':' [Expression])?
class DefaultFormalParameterImpl extends FormalParameterImpl
implements DefaultFormalParameter {
* The formal parameter with which the default value is associated.
NormalFormalParameterImpl _parameter;
* The kind of this parameter.
ParameterKind kind;
* The token separating the parameter from the default value, or `null` if
* there is no default value.
Token separator;
* The expression computing the default value for the parameter, or `null` if
* there is no default value.
ExpressionImpl _defaultValue;
* Initialize a newly created default formal parameter. The [separator] and
* [defaultValue] can be `null` if there is no default value.
DefaultFormalParameterImpl(NormalFormalParameterImpl parameter, this.kind,
this.separator, ExpressionImpl defaultValue) {
_parameter = _becomeParentOf(parameter);
_defaultValue = _becomeParentOf(defaultValue);
Token get beginToken => _parameter.beginToken;
Iterable<SyntacticEntity> get childEntities =>
new ChildEntities()..add(_parameter)..add(separator)..add(_defaultValue);
Token get covariantKeyword => null;
Expression get defaultValue => _defaultValue;
void set defaultValue(Expression expression) {
_defaultValue = _becomeParentOf(expression as ExpressionImpl);
Token get endToken {
if (_defaultValue != null) {
return _defaultValue.endToken;
return _parameter.endToken;
SimpleIdentifier get identifier => _parameter.identifier;
bool get isConst => _parameter != null && _parameter.isConst;
bool get isFinal => _parameter != null && _parameter.isFinal;
NodeList<Annotation> get metadata => _parameter.metadata;
NormalFormalParameter get parameter => _parameter;
void set parameter(NormalFormalParameter formalParameter) {
_parameter = _becomeParentOf(formalParameter as NormalFormalParameterImpl);
E accept<E>(AstVisitor<E> visitor) =>
void visitChildren(AstVisitor visitor) {
* A node that represents a directive.
* directive ::=
* [ExportDirective]
* | [ImportDirective]
* | [LibraryDirective]
* | [PartDirective]
* | [PartOfDirective]
abstract class DirectiveImpl extends AnnotatedNodeImpl implements Directive {
* The element associated with this directive, or `null` if the AST structure
* has not been resolved or if this directive could not be resolved.
Element _element;
* Initialize a newly create directive. Either or both of the [comment] and
* [metadata] can be `null` if the directive does not have the corresponding
* attribute.
DirectiveImpl(CommentImpl comment, List<Annotation> metadata)
: super(comment, metadata);
Element get element => _element;
* Set the element associated with this directive to be the given [element].
void set element(Element element) {
_element = element;
* A do statement.
* doStatement ::=
* 'do' [Statement] 'while' '(' [Expression] ')' ';'
class DoStatementImpl extends StatementImpl implements DoStatement {
* The token representing the 'do' keyword.
Token doKeyword;