blob: 3cfbb03d6f3b66001bf49a50566419a7d1d23985 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:dtd/dtd.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart';
/// To run this example pass the DTD uri as a parameter:
/// Example:
/// ```sh
/// dart run dtd_service_example.dart ws://
/// ```
void main(List<String> args) async {
final dtdUrl = args[0]; // pass the url as a param to the example
DartToolingDaemon? clientA;
DartToolingDaemon? clientB;
final serviceRegisteredCompleted = Completer<void>();
final serviceUnregisteredCompleted = Completer<void>();
try {
// Set up the services that will be used to show service method
// interactions.
clientA = await DartToolingDaemon.connect(Uri.parse(dtdUrl));
clientB = await DartToolingDaemon.connect(Uri.parse(dtdUrl));
// Monitor events that come to the second client over the Service
// stream.
clientB.onEvent('Service').listen((e) {
switch (e.kind) {
case 'ServiceRegistered':
case 'ServiceUnregistered':
print(jsonEncode({'stream':, 'kind': e.kind, 'data':}));
await clientB.streamListen('Service');
// Register the ExampleServer.getServerState service method on the first
// client so that other other clients can call it.
await clientA.registerService(
(params) async {
// This callback is what will be run when clients call
// ExampleServer.getServerState.
final getStateRequest = GetStateRequest.fromParams(params);
const duration = Duration(minutes: 45);
final status =
getStateRequest.verbose ? 'The server is running' : 'Running';
return ExampleStateResponse(duration, status).toJson();
capabilities: {
'supportsNewExamples': true,
await serviceRegisteredCompleted.future;
// Call the registered service from a different client.
final response = await clientB.getServerState(verbose: true);
// The ExampleServerState response is now printed.
} finally {
// Close the first client and wait for the unregistered event before closing
// the second client.
await clientA?.close();
await serviceUnregisteredCompleted.future;
await clientB?.close();
/// A helper class used to simplify passing and receiving json parameters to
/// ExampleServer.getServerState.
class GetStateRequest {
final bool verbose;
static const String _kVerbose = 'verbose';
factory GetStateRequest.fromParams(Parameters parameters) {
return GetStateRequest(parameters[_kVerbose].asBool);
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{
_kVerbose: verbose,
/// A helper class used to simplify passing and receiving json results in the
/// ExampleServer.getServerState response.
class ExampleStateResponse {
late Duration uptime;
late String status;
static String get type => 'ExampleStateResponse';
static const String _kUptime = 'uptime';
static const String _kStatus = 'status';
ExampleStateResponse(this.uptime, this.status);
ExampleStateResponse._fromDTDResponse(DTDResponse response)
: uptime = Duration(
milliseconds: response.result[_kUptime] as int,
status = response.result[_kStatus] as String;
factory ExampleStateResponse.fromDTDResponse(DTDResponse response) {
// Ensure that the response has the type you expect.
if (response.type != type) {
throw RpcException.invalidParams(
'Expected DTDResponse.type to be $type, got: ${response.type}',
return ExampleStateResponse._fromDTDResponse(response);
Map<String, Object?> toJson() => <String, Object?>{
'type': type,
_kStatus: status,
_kUptime: uptime.inMilliseconds,
String toString() {
return '$type(status:$status, uptime:$uptime)';
/// Adds the [getServerState] method to [DartToolingDaemon], so that calling the
/// ExampleServer.getServerState service method can be wrapped nicely behind a
/// method call from a given client.
extension ExampleExtension on DartToolingDaemon {
Future<ExampleStateResponse> getServerState({bool verbose = false}) async {
final result = await call(
params: GetStateRequest(verbose).toJson(),
return ExampleStateResponse.fromDTDResponse(result);