blob: 73f1f2a742ed45e392fdb9532585feba913f9ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../tool/diagnostics/generate.dart';
import '../tool/messages/error_code_documentation_info.dart';
import '../tool/messages/error_code_info.dart';
import 'src/dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// A class used to validate diagnostic documentation.
class DocumentationValidator {
/// The sequence used to mark the start of an error range.
static const String errorRangeStart = '[!';
/// The sequence used to mark the end of an error range.
static const String errorRangeEnd = '!]';
/// A list of the diagnostic codes that are not being verified. These should
/// ony include docs that cannot be verified because of missing support in the
/// verifier.
static const List<String> unverifiedDocs = [
// Needs to be able to specify two expected diagnostics.
// Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one.
// TODO(kallentu): This is always reported with
// `ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE` or is reported as
// `CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION` in const constructor evaluation.
// Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one.
// The mock SDK doesn't define any internal libraries.
// The following codes produce two diagnostics because they illustrate a
// cycle.
// Has code in the example section that needs to be skipped (because it's
// part of the explanatory text not part of the example), but there's
// currently no way to do that.
// Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one. We could get
// rid of the invalid error by adding a declaration of a top-level variable
// (such as `JSBool b;`), but that would complicate the example.
// Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one.
// No example, by design.
// Produces two diagnostics when it should only produce one.
// Need a way to make auxiliary files that (a) are not included in the
// generated docs or (b) can be made persistent for fixes.
// Produces multiple diagnostics when it should only produce one.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces two diagnostic out of necessity.
// Produces the diagnostic HintCode.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE when it shouldn't.
// Produces multiple diagnostic because of poor recovery.
// This is not reported after 2.12, and the examples don't compile after 3.0.
// This is not reported after 2.12, and the examples don't compile after 3.0.
// This no longer works in 3.0.
// The code has been replaced but is not yet removed.
// Need a way to specify the existance of files whose content is irrelevant.
// Missing support for example files outside of `lib`.
// The example isn't being recognized as a flutter app. We might need to
// build a pubspec.yaml when analyzing flutter code.
// Produces a CompileTimeErrorCode.BODY_MIGHT_COMPLETE_NORMALLY.
// Missing support for creating an indirect dependency on a package.
// Missing support for specifying the name of the test file.
// Produces an unused import diagnostic.
// Doesn't produce a lint for the second example, even though the analyzer
// does when the example is pasted into a file.
// Produces an unused import diagnostic.
// Produces an unused element diagnostic.
// Missing support for YAML files.
// The lint does nothing.
// Need a way to specify the existance of files whose content is irrelevant.
// Missing support for YAML files.
// The test framework doesn't yet support lints in non-dart files.
// Doesn't produce a lint for the first example, even though the analyzer
// does when the example is pasted into a file.
// Produces an unused_field warning.
// Extra warning.
// Has `language=2.9`
// The following can't currently be verified because the examples aren't
// Dart code.
// Produces more than one error range by design.
// TODO(srawlins): update verification to allow for multiple highlight ranges.
// Produces more than one error range by design.
/// The buffer to which validation errors are written.
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
/// The name of the variable currently being verified.
late String variableName;
/// The name of the error code currently being verified.
late String codeName;
/// A flag indicating whether the [variableName] has already been written to
/// the buffer.
bool hasWrittenVariableName = false;
/// Initialize a newly created documentation validator.
/// Validate the documentation.
Future<void> validate() async {
for (var classEntry in analyzerMessages.entries) {
var errorClass = classEntry.key;
await _validateMessages(errorClass, classEntry.value);
for (var classEntry in lintMessages.entries) {
var errorClass = classEntry.key;
await _validateMessages(errorClass, classEntry.value);
ErrorClassInfo? errorClassIncludingCfeMessages;
for (var errorClass in errorClasses) {
if (errorClass.includeCfeMessages) {
if (errorClassIncludingCfeMessages != null) {
fail('Multiple error classes include CFE messages: '
'${} and ${}');
errorClassIncludingCfeMessages = errorClass;
await _validateMessages(, cfeToAnalyzerErrorCodeTables.analyzerCodeToInfo);
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
_SnippetData _extractSnippetData(
String snippet,
bool errorRequired,
Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles,
List<String> experiments,
String? languageVersion,
) {
int rangeStart = snippet.indexOf(errorRangeStart);
if (rangeStart < 0) {
if (errorRequired) {
_reportProblem('No error range in example');
return _SnippetData(
snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles, experiments, languageVersion);
int rangeEnd = snippet.indexOf(errorRangeEnd, rangeStart + 1);
if (rangeEnd < 0) {
_reportProblem('No end of error range in example');
return _SnippetData(
snippet, -1, 0, auxiliaryFiles, experiments, languageVersion);
} else if (snippet.indexOf(errorRangeStart, rangeEnd) > 0) {
_reportProblem('More than one error range in example');
String content;
try {
content = snippet.substring(0, rangeStart) +
snippet.substring(rangeStart + errorRangeStart.length, rangeEnd) +
snippet.substring(rangeEnd + errorRangeEnd.length);
} on RangeError catch (exception) {
content = '';
return _SnippetData(
rangeEnd - rangeStart - 2,
/// Extract the snippets of Dart code from [documentationParts] that are
/// tagged as belonging to the given [blockSection].
List<_SnippetData> _extractSnippets(
List<ErrorCodeDocumentationPart> documentationParts,
BlockSection blockSection) {
var snippets = <_SnippetData>[];
var auxiliaryFiles = <String, String>{};
for (var documentationPart in documentationParts) {
if (documentationPart is ErrorCodeDocumentationBlock) {
if (documentationPart.containingSection != blockSection) {
var uri = documentationPart.uri;
if (uri != null) {
auxiliaryFiles[uri] = documentationPart.text;
} else {
if (documentationPart.fileType == 'dart') {
blockSection == BlockSection.examples,
auxiliaryFiles = <String, String>{};
return snippets;
/// Report a problem with the current error code.
void _reportProblem(String problem, {List<AnalysisError> errors = const []}) {
if (!hasWrittenVariableName) {
buffer.writeln(' $variableName');
hasWrittenVariableName = true;
buffer.writeln(' $problem');
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
buffer.write(' ');
buffer.write(' (');
buffer.write(', ');
buffer.write(') ');
/// Extract documentation from the given [messages], which are error messages
/// destined for the class [className].
Future<void> _validateMessages(
String className, Map<String, ErrorCodeInfo> messages) async {
for (var errorEntry in messages.entries) {
var errorName = errorEntry.key;
var errorCodeInfo = errorEntry.value;
// If the error code is no longer generated,
// the corresponding code snippets won't report it.
if (errorCodeInfo.isRemoved) {
var docs = parseErrorCodeDocumentation(
'$className.$errorName', errorCodeInfo.documentation);
if (docs != null) {
codeName = errorCodeInfo.sharedName ?? errorName;
variableName = '$className.$errorName';
if (unverifiedDocs.contains(variableName)) {
hasWrittenVariableName = false;
List<_SnippetData> exampleSnippets =
_extractSnippets(docs, BlockSection.examples);
_SnippetData? firstExample;
if (exampleSnippets.isEmpty) {
_reportProblem('No example.');
} else {
firstExample = exampleSnippets[0];
for (int i = 0; i < exampleSnippets.length; i++) {
_SnippetData snippet = exampleSnippets[i];
if (className == 'LintCode') {
snippet.lintCode = codeName;
await _validateSnippet('example', i, snippet);
List<_SnippetData> fixesSnippets =
_extractSnippets(docs, BlockSection.commonFixes);
for (int i = 0; i < fixesSnippets.length; i++) {
_SnippetData snippet = fixesSnippets[i];
if (firstExample != null) {
if (className == 'LintCode') {
snippet.lintCode = codeName;
await _validateSnippet('fixes', i, snippet);
/// Resolve the [snippet]. If the snippet's offset is less than zero, then
/// verify that no diagnostics are reported. If the offset is greater than or
/// equal to zero, verify that one error whose name matches the current code
/// is reported at that offset with the expected length.
Future<void> _validateSnippet(
String section, int index, _SnippetData snippet) async {
_SnippetTest test = _SnippetTest(snippet);
await test.resolveTestFile();
List<AnalysisError> errors = test.result.errors;
int errorCount = errors.length;
if (snippet.offset < 0) {
if (errorCount > 0) {
'Expected no errors but found $errorCount ($section $index):',
errors: errors);
} else {
if (errorCount == 0) {
_reportProblem('Expected one error but found none ($section $index).');
} else if (errorCount == 1) {
AnalysisError error = errors[0];
if ( != codeName) {
_reportProblem('Expected an error with code $codeName, '
'found ${error.errorCode} ($section $index).');
if (error.offset != snippet.offset) {
_reportProblem('Expected an error at ${snippet.offset}, '
'found ${error.offset} ($section $index).');
if (error.length != snippet.length) {
_reportProblem('Expected an error of length ${snippet.length}, '
'found ${error.length} ($section $index).');
} else {
'Expected one error but found $errorCount ($section $index):',
errors: errors);
/// Validate the documentation associated with the declarations of the error
/// codes.
class VerifyDiagnosticsTest {
test_diagnostics() async {
// Validate that the input to the generator is correct.
DocumentationValidator validator = DocumentationValidator();
await validator.validate();
// Validate that the generator has been run.
String actualContent = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE
// Normalize Windows line endings to Unix line endings so that the
// comparison doesn't fail on Windows.
actualContent = actualContent.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n');
StringBuffer sink = StringBuffer();
DocumentationGenerator generator = DocumentationGenerator();
String expectedContent = sink.toString();
if (actualContent != expectedContent) {
fail('The diagnostic documentation needs to be regenerated.\n'
'Please run tool/diagnostics/generate.dart.');
test_published() {
// Verify that if _any_ error code is marked as having published docs then
// _all_ codes with the same name are also marked that way.
var nameToCodeMap = <String, List<ErrorCode>>{};
var nameToPublishedMap = <String, bool>{};
for (var code in errorCodeValues) {
var name =;
nameToCodeMap.putIfAbsent(name, () => []).add(code);
nameToPublishedMap[name] =
(nameToPublishedMap[name] ?? false) || code.hasPublishedDocs;
var unpublished = <ErrorCode>[];
for (var entry in nameToCodeMap.entries) {
var name = entry.key;
if (nameToPublishedMap[name]!) {
for (var code in entry.value) {
if (!code.hasPublishedDocs) {
if (unpublished.isNotEmpty) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write("The following error codes have published docs but aren't "
"marked as such:");
for (var code in unpublished) {
buffer.write('- ${code.runtimeType}.${code.uniqueName}');
/// A data holder used to return multiple values when extracting an error range
/// from a snippet.
class _SnippetData {
final String content;
final int offset;
final int length;
final Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles;
final List<String> experiments;
final String? languageVersion;
String? lintCode;
_SnippetData(this.content, this.offset, this.length, this.auxiliaryFiles,
this.experiments, this.languageVersion);
/// A test class that creates an environment suitable for analyzing the
/// snippets.
class _SnippetTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
/// The snippet being tested.
final _SnippetData snippet;
/// Initialize a newly created test to test the given [snippet].
_SnippetTest(this.snippet) {
analysisOptionsContent(experiments: snippet.experiments),
String? get testPackageLanguageVersion {
return snippet.languageVersion;
String get testPackageRootPath => '$workspaceRootPath/docTest';
void setUp() {
void _createAnalysisOptionsFile() {
var lintCode = snippet.lintCode;
if (lintCode != null) {
analysisOptionsContent(rules: [lintCode]));
void _createAuxiliaryFiles(Map<String, String> auxiliaryFiles) {
var packageConfigBuilder = PackageConfigFileBuilder();
for (String uriStr in auxiliaryFiles.keys) {
if (uriStr.startsWith('package:')) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriStr);
String packageName = uri.pathSegments[0];
String packageRootPath = '/packages/$packageName';
packageConfigBuilder.add(name: packageName, rootPath: packageRootPath);
String pathInLib = uri.pathSegments.skip(1).join('/');
} else {
angularMeta: true, ffi: true, flutter: true, meta: true);