blob: bef8ea7ce35d12cd19d2405d064fed881eaa08b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/string_canonicalizer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element2.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
/// The scope defined by a block.
class BlockScope {
/// Return the elements that are declared directly in the given [statements].
/// This does not include elements declared in nested blocks.
static Iterable<Element> elementsInStatements(
List<Statement> statements,
) sync* {
int statementCount = statements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < statementCount; i++) {
Statement statement = statements[i];
if (statement is LabeledStatement) {
statement = statement.statement;
if (statement is PatternVariableDeclarationStatementImpl) {
for (var variable in statement.declaration.elements) {
yield variable;
} else if (statement is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables = statement.variables.variables;
int variableCount = variables.length;
for (int j = 0; j < variableCount; j++) {
yield variables[j].declaredElement!;
} else if (statement is FunctionDeclarationStatement) {
yield statement.functionDeclaration.declaredElement!;
/// The scope statements that can be the target of unlabeled `break` and
/// `continue` statements.
class ImplicitLabelScope {
/// The implicit label scope associated with the top level of a function.
static const ImplicitLabelScope ROOT = ImplicitLabelScope._(null, null);
/// The implicit label scope enclosing this implicit label scope.
final ImplicitLabelScope? outerScope;
/// The statement that acts as a target for break and/or continue statements
/// at this scoping level.
final Statement? statement;
/// Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [outerScope],
/// representing the given [statement].
const ImplicitLabelScope._(this.outerScope, this.statement);
/// Return the statement which should be the target of an unlabeled `break` or
/// `continue` statement, or `null` if there is no appropriate target.
Statement? getTarget(bool isContinue) {
if (outerScope == null) {
// This scope represents the top-level of a function body, so it doesn't
// match either break or continue.
return null;
if (isContinue && statement is SwitchStatement) {
return outerScope!.getTarget(isContinue);
return statement;
/// Initialize a newly created scope to represent a switch statement or loop
/// nested within the current scope. [statement] is the statement associated
/// with the newly created scope.
ImplicitLabelScope nest(Statement statement) =>
ImplicitLabelScope._(this, statement);
/// A scope in which a single label is defined.
class LabelScope {
/// The label scope enclosing this label scope.
final LabelScope? _outerScope;
/// The label defined in this scope.
final String _label;
/// The element to which the label resolves.
final LabelElement element;
/// The AST node to which the label resolves.
final AstNode node;
/// Initialize a newly created scope, enclosed within the [_outerScope],
/// representing the label [_label]. The [node] is the AST node the label
/// resolves to. The [element] is the element the label resolves to.
LabelScope(this._outerScope, this._label, this.node, this.element);
/// Return the LabelScope which defines [targetLabel], or `null` if it is not
/// defined in this scope.
LabelScope? lookup(String targetLabel) {
if (_label == targetLabel) {
return this;
return _outerScope?.lookup(targetLabel);
/// A mapping of identifiers to the elements represented by those identifiers.
/// Namespaces are the building blocks for scopes.
class Namespace {
/// An empty namespace.
static Namespace EMPTY = Namespace(HashMap<String, Element>());
/// A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element
/// representing the thing declared with that name.
final Map<String, Element> _definedNames;
/// Initialize a newly created namespace to have the [_definedNames].
/// Return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this
/// namespace.
Map<String, Element> get definedNames => _definedNames;
/// Return a table containing the same mappings as those defined by this
/// namespace.
Map<String, Element2> get definedNames2 =>, element) => MapEntry(name, _convert(element)!));
/// Return the element in this namespace that is available to the containing
/// scope using the given name, or `null` if there is no such element.
Element? get(String name) => _definedNames[name];
/// Return the element in this namespace that is available to the containing
/// scope using the given name, or `null` if there is no such element.
Element2? get2(String name) => _convert(_definedNames[name]);
/// Return the element in this namespace whose name is the result of combining
/// the [prefix] and the [name], separated by a period, or `null` if there is
/// no such element.
Element? getPrefixed(String prefix, String name) => null;
/// Return the element in this namespace whose name is the result of combining
/// the [prefix] and the [name], separated by a period, or `null` if there is
/// no such element.
Element2? getPrefixed2(String prefix, String name) => null;
/// Return the new element that is equivalent to the old [element].
static Element2? _convert(Element? element) {
if (element is Fragment) {
return (element as Fragment).element;
return element as Element2?;
/// The builder used to build a namespace. Namespace builders are thread-safe
/// and re-usable.
class NamespaceBuilder {
/// Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given
/// [element].
Namespace createExportNamespaceForDirective(LibraryExportElement element) {
var exportedLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
if (exportedLibrary == null) {
// The exported library will be null if the URI does not reference a valid
// library.
return Namespace.EMPTY;
Map<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(exportedLibrary);
exportedNames = _applyCombinators(exportedNames, element.combinators);
return Namespace(exportedNames);
/// Create a namespace representing the export namespace of the given
/// [library].
Namespace createExportNamespaceForLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
Map<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(library);
return Namespace(exportedNames);
/// Create a namespace representing the import namespace of the given
/// [element].
Namespace createImportNamespaceForDirective({
required LibraryElement importedLibrary,
required List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators,
required PrefixElement? prefix,
}) {
Map<String, Element> exportedNames = _getExportMapping(importedLibrary);
exportedNames = _applyCombinators(exportedNames, combinators);
if (prefix != null) {
return PrefixedNamespace(, exportedNames);
return Namespace(exportedNames);
/// Create a namespace representing the public namespace of the given
/// [library].
Namespace createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = HashMap<String, Element>();
for (var unitElement in library.units) {
_addPublicNames(definedNames, unitElement);
// For libraries that import `dart:core` with a prefix, we have to add
// `dynamic` to the `dart:core` [Namespace] specially. Note that this is not
// true of, for instance, `Object`, because `Object` has a source definition
// which is not possible for `dynamic`.
if (library.isDartCore) {
definedNames['dynamic'] = DynamicElementImpl.instance;
definedNames['Never'] = NeverTypeImpl.instance.element;
return Namespace(definedNames);
/// Add the given [element] to the table of [definedNames] if it has a
/// publicly visible name.
void _addIfPublic(Map<String, Element> definedNames, Element element) {
var name =;
if (name != null && name.isNotEmpty && !Identifier.isPrivateName(name)) {
definedNames[name] = element;
/// Add to the table of [definedNames] all of the public top-level names that
/// are defined in the given [compilationUnit].
/// namespace
void _addPublicNames(Map<String, Element> definedNames,
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement element in compilationUnit.accessors) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (ClassElement element in compilationUnit.classes) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (var element in compilationUnit.enums) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (ExtensionElement element in compilationUnit.extensions) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (var element in compilationUnit.extensionTypes) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (FunctionElement element in compilationUnit.functions) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (var element in compilationUnit.mixins) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
for (TypeAliasElement element in compilationUnit.typeAliases) {
_addIfPublic(definedNames, element);
/// Apply the given [combinators] to all of the names in the given table of
/// [definedNames].
Map<String, Element> _applyCombinators(Map<String, Element> definedNames,
List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
for (NamespaceCombinator combinator in combinators) {
if (combinator is HideElementCombinator) {
definedNames = _hide(definedNames, combinator.hiddenNames);
} else if (combinator is ShowElementCombinator) {
definedNames = _show(definedNames, combinator.shownNames);
} else {
// Internal error.
.logError("Unknown type of combinator: ${combinator.runtimeType}");
return definedNames;
Map<String, Element> _getExportMapping(LibraryElement library) {
return library.exportNamespace.definedNames;
/// Return a new map of names which has all the names from [definedNames]
/// with exception of [hiddenNames].
Map<String, Element> _hide(
Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> hiddenNames) {
Map<String, Element> newNames = HashMap<String, Element>.from(definedNames);
for (String name in hiddenNames) {
return newNames;
/// Return a new map of names which has only [shownNames] from [definedNames].
Map<String, Element> _show(
Map<String, Element> definedNames, List<String> shownNames) {
Map<String, Element> newNames = HashMap<String, Element>();
for (String name in shownNames) {
var element = definedNames[name];
if (element != null) {
newNames[name] = element;
String setterName = considerCanonicalizeString("$name=");
element = definedNames[setterName];
if (element != null) {
newNames[setterName] = element;
return newNames;
/// A mapping of identifiers to the elements represented by those identifiers.
/// Namespaces are the building blocks for scopes.
class PrefixedNamespace implements Namespace {
/// The prefix that is prepended to each of the defined names.
final String _prefix;
/// The length of the prefix.
final int _length;
/// A table mapping names that are defined in this namespace to the element
/// representing the thing declared with that name.
final Map<String, Element> _definedNames;
/// Initialize a newly created namespace to have the names resulting from
/// prefixing each of the [_definedNames] with the given [_prefix] (and a
/// period).
PrefixedNamespace(String prefix, this._definedNames)
: _prefix = prefix,
_length = prefix.length;
Map<String, Element> get definedNames {
Map<String, Element> definedNames = <String, Element>{};
_definedNames.forEach((String name, Element element) {
definedNames["$_prefix.$name"] = element;
return definedNames;
Map<String, Element2> get definedNames2 => _definedNames
.map((name, element) => MapEntry(name, Namespace._convert(element)!));
Element? get(String name) {
if (name.length > _length && name.startsWith(_prefix)) {
if (name.codeUnitAt(_length) == '.'.codeUnitAt(0)) {
return _definedNames[name.substring(_length + 1)];
return null;
Element2? get2(String name) => Namespace._convert(_definedNames[name]);
Element? getPrefixed(String prefix, String name) {
if (prefix == _prefix) {
return _definedNames[name];
return null;
Element2? getPrefixed2(String prefix, String name) {
if (prefix == _prefix) {
return Namespace._convert(_definedNames[name]);
return null;