blob: 1ddea646a457e95a3c54c2cdfe1decdc346c667c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
/// The result of attempting to resolve an identifier to elements.
class ResolutionResult {
/// An instance that can be used anywhere that no element was found.
static const ResolutionResult none =
/// An instance that can be used anywhere that multiple elements were found.
static const ResolutionResult ambiguous =
/// The state of the result.
final _ResolutionResultState state;
/// Return the element that is invoked for reading.
final ExecutableElement? getter;
/// If `true`, then the [getter] is `null`, and this is an error that has
/// not yet been reported, and the client should report it.
/// If `false`, then the [getter] is valid. Usually this means that the
/// correct target has been found. But the [getter] still might be `null`,
/// when there was an error, and it has already been reported (e.g. when
/// ambiguous extension); or when `null` is the only possible result (e.g.
/// when ``, or ``).
final bool needsGetterError;
/// If `true`, the result type must be invalid.
final bool isGetterInvalid;
/// Return the element that is invoked for writing.
final ExecutableElement? setter;
/// If `true`, then the [setter] is `null`, and this is an error that has
/// not yet been reported, and the client should report it.
/// If `false`, then the [setter] is valid. Usually this means that the
/// correct target has been found. But the [setter] still might be `null`,
/// when there was an error, and it has already been reported (e.g. when
/// ambiguous extension); or when `null` is the only possible result (e.g.
/// when ``).
final bool needsSetterError;
/// The [FunctionType] referenced with `call`.
final FunctionType? callFunctionType;
/// The field referenced in a [RecordType].
final RecordTypeField? recordField;
/// Initialize a newly created result to represent resolving a single
/// reading and / or writing result.
this.needsGetterError = true,
this.isGetterInvalid = false,
this.needsSetterError = true,
}) : state = _ResolutionResultState.single;
/// Initialize a newly created result with no elements and the given [state].
const ResolutionResult._(this.state)
: getter = null,
needsGetterError = true,
isGetterInvalid = false,
setter = null,
needsSetterError = true,
callFunctionType = null,
recordField = null;
/// Return `true` if this result represents the case where multiple ambiguous
/// elements were found.
bool get isAmbiguous => state == _ResolutionResultState.ambiguous;
/// The state of a [ResolutionResult].
enum _ResolutionResultState {
/// Indicates that no element was found.
/// Indicates that a single element was found.
/// Indicates that multiple ambiguous elements were found.