blob: 913d82fdb9b9034ec37ce796ae03454c790cbf8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/scope.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/extensions.dart';
/// Class containing static methods for performing lexical resolution of
/// identifiers.
class LexicalLookup {
/// Do not construct
LexicalLookup._() {
assert(false, 'Do not construct instances of LexicalLookup');
/// Interprets the result of a scope lookup, assuming we are trying to look up
/// a getter. If a matching element is found, a [LexicalLookupResult] is
/// returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
static LexicalLookupResult? resolveGetter(ScopeLookupResult scopeResult) {
var scopeGetter = scopeResult.getter;
var scopeSetter = scopeResult.setter;
if (scopeGetter != null || scopeSetter != null) {
if (scopeGetter != null) {
return LexicalLookupResult(requested: scopeGetter);
if (scopeSetter != null && !scopeSetter.isInstanceMember) {
return LexicalLookupResult(recovery: scopeSetter);
return null;
/// Interprets the result of a scope lookup, assuming we are trying to look up
/// a setter. If a matching element is found, a [LexicalLookupResult] is
/// returned. Otherwise `null` is returned.
static LexicalLookupResult? resolveSetter(ScopeLookupResult scopeResult) {
var scopeGetter = scopeResult.getter;
var scopeSetter = scopeResult.setter;
if (scopeGetter != null || scopeSetter != null) {
if (scopeGetter is VariableElement) {
return LexicalLookupResult(requested: scopeGetter);
if (scopeSetter != null) {
return LexicalLookupResult(requested: scopeSetter);
if (scopeGetter != null && !scopeGetter.isInstanceMember) {
return LexicalLookupResult(recovery: scopeGetter);
return null;
class LexicalLookupResult {
final Element? requested;
final Element? recovery;
/// The type, usually [FunctionType] referenced with `call`.
final DartType? callFunctionType;
/// The field referenced in a [RecordType].
final RecordTypeField? recordField;