| // Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart'; |
| import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/types/shared_type.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_schema.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/resolution_result.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/type_property_resolver.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/super_context.dart'; |
| |
| /// Helper for resolving [BinaryExpression]s. |
| class BinaryExpressionResolver { |
| final ResolverVisitor _resolver; |
| final TypePropertyResolver _typePropertyResolver; |
| |
| BinaryExpressionResolver({ |
| required ResolverVisitor resolver, |
| }) : _resolver = resolver, |
| _typePropertyResolver = resolver.typePropertyResolver; |
| |
| ErrorReporter get _errorReporter => _resolver.errorReporter; |
| |
| TypeProvider get _typeProvider => _resolver.typeProvider; |
| |
| TypeSystemImpl get _typeSystem => _resolver.typeSystem; |
| |
| void resolve(BinaryExpressionImpl node, {required DartType contextType}) { |
| var operator = node.operator.type; |
| |
| if (operator == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) { |
| _resolveLogicalAnd(node); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ || operator == TokenType.EQ_EQ) { |
| _resolveEqual(node, notEqual: operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (operator == TokenType.BAR_BAR) { |
| _resolveLogicalOr(node); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (operator == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION) { |
| _resolveIfNull(node, contextType: contextType); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (operator.isUserDefinableOperator && operator.isBinaryOperator) { |
| _resolveUserDefinable(node, contextType: contextType); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Report an error if not already reported by the parser. |
| if (operator != TokenType.BANG_EQ_EQ && operator != TokenType.EQ_EQ_EQ) { |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| node.operator, |
| CompileTimeErrorCode.NOT_BINARY_OPERATOR, |
| arguments: [operator.lexeme], |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| _resolveUnsupportedOperator(node); |
| } |
| |
| void _checkNonBoolOperand(Expression operand, String operator, |
| {required Map<SharedTypeView<DartType>, NonPromotionReason> Function()? |
| whyNotPromoted}) { |
| _resolver.boolExpressionVerifier.checkForNonBoolExpression( |
| operand, |
| errorCode: CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_BOOL_OPERAND, |
| arguments: [operator], |
| whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveEqual(BinaryExpressionImpl node, {required bool notEqual}) { |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| node.leftOperand, SharedTypeSchemaView(UnknownInferredType.instance)); |
| var left = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| |
| var flowAnalysis = _resolver.flowAnalysis; |
| var flow = flowAnalysis.flow; |
| ExpressionInfo<SharedTypeView<DartType>>? leftInfo; |
| var leftExtensionOverride = left is ExtensionOverride; |
| if (!leftExtensionOverride) { |
| leftInfo = |
| flow?.equalityOperand_end(left, SharedTypeView(left.typeOrThrow)); |
| } |
| |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| node.rightOperand, SharedTypeSchemaView(UnknownInferredType.instance)); |
| var right = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var whyNotPromoted = flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(right); |
| |
| if (!leftExtensionOverride) { |
| flow?.equalityOperation_end(node, leftInfo, |
| flow.equalityOperand_end(right, SharedTypeView(right.typeOrThrow)), |
| notEqual: notEqual); |
| } |
| |
| _resolveUserDefinableElement( |
| node, |
| TokenType.EQ_EQ.lexeme, |
| promoteLeftTypeToNonNull: true, |
| ); |
| _resolveUserDefinableType(node); |
| _resolver.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(node.rightOperand, |
| promoteParameterToNullable: true, whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted); |
| |
| void reportNullComparison(SyntacticEntity start, SyntacticEntity end) { |
| var errorCode = notEqual |
| var offset = start.offset; |
| _errorReporter.atOffset( |
| offset: offset, |
| length: end.end - offset, |
| errorCode: errorCode, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| if (left is SimpleIdentifierImpl && right is NullLiteralImpl) { |
| var element = left.staticElement; |
| if (element is PromotableElement && |
| flowAnalysis.isDefinitelyUnassigned(left, element)) { |
| reportNullComparison(left, node.operator); |
| } |
| } else if (right is SimpleIdentifierImpl && left is NullLiteralImpl) { |
| var element = right.staticElement; |
| if (element is PromotableElement && |
| flowAnalysis.isDefinitelyUnassigned(right, element)) { |
| reportNullComparison(node.operator, right); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveIfNull(BinaryExpressionImpl node, |
| {required DartType contextType}) { |
| var left = node.leftOperand; |
| var right = node.rightOperand; |
| var flow = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow; |
| |
| // An if-null expression `E` of the form `e1 ?? e2` with context type `K` is |
| // analyzed as follows: |
| // |
| // - Let `T1` be the type of `e1` inferred with context type `K?`. |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| left, SharedTypeSchemaView(_typeSystem.makeNullable(contextType))); |
| left = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var t1 = left.typeOrThrow; |
| |
| // - Let `T2` be the type of `e2` inferred with context type `J`, where: |
| // - If `K` is `_`, `J = T1`. |
| DartType j; |
| if (contextType is DynamicType || |
| contextType is InvalidType || |
| contextType is UnknownInferredType) { |
| j = t1; |
| } else |
| // - Otherwise, `J = K`. |
| { |
| j = contextType; |
| } |
| flow?.ifNullExpression_rightBegin(left, SharedTypeView(t1)); |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression(right, SharedTypeSchemaView(j)); |
| right = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| flow?.ifNullExpression_end(); |
| var t2 = right.typeOrThrow; |
| |
| // - Let `T` be `UP(NonNull(T1), T2)`. |
| var nonNullT1 = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(t1); |
| var t = _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(nonNullT1, t2); |
| |
| // - Let `S` be the greatest closure of `K`. |
| var s = _typeSystem.greatestClosureOfSchema(contextType); |
| |
| DartType staticType; |
| // If `inferenceUpdate3` is not enabled, then the type of `E` is `T`. |
| if (!_resolver.definingLibrary.featureSet |
| .isEnabled(Feature.inference_update_3)) { |
| staticType = t; |
| } else |
| // - If `T <: S`, then the type of `E` is `T`. |
| if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(t, s)) { |
| staticType = t; |
| } else |
| // - Otherwise, if `NonNull(T1) <: S` and `T2 <: S`, then the type of `E` is |
| // `S`. |
| if (_typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(nonNullT1, s) && |
| _typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(t2, s)) { |
| staticType = s; |
| } else |
| // - Otherwise, the type of `E` is `T`. |
| { |
| staticType = t; |
| } |
| |
| node.recordStaticType(staticType, resolver: _resolver); |
| |
| _resolver.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(right); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveLogicalAnd(BinaryExpressionImpl node) { |
| var left = node.leftOperand; |
| var right = node.rightOperand; |
| var flow = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow; |
| |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_begin(); |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| left, SharedTypeSchemaView(_typeProvider.boolType)); |
| left = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var leftWhyNotPromoted = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(left); |
| |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(left, node, isAnd: true); |
| _resolver.checkUnreachableNode(right); |
| |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| right, SharedTypeSchemaView(_typeProvider.boolType)); |
| right = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var rightWhyNotPromoted = |
| _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(right); |
| |
| _resolver.nullSafetyDeadCodeVerifier.flowEnd(right); |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, right, isAnd: true); |
| |
| _checkNonBoolOperand(left, '&&', whyNotPromoted: leftWhyNotPromoted); |
| _checkNonBoolOperand(right, '&&', whyNotPromoted: rightWhyNotPromoted); |
| |
| node.recordStaticType(_typeProvider.boolType, resolver: _resolver); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveLogicalOr(BinaryExpressionImpl node) { |
| var left = node.leftOperand; |
| var right = node.rightOperand; |
| var flow = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow; |
| |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_begin(); |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| left, SharedTypeSchemaView(_typeProvider.boolType)); |
| left = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var leftWhyNotPromoted = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(left); |
| |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(left, node, isAnd: false); |
| _resolver.checkUnreachableNode(right); |
| |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| right, SharedTypeSchemaView(_typeProvider.boolType)); |
| right = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var rightWhyNotPromoted = |
| _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(right); |
| |
| _resolver.nullSafetyDeadCodeVerifier.flowEnd(right); |
| flow?.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, right, isAnd: false); |
| |
| _checkNonBoolOperand(left, '||', whyNotPromoted: leftWhyNotPromoted); |
| _checkNonBoolOperand(right, '||', whyNotPromoted: rightWhyNotPromoted); |
| |
| node.recordStaticType(_typeProvider.boolType, resolver: _resolver); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveRightOperand( |
| BinaryExpressionImpl node, |
| DartType contextType, |
| ) { |
| var left = node.leftOperand; |
| |
| var invokeType = node.staticInvokeType; |
| DartType rightContextType; |
| if (invokeType != null && invokeType.parameters.isNotEmpty) { |
| // If this is a user-defined operator, set the right operand context |
| // using the operator method's parameter type. |
| var rightParam = invokeType.parameters[0]; |
| rightContextType = _typeSystem.refineNumericInvocationContext( |
| left.staticType, node.staticElement, contextType, rightParam.type); |
| } else { |
| rightContextType = UnknownInferredType.instance; |
| } |
| |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| node.rightOperand, SharedTypeSchemaView(rightContextType)); |
| var right = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| var whyNotPromoted = _resolver.flowAnalysis.flow?.whyNotPromoted(right); |
| |
| _resolveUserDefinableType(node); |
| _resolver.checkForArgumentTypeNotAssignableForArgument(right, |
| whyNotPromoted: whyNotPromoted); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveUnsupportedOperator(BinaryExpressionImpl node) { |
| node.leftOperand.accept(_resolver); |
| node.rightOperand.accept(_resolver); |
| node.recordStaticType(InvalidTypeImpl.instance, resolver: _resolver); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveUserDefinable(BinaryExpressionImpl node, |
| {required DartType contextType}) { |
| var left = node.leftOperand; |
| |
| if (left is AugmentedExpressionImpl) { |
| _resolveUserDefinableAugmented( |
| node, |
| left: left, |
| contextType: contextType, |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| node.leftOperand, SharedTypeSchemaView(UnknownInferredType.instance)); |
| left = _resolver.popRewrite()!; |
| |
| if (left is SuperExpressionImpl) { |
| if (SuperContext.of(left) != SuperContext.valid) { |
| _resolver.analyzeExpression( |
| node.rightOperand, |
| SharedTypeSchemaView(InvalidTypeImpl.instance), |
| ); |
| _resolver.popRewrite(); |
| node.recordStaticType(InvalidTypeImpl.instance, resolver: _resolver); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var operator = node.operator; |
| _resolveUserDefinableElement(node, operator.lexeme); |
| |
| _resolveRightOperand(node, contextType); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveUserDefinableAugmented( |
| BinaryExpressionImpl node, { |
| required AugmentedExpressionImpl left, |
| required DartType contextType, |
| }) { |
| var methodName = node.operator.lexeme; |
| |
| var augmentation = _resolver.enclosingAugmentation!; |
| var augmentationTarget = augmentation.augmentationTarget; |
| |
| // Unresolved by default. |
| left.setPseudoExpressionStaticType(InvalidTypeImpl.instance); |
| |
| switch (augmentationTarget) { |
| case MethodElement operatorElement: |
| left.element = operatorElement; |
| left.setPseudoExpressionStaticType( |
| _resolver.thisType ?? InvalidTypeImpl.instance); |
| if (operatorElement.name == methodName) { |
| node.staticElement = operatorElement; |
| node.staticInvokeType = operatorElement.type; |
| } else { |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| left.augmentedKeyword, |
| arguments: [ |
| methodName, |
| ], |
| ); |
| } |
| case PropertyAccessorElement accessor: |
| left.element = accessor; |
| if (accessor.isGetter) { |
| left.setPseudoExpressionStaticType(accessor.returnType); |
| _resolveUserDefinableElement(node, methodName); |
| } else { |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| left.augmentedKeyword, |
| ); |
| } |
| case PropertyInducingElement property: |
| left.element = property; |
| left.setPseudoExpressionStaticType(property.type); |
| _resolveUserDefinableElement(node, methodName); |
| } |
| |
| _resolveRightOperand(node, contextType); |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveUserDefinableElement( |
| BinaryExpressionImpl node, |
| String methodName, { |
| bool promoteLeftTypeToNonNull = false, |
| }) { |
| Expression leftOperand = node.leftOperand; |
| |
| if (leftOperand is ExtensionOverride) { |
| var extension = leftOperand.element; |
| var member = extension.getMethod(methodName); |
| if (member == null) { |
| // Extension overrides can only be used with named extensions so it is |
| // safe to assume `extension.name` is non-`null`. |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| node.operator, |
| arguments: [methodName, extension.name!], |
| ); |
| } |
| node.staticElement = member; |
| node.staticInvokeType = member?.type; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var leftType = leftOperand.typeOrThrow; |
| |
| if (identical(leftType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) { |
| _resolver.errorReporter.atNode( |
| leftOperand, |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (promoteLeftTypeToNonNull) { |
| leftType = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(leftType); |
| } |
| |
| ResolutionResult result = _typePropertyResolver.resolve( |
| receiver: leftOperand, |
| receiverType: leftType, |
| name: methodName, |
| propertyErrorEntity: node.operator, |
| nameErrorEntity: node, |
| ); |
| |
| node.staticElement = result.getter as MethodElement?; |
| node.staticInvokeType = result.getter?.type; |
| if (result.needsGetterError) { |
| if (leftOperand is SuperExpression) { |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| node.operator, |
| arguments: [methodName, leftType], |
| ); |
| } else { |
| _errorReporter.atToken( |
| node.operator, |
| CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR, |
| arguments: [methodName, leftType], |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _resolveUserDefinableType(BinaryExpressionImpl node) { |
| var leftOperand = node.leftOperand; |
| |
| DartType leftType; |
| if (leftOperand is AugmentedExpressionImpl) { |
| leftType = leftOperand.typeOrThrow; |
| } else if (leftOperand is ExtensionOverrideImpl) { |
| leftType = leftOperand.extendedType!; |
| } else { |
| leftType = leftOperand.typeOrThrow; |
| leftType = _typeSystem.resolveToBound(leftType); |
| } |
| |
| if (identical(leftType, NeverTypeImpl.instance)) { |
| node.recordStaticType(NeverTypeImpl.instance, resolver: _resolver); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var staticType = node.staticInvokeType?.returnType; |
| if (node.operator.type == TokenType.EQ_EQ) { |
| staticType = _typeSystem.typeProvider.boolType; |
| } else if (leftType is DynamicType) { |
| staticType ??= DynamicTypeImpl.instance; |
| } else { |
| staticType ??= InvalidTypeImpl.instance; |
| } |
| if (leftOperand is! ExtensionOverride) { |
| staticType = _typeSystem.refineBinaryExpressionType( |
| leftType, |
| node.operator.type, |
| node.rightOperand.typeOrThrow, |
| staticType, |
| node.staticElement, |
| ); |
| } |
| node.recordStaticType(staticType, resolver: _resolver); |
| } |
| } |