blob: 9f5b1f4bd6d445ff522a07eeb3c552e6af6986e6 [file] [log] [blame]
include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
# Increase the severity of the unused_import hint.
unused_import: warning
# "strict-inference" is enabled, but "unused" parameters named '_' are
# still reported. Re-evaluate after
# and a functional fix land.
inference_failure_on_untyped_parameter: ignore
# Lints from the recommended set that conflict w/ analyzer style or will
# require some work to reach compliance.
# See:
avoid_renaming_method_parameters: ignore
# More than 500 violations in lib/.
constant_identifier_names: ignore
# About 10 violations in lib/.
hash_and_equals: ignore
# More than 500 violations in lib/.
non_constant_identifier_names: ignore
# This package imports much of the implementation libraries of the
# '_fe_analyzer_shared' package, because it is tightly integrated. This
# will not likely change any time soon.
implementation_imports: ignore
# About 20 violations of this in lib/.
library_private_types_in_public_api: ignore
# About 30 violations of this in lib/.
provide_deprecation_message: ignore
# Ignoring this for all developers means developers don't need to ignore
# TODOs in their IDE settings.
todo: ignore
strict-casts: true
strict-inference: true
- always_use_package_imports
- avoid_dynamic_calls
- avoid_redundant_argument_values
- avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
- flutter_style_todos
- library_annotations
- unawaited_futures
- unnecessary_breaks
- unnecessary_final
- unnecessary_library_directive
- unnecessary_parenthesis