blob: 4de50f1cc2d2cfb40c61a7145b002ff47748e1d7 [file] [log] [blame]
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class A extends core::Object {
field dynamic a = null;
field dynamic b = null;
field dynamic c = null;
field dynamic d = null;
final field dynamic f = null;
default constructor •() void
: super core::Object::•()
get e() dynamic
return null;
set g(dynamic _) void {}
get h() dynamic
return null;
set h(dynamic _) void {}
get i() dynamic
return null;
operator [](dynamic _) dynamic
return null;
operator []=(dynamic a, dynamic b) dynamic {}
operator ~() dynamic
return 117;
operator unary-() dynamic
return 117;
operator ==(dynamic other) core::bool
return true;
method m() void {}
method n() void {}
set n(dynamic _) void {}
class B extends self::A {
final field dynamic d = null;
default constructor •() void
: super self::A::•()
get b() dynamic
return null;
set c(dynamic x) void {}
set i(dynamic x) void {}
class C extends self::B {
default constructor •() void
: super self::B::•()
method test() dynamic {
(let final dynamic #t1 = this in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:43:5: Error: The getter '' isn't defined for the class '#lib1::C'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named ''.\n +super;\n ^"))).+(const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:43:6: Error: Can't use 'super' as an expression.\nTo delegate a constructor to a super constructor, put the super call as an initializer.\n +super;\n ^")));
self::use((let final dynamic #t2 = this in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:44:9: Error: The getter '' isn't defined for the class '#lib1::C'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named ''.\n use(+super);\n ^"))).+(const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:44:10: Error: Can't use 'super' as an expression.\nTo delegate a constructor to a super constructor, put the super call as an initializer.\n use(+super);\n ^"))));
super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t3 = super.{self::A::a} in let final dynamic #t4 = super.{self::A::a} = #t3.+(1) in #t3);
super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t5 = super.{self::B::b} in let final dynamic #t6 = super.{self::A::b} = #t5.+(1) in #t5);
super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t7 = super.{self::A::c} in let final dynamic #t8 = super.{self::B::c} = #t7.+(1) in #t7);
super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t9 = super.{self::B::d} in let final dynamic #t10 = super.{self::A::d} = #t9.+(1) in #t9);
super.e = super.{self::A::e}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t11 = super.{self::A::e} in let final dynamic #t12 = super.e = #t11.+(1) in #t11);
super.f = super.{self::A::f}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t13 = super.{self::A::f} in let final dynamic #t14 = super.f = #t13.+(1) in #t13);
super.{self::A::g} = super.g.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t15 = super.g in let final dynamic #t16 = super.{self::A::g} = #t15.+(1) in #t15);
super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t17 = super.{self::A::h} in let final dynamic #t18 = super.{self::A::h} = #t17.+(1) in #t17);
super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.+(1);
self::use(let final dynamic #t19 = super.{self::A::i} in let final dynamic #t20 = super.{self::B::i} = #t19.+(1) in #t19);
let final core::int #t21 = 87 in super.{self::A::[]=}(#t21, super.{self::A::[]}(#t21).+(1));
self::use(let final core::int #t22 = 87 in let final dynamic #t23 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t22) in let final void #t24 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t22, #t23.+(1)) in #t23);
super.m = let final dynamic #t25 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:95:12: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n super.m++;\n ^"));
self::use(let final () void #t26 = super.{self::A::m} in let final dynamic #t27 = super.m = let final dynamic #t28 = #t26 in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:96:16: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(super.m++);\n ^")) in #t26);
super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t29 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:97:12: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n super.n++;\n ^"));
self::use(let final () void #t30 = super.{self::A::n} in let final dynamic #t31 = super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t32 = #t30 in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:98:16: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(super.n++);\n ^")) in #t30);
super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.+(1));
super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.+(1));
super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.+(1));
super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.+(1));
super.e = super.{self::A::e}.+(1);
self::use(super.e = super.{self::A::e}.+(1));
super.f = super.{self::A::f}.+(1);
self::use(super.f = super.{self::A::f}.+(1));
super.{self::A::g} = super.g.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::A::g} = super.g.+(1));
super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.+(1));
super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.+(1);
self::use(super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.+(1));
let final core::int #t33 = 87 in let final dynamic #t34 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t33).+(1) in let final void #t35 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t33, #t34) in #t34;
self::use(let final core::int #t36 = 87 in let final dynamic #t37 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t36).+(1) in let final void #t38 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t36, #t37) in #t37);
super.m = let final dynamic #t39 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:120:5: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n ++super.m;\n ^"));
self::use(super.m = let final dynamic #t40 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:121:9: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(++super.m);\n ^")));
super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t41 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:122:5: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n ++super.n;\n ^"));
self::use(super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t42 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:123:9: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(++super.n);\n ^")));
super.{self::A::a} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::a} = 42);
super.{self::A::b} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::b} = 42);
super.{self::B::c} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::B::c} = 42);
super.{self::A::d} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::d} = 42);
super.e = 42;
self::use(super.e = 42);
super.f = 42;
self::use(super.f = 42);
super.{self::A::g} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::g} = 42);
super.{self::A::h} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::h} = 42);
super.{self::B::i} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::B::i} = 42);
super.{self::A::[]=}(87, 42);
self::use(let final core::int #t43 = 87 in let final core::int #t44 = 42 in let final void #t45 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t43, #t44) in #t44);
super.m = 42;
self::use(super.m = 42);
super.{self::A::n} = 42;
self::use(super.{self::A::n} = 42);
super.{self::A::a}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::a} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t46 = super.{self::A::a} in #t46.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::a} = 42 : #t46);
super.{self::B::b}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::b} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t47 = super.{self::B::b} in #t47.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::b} = 42 : #t47);
super.{self::A::c}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::B::c} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t48 = super.{self::A::c} in #t48.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::B::c} = 42 : #t48);
super.{self::B::d}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::d} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t49 = super.{self::B::d} in #t49.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::d} = 42 : #t49);
super.{self::A::e}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.e = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t50 = super.{self::A::e} in #t50.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.e = 42 : #t50);
super.{self::A::f}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.f = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t51 = super.{self::A::f} in #t51.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.f = 42 : #t51);
super.g.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::g} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t52 = super.g in #t52.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::g} = 42 : #t52);
super.{self::A::h}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::h} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t53 = super.{self::A::h} in #t53.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::A::h} = 42 : #t53);
super.{self::A::i}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::B::i} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final dynamic #t54 = super.{self::A::i} in #t54.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} super.{self::B::i} = 42 : #t54);
let final core::int #t55 = 87 in super.{self::A::[]}(#t55).{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} let final core::int #t56 = 42 in let final void #t57 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t55, #t56) in #t56 : null;
self::use(let final core::int #t58 = 87 in let final dynamic #t59 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t58) in #t59.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{dynamic} let final core::int #t60 = 42 in let final void #t61 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t58, #t60) in #t60 : #t59);
super.{self::A::m}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{core::Object} super.m = 42 : null;
self::use(let final () void #t62 = super.{self::A::m} in #t62.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{core::Object} super.m = 42 : #t62);
super.{self::A::n}.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{core::Object} super.{self::A::n} = 42 : null;
self::use(let final () void #t63 = super.{self::A::n} in #t63.{core::Object::==}(null) ?{core::Object} super.{self::A::n} = 42 : #t63);
super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.+(42));
super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.+(42));
super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.+(42));
super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.+(42));
super.e = super.{self::A::e}.+(42);
self::use(super.e = super.{self::A::e}.+(42));
super.f = super.{self::A::f}.+(42);
self::use(super.f = super.{self::A::f}.+(42));
super.{self::A::g} = super.g.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::g} = super.g.+(42));
super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.+(42));
super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.+(42);
self::use(super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.+(42));
let final core::int #t64 = 87 in super.{self::A::[]=}(#t64, super.{self::A::[]}(#t64).+(42));
self::use(let final core::int #t65 = 87 in let final dynamic #t66 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t65).+(42) in let final void #t67 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t65, #t66) in #t66);
super.m = let final dynamic #t68 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:222:13: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n super.m += 42;\n ^"));
self::use(super.m = let final dynamic #t69 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:223:17: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(super.m += 42);\n ^")));
super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t70 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:224:13: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n super.n += 42;\n ^"));
self::use(super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t71 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:225:17: Error: The method '+' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '+'.\n use(super.n += 42);\n ^")));
super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::a} = super.{self::A::a}.-(42));
super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::b} = super.{self::B::b}.-(42));
super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::B::c} = super.{self::A::c}.-(42));
super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::d} = super.{self::B::d}.-(42));
super.e = super.{self::A::e}.-(42);
self::use(super.e = super.{self::A::e}.-(42));
super.f = super.{self::A::f}.-(42);
self::use(super.f = super.{self::A::f}.-(42));
super.{self::A::g} = super.g.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::g} = super.g.-(42));
super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::A::h} = super.{self::A::h}.-(42));
super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.-(42);
self::use(super.{self::B::i} = super.{self::A::i}.-(42));
let final core::int #t72 = 87 in super.{self::A::[]=}(#t72, super.{self::A::[]}(#t72).-(42));
self::use(let final core::int #t73 = 87 in let final dynamic #t74 = super.{self::A::[]}(#t73).-(42) in let final void #t75 = super.{self::A::[]=}(#t73, #t74) in #t74);
super.m = let final dynamic #t76 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:247:13: Error: The method '-' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '-'.\n super.m -= 42;\n ^"));
self::use(super.m = let final dynamic #t77 = super.{self::A::m} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:248:17: Error: The method '-' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '-'.\n use(super.m -= 42);\n ^")));
super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t78 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:249:13: Error: The method '-' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '-'.\n super.n -= 42;\n ^"));
self::use(super.{self::A::n} = let final dynamic #t79 = super.{self::A::n} in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:250:17: Error: The method '-' isn't defined for the class '() \u8594 void'.\nTry correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '-'.\n use(super.n -= 42);\n ^")));
static const field dynamic #errors = const <dynamic>["pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:43:5: Error: '+' is not a prefix operator.\nTry removing '+'.\n +super;\n ^", "pkg/front_end/testcases/rasta/super.dart:44:9: Error: '+' is not a prefix operator.\nTry removing '+'.\n use(+super);\n ^"]/* from null */;
static method use(dynamic x) dynamic {
if(x.{core::Object::==}(new core::DateTime::now().{core::DateTime::millisecondsSinceEpoch}))
throw "Shouldn't happen";
static method main() dynamic {
new self::C::•().{self::C::test}();