blob: 6629300ec77cddb38a78c9bcc0e9c3e2a27aba83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
* The error codes used for warnings in analysis options files. The convention
* for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem that
* caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is
* wrong and, when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
class PubspecWarningCode extends ErrorCode {
* A code indicating that a specified asset does not exist.
* Parameters:
* 0: the path to the asset as given in the file.
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST =
const PubspecWarningCode(
"The asset {0} does not exist.",
"Try creating the file or fixing the path to the file.");
* A code indicating that the value of the asset field is not a list.
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_FIELD_NOT_LIST = const PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the 'asset' field is expected to be a list of relative file paths.",
"Try converting the value to be a list of relative file paths.");
* A code indicating that an element in the asset list is not a string.
static const PubspecWarningCode ASSET_NOT_STRING = const PubspecWarningCode(
"Assets are expected to be a file paths (strings).",
"Try converting the value to be a string.");
* A code indicating that the value of a dependencies field is not a map.
static const PubspecWarningCode DEPENDENCIES_FIELD_NOT_MAP =
const PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the '{0}' field is expected to be a map.",
"Try converting the value to be a map.");
* A code indicating that the value of the flutter field is not a map.
static const PubspecWarningCode FLUTTER_FIELD_NOT_MAP =
const PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the 'flutter' field is expected to be a map.",
"Try converting the value to be a map.");
* A code indicating that the name field is missing.
static const PubspecWarningCode MISSING_NAME = const PubspecWarningCode(
"The name field is required but missing.",
"Try adding a field named 'name'.");
* A code indicating that the name field is not a string.
static const PubspecWarningCode NAME_NOT_STRING = const PubspecWarningCode(
"The value of the name field is expected to be a string.",
"Try converting the value to be a string.");
* A code indicating that a package listed as a dev dependency is also listed
* as a normal dependency.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the package in the dev_dependency list.
static const PubspecWarningCode UNNECESSARY_DEV_DEPENDENCY =
const PubspecWarningCode(
"The dev dependency on {0} is unnecessary because there is also a "
"normal dependency on that package.",
"Try removing the dev dependency.");
* Initialize a newly created warning code to have the given [name], [message]
* and [correction].
const PubspecWarningCode(String name, String message, [String correction])
: super(name, message, correction);
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.WARNING;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING;