blob: 0b9d2c648e334541720f34c271b7c3aab1a30ed0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.canonical_name;
import 'ast.dart';
/// A string sequence that identifies a library, class, or member.
/// Canonical names are organized in a prefix tree. Each node knows its
/// parent, children, and the AST node it is currently bound to.
/// The following schema specifies how the canonical name of a given object
/// is defined:
/// Library:
/// URI of library
/// Class:
/// Canonical name of enclosing library
/// Name of class
/// Extension:
/// Canonical name of enclosing library
/// Name of extension
/// Constructor:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@constructors"
/// Qualified name
/// Field or the implicit getter of a field:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@getters"
/// Qualified name
/// Implicit setter of a field:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@setters"
/// Qualified name
/// Typedef:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class
/// "@typedefs"
/// Name text
/// Procedure that is not an accessor or factory:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@methods"
/// Qualified name
/// Procedure that is a getter:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@getters"
/// Qualified name
/// Procedure that is a setter:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class or library
/// "@setters"
/// Qualified name
/// Procedure that is a factory:
/// Canonical name of enclosing class
/// "@factories"
/// Qualified name
/// Qualified name:
/// if private: URI of library
/// Name text
/// The "qualified name" allows a member to have a name that is private to
/// a library other than the one containing that member.
class CanonicalName {
CanonicalName? _parent;
CanonicalName? get parent => _parent;
final String name;
CanonicalName? _nonRootTop;
Map<String, CanonicalName>? _children;
/// The library, class, or member bound to this name.
Reference? reference;
/// Temporary index used during serialization.
int index = -1;
CanonicalName._(CanonicalName parent, : _parent = parent {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(name != null);
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(parent != null);
_nonRootTop = parent.isRoot ? this : parent._nonRootTop;
: _parent = null,
_nonRootTop = null,
name = '';
bool get isRoot => _parent == null;
CanonicalName? get nonRootTop => _nonRootTop;
Iterable<CanonicalName> get children =>
_children?.values ?? const <CanonicalName>[];
Iterable<CanonicalName>? get childrenOrNull => _children?.values;
bool hasChild(String name) {
return _children != null && _children!.containsKey(name);
CanonicalName getChild(String name) {
Map<String, CanonicalName> map = _children ??= <String, CanonicalName>{};
return map[name] ??= new CanonicalName._(this, name);
CanonicalName getChildFromUri(Uri uri) {
// Note that the Uri class caches its string representation, and all library
// URIs will be stringified for serialization anyway, so there is no
// significant cost for converting the Uri to a string here.
return getChild('$uri');
CanonicalName getChildFromQualifiedName(Name name) {
return name.isPrivate
? getChildFromUri(name.library!.importUri).getChild(name.text)
: getChild(name.text);
CanonicalName getChildFromProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
return getChild(getProcedureQualifier(procedure))
CanonicalName getChildFromField(Field field) {
return getChild('@getters').getChildFromQualifiedName(!);
CanonicalName getChildFromFieldSetter(Field field) {
return getChild('@setters').getChildFromQualifiedName(!);
CanonicalName getChildFromConstructor(Constructor constructor) {
return getChild('@constructors')
CanonicalName getChildFromRedirectingFactoryConstructor(
RedirectingFactoryConstructor redirectingFactoryConstructor) {
return getChild('@factories')
CanonicalName getChildFromFieldWithName(Name name) {
return getChild('@getters').getChildFromQualifiedName(name);
CanonicalName getChildFromFieldSetterWithName(Name name) {
return getChild('@setters').getChildFromQualifiedName(name);
CanonicalName getChildFromTypedef(Typedef typedef_) {
return getChild('@typedefs').getChild(;
/// Take ownership of a child canonical name and its subtree.
/// The child name is removed as a child of its current parent and this name
/// becomes the new parent. Note that this moves the entire subtree rooted at
/// the child.
/// This method can be used to move subtrees within a canonical name tree or
/// else move them between trees. It is safe to call this method if the child
/// name is already a child of this name.
/// The precondition is that this name cannot have a (different) child with
/// the same name.
void adoptChild(CanonicalName child) {
if (child._parent == this) return;
if (_children != null && _children!.containsKey( {
throw 'Cannot add a child to $this because this name already has a '
'child named ${}';
child._parent = this;
_children ??= <String, CanonicalName>{};
_children![] = child;
void removeChild(String name) {
if (_children != null) {
if (_children!.isEmpty) {
_children = null;
void bindTo(Reference target) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (target == null) {
throw '$this cannot be bound to null';
if (reference == target) return;
if (reference != null) {
throw '$this is already bound';
if (target.canonicalName != null) {
throw 'Cannot bind $this to ${target.node}, target is already bound to '
target.canonicalName = this;
this.reference = target;
void unbind() {
// TODO(johnniwinther): To support replacement of fields with getters and
// setters (and the reverse) we need to remove canonical names from the
// canonical name tree. We need to establish better invariants about the
// state of the canonical name tree, since for instance [unbindAll] doesn't
// remove unneeded leaf nodes.
void _unbindInternal() {
if (reference == null) return;
assert(reference!.canonicalName == this);
if (reference!.node is Class) {
// TODO(jensj): Get rid of this. This is only needed because pkg:vm does
// weird stuff in transformations. `unbind` should probably be private.
Class c = reference!.asClass;
reference!.canonicalName = null;
reference = null;
void unbindAll() {
Iterable<CanonicalName>? children_ = childrenOrNull;
if (children_ != null) {
for (CanonicalName child in children_) {
String toString() => _parent == null ? 'root' : '$parent::$name';
String toStringInternal() {
if (isRoot) return "";
if (parent!.isRoot) return "$name";
return "${parent!.toStringInternal()}::$name";
Reference getReference() {
return reference ??= (new Reference()..canonicalName = this);
static String getProcedureQualifier(Procedure procedure) {
if (procedure.isGetter) return '@getters';
if (procedure.isSetter) return '@setters';
if (procedure.isFactory) return '@factories';
return '@methods';