blob: 4ca794383324ce96c04d4b0eaf3cca7daaff7d90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/general/issue43721.dart:18:3: Error: Inferred type argument 'FutureOr<num>' doesn't conform to the bound 'FutureOr<int>' of the type variable 'T' on 'error'.
// Try specifying type arguments explicitly so that they conform to the bounds.
// error(z); // Error.
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/general/issue43721.dart:10:7: Context: This is the type variable whose bound isn't conformed to.
// error<T extends FutureOr<int>>(T t) {}
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:async";
static method ok<T extends FutureOr<core::num*>*>(self::ok::T* t) dynamic {}
static method error<T extends FutureOr<core::int*>*>(self::error::T* t) dynamic {}
static method bar(core::bool* condition) dynamic {
FutureOr<core::int*>* x = null;
core::num* n = 1;
FutureOr<core::num*>* z = condition ?{FutureOr<core::num*>*} x : n;
static method main() dynamic {}