blob: c93d2a0530f0b3751f8c40a6d1d2c4e30884a50e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'utils/server_driver.dart';
late final DevToolsServerTestController testController;
void main() {
testController = DevToolsServerTestController();
setUp(() async {
await testController.setUp();
tearDown(() async {
await testController.tearDown();
for (final bool useVmService in [true, false]) {
group('Server (${useVmService ? 'VM Service' : 'API'})', () {
test('can launch on a specific page', () async {
// Register the VM.
await testController.send(
{'uri': testController.appFixture.serviceUri.toString()},
// Send a request to launch at a certain page.
await testController.sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
page: 'memory',
final serverResponse =
await testController.waitForClients(requiredPage: 'memory');
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['currentPage'], 'memory');
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10));
test('can switch page', () async {
await testController.send(
{'uri': testController.appFixture.serviceUri.toString()},
// Launch on the memory page and wait for the connection.
await testController.sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
page: 'memory',
await testController.waitForClients(requiredPage: 'memory');
// Re-launch, allowing reuse and with a different page.
await testController.sendLaunchDevToolsRequest(
useVmService: useVmService,
reuseWindows: true,
page: 'logging',
final serverResponse =
await testController.waitForClients(requiredPage: 'logging');
expect(serverResponse, isNotNull);
expect(serverResponse['clients'], hasLength(1));
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['hasConnection'], isTrue);
expect(serverResponse['clients'][0]['currentPage'], 'logging');
}, timeout: const Timeout.factor(20));