blob: 0badeca615d261a74a8c7a870ec622dc7b2b178b [file] [log] [blame]
// @dart = 2.9
part of swarmlib;
/// An iterator that allows the user to move forward and backward though
/// a set of items. (Bi-directional)
class BiIterator<E> {
/// Provides forward and backward iterator functionality to keep track
/// which item is currently selected.
ObservableValue<int> currentIndex;
/// The collection of items we will be iterating through.
List<E> list;
BiIterator(this.list, [List<ChangeListener> oldListeners])
: currentIndex = ObservableValue<int>(0) {
if (oldListeners != null) {
currentIndex.listeners = oldListeners;
/// Returns the next section from the sections, given the current
/// position. Returns the last source if there is no next section.
E next() {
if (currentIndex.value < list.length - 1) {
currentIndex.value += 1;
return list[currentIndex.value];
/// Returns the current Section (page in the UI) that the user is
/// looking at.
E get current {
return list[currentIndex.value];
/// Returns the previous section from the sections, given the current
/// position. Returns the front section if we are already at the front of
/// the list.
E previous() {
if (currentIndex.value > 0) {
currentIndex.value -= 1;
return list[currentIndex.value];
/// Move the iterator pointer over so that it points to a given list item.
void jumpToValue(E val) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (identical(list[i], val)) {
currentIndex.value = i;