blob: 4e1308d988fc8173dd21d0862d9998f689fbcae7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use the script
// "pkg/analysis_server/tool/lsp_spec/generate_all.dart".
import 'dart:core' hide deprecated;
import 'dart:core' as core show deprecated;
import 'dart:convert' show JsonEncoder;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/json_parsing.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
const jsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
typedef DocumentUri = String;
typedef LSPAny = Object?;
typedef LSPObject = Object;
typedef TextDocumentEditEdits
= List<Either3<AnnotatedTextEdit, SnippetTextEdit, TextEdit>>;
class AnalyzerStatusParams implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.isAnalyzing,
static AnalyzerStatusParams fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final isAnalyzingJson = json['isAnalyzing'];
final isAnalyzing = isAnalyzingJson as bool;
return AnalyzerStatusParams(
isAnalyzing: isAnalyzing,
final bool isAnalyzing;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['isAnalyzing'] = isAnalyzing;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
return _canParseBool(obj, reporter, 'isAnalyzing',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type AnalyzerStatusParams');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is AnalyzerStatusParams &&
other.runtimeType == AnalyzerStatusParams &&
isAnalyzing == other.isAnalyzing;
int get hashCode => isAnalyzing.hashCode;
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class ClosingLabel implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.label,
required this.range,
static ClosingLabel fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final labelJson = json['label'];
final label = labelJson as String;
final rangeJson = json['range'];
final range = Range.fromJson(rangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
return ClosingLabel(
label: label,
range: range,
final String label;
final Range range;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['label'] = label;
result['range'] = range.toJson();
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'label',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'range',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ClosingLabel');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ClosingLabel &&
other.runtimeType == ClosingLabel &&
label == other.label &&
range == other.range;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
/// Information about one of the arguments needed by the command.
/// A list of parameters is sent in the `data` field of the `CodeAction`
/// returned by the server. The values of the parameters should appear in the
/// `args` field of the `Command` sent to the server in the same order as the
/// corresponding parameters.
class CommandParameter implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.defaultValue,
required this.label,
required this.type,
static CommandParameter fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final defaultValueJson = json['defaultValue'];
final defaultValue = defaultValueJson as String;
final labelJson = json['label'];
final label = labelJson as String;
final typeJson = json['type'];
final type = CommandParameterType.fromJson(typeJson as String);
return CommandParameter(
defaultValue: defaultValue,
label: label,
type: type,
/// The default value for the parameter.
final String defaultValue;
/// A human-readable label to be displayed in the UI affordance used to prompt
/// the user for the value of the parameter.
final String label;
/// The type of the value of the parameter.
final CommandParameterType type;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['defaultValue'] = defaultValue;
result['label'] = label;
result['type'] = type.toJson();
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'defaultValue',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'label',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseCommandParameterType(obj, reporter, 'type',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type CommandParameter');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is CommandParameter &&
other.runtimeType == CommandParameter &&
defaultValue == other.defaultValue &&
label == other.label &&
type == other.type;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
/// The type of the value associated with a CommandParameter. All values are
/// encoded as strings, but the type indicates how the string will be decoded by
/// the server.
class CommandParameterType implements ToJsonable {
const CommandParameterType(this._value);
const CommandParameterType.fromJson(this._value);
final String _value;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) => obj is String;
/// The type associated with a bool value.
/// The value must either be `'true'` or `'false'`.
static const boolean = CommandParameterType('boolean');
/// The type associated with a value representing a path to a file.
static const filePath = CommandParameterType('filePath');
/// The type associated with a string value.
static const string = CommandParameterType('string');
Object toJson() => _value;
String toString() => _value.toString();
int get hashCode => _value.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is CommandParameterType && other._value == _value;
class CompletionItemResolutionInfo implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
static CompletionItemResolutionInfo fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
if (DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo.canParse(
json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo.fromJson(json);
if (PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo.canParse(
json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo.fromJson(json);
return CompletionItemResolutionInfo();
Map<String, Object?> toJson() => {};
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
return true;
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type CompletionItemResolutionInfo');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is CompletionItemResolutionInfo &&
other.runtimeType == CompletionItemResolutionInfo;
int get hashCode => 42;
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class DartDiagnosticServer implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.port,
static DartDiagnosticServer fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final portJson = json['port'];
final port = portJson as int;
return DartDiagnosticServer(
port: port,
final int port;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['port'] = port;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
return _canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'port',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type DartDiagnosticServer');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is DartDiagnosticServer &&
other.runtimeType == DartDiagnosticServer &&
port == other.port;
int get hashCode => port.hashCode;
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo
implements CompletionItemResolutionInfo, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.file,
required this.libraryUri,
static DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo fromJson(
Map<String, Object?> json) {
final fileJson = json['file'];
final file = fileJson as String;
final libraryUriJson = json['libraryUri'];
final libraryUri = libraryUriJson as String;
return DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo(
file: file,
libraryUri: libraryUri,
/// The file where the completion is being inserted.
/// This is used to compute where to add the import.
final String file;
/// The URI to be imported if this completion is selected.
final String libraryUri;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['file'] = file;
result['libraryUri'] = libraryUri;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'file',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'libraryUri',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
'must be of type DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo &&
other.runtimeType == DartNotImportedCompletionResolutionInfo &&
file == other.file &&
libraryUri == other.libraryUri;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class Element implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.kind,
static Element fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final kindJson = json['kind'];
final kind = kindJson as String;
final nameJson = json['name'];
final name = nameJson as String;
final parametersJson = json['parameters'];
final parameters = parametersJson as String?;
final rangeJson = json['range'];
final range = rangeJson != null
? Range.fromJson(rangeJson as Map<String, Object?>)
: null;
final returnTypeJson = json['returnType'];
final returnType = returnTypeJson as String?;
final typeParametersJson = json['typeParameters'];
final typeParameters = typeParametersJson as String?;
return Element(
kind: kind,
name: name,
parameters: parameters,
range: range,
returnType: returnType,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
final String kind;
final String name;
final String? parameters;
final Range? range;
final String? returnType;
final String? typeParameters;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['kind'] = kind;
result['name'] = name;
if (parameters != null) {
result['parameters'] = parameters;
if (range != null) {
result['range'] = range?.toJson();
if (returnType != null) {
result['returnType'] = returnType;
if (typeParameters != null) {
result['typeParameters'] = typeParameters;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'kind',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'name',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'parameters',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'range',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'returnType',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'typeParameters',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Element');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Element &&
other.runtimeType == Element &&
kind == other.kind &&
name == &&
parameters == other.parameters &&
range == other.range &&
returnType == other.returnType &&
typeParameters == other.typeParameters;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class FlutterOutline implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.codeRange,
required this.kind,
required this.range,
static FlutterOutline fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final attributesJson = json['attributes'];
final attributes = (attributesJson as List<Object?>?)
?.map((item) =>
FlutterOutlineAttribute.fromJson(item as Map<String, Object?>))
final childrenJson = json['children'];
final children = (childrenJson as List<Object?>?)
?.map((item) => FlutterOutline.fromJson(item as Map<String, Object?>))
final classNameJson = json['className'];
final className = classNameJson as String?;
final codeRangeJson = json['codeRange'];
final codeRange = Range.fromJson(codeRangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final dartElementJson = json['dartElement'];
final dartElement = dartElementJson != null
? Element.fromJson(dartElementJson as Map<String, Object?>)
: null;
final kindJson = json['kind'];
final kind = kindJson as String;
final labelJson = json['label'];
final label = labelJson as String?;
final rangeJson = json['range'];
final range = Range.fromJson(rangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final variableNameJson = json['variableName'];
final variableName = variableNameJson as String?;
return FlutterOutline(
attributes: attributes,
children: children,
className: className,
codeRange: codeRange,
dartElement: dartElement,
kind: kind,
label: label,
range: range,
variableName: variableName,
final List<FlutterOutlineAttribute>? attributes;
final List<FlutterOutline>? children;
final String? className;
final Range codeRange;
final Element? dartElement;
final String kind;
final String? label;
final Range range;
final String? variableName;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (attributes != null) {
result['attributes'] = attributes?.map((item) => item.toJson()).toList();
if (children != null) {
result['children'] = children?.map((item) => item.toJson()).toList();
if (className != null) {
result['className'] = className;
result['codeRange'] = codeRange.toJson();
if (dartElement != null) {
result['dartElement'] = dartElement?.toJson();
result['kind'] = kind;
if (label != null) {
result['label'] = label;
result['range'] = range.toJson();
if (variableName != null) {
result['variableName'] = variableName;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseListFlutterOutlineAttribute(obj, reporter, 'attributes',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseListFlutterOutline(obj, reporter, 'children',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'className',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'codeRange',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseElement(obj, reporter, 'dartElement',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'kind',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'label',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'range',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'variableName',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type FlutterOutline');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FlutterOutline &&
other.runtimeType == FlutterOutline &&
listEqual(attributes, other.attributes,
(FlutterOutlineAttribute a, FlutterOutlineAttribute b) => a == b) &&
listEqual(children, other.children,
(FlutterOutline a, FlutterOutline b) => a == b) &&
className == other.className &&
codeRange == other.codeRange &&
dartElement == other.dartElement &&
kind == other.kind &&
label == other.label &&
range == other.range &&
variableName == other.variableName;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class FlutterOutlineAttribute implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.label,
static FlutterOutlineAttribute fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final labelJson = json['label'];
final label = labelJson as String;
final nameJson = json['name'];
final name = nameJson as String;
final valueRangeJson = json['valueRange'];
final valueRange = valueRangeJson != null
? Range.fromJson(valueRangeJson as Map<String, Object?>)
: null;
return FlutterOutlineAttribute(
label: label,
name: name,
valueRange: valueRange,
final String label;
final String name;
final Range? valueRange;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['label'] = label;
result['name'] = name;
if (valueRange != null) {
result['valueRange'] = valueRange?.toJson();
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'label',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'name',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'valueRange',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type FlutterOutlineAttribute');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FlutterOutlineAttribute &&
other.runtimeType == FlutterOutlineAttribute &&
label == other.label &&
name == &&
valueRange == other.valueRange;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class IncomingMessage implements Message, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.jsonrpc,
required this.method,
static IncomingMessage fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
if (RequestMessage.canParse(json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return RequestMessage.fromJson(json);
if (NotificationMessage.canParse(json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return NotificationMessage.fromJson(json);
final clientRequestTimeJson = json['clientRequestTime'];
final clientRequestTime = clientRequestTimeJson as int?;
final jsonrpcJson = json['jsonrpc'];
final jsonrpc = jsonrpcJson as String;
final methodJson = json['method'];
final method = Method.fromJson(methodJson as String);
final paramsJson = json['params'];
final params = paramsJson;
return IncomingMessage(
clientRequestTime: clientRequestTime,
jsonrpc: jsonrpc,
method: method,
params: params,
final int? clientRequestTime;
final String jsonrpc;
final Method method;
final LSPAny params;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
result['clientRequestTime'] = clientRequestTime;
result['jsonrpc'] = jsonrpc;
result['method'] = method.toJson();
if (params != null) {
result['params'] = params;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'clientRequestTime',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'jsonrpc',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseMethod(obj, reporter, 'method',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type IncomingMessage');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is IncomingMessage &&
other.runtimeType == IncomingMessage &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
jsonrpc == other.jsonrpc &&
method == other.method &&
params == other.params;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class Message implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.jsonrpc,
static Message fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
if (IncomingMessage.canParse(json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return IncomingMessage.fromJson(json);
if (ResponseMessage.canParse(json, nullLspJsonReporter)) {
return ResponseMessage.fromJson(json);
final clientRequestTimeJson = json['clientRequestTime'];
final clientRequestTime = clientRequestTimeJson as int?;
final jsonrpcJson = json['jsonrpc'];
final jsonrpc = jsonrpcJson as String;
return Message(
clientRequestTime: clientRequestTime,
jsonrpc: jsonrpc,
final int? clientRequestTime;
final String jsonrpc;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
result['clientRequestTime'] = clientRequestTime;
result['jsonrpc'] = jsonrpc;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'clientRequestTime',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'jsonrpc',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Message');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Message &&
other.runtimeType == Message &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
jsonrpc == other.jsonrpc;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class NotificationMessage implements IncomingMessage, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.jsonrpc,
required this.method,
static NotificationMessage fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final clientRequestTimeJson = json['clientRequestTime'];
final clientRequestTime = clientRequestTimeJson as int?;
final jsonrpcJson = json['jsonrpc'];
final jsonrpc = jsonrpcJson as String;
final methodJson = json['method'];
final method = Method.fromJson(methodJson as String);
final paramsJson = json['params'];
final params = paramsJson;
return NotificationMessage(
clientRequestTime: clientRequestTime,
jsonrpc: jsonrpc,
method: method,
params: params,
final int? clientRequestTime;
final String jsonrpc;
final Method method;
final LSPAny params;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
result['clientRequestTime'] = clientRequestTime;
result['jsonrpc'] = jsonrpc;
result['method'] = method.toJson();
if (params != null) {
result['params'] = params;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'clientRequestTime',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'jsonrpc',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseMethod(obj, reporter, 'method',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type NotificationMessage');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is NotificationMessage &&
other.runtimeType == NotificationMessage &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
jsonrpc == other.jsonrpc &&
method == other.method &&
params == other.params;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class Outline implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.codeRange,
required this.element,
required this.range,
static Outline fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final childrenJson = json['children'];
final children = (childrenJson as List<Object?>?)
?.map((item) => Outline.fromJson(item as Map<String, Object?>))
final codeRangeJson = json['codeRange'];
final codeRange = Range.fromJson(codeRangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final elementJson = json['element'];
final element = Element.fromJson(elementJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final rangeJson = json['range'];
final range = Range.fromJson(rangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
return Outline(
children: children,
codeRange: codeRange,
element: element,
range: range,
final List<Outline>? children;
final Range codeRange;
final Element element;
final Range range;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (children != null) {
result['children'] = children?.map((item) => item.toJson()).toList();
result['codeRange'] = codeRange.toJson();
result['element'] = element.toJson();
result['range'] = range.toJson();
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseListOutline(obj, reporter, 'children',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'codeRange',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseElement(obj, reporter, 'element',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'range',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Outline');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is Outline &&
other.runtimeType == Outline &&
listEqual(children, other.children, (Outline a, Outline b) => a == b) &&
codeRange == other.codeRange &&
element == other.element &&
range == other.range;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo
implements CompletionItemResolutionInfo, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.packageName,
static PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo fromJson(
Map<String, Object?> json) {
final packageNameJson = json['packageName'];
final packageName = packageNameJson as String;
return PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo(
packageName: packageName,
final String packageName;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['packageName'] = packageName;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'packageName',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
'must be of type PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo &&
other.runtimeType == PubPackageCompletionItemResolutionInfo &&
packageName == other.packageName;
int get hashCode => packageName.hashCode;
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class PublishClosingLabelsParams implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.labels,
required this.uri,
static PublishClosingLabelsParams fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final labelsJson = json['labels'];
final labels = (labelsJson as List<Object?>)
.map((item) => ClosingLabel.fromJson(item as Map<String, Object?>))
final uriJson = json['uri'];
final uri = uriJson as String;
return PublishClosingLabelsParams(
labels: labels,
uri: uri,
final List<ClosingLabel> labels;
final String uri;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['labels'] = => item.toJson()).toList();
result['uri'] = uri;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseListClosingLabel(obj, reporter, 'labels',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'uri',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type PublishClosingLabelsParams');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is PublishClosingLabelsParams &&
other.runtimeType == PublishClosingLabelsParams &&
labels, other.labels, (ClosingLabel a, ClosingLabel b) => a == b) &&
uri == other.uri;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class PublishFlutterOutlineParams implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.outline,
required this.uri,
static PublishFlutterOutlineParams fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final outlineJson = json['outline'];
final outline =
FlutterOutline.fromJson(outlineJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final uriJson = json['uri'];
final uri = uriJson as String;
return PublishFlutterOutlineParams(
outline: outline,
uri: uri,
final FlutterOutline outline;
final String uri;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['outline'] = outline.toJson();
result['uri'] = uri;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseFlutterOutline(obj, reporter, 'outline',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'uri',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type PublishFlutterOutlineParams');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is PublishFlutterOutlineParams &&
other.runtimeType == PublishFlutterOutlineParams &&
outline == other.outline &&
uri == other.uri;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class PublishOutlineParams implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.outline,
required this.uri,
static PublishOutlineParams fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final outlineJson = json['outline'];
final outline = Outline.fromJson(outlineJson as Map<String, Object?>);
final uriJson = json['uri'];
final uri = uriJson as String;
return PublishOutlineParams(
outline: outline,
uri: uri,
final Outline outline;
final String uri;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['outline'] = outline.toJson();
result['uri'] = uri;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseOutline(obj, reporter, 'outline',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'uri',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type PublishOutlineParams');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is PublishOutlineParams &&
other.runtimeType == PublishOutlineParams &&
outline == other.outline &&
uri == other.uri;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class RequestMessage implements IncomingMessage, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.jsonrpc,
required this.method,
static RequestMessage fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final clientRequestTimeJson = json['clientRequestTime'];
final clientRequestTime = clientRequestTimeJson as int?;
final idJson = json['id'];
final id = _eitherIntString(idJson);
final jsonrpcJson = json['jsonrpc'];
final jsonrpc = jsonrpcJson as String;
final methodJson = json['method'];
final method = Method.fromJson(methodJson as String);
final paramsJson = json['params'];
final params = paramsJson;
return RequestMessage(
clientRequestTime: clientRequestTime,
id: id,
jsonrpc: jsonrpc,
method: method,
params: params,
final int? clientRequestTime;
final Either2<int, String> id;
final String jsonrpc;
final Method method;
final LSPAny params;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
result['clientRequestTime'] = clientRequestTime;
result['id'] = id;
result['jsonrpc'] = jsonrpc;
result['method'] = method.toJson();
if (params != null) {
result['params'] = params;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'clientRequestTime',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseIntString(obj, reporter, 'id',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'jsonrpc',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseMethod(obj, reporter, 'method',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type RequestMessage');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is RequestMessage &&
other.runtimeType == RequestMessage &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
id == &&
jsonrpc == other.jsonrpc &&
method == other.method &&
params == other.params;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class ResponseError implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.code,,
required this.message,
static ResponseError fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final codeJson = json['code'];
final code = ErrorCodes.fromJson(codeJson as int);
final dataJson = json['data'];
final data = dataJson as String?;
final messageJson = json['message'];
final message = messageJson as String;
return ResponseError(
code: code,
data: data,
message: message,
final ErrorCodes code;
/// A string that contains additional information about the error. Can be
/// omitted.
final String? data;
final String message;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['code'] = code.toJson();
if (data != null) {
result['data'] = data;
result['message'] = message;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseErrorCodes(obj, reporter, 'code',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'data',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'message',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ResponseError');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ResponseError &&
other.runtimeType == ResponseError &&
code == other.code &&
data == &&
message == other.message;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class ResponseMessage implements Message, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.jsonrpc,
static ResponseMessage fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final clientRequestTimeJson = json['clientRequestTime'];
final clientRequestTime = clientRequestTimeJson as int?;
final errorJson = json['error'];
final error = errorJson != null
? ResponseError.fromJson(errorJson as Map<String, Object?>)
: null;
final idJson = json['id'];
final id = idJson == null ? null : _eitherIntString(idJson);
final jsonrpcJson = json['jsonrpc'];
final jsonrpc = jsonrpcJson as String;
final resultJson = json['result'];
final result = resultJson;
return ResponseMessage(
clientRequestTime: clientRequestTime,
error: error,
id: id,
jsonrpc: jsonrpc,
result: result,
final int? clientRequestTime;
final ResponseError? error;
final Either2<int, String>? id;
final String jsonrpc;
final LSPAny result;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var map = <String, Object?>{};
if (clientRequestTime != null) {
map['clientRequestTime'] = clientRequestTime;
map['id'] = id;
map['jsonrpc'] = jsonrpc;
if (error != null && result != null) {
throw 'result and error cannot both be set';
} else if (error != null) {
map['error'] = error;
} else {
map['result'] = result;
return map;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInt(obj, reporter, 'clientRequestTime',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseResponseError(obj, reporter, 'error',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseIntString(obj, reporter, 'id',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: true)) {
return false;
return _canParseString(obj, reporter, 'jsonrpc',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ResponseMessage');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ResponseMessage &&
other.runtimeType == ResponseMessage &&
clientRequestTime == other.clientRequestTime &&
error == other.error &&
id == &&
jsonrpc == other.jsonrpc &&
result == other.result;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class SnippetTextEdit implements TextEdit, ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.insertTextFormat,
required this.newText,
required this.range,
static SnippetTextEdit fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final insertTextFormatJson = json['insertTextFormat'];
final insertTextFormat =
InsertTextFormat.fromJson(insertTextFormatJson as int);
final newTextJson = json['newText'];
final newText = newTextJson as String;
final rangeJson = json['range'];
final range = Range.fromJson(rangeJson as Map<String, Object?>);
return SnippetTextEdit(
insertTextFormat: insertTextFormat,
newText: newText,
range: range,
final InsertTextFormat insertTextFormat;
/// The string to be inserted. For delete operations use an empty string.
final String newText;
/// The range of the text document to be manipulated. To insert text into a
/// document create a range where start === end.
final Range range;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
result['insertTextFormat'] = insertTextFormat.toJson();
result['newText'] = newText;
result['range'] = range.toJson();
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseInsertTextFormat(obj, reporter, 'insertTextFormat',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'newText',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseRange(obj, reporter, 'range',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type SnippetTextEdit');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is SnippetTextEdit &&
other.runtimeType == SnippetTextEdit &&
insertTextFormat == other.insertTextFormat &&
newText == other.newText &&
range == other.range;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
class ValidateRefactorResult implements ToJsonable {
static const jsonHandler = LspJsonHandler(
required this.valid,
static ValidateRefactorResult fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) {
final messageJson = json['message'];
final message = messageJson as String?;
final validJson = json['valid'];
final valid = validJson as bool;
return ValidateRefactorResult(
message: message,
valid: valid,
final String? message;
final bool valid;
Map<String, Object?> toJson() {
var result = <String, Object?>{};
if (message != null) {
result['message'] = message;
result['valid'] = valid;
return result;
static bool canParse(Object? obj, LspJsonReporter reporter) {
if (obj is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (!_canParseString(obj, reporter, 'message',
allowsUndefined: true, allowsNull: false)) {
return false;
return _canParseBool(obj, reporter, 'valid',
allowsUndefined: false, allowsNull: false);
} else {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ValidateRefactorResult');
return false;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is ValidateRefactorResult &&
other.runtimeType == ValidateRefactorResult &&
message == other.message &&
valid == other.valid;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(
String toString() => jsonEncoder.convert(toJson());
bool _canParseBool(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && value is! bool) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type bool');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseCommandParameterType(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
!CommandParameterType.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type CommandParameterType');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseElement(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && !Element.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Element');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseErrorCodes(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
!ErrorCodes.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ErrorCodes');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseFlutterOutline(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
!FlutterOutline.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type FlutterOutline');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseInsertTextFormat(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
!InsertTextFormat.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type InsertTextFormat');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseInt(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && value is! int) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type int');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseIntString(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && (value is! int && value is! String)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Either2<int, String>');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseListClosingLabel(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
(value is! List<Object?> ||
value.any((item) => !ClosingLabel.canParse(item, reporter)))) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type List<ClosingLabel>');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseListFlutterOutline(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
(value is! List<Object?> ||
value.any((item) => !FlutterOutline.canParse(item, reporter)))) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type List<FlutterOutline>');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseListFlutterOutlineAttribute(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
(value is! List<Object?> ||
(item) => !FlutterOutlineAttribute.canParse(item, reporter)))) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type List<FlutterOutlineAttribute>');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseListOutline(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
(value is! List<Object?> ||
value.any((item) => !Outline.canParse(item, reporter)))) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type List<Outline>');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseMethod(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && !Method.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Method');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseOutline(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && !Outline.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Outline');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseRange(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && !Range.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type Range');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseResponseError(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) &&
!ResponseError.canParse(value, reporter)) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type ResponseError');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
bool _canParseString(
Map<String, Object?> map, LspJsonReporter reporter, String fieldName,
{required bool allowsUndefined, required bool allowsNull}) {
try {
if (!allowsUndefined && !map.containsKey(fieldName)) {
reporter.reportError('must not be undefined');
return false;
final value = map[fieldName];
final nullCheck = allowsNull || allowsUndefined;
if (!nullCheck && value == null) {
reporter.reportError('must not be null');
return false;
if ((!nullCheck || value != null) && value is! String) {
reporter.reportError('must be of type String');
return false;
} finally {
return true;
Either2<int, String> _eitherIntString(Object? value) {
return value is int
? Either2.t1(value)
: value is String
? Either2.t2(value)
: throw '$value was not one of (int, String)';