blob: aedd3beb589e46bd32fc8afc445608fbeecaf21a [file] [log] [blame]
# Currently, front_end API is not stable and users should not
# depend on semver semantics when depending on this package.
name: front_end
# This package is not intended for consumption on DO NOT publish.
publish_to: none
sdk: '>=2.13.0 <3.0.0'
# Use 'any' constraints here; we get our versions from the DEPS file.
_fe_analyzer_shared: any
kernel: any
package_config: any
# Use 'any' constraints here; we get our versions from the DEPS file.
analyzer: any
args: any
async_helper: any
build_integration: any
compiler: any
dart_style: any
dart2wasm: any
dev_compiler: any
expect: any
json_rpc_2: any
path: any
test_reflective_loader: any
test: any
testing: any
vm_service: any
vm: any
web_socket_channel: any
yaml: any