blob: 755c2a34622ae37d8011477538f2ad0d2265cb26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../closure_migrated.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../constants/constant_system.dart' as constant_system;
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../deferred_load/output_unit.dart' show OutputUnit;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/indexed.dart';
import '../elements/names.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../ir/constants.dart';
import '../ir/static_type_base.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_model/closure_migrated.dart';
import '../js_model/locals.dart';
import '../js_model/type_recipe.dart' show TypeRecipe;
import '../options.dart';
import 'data_sink.dart';
import 'data_source.dart';
import 'deferrable.dart';
import 'member_data.dart';
import 'indexed_sink_source.dart';
import 'tags.dart';
export 'binary_sink.dart';
export 'binary_source.dart';
export 'member_data.dart' show ComponentLookup, computeMemberName;
export 'object_sink.dart';
export 'object_source.dart';
export 'tags.dart';
part 'sink.dart';
part 'source.dart';
part 'helpers.dart';
abstract class StringInterner {
String internString(String string);
class ValueInterner {
final Map<DartType, DartType> _dartTypeMap = HashMap();
final Map<ir.DartType?, ir.DartType?> _dartTypeNodeMap = HashMap();
DartType internDartType(DartType dartType) {
return _dartTypeMap[dartType] ??= dartType;
ir.DartType? internDartTypeNode(ir.DartType? dartType) {
return _dartTypeNodeMap[dartType] ??= dartType;
/// Data class representing cache information for a given [T] which can be
/// passed from a [DataSourceReader] to other [DataSourceReader]s and [DataSinkWriter]s.
class DataSourceTypeIndices<E, T> {
Map<E, int> get cache => _cache ??= source.reshapeCacheAsMap(_getValue);
final E Function(T? value)? _getValue;
Map<E, int>? _cache;
final IndexedSource<T> source;
/// Uses the cache from the provided [source] and reshapes it if necessary
/// to create a lookup map of cached entities. If [_getValue] is provided,
/// the function will be used to map the cached entities into lookup keys.
DataSourceTypeIndices(this.source, [this._getValue]) {
assert(_getValue != null || T == E);
/// Data class representing the sum of all cache information for a given
/// [DataSourceReader].
class DataSourceIndices {
final Map<Type, DataSourceTypeIndices> caches = {};
final DataSourceReader? previousSourceReader;
/// Interface used for looking up locals by index during deserialization.
abstract class LocalLookup {
Local getLocalByIndex(MemberEntity memberContext, int index);
/// Interface used for reading codegen only data during deserialization.
abstract class CodegenReader {
AbstractValue readAbstractValue(DataSourceReader source);
OutputUnit readOutputUnitReference(DataSourceReader source);
js.Node readJsNode(DataSourceReader source);
TypeRecipe readTypeRecipe(DataSourceReader source);
/// Interface used for writing codegen only data during serialization.
abstract class CodegenWriter {
void writeAbstractValue(DataSinkWriter sink, AbstractValue value);
void writeOutputUnitReference(DataSinkWriter sink, OutputUnit value);
void writeJsNode(DataSinkWriter sink, js.Node node);
void writeTypeRecipe(DataSinkWriter sink, TypeRecipe recipe);
/// Interface used for looking up entities by index during deserialization.
abstract class EntityLookup {
/// Returns the indexed library corresponding to [index].
IndexedLibrary getLibraryByIndex(int index);
/// Returns the indexed class corresponding to [index].
IndexedClass getClassByIndex(int index);
/// Returns the indexed member corresponding to [index].
IndexedMember getMemberByIndex(int index);
/// Returns the indexed type variable corresponding to [index].
IndexedTypeVariable getTypeVariableByIndex(int index);
/// Decoding strategy for entity references.
class EntityReader {
const EntityReader();
IndexedLibrary readLibraryFromDataSource(
DataSourceReader source, EntityLookup entityLookup) {
return entityLookup.getLibraryByIndex(source.readInt());
IndexedClass readClassFromDataSource(
DataSourceReader source, EntityLookup entityLookup) {
return entityLookup.getClassByIndex(source.readInt());
IndexedMember readMemberFromDataSource(
DataSourceReader source, EntityLookup entityLookup) {
return entityLookup.getMemberByIndex(source.readInt());
IndexedTypeVariable readTypeVariableFromDataSource(
DataSourceReader source, EntityLookup entityLookup) {
return entityLookup.getTypeVariableByIndex(source.readInt());
/// Encoding strategy for entity references.
class EntityWriter {
const EntityWriter();
void writeLibraryToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink, IndexedLibrary value) {
void writeClassToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink, IndexedClass value) {
void writeMemberToDataSink(DataSinkWriter sink, IndexedMember value) {
void writeTypeVariableToDataSink(
DataSinkWriter sink, IndexedTypeVariable value) {