blob: 50f220d9344de6c7156592f4fbe27a9a51886c6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:compiler/src/serialization/serialization.dart';
/// Interface for data that may be deserialized lazily.
/// This interface should be used to wrap data objects that aren't needed in
/// later phases of the compiler. Usage of this class should follow a set
/// pattern. Given a class `C` with a field `m0` of type `E` that we wish to
/// make deferrable:
/// 1) `m0` should be replaced with an internal field, `_m1`, of type
/// `Deferrable<E>`.
/// 2) An internal constructor should be added to `C` that takes a `d` of type
/// `Deferrable<E>` to initialize `_m1`. This internal constructor should be
/// called from the readFromSource method/factory to create the instance
/// of `C`. `d` should be obtained using [DataSourceReader.readDeferrable].
/// 3) Any existing constructors of `C` should maintain the same signature
/// and initialize `_m1` passing `m` to [Deferrable.eager] where m is the value
/// previously used to initialize `m0`.
/// 4) If there are external references to `m0` then `C`s interface should be
/// maintained. A getter `m0` should be added: `E get m0 => _m1.loaded()`
/// 5) If all references to `m0` were internal, they can simply be replaced
/// with calls to `_m1.loaded()`.
/// Example class before:
/// class Foo {
/// final Bar bar;
/// Foo(;
/// factory Foo.readFromSource(DataSourceReader reader) {
/// return Foo(Bar.readFromSource(reader));
/// }
/// }
/// After:
/// class Foo {
/// Bar get bar => _bar.loaded();
/// final Deferrable<Bar> _bar;
/// Foo(Bar bar) : _bar = Deferrable.eager(bar);
/// Foo._deserialized(this._bar);
/// factory Foo.readFromSource(DataSourceReader reader) {
/// return Foo._deserialized(
/// reader.readDeferrable(() => Bar.readFromSource(reader)));
/// }
/// }
abstract class Deferrable<E> {
E loaded();
factory Deferrable.deferred(DataSourceReader reader, E f(), int offset,
{bool cacheData = true}) =>
? _DeferredCache(reader, f, offset)
: _Deferred(reader, f, offset);
const factory Deferrable.eager(E data) = _Eager;
const Deferrable();
class _Eager<E> extends Deferrable<E> {
final E _data;
E loaded() => _data;
const _Eager(this._data);
class _Deferred<E> extends Deferrable<E> {
final DataSourceReader _reader;
final E Function() _dataLoader;
final int _dataOffset;
E loaded() => _reader.readWithOffset(_dataOffset, _dataLoader);
_Deferred(this._reader, this._dataLoader, this._dataOffset);
class _DeferredCache<E> extends Deferrable<E> {
final int _dataOffset;
// Below fields are nullable so they can be cleared after loading.
DataSourceReader? _reader;
E Function()? _dataLoader;
late final E _data = _loadData();
E loaded() => _data;
E _loadData() {
final reader = _reader!;
final dataLoader = _dataLoader!;
_reader = null;
_dataLoader = null;
return reader.readWithOffset(_dataOffset, dataLoader);
_DeferredCache(this._reader, this._dataLoader, this._dataOffset);
/// Implementation of [Map] in which each value of type [V] is internally
/// [Deferrable].
/// This map should be used when values of type [V] are expensive to
/// deserialize. This abstracts away the laziness allowing the deferred map to
/// be used as if the values were not deferred.
/// The provided map can have a mix of eager and lazy [Deferrable]s if
/// there are a mix of expensive and cheap values.
class DeferrableValueMap<K, V> with MapMixin<K, V> {
final Map<K, Deferrable<V>> _map;
V? operator [](Object? key) {
return _map[key]?.loaded();
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
_map[key] = Deferrable.eager(value);
void clear() {
Iterable<K> get keys => _map.keys;
V? remove(Object? key) {
return _map.remove(key)?.loaded();
V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent()) {
return _map.putIfAbsent(key, () => Deferrable.eager(ifAbsent())).loaded();