blob: f62faab2182e58a73dfafdf74b2330e22f425987 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Facades for [Compiler] used from other parts of the system.
// TODO(48820): delete after the migration is complete.
library compiler.src.compiler_interfaces;
import '../compiler_api.dart' show CompilerOutput, Diagnostic;
import 'common/tasks.dart' show Measurer;
import 'deferred_load/program_split_constraints/nodes.dart' show ConstraintData;
import 'diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart' show DiagnosticMessage;
import 'diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart' show DiagnosticReporter;
import 'diagnostics/source_span.dart';
import 'diagnostics/spannable.dart';
import 'elements/entities.dart' show Entity;
import 'kernel/kernel_strategy_migrated.dart'
show KernelFrontendStrategyForDeferredLoading;
import 'options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
import 'universe/world_impact.dart' show WorldImpact;
/// Subset of [Compiler] needed by deferred loading.
/// See definitions on [Compiler] for documentation.
abstract class CompilerDeferredLoadingFacade {
bool get compilationFailed;
Measurer get measurer;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter;
Map<Entity, WorldImpact> get impactCache;
CompilerOptions get options;
KernelFrontendStrategyForDeferredLoading get frontendStrategy;
CompilerOutput get outputProvider;
ConstraintData? get programSplitConstraintsData;
/// Subset of [Compiler] needed by `DiagnosticListener`.
/// See definitions on [Compiler] for documentation.
abstract class CompilerDiagnosticsFacade {
CompilerOptions get options;
bool inUserCode(Entity element);
Uri getCanonicalUri(Entity element);
void reportDiagnostic(DiagnosticMessage message,
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos, Diagnostic kind);
void fatalDiagnosticReported(DiagnosticMessage message,
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos, Diagnostic kind);
bool get compilationFailed;
SourceSpan spanFromSpannable(Spannable spannable, Entity? currentElement);