blob: 2385fabff7d59b3337c933b4b77abcc8f5eee659 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import "simple_stats.dart";
import "vm_service_helper.dart" as vmService;
const int limit = 10;
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
LeakFinder heapHelper = new LeakFinder();
await heapHelper.start([
class LeakFinder extends vmService.LaunchingVMServiceHelper {
Future<void> run() async {
vmService.VM vm = await serviceClient.getVM();
if (vm.isolates!.length != 1) {
throw "Expected 1 isolate, got ${vm.isolates!.length}";
vmService.IsolateRef isolateRef = vm.isolates!.single;
await waitUntilIsolateIsRunnable(!);
await serviceClient.resume(!);
Map<vmService.ClassRef, List<int>> instanceCounts =
new Map<vmService.ClassRef, List<int>>();
Map<vmService.ClassRef, vmService.Class> classInfo =
new Map<vmService.ClassRef, vmService.Class>();
Completer<String> cTimeout = new Completer();
Timer timer = new Timer(new Duration(minutes: 6), () {
Completer<String> cRunDone = new Completer();
// ignore: unawaited_futures
(int iteration) =>
// Subtract 2 as it's logically one ahead and asks _before_ the run.
(iteration - 2) > limit ||
cTimeout.isCompleted ||
cProcessExited.isCompleted).then((value) {
await Future.any([cRunDone.future, cTimeout.future, cProcessExited.future]);
findPossibleLeaks(instanceCounts, classInfo);
// Make sure the process doesn't hang.
void findPossibleLeaks(Map<vmService.ClassRef, List<int>> instanceCounts,
Map<vmService.ClassRef, vmService.Class> classInfo) {
bool foundLeak = false;
for (vmService.ClassRef c in instanceCounts.keys) {
List<int> listOfInstanceCounts = instanceCounts[c]!;
// Ignore VM internal stuff like "PatchClass", "PcDescriptors" etc.
// (they don't have a url).
vmService.Class classDetails = classInfo[c]!;
String? uriString = classDetails.location?.script?.uri;
if (uriString == null) continue;
// For now ignore anything not in package:kernel or package:front_end.
if (ignoredClass(classDetails)) continue;
bool isStrictClass = strictClass(classDetails);
int expectedStrictClassNumber = -1;
if (isStrictClass) {
expectedStrictClassNumber = strictClassExpectedNumber(classDetails);
// If they're all equal there's nothing to talk about.
bool sameAndAsExpected = true;
for (int i = 0; i < listOfInstanceCounts.length; i++) {
if (expectedStrictClassNumber > -1 &&
expectedStrictClassNumber != listOfInstanceCounts[i]) {
sameAndAsExpected = false;
if (listOfInstanceCounts[i] != listOfInstanceCounts[0]) {
sameAndAsExpected = false;
if (sameAndAsExpected) continue;
int midPoint = listOfInstanceCounts.length ~/ 2;
List<int> firstHalf = listOfInstanceCounts.sublist(0, midPoint);
List<int> secondHalf = listOfInstanceCounts.sublist(midPoint);
TTestResult ttestResult = SimpleTTestStat.ttest(secondHalf, firstHalf);
if (!isStrictClass) {
if (!ttestResult.significant) continue;
// TODO(jensj): We could possibly also ignore if it's less (i.e. a
// negative change), or if the change is < 1%, or the change minus the
// confidence is < 1% etc.
if (expectedStrictClassNumber > -1) {
print("Differences on ${} (${uriString}): "
"Expected exactly $expectedStrictClassNumber but found "
"$listOfInstanceCounts ($ttestResult)");
} else {
print("Differences on ${} (${uriString}): "
"$listOfInstanceCounts ($ttestResult)");
foundLeak = true;
if (foundLeak) {
print("Possible leak(s) found.");
print("(Note that this doesn't guarantee that there are any!)");
exitCode = 1;
} else {
print("Didn't identify any leaks.");
print("(Note that this doesn't guarantee that there are none!)");
exitCode = 0;
Future<void> runInternal(
vmService.IsolateRef isolateRef,
Map<vmService.ClassRef, vmService.Class> classInfo,
Map<vmService.ClassRef, List<int>> instanceCounts,
bool Function(int iteration) shouldBail) async {
int iterationNumber = 1;
try {
while (true) {
if (shouldBail(iterationNumber)) break;
if (!await waitUntilPaused(!)) break;
print("\n\n====================\n\nIteration #$iterationNumber");
vmService.AllocationProfile allocationProfile =
await forceGC(!);
for (vmService.ClassHeapStats member in allocationProfile.members!) {
if (!classInfo.containsKey(member.classRef)) {
vmService.Class c = (await serviceClient.getObject(!, member.classRef!.id!)) as vmService.Class;
classInfo[member.classRef!] = c;
List<int>? listOfInstanceCounts = instanceCounts[member.classRef];
if (listOfInstanceCounts == null) {
listOfInstanceCounts = instanceCounts[member.classRef!] = <int>[];
while (listOfInstanceCounts.length < iterationNumber - 2) {
if (listOfInstanceCounts.length != iterationNumber - 1) {
throw "Unexpected length";
await serviceClient.resume(!);
} catch (e) {
print("Got error: $e");
Completer<String> cProcessExited = new Completer();
void processExited(int exitCode) {
bool ignoredClass(vmService.Class classDetails) {
String? uriString = classDetails.location?.script?.uri;
if (uriString == null) return true;
if (uriString.startsWith("package:front_end/")) {
// Because of lazy loading many things naturally fluctuate.
// We'll therefore restrict this to Source* stuff and
// DillLibraryBuilder for front_end stuff.
if ("Source") ?? false) return false;
if ( == "DillLibraryBuilder") return false;
return true;
} else if (uriString.startsWith("package:kernel/")) {
// DirtifyingList is used for lazy stuff and naturally change in numbers.
if ( == "DirtifyingList") return true;
// Constants are canonicalized in their compilation run and will thus
// naturally increase, e.g. we can get 2 more booleans every time (up to
// a maximum of 2 per library or however many would have been there if we
// didn't canonicalize at all).
if (!.endsWith("Constant")) return true;
// These classes have proved to fluctuate, although the reason is less
// clear.
if ( == "InterfaceType") return true;
return false;
return true;
Map<String, int> frontEndStrictClasses = {
// The inner working of dills are created lazily:
// "DillClassBuilder",
// "DillExtensionBuilder",
// "DillExtensionMemberBuilder",
// "DillMemberBuilder",
// "DillTypeAliasBuilder",
"DillLibraryBuilder": -1 /* unknown amount */,
"DillLoader": 1,
"DillTarget": 1,
// We convert all source builders to dill builders so we expect none to
// exist after that.
"SourceClassBuilder": 0,
"SourceExtensionBuilder": 0,
"SourceLibraryBuilder": 0,
// We still expect exactly 1 source loader though.
"SourceLoader": 1,
Set<String> kernelAstStrictClasses = {
bool strictClass(vmService.Class classDetails) {
if (!kernelAstStrictClasses.contains( &&
!frontEndStrictClasses.containsKey( return false;
if (kernelAstStrictClasses.contains( &&
classDetails.location?.script?.uri == "package:kernel/ast.dart") {
return true;
if (frontEndStrictClasses.containsKey( &&
classDetails.location?.script?.uri?.startsWith("package:front_end/") ==
true) {
return true;
throw "$classDetails: ${} --- ${classDetails.location}";
int strictClassExpectedNumber(vmService.Class classDetails) {
if (!strictClass(classDetails)) return -1;
if (kernelAstStrictClasses.contains( &&
classDetails.location?.script?.uri == "package:kernel/ast.dart") {
return -1;
int? result = frontEndStrictClasses[];
if (result != null &&
classDetails.location?.script?.uri?.startsWith("package:front_end/") ==
true) {
return result;
throw "$classDetails: ${} --- ${classDetails.location}";